- 1 Lecture for Christmas- Ideology of Jesus Christ
- 3 Nauczanie Jezusa a globalny system etyczny
- 4 O pochodzeniu Jezusa Chrystusa
- 5 About the origin of Jesus Christ
Lecture for Christmas- Ideology of Jesus Christ
mgr inż.Bogdan Góralski@bogdangoralski · 5h · edited: 0sPublic Edit
The short story of religious systems versus climate changes
Figure 49‑1 Earthquakes in the Mediterranean and Poland in the years 750 BC to 2000 AD. Earth gravitational-seismic-climatic-social cycle. Author of the graph Bogdan Jacek Góralski
Source of earthquakes data:
(Guidoboni et al.,1994),
(Guterch, Lewandowska-Marciniak, 2002)
The gravitational-seismic-climatic-social cycle presented in Fig.49-1 describes of our civilization development phases over the centuries. All the great leaders and ethicians appeared in a similar period of the material cycle (Asian ethics appeared in the reverse phase, which is explainable and in line with my theory due to climatic inversion between West and East Eurasia). It was the result of subsequent climate crises defined by cyclical changes geometry of the solar system.
Each cycle had a similar natural and social events scenario and a similar ethical-ideological system, creating social relationships between people and expanding the ideological movement base, expanding the social revolution base. According to the logic of history in the 21st century, the material world crisis, which has begun to grow, will also emerge a new, universal ethical system – new ideas that will probably include the entire global community.
The first known ethical system originated in Egypt and was recorded in the goddess Maat 42 commandments. It was an expression of the development of a prosperous state social order in the Nile outbreaks rhythm. A derivative of Egyptian ethics was the ethical system of Moses, educated in Egypt. The moral systems of Budda, Laotsy, and Confucius appeared at the end of the period of Asian society’s growth. Overpopulation increased during the period of adequate hydration of Asia and led to a socio-economic crisis resulting from a lack of food. Asian communities have reached a critical population density, forcing a new ethical system to regulate social relations. In the sixth century, before Christ is the peak of China’s power. The beginnings of building the Chinese wall for defense against Mongol invasions, significant territorial development in the north and south, population growth to 25 million are examples of this power. Significant Greek colonization in the period of VIII-VI centuries BC proves that during this period in Greece, and in the equatorial world, environmental conditions conducive to population growth prevailed. These data allow us to suppose that the tropical world population is increasing in the eighth-seventh century BC. After a period of population growth, the climate is drastically dry and cold (especially North of China) (a decrease in earthquakes in the seventh century BC, see Fig.49-1, 49-2), causing overpopulation and conflicts. It results in the almost simultaneous emergence of Buddha ethical systems, Lao Tse, Confucius, which prevent the emergence of social conflicts in overpopulated India and China. The large amount of rainfall accompanies the phase of earthquakes growth in the period 200 years before Christ, because of the shift of climatic ( rainfall) zones connected to the Earth coating movement. This confirms the research on Nile floods and wet years in Rome (Lamb 1977, 426-427 graphs 17.1 and 17.2). Those studies indicate strong humidification of Africa climate in the region of Egypt and the climate of Italy at that time. It had promoted the growth of agricultural production and the resulting adequate supply of food to the population. During the reign of Herod the Great (73-4 BC), Palestine’s successful economic development continues, as evidenced by the growth of cities and the ruler’s richness. Economic development is an indication of a large population (Theissen, 2004, 60). The abundance of food is conducive to population growth in well-watered areas. After developing the Palestinian society, there is rapid regional warming and drying of the climate from 0-10 AD (Bao et al., 2002, Kobashi et al., .2011, Lamb, 1977, 426-427), which reduced agricultural production and food supply, causing the overpopulation of Palestine. The immediate socio-economic crisis resulting from drought (Lamb, 1977, 426-427 graphs 17.1 and 17.2) caused frustrations of the population (mostly rural), looking for a way out of the crisis. The socially rooted groups tested various ways out of the trouble. The starving rural masses needed a plan of action to alleviate the supply problems common at that time. Many leaders appear, among them Jesus Christ, who has a dream of anti-crisis action. He creates his commune (Acts of the Apostles describe several thousand people (Bible 1998, Acts 2:41, 4,4)) acting like communes. To join them, you must give all your possessions. The municipality (commune), efficiently managing the riches offered, constituted protection against hunger and lawlessness prevailing in Palestine. There were numerous gangs of brigands at that time. Many farmers were hopelessly in debt (Johnson 1993, 146). Christ feeding the masses of the poor, becomes a threatening leader of the crowds. His economic and social program is radical and unacceptable to the then Judei- Romans and pro-Roman elites. Jesus Christ’s ideological system was the crowning of ancient ethical ideas development and was probably inappropriate to Judeo-Roman elites. Christ, the peaceful peasant movement leader, was killed, and further Jewish protests against Roman oppression did not have a charismatic calm leader. In the first century BC until the 1st century AD, there was a substantial density of Judea and Samaria farms. This testifies to the climatic conditions conducive to farms shredding – adequate hydration during the first century BC. The violent drought at the beginning of the early century AD caused the collapse of these small farms and the crisis. The uprising in Palestine in the years 66-74 is a social rebellion against the rich. The rebellion began with the burning of the Rome tax registration offices in Jerusalem (Sartre 1991, 403). The cataclysm of Jewish revolts revealed ongoing overpopulation, and their consequence was the destruction of the country. There was a mass migration of Jews. These above-described facts result from the Earth coating movement (movement of climatic zones over Palestine territory), which caused the Palestine area aridification. Since the beginning of the 7th century AD, there has been strong global warming – signaled by a drop in the number of earthquakes, which caused the transfer of civilization centers from the Middle East to, among others, colder Europe and Mesopotamia. Warming and drought caused regression in the development of equatorial populations. These above-described facts result from the Earth coating movement (movement of climatic zones over Arabian Peninsula territory), which caused the Arabian area aridification. Overpopulation occurred on the Arabian Peninsula before the victory of Muhammad. The Arabian Peninsula’s population growth probably took place in the fourth, fifth, and sixth centuries AD. During cooling and increased climate irrigation of the Arabian area had lasted a parallel decline of the Western Roman Empire. Western Roman Empire collapsed because of the conquest of barbarian tribes from northern, overpopulated regions of Europe. They migrated because of unfavorable weather conditions while cooling the climate of Northern Europe. (Barbarian populations in Northern Europe probably increased in the IV to VI centuries, .which was the result of the Earth coating movement (movement of climatic zones over barbarian tribes territory which was caused by the warming and well irrigation of the Northern Europe area). Under the pressure of this tremendous barbaric exodus to the south, the western Roman Empire collapsed. At the time of the Western Roman Empire crisis, the triumph of the socially and economically well-organized Christian communities was celebrated, which led to the success of Christianity and the consolidation of their power. The Eastern Roman Empire prospered in the meantime. The Arabian Peninsula was probably experienced by drought and social crises in the VII century. There was an escalation of aggression and the fratricidal struggle between Arabian tribes (the drought is the result of the Earth’s coating movement (the movement of climatic rainfall zones over Arabian peninsula territory which caused the aridification of the Arabian land). The Civil War prompted Muhammad to reflect on the