Human rights and climate change

Human rights and climate change.

Bogdan Góralski Library of the Historical Institute of the Warsaw University

Gender issues of human frustrate public opinion around the globe. In my Polish book entitled “Historia naturalna i zmiany klimatu” I present the impact of climate change on our civilization. This article discusses the issue of changes in women’s and men’s rights during climate change.
As described by Krzysztof Szymborski in a book entitled Political Animal (Szymborski K. 2011) apes retain a clear division of cultural distinctiveness of each gender. Females occupy the offspring and the male’s fight over territory and females.
Differences in social functions result from the struggle for existence and about, not conscious, preservation of the species. Evolution has changed morphologically monkeys into humans, but the social characteristics of sex in human herds generally remain unchanged. In the evolution of human climate change played a great role. Climate change caused movements of vegetation zones and the resulting migration of hominids and later groups of people (See the chapter entitled Notes on the evolution of mammals and climate changes).
As a result of climate change, the civilization of human groups developed and human culture was created. This culture differed in human groups shaped in a warm climate and in a cold climate.
Warm climate causes greater individualization of humans – a small group it was easier to survive in a more friendly warm environment limited surface. In these smaller teams of humans, where hunting was cultivated as an addition to the picking of fruits etc., count every human, also women skillful in picking fruits, etc. – what created a culture of gender equality.
The cold climate created human herds capable of hunting large animals which provided most of the food. In these groups of humans, survival was depended on successful hunting conducted by a group of men the culture of male superiority was formed.
Both of these cultures, shaped by hundreds of thousands of years, have survived to this day, along with the genes of their representatives and differentiate contemporary global human society in terms of the rights of women and men.
Climate change and the economic and social development of human civilization.
In areas, foreground Pleistocene glaciers formed fertile soils, which began to be used for agriculture during the Holocene climate warming, which resulted in a new type of human culture – the culture of the groups of farmers in the fixed farms. Agricultural populations grew in number because of the cultivation of new areas of land still it was necessary new hands to work. Women and children were needed by human societies. The study German sociologist ((Richard Grunberger 1987) Social History of the Third Reich, PIW)), indicates that in the small farms most of the works perform the women. In connection with the greater responsibility of women for the family’s survival, women’s rights in developing agricultural populations are respected. Women have equal rights.
This culture developed initially on the South of Eurasian continent when northern the glaciers retreated and the climate was warming itself eg. In Anatolia, Mesopotamia, southern China. In the south of Eurasia developed a number of communities of people engaged in agriculture. In the Holocene climate changes were occurring and during historical times have caused a shift of precipitation zones and zones of the lush vegetation to the north and with them were moved the locations of centers of human civilization. The former centers of agricultural crops eg. In Egypt and Mesopotamia, and southern China have lost importance as a result of a more dry climate and monsoon zone shifted more to the north.
During the last Pleistocene glaciation stadial China’s air temperature decreased by an average of 6-8 degrees Celsius, and the summer monsoon zone coverage shifted 700 km southeast ((Burroughs, William J. (2005), Climate change in Prehistory: The End of the Reign of Chaos, New York: Cambridge University Press)). During the Holocene warming, monsoon shifted to the north. Peoples farming in the south then began work on the creation of irrigation systems fields on the lands on which lacked rainfall.
As a result of more dry climate old agricultural centers declined and the population settled in these lands began subjected to overcrowding. Many farmer’s populations subjected to the pressure of the deterioration of the climate began to slowly adapt to the changed conditions. Irrigation was no longer sufficient to ensure an abundance of food so began to change the culture of society which was affected by lack of food. First of all, the social mechanisms mapped by the customs started to limit the population. Under these conditions, women’s importance decreased because women had been blamed responsible for causing the problem of population growth.
There were restricted the rights of women and the sexual behavior was subject to strict rules. To this day, the most overcrowded populations admit the slightest rights to women, eg. In India, China, where even the murder of newborn girls is commonplace. Islamic countries situated mainly in the South, where the Prophet Muhammad granted the great rights to women differentiate itself into more or less pro feminine depending on the biological standard of living of their populations. The worse the living standards the rights of women less.
In northern countries, to which centers of civilization were moved, vegetation zones are the greatest as a result of a favorable climate today, agriculture flourishes and are the basis of the economic pyramid developed by the northern population. There are conditions for the development of the industry producing for agriculture and create new jobs. The need for people to work and there is beginning to employ women. Women begin to educate. Rising education of women in richer societies conducive to exploring mitigation techniques of procreation. Northern populations reduce birth rates and continue to develop economically due to export products to the less developed areas of the world. Arrives jobs and growing demand for workers. Therefore workers’ rights are respected, including the rights of women gaining employment in the industry.
An example of communities with large rights granted to women in Polish society. Our country has always suffered from a lack of people to work and in the Middle Ages populations of German flooded our country by waves of migrants, which resulted in the colonization of Poland on German law. This was due to favorable climatic environmental conditions to the west of Europe, promote great procreation and proliferation of the German population and its migration toward the sparsely populated eastern lands. The size of the population of Poland did not develop dynamically, which was due to worse than in Western Europe climatic conditions, therefore, it was still missing in Poland’s hands to work, which caused the phenomenon of serfdom and conducive to respect women and their rights.
In addition, during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in Poland, there was a masculinization of society. Decrease of Polish exports of grain improved the feeding of Polish society so that gave rise inborn to many more boys than girls. This caused the lack of women in the Polish population and increased respect for them during the formation of the modern Polish culture. Women commonly died in the postpartum period, and therefore Polish men attempted to secure women customary rights and privileges to encourage them to give birth. Women in too small Polish population were protected by such customary law of succession and surrounded by male care.
Since Polish society was agricultural and farming conditions resulting from an unfavorable climate were bad Polish women did most duties in conducting usually small farms. Increased responsibility of women for the survival of the family gave them power over families. The rights of Polish women grew with their responsibility for the survival of their families and the women’s rights in Europe.
On the social mechanisms in Polish society had an impact in contacts with a large community of Polish Jews, among which women were favored by Judaism laws. Women’s rights are greatest in populations at risk of extinction. Jews lived in a hostile Christian environment and they were constantly threatened with extinction so that Jewish families were granted the right of unpunished murder of a man who neglected to maintain the Jewish family. Jewish women still govern their families, and the rights conferred on them likely originated in a time when the Jewish population was threatened by the widespread persecution and pogroms. Excessive rights granted to women brought growth homosexuality among men, because homosexual relationships satisfy sexual desire, and there is no danger for men’s relationships with women that cause the development of dangerous families’ rights.
The above-described differences in respecting the rights of women in different areas of climatic conditions allow the supposition that the favorable climate and developing agriculture well affect the human economy and gender equality. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that equalize the rights and responsibilities of women and men in Poland, it will be possible in the conditions of developing agriculture and the economy. Polish agriculture can develop only by restoring the feudal system conducive to the growth of the population.
The Polish industry and agriculture can develop only by the introduction of protecting men the voluntary principle of inheritance by the society of acquired property. This will introduce the equality of all citizens and develop our civilization.
Polish populations can be enlarged by the migration of peasants families from overpopulated countries of the South. My essay is an appeal to Polish women: “If you want to improve your life and life of your family, look after women from overcrowded countries”..” Woman, be more forgiving of Polish men”. This will improve your live being.
Warsaw, 27-30 November 2014
Bogdan Góralski

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