Survival technology

12. Survival technology

Nowadays, in the era of globalization, when further barriers dividing nations disappear, in order to communicate and coexist, we must develop a certain global standard of ethical norms. The lack of an effective global system of regulating the behavior of individuals and societies has become a barrier to development, a threat to the human community. Until now, people, educated from animals, have been guided by instinct, behavior patterns resulting from adaptation to life in the bosom of nature. Centuries ago, in various civilizations, germs of ethics appeared, a new way of adapting a man to the growing social environment. Ethics, the canon of the behavior of the individual cementing the society, is a reaction of the living populations of organisms to the threat of the natural and social environment. The threat from the environment must be removed and this triggers adaptation mechanisms in the endangered society. One of these mechanisms is the gathering of knowledge about the environment and cooperation in its use to develop survival technology.

What is survival technology?

Technology is a way to achieve the assumed goal conditioned by the state of knowledge and social efficiency (Lem 1974: 32-33).

Our goal is to survive the oncoming climate crisis, which is the most important and inevitable threat for us, which is why we need to gain knowledge and social skills. What does it mean to gain knowledge – we understand, but what does it mean to be socially fit?

A socially-minded society must cooperate in order not to waste energy (energy) and to effectively achieve the purpose of survival. It is a society with a high ability to cooperate, an ethical society. Therefore, social efficiency is based on social bonds. It is based on an ethics that saves social energy in achieving the goal of survival. The ethics of society is a function of its knowledge accumulated in response to a threat. Static society, not counteracting crises, is exposed to revolutions. Each revolution looks the same – the rebellion of citizens against deteriorating living conditions. You must find a guilty crisis situation – a victim of aggression – they have always been the richest because the best-educated social elite.

Each time the extermination of the elites caused dark ages in the life of the community. The conclusion is that contemporary elites should create mechanisms for educating and enriching the poor masses to prevent anticipated crises.

Our Modern Survival Technology will determine the use of all of our civilization’s output and it will probably look like this:

1. mechanisms that provide everyone with the opportunity to acquire knowledge and wealth,

2. organizing peaceful migration of nations from overcrowded lands,

3. developing a uniform ethical system.

We see that we need to develop knowledge about social mechanisms and mass means of transport to develop a policy of implementing the first two demands. However, without a uniform ethics, ensuring consistent cooperation of the global community, we will do nothing. A unified ethical system must be created for the whole world community, based on the universal principle of saving all energy, which will enable close international cooperation.

Global climate change has always caused social conflicts and mass migrations. They can only be prevented by the consistent implementation of modern survival technology, expressed in the equation:


Applying knowledge and ethics will give effectiveness (energy) to our global activities. The limits of knowledge are wisdom, and the boundary of ethics is love. May clever love between people provide us with the highest effectiveness in overcoming the oncoming climate crisis. This will ensure a peaceful life for future generations.


Climate warming is currently under way, which causes aggression in Asia and Africa to grow due to the decline in agricultural production and deteriorating living conditions. Migration from these continents to the USA and Europe is growing. At the same time, in the G-8 countries there is the phenomenon of agricultural overproduction with a decrease in the size of the population. All this together causes the financial and economic crisis. The logic of history allows us to expect the emergence of an outstanding figure, the creator of a new order and a universal ethical system that unites humanity on the way out of the crisis. This leader will have to apply the message of Jesus Christ, who said: “Share bread for my remembrance” (Luke 22:19), because this is the love of your neighbor. If the warming continues, it will worsen the situation in the equatorial countries. There will be a wave of migration to food-rich countries. If cooling comes, it will bring a disaster for the civilization of the white man, the migration of the G-8 (or revolutions?) And a sharp global rise in food prices. In such an event the world will not survive and the situation will start to destabilize. We can not allow this.

The fruit of my thoughts is the theory that universal ethics have a physical dimension. The ability of individuals and societies to save all forms of energy, including social energy, is a measure of ethics. An effective ethical system makes the society more efficient and more dynamic. The ethical person is the man who lives at the expense of using the least amount of energy. Ethics is the art of saving energy.

The social environment arose as a form of defense against an unfavorable natural environment. The emergence of ethical systems regulating the behavior of individuals in the social environment is therefore an adjustment mechanism to the surrounding environment. The lack of an effective ethical system is therefore a sign of lack of adaptation to the environment. In other words, ethical standards needed for man are the result of reactions to the surrounding natural environment. The world we live in constantly improves us, makes us more ethical. Better people create a more and more perfect human world. Our world is developing. So probably the goal of the world is development. Ethics is the result of the evolution of the collective consciousness of people reacting to threats coming from the surrounding environment. Probably ethics, as our limitation to the social environment, will replace the less and less needed primary instincts that in the earlier stages of evolution determined our reactions to nature. The global development of a unified ethical system will remove the development barriers facing mankind and will affect the development of civilization. The growing Internet, removing barriers to access to knowledge, is a new form of collective consciousness of humanity. It is a new environment in which we learn to live. Probably in this new online environment that brings people closer, new, unified ethics will be created. Unified ethics will enable peaceful cooperation of the world community and use, thanks to the Internet, all knowledge accumulated by humanity. Skillfully used knowledge will discover new sources of energy which will open amazing perspectives to people. It will probably enable our consciousness to grow to the limits of the world. The boundaries of this world will be determined by the resources of available energy. Until we can burn up the stars and create a new world.

Warszawa-Jakuszowice 2002-2017, 3:37 Bogdan Góralski

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