causes of this state of affairs. Muhammad rejected the old elite’s social order, introduced a new religious community- the umma (the commune), the obligation of alms – the redistribution of goods to the poor. Fighting with other leaders, he united all Arab tribes. He broke with the family system. However, his economic program could not remedy the overpopulation (Hrbek, Petráček, 1971, 139-140), which is why later the war expansion of the Arabs took place. It was possible because in the seventh century, the Roman Empire’s power decreased, and the strength of Arabs united by the ethical system (created by Muhammad) increased. Warming and drought since the 7th century caused regression in the development of equatorial populations and their displacement towards the north. At the same time, societies in the northern hemisphere began to civilize in a warm climate. In favorable conditions of the warm climate (the third so-called sub Atlantic period (Samsonowicz, 1990, 8)), there was a dynamic development of European civilization, development of Germanic and Slavic tribes. Europe’s population grew from 1700, but bad weather and population growth in the 17th and 18th centuries worsened England and France’s situation. England, however, had a security vent in the form of emigration to the colony. The feeding of French society has deteriorated since 1700 AD (Livi-Bacci 1991, 82). The French saved themselves from hunger by establishing several hundred thousand small farms (Taine 1881, 337). Before the French Revolution, there was a significant cooling (and probably drying) of the climate (Bradley, Jones, 1993), which had brought France high prices of food (Góralski, 2012, 28), famine, and the outbreak of the revolution (These above-described facts are the result of the movement of Earth’s coating (movement of climatic zones over Europe territory) which caused the cooling and bad weather conditions of the European area). The revolution lasted, and the problems of overpopulation did not pass because of the further cooling of the climate. Another revolutionary leader, Napoleon, led the French to conquer Europe, which solved the problem of the surplus of single men who had no conditions in France to establish a family in those days. Since 1815, the climate has warmed and dried (These facts are the result of the movement of Earth’s coating (movement of climatic zones over European territory) which caused the favorable climatic conditions of the Europe area), which means that the population of Europe grew in the 19th century from 203 to 408 million and in 1950 to 547 million. There has been a massive increase in the German and Russian populations. At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia and Germany were heavily overcrowded, which led to the I World War and, after that, the catastrophic development of totalitarian systems centralizing communities around new leaders. The overpopulation, masculinization of the population, high prices of food caused by the drying of the climate in the early twentieth century (Góralski, 2012, 8) and the inability peacefully resolve of economic problems caused the First World War, the Russian Revolution, and the war expansion of communist Russia directed to Western Europe in 1920 year( Góralski, 2012). World War II as a consequence of the First World War and the conditions of the Versailles Treaty. The high prices of food in China at the beginning of the 20th century were the result of the movement of Earth’s coating (movement of climatic zones over Chinese territory), which caused the unfavorable climatic conditions of the China area, caused the Chinese revolution, which later used Marxism caused the collapse of the huge landowners who had previously taken over most of the arable land. From 1960 to 1990 years, during the short-term cooling and moistening of the climate (Bradley, Jones, 1993), Africa’s population grew from 282 to 637 million. The Chinese population multiplied from 583 million in 1953 to 1008 million in 1982. At that time, in the northern hemisphere, there have been economic difficulties resulting from cooling, excessive rainfall, and dropping agricultural production, which led, among others, to the collapse of the Soviet empire and almost revolution in China (Gang 2001, 37-38, Gawlikowski 2001, 388). The riots in China broke out because of the enormous population growth and food prices rising. It consisted of resolving peasant communes and assigning land to individual families. This has resulted in a vast increase in agricultural production and China’s and current self-sufficiency in nutrition.
Figure 49‑2 World seismic activity was characterized by earthquakes magnitude M = 7 and higher in the years 1900-2005 (five-year periods). Source (Góralski 2009). (author of the drawing Bogdan Góralski)
Chart Fig.49-3 confirms the occurrence of cooling in the 60-90.XX century because it is accompanied by an increase in the number of significant earthquakes.
Currently, the warming continues (the number of earthquakes has decreased), which causes aggression in Asia and Africa to grow, aggression due to the decline in per capita agricultural production in young male populations (with a predominance of male individuals) and deteriorating living conditions resulting from the increase in global food prices. Migration from these continents to the USA and Europe is growing. At the same time, in the G-8 countries, there is the phenomenon of agricultural overproduction with a decrease in population size. For this overproduction, there is no profitable sale due to the misery of the rest global population. All this together causes the financial and economic crisis. The logic of history allows us to expect the emergence of an outstanding figure, the creator of a new order, and a universal ethical system that will unite humanity on the way out of the crisis. This leader will have to apply the message of Jesus Christ, who said: “Share bread for My remembrance” (Bible 1998, Luke 22:19) and love your enemies because this is the love of your neighbor.
If the warming continues, it will worsen the situation in tropical countries. There will be a wave of migration to food-rich countries (in 2011 year, there was a wave of riots and revolutions in North Africa and the Middle East caused by food prices resulting from the cooling of the global climate in 2010 year ( graphs_v3 / Fig.C.gif ).
Currently, the Earth’s coating rotates south in the US region and to the north in eastern Russia. This is causing the warming and drying of the climate in the US South and climate change in the US-North. This carries the threat of reducing food production in the US. The northward movement of eastern Russia and northern China will cool and dry this world site climate. Suppose cooling and drought come (as a result of the continuous movement of Earth coating and climatic zones) in the East of Russia and Northern China. In that case, it will bring disaster (reduction of food production in Asia) for the man’s civilization. In such an event, the world will not survive, and the situation will start to destabilize. We cannot allow this.
As a global civilization, we must take radical steps to overcome the impending crisis and global war threat. The activities stabilizing the world situation I described in my work above are available in Google Books and other websites on the Internet. Below is an excerpt from my work entitled More science, ethics, culture for the modern and future world, published in open access on Google Books and
Climate change and people migrations
Climate change has triggered migrations of peoples whose chronology is a record of Earth’s climate cycles. Here is a history of the crises that ended in movements:
- -Approx. 12th century BCmarked the migration of people, which ended the reign of Mycenaean civilization and began the so-called dark ages. As a result, the Etruscans appeared in Italy, Egypt and Palestine were attacked by the so-called peoples of the sea.
- -In the VIII, VII century BC, during the drought in the Asian steppes, the Scythians occupied eastern Europe. Simultaneously, the Great Greek colonization marked out, which expelled the Greek population to emigrate.
- -Approx. 4th century BCthe journey of the Celts from northwestern Europe towards the Adriatic Sea, the Black Sea began, which indicates a growing cooling.
- -At the beginning of our era in Palestine has marked itself the significant socio-economic crisis that provoked the civil war in Galilee, Judea (which was called the War of Varus), and the uprising in 66 and 132 AD. It testifies to a crisis (rapid drying of the climate) that caused the exodus of Jews from Palestine to all world.
- The next migration of peoples began in the 4th century CE Huns invasion of Europe. Germanic peoples migrated south to the lands of the Roman Empire, leading to its downfall.
- In the VIII-IX centuries, the Viking expansion continued towards the south of Europe, which may indicate problems with feeding the population of Northern Europe and the climate crisis.
- In the 12th century, Mongols arrived in Europe because of the drought in the Asian steppes.
In the fourteenth century, it got cold, and in Europe were epidemics, hunger, and peasant uprisings.
- The extinction of the Vikings in Greenland since 1400. The Little Ice Age lasted until the 19th century. The peak of chilling in Europe was in the 17th century. It resulted in the great migration Europeans to the continents of both the Americas and Asia continued at the time. The great State of Poles-the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Ottoman Empire collapsed then.
Climate disaster in the years 2013-2100
By the geophysical and historical data (migrations of people are indicative of climate crises), we know that the climate cycle repeats every 400 years. We can, therefore, expect that another major crisis will occur in 2013-2100. We should prepare for it. It will be a climate disaster – a sharp change in the distribution of climate zones, which will drastically reduce global food production. It will bring revolutions, wars, and supra-regional population migrations. There is still time to protect yourself against this. It requires knowledge and ethics on a global scale. Otherwise, dark ages will come. In October 2020 I read in the articles on the upcoming GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM and its results. Those articles confirm my opinion that a climatic cataclysm will appear.
Conclusions IIWe must adapt to regional climate change and, like our ancestors, migrate to climate-friendly regions of the globe. To do this, we must open borders and modify state systems to accept migrants and establish a new ethical and economical system uniting all beings. We must introduce a modern feudal production system in Western agriculture based on humane principles. Only a feudal system of agricultural production will enable Western economies to absorb millions of peasant migrants from Asia and Africa and deal with the crisis of Western economies. The development of feudal agriculture will increase the demand in the entire Western economy because As calculated by American economists, $ 1 of agricultural demand (expenses for tractors, fertilizers, etc.) produces $ 2.73 of NATIONAL INCOME (Tomczak 2004). Thus, growing farmer demand will produce an economic boom, while falling demand causes a downturn. We need to create the technology of surviving the contemporary global crisis.Warsaw, October 8, 2020 Bogdan Jacek Góralski
The history of the development and fall of successive empires has intrigued researchers for a long time, and this work makes an essential contribution to solving this puzzle. The logical concept of regional climate change related to the Earth coating displacement allows for explaining each empire’s development and defeat. The realm has been developing during favorable environmental changes in the region, which was a kingdom cradle. It grew during conquests, dependent on the empire elite and the conquered nations. Usually, great human migrations related to regional climate change marked the end of a given empire. To avoid the collapse of our human civilization in the coming global climate crisis and a possible devastating global war, we must open all borders and allow people free movement. It will focus the attention of politicians on economic life inside countries with the masses of migrants and reduce the pressure on foreign expansion. These changes should be preceded by a global agreement defining goals and rules for the worldwide migration of people and goods. In the course of my life, I developed the principles of a new international economic and political order and presented them in the works entitled “The Third Way between capitalism and communism”, and “More science, ethics, culture for the modern and future world”. I hope that reading these works published in free access in Google Books will allow you to understand our history logic, which will result in the further global evolutionary development of our civilization. The terrestrial globe is divided into two hemispheres: northern and southern. The northern hemisphere is made up of more thick continental plates and is heavier than the southern hemisphere, mostly made up of thin ocean plates. The Earth globe is affected by the cosmic gravity and more strongly pulls the northern hemisphere with a variable force causing it to move to the ecliptic plane. It is possible due to the liquid intermediate layer between the rigid coating and the solid Earth core. The Earth coating slides over the liquid middle layer under the influence of the attraction of gravity alternating forces. The Earth climatic zones are immobile to the ecliptic plane because they depend on the balance of solar radiation falling on the surface at various angles. As a result, the earth’s coating movement in relation to climatic zones causes regional climate changes in different parts of the globe. The Earth coating movement causes varying stresses in the crust as it approaches the equator and then moves away from it. These variable stresses cause earthquakes, the distribution of which was investigated in the Mediterranean Basin and Poland during the 750 BC-AD 2000 period. Almost the sinusoidal distribution of earthquakes with maxima and minima every 400 years was found. That is, every 400 years or so, the area adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea approaches the equator and then moves away from it, with different effects in different parts of the globe. The movement of the earth coating under stationary climatic zones causes changes in precipitation zones and drought zones on the earth area, bringing specific social effects and the occurrence of the cosmic-social cycle illustrated in the figure below.
Great religious leaders appear in times of socio-economic crisis caused by droughts resulting from the Earth’s coating movements towards the equator. In the ages of Christ and Muhammad, Palestine and the Arabian Peninsula probably entered, after a period of increased rains favoring population growth, in a year-round drought zone between the parallels of 20-30 degrees of latitude due to the Earth coating movement towards the equator (confirmed in the graph above Fig.35-1 by earthquakes maximum of the earthquakes). It is worth mentioning here the credible research showing that the Iranian area has shifted in the last 5,000 years from the climatic rainfall zone in summer to the rainfall zone in winter. It corresponds to the Earth linear movement of the coating towards the equator in the Iran region by about 25 degrees latitude, i.e., from the rainfall zone in summer between the 5-20 parallel to the winter rainfall zone the 30-50 parallel. The area of Iran is now between 30-40 parallel, which means a shift to the equator over the last 5000 years by about 25 degrees latitude or about 3000 km. The Earth coating in the Iranian region has shifted southward by about 3,000 km in the previous 5,000 years, but this movement is likely to have had different phases in the north-south and east-west directions. The idea of changing the Iranian area comes from the study of the north magnetic pole apparent positions, which continually changes its apparent location on the globe surface. The magnetic north pole changeable position results from the Earth coating continuous movement relative to the ecliptic plane.
During the Arab Empire rising, the Western Roman Empire fell, devastated by the invasion of the Germans tribes, who were driven out of northern Europe by the cold and the Mongol invasion. A similar phenomenon of earthquakes growth took place gradually in the period of AD 1250-1800 in Poland territory, which means that the area of Anatolia was also approaching the equator at that time. It probably told Anatolia and the Mediterranean area to transition into a climatic zone drought all-year-round. It had specific economic and social consequences for the Ottoman Empire, such as the internal crisis related to the lack of food, the disintegration of the empire, and the appearance of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the Turkish social reformer at the end of the crisis. The crisis of the Ottoman Empire was caused by a drought (which was found in numerous works on the climate of Anatolia) and was interfaced with the entry of the Russian area into the year-round rainfall zone between the parallels 50-60, which caused the Russian imperial expansion and its development also towards the west, which resulted in the partitions of the Republic of Poland Both Nations.
Thus, we see that the influence of the Cosmos on the terrestrial natural environment causes specific psychological and social effects that end the duration of successive empires and the formation of new ones. With this knowledge, we should notice that North America again approaching the equator (which causes the effects called global warming) because of the number of earthquakes in the Mediterranean region observed by seismological observatories around the globe is increasing. On the other side of the world, in East Russia, Earth coating goes to the North direction. Therefore, we should prepare for the change in the distribution of biological forces on our planet related to climate zones displacement.
An explanation of the above-described phenomena can be found in my books published in open acces on Google Books.
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Can we develop a harmonious global ethical system based on the philosophical achievements of Jesus Christ?
The presence of elements of European, Asian, African philosophies in the ideology of Jesus Christ
Project goal:
Working out the foundations of the global system of ethic .
I my opinion Jesus Christ was born as a human being and became God.
Jesus Christ had been meting the culture of many civilizations and his teaching was a synthesis of these cultures. We should find the sources of this synthesis.
Nauczanie Jezusa a globalny system etyczny
Czy możemy stworzyć harmonijny globalny system etyczny oparty na filozoficznych osiągnięciach Jezusa Chrystusa stanowiących syntezę kultury wielu cywilizacji? Myślę dziś, że tak.
mgr inż.Bogdan Góralski@bogdangoralski · 14 gru 2017
Czy możemy stworzyć harmonijny globalny system etyczny oparty na filozoficznych osiągnięciach Jezusa Chrystusa stanowiących syntezę kultury wielu cywilizacji? Myślę dziś, że tak.
Czy możemy stworzyć harmonijny globalny system etyczny oparty na filozoficznych osiągnięciach Jezusa Chrystusa?
Obecność elementów filozofii europejskiej, azjatyckiej i afrykańskiej w ideologii Jezusa Chrystusa
Cel projektu:
Wypracowanie podstaw globalnego systemu etyki.
W mojej opinii Jezus Chrystus narodził się jako człowiek i stał się Bogiem.
Jezus Chrystus spotykał się z kulturą wielu cywilizacji, a jego nauczanie było syntezą tych kultur. Trzeba nam znaleźć źródła tej syntezy.
Nauczanie Jezusa Chrystusa nie jest religią, jest to ideologia, która prowadzi nas do lepszej przyszłości, lepszego wykorzystania naszych możliwości, do życia w pięknie naszego świata. Potrzebujemy ideologii Jezusa Chrystusa w naszym codziennym życiu, aby stać się mędrcami, ludźmi kochającymi nasz cały świat.
Can we develop a harmonious global ethical system based on the philosophical achievements of Jesus Christ?
The presence of elements of European, Asian, African philosophies in the ideology of Jesus Christ
Project goal:
Working out the foundations of the global system of ethic .
I my opinion Jesus Christ was born as a human being and became God.
Jesus Christ had been meting the culture of many civilizations and his teaching was a synthesis of these cultures. We should find the sources of this synthesis.
Jesus Christ teaching is not a religion, this is an ideology that lead us to better future, to better use of our abilities, to lives in a beauty of our world. We need ideology of Jesus Christ in our everyday life to become wise men, a men loving our all world.
O pochodzeniu Jezusa Chrystusa
About the origin of Jesus Christ
During the radio lecture entitled Historical Jesus-Pharisee from a wealthy family the dean of the Faculty of History at the University of Warsaw, Prof. Łukasz Niesiołowski-Spano expressed the view that Christ was a representative of educated Jewish elites, that is, he came from a wealthy family. Link to the lecture:
Historical Jesus – Pharisee from a good home [E75] – Scientific Radio
Another historian from the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw, Prof. Paweł Janiszewski in the book Panthera – the father of Jesus, (excerpts of which were presented by Piotr Głuchowski in the article entitled Was the Father of Jesus a Panther, whose tombstone was discovered in Germany? In in the Ale Historia section on December 17, 2021), asks:
Could the biological father of Jesus be Tiberius Julius Abdes Panther of Sidon, the ensign of the first archer cohort whose tombstone was discovered in Germany?
The idea that Jesus was the illegitimate child of a Roman legionnaire conceived after the rape of a young Jewish woman is psychologically more likely to me than that Jesus came from a good Jewish home. A child born as a result of the rape done by a non-Jewish father and without marriage had to be despised from conception by religiously and morally rigorous Jews.
As such, it grew up with the stigma of contempt, and transgression among members of the Galilean community. The feeling of contempt and social rejection that accompanied Jesus from childhood could have caused his psychological reaction to the struggle for social appreciation, which was caused by his drive for self-education. After all, he saw that the Jewish elite consisted of scholars educated in Jewish law. This drive for self-education may have resulted in the knowledge and assimilation of the philosophical content of Hindu and Chinese works present in the Middle East since the invasion of India by Alexander of Macedon. It was from these works that Jesus took new philosophical content of Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and Jainism, which he incorporated into his philosophy. The content of those philosophies was innovative and dazzlingly seductive to the poor from Galilee and Palestine subject to the rigorous and cruel Jewish law promoted by Jewish intellectuals. Jesus, as an illegitimate child of an officer in the Roman legions, had the genes of a leader, and so he became a leader for the poor of Galilee and Palestinian suffering from drought and hunger. The fishermen of Galilee probably followed him because the Sea of Galilee was dried up and the fish were extinct in it. Jesus and his humanist philosophy and the revolutionary socio-economic program were a threat to both the Roman and Jewish elites of the time, and so he was killed by them. It was done in order to continue living with impunity in degenerate barbarism until today.
Warsaw, December 31, 2021, 7:00 am Bogdan Jacek Góralski
Modified January 6, 2022, 5:28 am
Translated June 27, 2022, 7:44
O pochodzeniu Jezusa Chrystusa
Podczas radiowego wykładu pt. Historyczny Jezus-faryzeusz z dobrego domu dziekan Wydziału Historycznego UW Prof. Łukasz Niesiołowski-Spano wyraził pogląd, że Chrystus był przedstawicielem wykształconych elit żydowskich czyli pochodził z dobrego domu. Link do wykładu:
Historyczny Jezus – faryzeusz z dobrego domu [E75] – Radio Naukowe
Inny historyk z Wydziału Historii UW Prof. Paweł Janiszewski w książce Panthera-ojciec Jezusa, ( z której fragmenty przedstawił Piotr Głuchowski w artykule zatytułowanym Czy ojcem Jezusa był Pantera, którego nagrobek odkryto w Niemczech? w w dziale Ale Historia w dniu 17 grudnia 2021 roku), pyta:
Czy biologicznym ojcem Jezusa mógł być Tyberiusz Juliusz Abdes Pantera z Sydonu, chorąży pierwszej kohorty łuczników, którego nagrobek odkryto w Niemczech?
Pogląd, że Jezus był nieślubnym dzieckiem rzymskiego legionisty poczętym po zgwałceniu młodej Żydówki jest dla mnie bardziej prawdopodobny psychologicznie niż ten, że Jezus pochodził z dobrego żydowskiego domu. Dziecko zrodzone w wyniku gwałtu z ojca nie Żyda i bez ślubu musiało być pogardzane od poczęcia przez rygorystycznych religijnie i obyczajowo Żydów. Jako takie wyrastało na napiętnowanego występkiem członka społeczności Galilei. Uczucie pogardy i odrzucenia społecznego towarzyszące Jezusowi od dzieciństwa mogło spowodować u niego psychologiczną reakcję walki o dowartościowanie społeczne, które spowodowało u niego pęd do samokształcenia. Widział przecież, że elity żydowskie składały się z wykształconych w prawie żydowskim uczonych. Ten pęd do samokształcenia mógł zaowocować poznaniem i przyswojeniem treści filozoficznych dzieł hinduskich i chińskich obecnych na Bliskim Wschodzie od czasu najazdu na Indie Aleksandra Macedońskiego. To z tych dzieł Jezus zaczerpnął nowe treści filozoficzne buddyzmu, taoizmu, konfucjanizmu, dżinizmu, które włączył do swej filozofii. Treści te były nowatorskie i olśniewająco uwodzicielskie dla biedoty z Galilei, Palestyny poddanej oddziaływaniu rygorystycznego i okrutnego prawa żydowskiego lansowanego przez intelektualistów żydowskich. Jezus jako nieślubne dziecko oficera rzymskich legionów miał geny przywódcy i takim się stał dla biedoty z Galilei, Palestyny cierpiącej z powodu suszy i głodu. Rybacy z Galilei poszli za nim prawdopodobnie dla tego, że Jezioro Galilejskie wyschło i ryby w nim wyginęły. Jezus i jego humanistyczna filozofia oraz rewolucyjny program społeczno-gospodarczy były zagrożeniem zarówno dla rzymskich jak i żydowskich elit tamtych czasów i dlatego go zgładzono aby dalej żyć bezkarnie w wynaturzonym barbarzyństwie aż do dzisiaj.
Warszawa, dnia 31 grudnia 2021 roku, godzina 7:00 Bogdan Jacek Góralski
Zmodyfikowano 6 stycznia 2022 roku, godzina 5:28
Cokolwiek możemy powiedzieć o doktrynie Jezusa Chrystusa, ideologii, nauczaniu, musimy myśleć o Jego nauce jako o ciągłości nauczania dawnych proroków z naszej Historii. Jezus Chrystus był ostatnim w długiej serii Wielkich Filozofów i zrozumiał, że nie powinniśmy mówić tylko o zachowaniu ludzi. Nie mów tylko o tym, jak żyć, ale żyj zgodnie z twoją nauką. Jezus Chrystus ukazuje nam sam siebie jako granicę świadomej, jednostkowej miłości – poświęcając się dla dobra innych. Nie mamy innego wyboru w naszym życiu, ponieważ cokolwiek robimy, podążamy za Jezusem Chrystusem i musimy to zrozumieć. Jego nauczanie było pełne ludzkiej wiedzy, nic więcej nie można było dodać. Musimy zastosować to w naszym codziennym życiu. Ale problemem jest pokazanie, w jaki sposób Jezus Chrystus użył nauczania dawnych proroków z Europy, Azji i Afryki? Myślę, że powinniśmy wspólnie rozważyć proces przenikania kultur w starożytności. Uważam, że wielkim wyzwaniem dla współczesnej nauki jest pokazanie, że nasze myślenie zmierza do syntezy ludzkiej wiedzy – nauki o poświęcaniu naszych słabości na wspólną lepszą przyszłość. Prorok Mahomet był także wielkim filozofem, który rozumiał prawdziwość każdej religii i nauczał oddawać cześć wszystkim religiom.
Whatever we can say of Jesus Christ doctrine, ideology, teaching we need to think about His teaching as continuity of teaching the former Prophets from our History. Jesus Christ was last one in long series of Great Philosophers and he understood that we do not should only speak about people behavior. Not just talk about how to live, but live according to learning of yours. Jesus Christ show us by yourself as the border of conscious entity love – sacrificing ourselves for the good of others. We do not have any other choice in our life because whatever we do we follow Jesus Christ and we need to understand it. His teaching was full of human knowledge, nothing more could be added. We need to apply it in our daily life. But the problem is to show how Jesus Christ used the teaching the former Prophets from Europe, Asia and Africa? I think we should together consider the process of penetration of cultures in antiquity. I think it is a great challenge for modern science to show that our thinking is going to the synthesis of human knowledge – the science of sacrificing our weaknesses for a common better future. Prophet Mohammad was also the great philosopher who understood rightfulness of every religion and he taught to worship to all religions.
Sprawa jest prosta: jeśli potrafisz kochać swoich wrogów, możesz osiągnąć wszystko jako istota ludzka, ponieważ jesteś chrześcijaninem i możesz uniknąć niepotrzebnego cierpienia. Minęła długa droga ewolucji filozofii, a Chrystus dokonał syntezy wielu filozofii i doprowadził do rewolucji, która trwa do dziś. Jestem uczestnikiem tej rewolucji.
Ideologia Chrystusa idzie do uczciwego życia, do uczciwego systemu politycznego z przywódcami świadomymi naszych celów.
Jezus Chrystus przekształcił nauczanie Buddy o bólu, cierpieniu. Jezus Chrystus nauczał, że nie powinieneś unikać cierpienia, powinieneś cierpieć dobrowolnie iw ten sposób osiągniesz szczęście. Jezus Chrystus pokazuje nam przez własny przykład drogę do ziemskiego i wiecznego szczęścia. Podążam Jego drogą.
Ostatnio wyznałem, że myślę, że całe moje cierpienie, które miałem w moim życiu, zawdzięczam tylko sobie i mojej ignorancji. Nie wiedziałem, co robię w moim życiu. W ten sposób przyznaję rację nauczaniu Sokratesa i Buddy oraz Jezusa Chrystusa. Jednak moje cierpienia zmotywowały mnie do samokształcenia i rozwoju ducha i etyki, więc moje cierpienie wywołało pozytywny efekt. To potwierdza słuszność nauczania Jezusa Chrystusa.
The case is simple: If you can love your enemies you can achieve everything as a human being because you are a Christian and you can avoid unnesessery suffering. It took a long road of evolution of philosophy and Christ made a synthesis of many philosophy and to bring about a revolution that continues today. I am a participant of this revolution.
Christ ideology ig going to honest life, to honest political system with leaders conscious the our purposes….
Jesus Christ has transformed Buddha teaching of pain, suffering. Jesus Christ taught that you should not avoid suffering, you should suffer voluntarily and in this way you will reach the happiness. Jesus Christ show us by own example us the way to the earthly and eternal happiness. I follow His road.
Recently I confessed that I think all my suffering that I had in my life owe only to myself and to my ignorance. I did not know what I was doing i my life. In this way, I admit the reason to teaching the Socrates and Buddha and Jesus Christ. However, my sufferings motivated me to pursue self-education and spirit and ethics development, so my suffering caused a positive effect. This confirms the rightfulness of the teaching of Jesus Christ.
Nie wiedziałem, co robię. Każdy może to powiedzieć. Nasza historia to długi łańcuch aktów ignorancji. Im wyższa pozycja ignoranta w hierarchii społecznej, tym większa szkoda wyrządzona społeczeństwu. Jest tylko jeden sposób, aby przełamać ignorancję – rozwój wiedzy wśród całego społeczeństwa, a zwłaszcza wśród elit politycznych …
Ajschylos (525-456 pne) był starożytnym greckim tragediem. Często opisuje się go jako ojca tragedii. Twierdził, że cierpienie jest nauką.
Jest fragment z polskiej wersji Wikipedii:
Azyjski model rzeczywistości jest zatem podporządkowany ideom etyczno-religijnym. Ten model opiera się na przekonaniu, że światem rządzi boska sprawiedliwość, a głównymi bóstwami, które go tworzą, są Zeus, Mojra i Dike. Bóg i ludzka sprawiedliwość są tutaj w bliskim związku. Obaj polegają na wierze w porządek, który można kontrolować tylko przez cierpienie …
Jezus Chrystus wypełnił przesłanie Ajschylosa i naśladował postać Hioba (w języku polskim) z hebrajskiego Starego Testamentu.
System praw Dekalogu Mojżesza był prawdopodobnie skrótem 42 praw egipskiej bogini Maat ( Mojżesz, który został wychowany i ukształtowany przez kulturę starożytnego Egiptu, uprościł egipskie prawo, aby nadmiar zakazów nie uniemożliwiał Izraelitom korzystania z ich praw. Prawo musi być proste i zrozumiałe do wykonania. Jezus Chrystus został ukształtowany przez Dekalog Mojżesza, którego źródłem był starożytny Egipt. Ponadto społeczeństwo starożytnego Izraela zostało zorganizowane w małe społeczności lokalne, których tradycja organizacji pochodziła z niewoli babilońskiej.
I did not know what I was doing. Everyone can say this. Our story is a long chain of acts of ignorance. The higher position of the ignoramus in the social hierarchy is, the higher the damage is done to the society. There is only one way to break the ignorance- development of knowledge among all society and especialy ameng the political elites…
Aeschylus ( 525-456 BC) was an ancient Greek tragedian. He is often described as the father of tragedy. He claimed that suffering is a teaching.
There is an excerpt from Polish version of Wikipedia:
The Aeschylian model of reality is therefore subordinate to ethical-religious ideas. This model is based on the belief that the world is governed by divine justice, and the key deities that form it are Zeus, Mojra, and Dike. God and human justice are here in close relationship. Both of they rely on faith in order, which can only be controlled through suffering…
Jesus Christ fulfilled the message of Aeschylus and imitated the figure of Job (in Polish HIOB) from Hebrew Old Testament.
The system of laws of the Decalogue of Moses was probably an abbreviation of the 42 laws of the Egyptian goddess Maat ( Moses, who was brought up and shaped by the culture of ancient Egypt, simplified the Egyptian law so that the excess of prohibitions would not prevent the Israelites from exercising their rights. The law must be simple and understandable to be performed. Jesus Christ was shaped by the Decalogue of Moses, the source of which was ancient Egypt. In addition, the society of ancient Israel was organized into small local communities, whose tradition of organization came from the Babylonian captivity.
Podczas życia Chrystusa zatłoczona Judea doznała wielkiej suszy. Jego ideologia była reakcją na potrzeby społeczne, które były wynikiem kryzysu w rolnictwie i społeczeństwie.
Systemy filozoficzno-religijne powstawały w zależności od środowiska naturalnego kraju. Przykładem są Chiny, w których rozwinęły się ekstrema konfucjanizmu i taoizmu. Jest to opisane w cytowanym cytacie:
Myśl Konfucjusza narodziła się z raczej ubogiej ziemi. W swojej ojczyźnie, małym księstwie Lu, położonym w centralnej, kontynentalnej części dzisiejszej prowincji Shandong, był w stanie obserwować walki człowieka z nieprzyjazną przyrodą od najmłodszych lat, ciągłe walki z powodziami i nadmiar wody. Skalista kraina wyższych części Shandong jest mało płodna i niechętnie daje plony. Każda kultywacja wymaga harmonizacji wysiłków, wspólnym jest działanie społeczne. Niełatwo jest władać krajem, w którym głód nie był rzadki, a ludzie są gotowi do buntu. Takie myśli musiały skierować uwagę Konfucjusza na życie społeczne, szukać odpowiedzi na pytanie, jakie jest nasze miejsce w społeczeństwie, jak władca powinien rządzić i jaka część jego poddanych powinna być zaangażowana w te rządy.
Taoiści twierdzą, że im mniej rządzi księstwo, tym lepszy stan społeczeństwa. Ideałem taoistów jest samorządność małych lokalnych społeczności, a Jezus Chrystus bierze przykład z nauczania taoistów i tworzy swoje małe społeczności, co ułatwia życie biednym ludziom z Judei.
During Christ’s life, overcrowded Judea has suffered a great drought. His ideology was a reaction to the social needs which was the result of the crisis in agriculture and society.
Philosophical-religious systems have been creating depending on the natural environment of the country. An example is China in which the extremes of Confucianism and Taoism have developed. This is described in the quote quoted:
Confucius’s thought was born of a rather poore land. In his homeland, the small principality of Lu, located in the central, continental part of today’s Shandong province, he was able to observe the struggles of man with unfriendly nature from his youngest years, constant fights with floods and any excess water. The rocky land of the higher parts of Shandong is little fertile and reluctantly give crop. Every cultivation requires harmonization of efforts, in common, it is social action. It is not easy to wield a land where hunger was not uncommon and whose people are ready for rebellion. Such thoughts had to direct Confucius’s attention to the social life, to seek answers to the question of what our place in society is, how the ruler should rule and what part of his subjects should be involved in these governments.
Taoists claim that the less govern, ingerence of the prince the better condition of society. Taoists ideal is self governents of small local communities and Jesus Christ take en examples from taoists teaching and creates his small communities, which makes the lives of poor people easier from Judea.
Can we develop a harmonious global ethical system based on the philosophical achievements of Jesus Christ?
Filozofia – (starożytna grecka φιλοσοφία od: starogrecki φίλος – miłość i starożytne greckie οοφία – mądrość, tłumaczona jako “miłość do mądrości”) – systematyczne i krytyczne refleksje na temat podstawowych problemów i idei, dążenie do poznania ich istoty, a także kompleksowe zrozumienie świata.
Mądra miłość da nam energię, która zapewni nam życie wieczne dla nas i przyszłych pokoleń.
Philosophy – (ancient Greek φιλοσοφία from: ancient Greek φίλος – love and ancient greek σοφία – wisdom, translated as “love of wisdom”) – systematic and critical reflections on basic problems and ideas, striving to know their essence, as well as a comprehensive understanding of the world.
Wise love will give us energy that will ensure eternal life for us and for future generations
Zoroastrianizm i wierzenia Jezusa Chrystusa
Fragment polskiej Wikipedii:
Zoroastrianizm wywodzi się z pierwotnych wierzeń ludów indoeuropejskich zamieszkujących obszar obecnego północnego Iranu. Muzułmanie nazywają jej wyznawców czcicielami ognia. Świętą księgą Zoroastrianina jest Awesta, której najważniejszą częścią jest Gaty, zgodnie z wierzeniami napisanymi przez samego Zoroastra (patrz: język Aestean). Zoroastrianizm był religią państwową w istniejącym imperium Sasanidów we współczesnym Iranie i Iraku. Wywarł znaczny wpływ na judaizm, a przez niego także na chrześcijaństwo i islam, a według niektórych uczonych religijnych istnieją poważne przesłanki do twierdzenia, że takie podstawowe zasady religii jak Sąd Ostateczny, dusza wędruje po śmierci do piekła lub nieba, wiara w istnienie diabła i nadejście mesjasza powstały pod silnym wpływem zaratusztrianizmu.
Zoroaster twierdził, że jeśli mamy dobre myśli, dobrą mowę, dobre uczynki, to daje nam szczęśliwe życie.
Zoroastrianism and Jesus Christ beliefs
An excerpt from Polish Wikipedia:
Zoroastrianism is derived from the original beliefs of Indo-European peoples living in the area of present northern Iran. Muslims call her followers the worshipers of the fire. The Holy Book of Zoroastrian is Awesta, the most important part of which is Gaty, according to the beliefs written by Zoroaster himself (see: Aestean language). Zoroastrianism was a state religion in the existing Sassanid empire in contemporary Iran and Iraq. He exerted a significant influence on Judaism, and through him also on Christianity and Islam, and according to some religious scholars there are serious premises to claim that such basic principles of religion as the Last Judgment, the soul’s wandering after death to hell or heaven, faith in the existence of the devil and the arrival of the messiah arose under the strong influence of Zoroastrianism.
Zoroaster claimed that if we have good thoughts, good speach, good deeds this give us a happy life.
Idee Konfucjusza a pokój na Ziemi
Józef Marzęcki, Systemy religijno-filozoficzne Wschodu, Wydawnictwo Naukowe „Scholar”, Warszawa 1999, str.140, cytuję:
Kontynuator myśli Konfucjusza, Zeng Shen (505-437 p.n.e.), zwany Zengzi, uważany za autora Wielkiej Nauki (DAXUE – datowanej faktycznie na przełom III i II wieku przed Chrystusem), będącej częścią Czteroksięgu (Sishu), tak przedstawia drogę człowieka do doskonałości:
Wielkiej nauki droga prowadzi ku oświeceniu. Oświecona cnota polega na serdeczności wobec ludzi przez powstrzymanie się od pragnień i dóbr. Mądre powstrzymanie się prowadzi do posiadania pewności. Pewność prowadzi do stanu spokoju. Spokój prowadzi do stanu pokoju. Pokój prowadzi do stanu skupienia. Skupienie prowadzi do pomyślności. Rzeczy mają korzenie i wierzchołki, sprawy mają początek i koniec. Znajomość tego, co wcześniej i co później, jest regułą bliską tao. Starożytni pragnęli oświecenia. Oświecona cnota pragnie wielkości. Najwięksi najpierw rządzą własnym państwem. Pragnący rządzić własnym państwem najpierw osiągają pomyślność własnej rodziny. Pragnący dobra własnej rodziny najpierw naprawiają siebie samego. Pragnący naprawić samego siebie najpierw poprawiają własny umysł. Pragnący poprawić własny umysł najpierw kontrolują własne myśli. Pragnący kontrolować własne myśli najpierw rozszerzają własną wiedzę. Rozszerzona wiedza polega na rozpoznaniu rzeczy. Rozpoznanie rzeczy prowadzi do wiedzy najwyższej. Wiedza najwyższa prowadzi do myśli pewnej. Myśl pewna prowadzi do umysłu zreformowanego. Zreformowany umysł prowadzi do poprawienia nas samych. My poprawieni doprowadzamy do pomyślności rodziny. Pomyślność rodziny doprowadza do państwa praworządnego. Państwo praworządne doprowadza do nieba wprowadzającego równowagę. Począwszy od cesarza, aż schodząc w dół do zwykłych ludzi, umysły muszą brać pod uwagę dbałość o korzenie. Nie można niszczyć korzeni, lecz trzeba się troszczyć, aby rosnące drzewo było dobrze kultywowane. Nie może być tak, aby to co ważne, było zaniedbane, a równocześnie to co, co mało ważne, aby było zadbane. To się nazywa poznaniem korzeni, to się nazywa najwyższym poznaniem.
Prawy książe, prawy król, pomazaniec Boży, wybraniec niebios, powinien zapewnić harmonię i współdziałanie wszystkich społeczności świata i wszystkich religii zaprowadzając na Ziemi Porządek na wzór odkrytych praw Kosmosu, które zapewnią harmonijny rozwój ziemskim społecznościom aż do osiągnięcia Absolutu.
Józef Marzęcki, Religious-Philosophical Systems of the East, Scholar, Warszawa 1999, p.140, quote:
Zeng Shen, the continuity of Confucius’ thought, considered to be the author of the Great Science (DAXUE, actually dated at the turn of the third and second centuries before Christ), is part of the Siddhya (Sishu), thus portraying a way a man to perfection:
Great learning path leads to enlightenment. Enlightened virtue consists in the affection of the people, by refraining from desires and goods. The wise refrain leads to having confidence. Confidence leads to calm. Calm leads to peace. Peace leads to a state of concentration. Focus brings prosperity. Things have roots and vertices, things have a beginning and an end. Knowing what was before and after, is a rule close to Tao. The ancients wished enlightenment. Enlightened virtue desires greatness. The largest ones first rule their own state. Desiring to govern their own country, they first achieve the prosperity of their own family.The desires of the good of the family first fix themselves. Those who want to fix themselves first improve their minds. Those who want to improve their mind first control their own thoughts. Wanting to control their own thoughts first expand their own knowledge. Enhanced knowledge consists in recognizing things. Recognition of things leads to the highest knowledge. The highest knowledge leads to a certain thought. A certain thought leads to the reformed mind. Reformed mind leads to improving ourselves. We corrected we bring to the prosperity of the family. The prosperity of the family leads to the rule of law. A law-governed state leads to the heavens that bring balance. Starting from the emperor until down to the ordinary people, minds must take care of the roots. You can not destroy the roots, but you have to take care that the growing tree is well cultivated. It can not be so that what is important is neglected, and at the same time what is not important to be taken care of. This is called learning the roots, it is called the highest knowledge.
I said : “The righteous prince, the righteous king, the elect of the heavens, should ensure the harmony and co-operation of all communities and all religions by bringing to Earth the Order in the pattern of the established laws of the Universe, which will ensure the harmonious development of the earthly communities to the attainment of the Absolute.
Źródła idei pokoju w nauczaniu Jezusa Chrystusa
Grecki myśliciel i rolnik Hezjod (VII p.n.e.) wychwalał pokój i pracę w rolnictwie a ganił wojnę.
Religie szukają pokoju w Asyżu
“Nigdy więcej nienawiści! Nigdy więcej wojny! Nigdy więcej terroryzmu! Niech każda religia w imię Boga daje ziemi sprawiedliwość i pokój, przebaczenie i życie, miłość!” (Papież Jan Paweł II).
ASSIS, 24 stycznia 2002 r. Przedstawiciele różnych religii z całego świata gromadzili się, by wspólnie modlić się o pokój – pokój, który zagraża terroryzmowi, nietolerancji i niesprawiedliwości. Spotkanie zostało ogłoszone przez Papieża około dwa miesiące po upadku słynnych bliźniaczych wież w Nowym Jorku. Wielu przywódców religijnych z entuzjazmem przyjęło zaproszenie Watykanu.
Wcześniej, dwukrotnie – w 1986 i 1993 r. – z inicjatywy papieża w tym samym włoskim mieście zorganizowano dzień modlitwy o pokój. * W 2002 roku ponad tysiąc dziennikarzy z wielu krajów obserwowało kongres. W modlitwach uczestniczyli przedstawiciele różnych religii: chrześcijaństwo (w tym katolicy, luteranie, anglikanie, ortodoksi, metodyści, baptyści, zielonoświątkowcy, menonici i kwakrzy), a także islam, hinduizm, konfucjanizm, sikhizm, dżinizm, ruch tenri-kyo, i buddyzm, judaizm, tradycyjne religie afrykańskie, szintoizm i zoroastrianizm. Byli także delegaci innych religii i przedstawiciel Światowej Rady Kościołów.
Love of enemies and peace in teaching of Jesus Christus
The Greek thinker and farmer Hezjod (VII century BC) already praised peace and agricultural struggle before the war.
Religions are looking for peace in Assisi
“No more hate! No more war! No more terrorism! Let every religion in the name of God give the earth justice and peace, forgiveness and life, love! “(Pope John Paul II).
ASSIS, January 24, 2002. Representatives of various religions from around the world gathered to jointly pray for peace – a peace that threatens terrorism, intolerance and injustice. The meeting was announced by the Pope some two months after the collapse of the famous twin towers in New York. Many religious leaders enthusiastically accepted the invitation of the Vatican.
Earlier, twice – in 1986 and 1993 – at the initiative of the Pope, a day of prayer for peace was organized in the same Italian city. * In 2002, more than a thousand journalists from many countries watched the congress. The prayers were attended by representatives of various religions: Christianity (including Catholics, Lutherans, Anglicans, Orthodox, Methodists, Baptists, Pentecostals, Mennonites and Quakers), as well as Islam, Hinduism, Confucianism, Sikhism, Jainism, tenri-kyo movement, and Buddhism, Judaism, traditional African religions, Shintoism and Zoroastrianism. There were also delegates of other religions and a representative of the World Council of Churches.
14.4.1. Miłujcie Waszych Nieprzyjaciół
Jezus powiedział do swoich uczniów: Słyszeliście, że powiedziano: Będziesz miłował swego bliźniego, a nieprzyjaciela swego będziesz nienawidził. A Ja wam powiadam: Miłujcie waszych nieprzyjaciół i módlcie się za tych, którzy was prześladują; tak będziecie synami Ojca waszego, który jest w niebie; ponieważ On sprawia, że słońce Jego wschodzi nad złymi i nad dobrymi, i On zsyła deszcz na sprawiedliwych i niesprawiedliwych. Jeśli bowiem miłujecie tych, którzy was miłują, cóż za nagrodę mieć będziecie? Czyż i celnicy tego nie czynią? I jeśli pozdrawiacie tylko swych braci, cóż szczególnego czynicie? Czyż i poganie tego nie czynią? Bądźcie więc wy doskonali, jak doskonały jest Ojciec wasz niebieski.(Mt 5,43-48)
Tekst Ewangelii był dla mnie zbyt radykalny gdy byłem młodszy. Miłować nieprzyjaciół???… Jednak po latach przyznałem i w tym rację Chrystusowi. Dzięki nieprzyjaciołom stajemy się lepsi. Dlaczego…??? Dzięki nieprzyjaciołom mamy motywację do życia, walki. Nieprzyjaciel znaczy konflikt, który wymusza tok przygotowań do finalnego starcia. Poznajemy wtedy przeciwnika, udoskonalamy się aby stawić mu czoła. Jeżeli mamy wygrać musimy go przewyższyć. Zaczynamy się kształcić aby zrozumieć wroga, aby zrozumieć otaczajacy wrogi świat. Gromadzimy o nim informacje i tą drogą dowiadujemy się o przyczynach konfliktu. Zaczynamy rozumieć postępowanie wroga i zaczynamy mu współczuć. Stajemy się doskonalsi niż gdy nie mieliśmy wroga i gnuśnieliśmy w samozadowoleniu. A jak już jesteśmy lepsi czyli silniejsi od wroga to litujemy się nad nim i wyciągamy rękę do zgody. Widzimy bezsens ofiar walki i dostrzegamy możliwość pokojowego wyjścia z konfliktu. Porozumienie i tak jest wymuszone naszą przewagą. Wygrywamy więc wojnę w ogóle jej nie wszczynając. Tak radzili starożytni Chińczycy. Najmądrzej jest wygrać wojnę wcale jej nie wszczynając.
Miłujmy naszych nieprzyjaciół bo dzięki nim stajemy się doskonalsi.
Zawdzięczamy im naszą doskonałość zdobytą dzięki konfliktowi.
Bądźmy im wdzięczni i miłujmy ich za to co nam uczynili.
Tak radził Chrystus 2000 lat temu. Jaki byłby świat gdyby Go posłuchano…???
Jesus said to his disciples: You have heard that it was said, You will love your twin, and you will hate your enemy. And I say to you, Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you; So you will be the sons of your Father who is in heaven; Because He causes His sun to rise above the evil and the good, and He sends rain on the just and the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward will you have? Do tax collectors do not do it? And if you only greet your brethren, what special do you do? Do not the heathen do it? So be perfect, how perfect is your heavenly Father (Mt 5,43-48).
The text of the Gospel was too radical for me when I was younger. Love your enemies? … But after years I confessed to Christ. Thanks to our enemies we become better. Why…??? Thanks to our enemies we have the motivation to live and fight. Enemy means a conflict that forces the preparation for the final battle. We know the enemy then, we are perfect to face him. If we have to win we must outdo the enemy. We begin to educate ourselves to understand the enemy in order to understand the hostile world around us. We collect information about him and this way we learn about the causes of the conflict. We begin to understand the behavior of the enemy and start to sympathize with him. We become more perfect than when we did not have the enemy and were sluggish in complacency. And as we are better or stronger than the enemy then we pity on him and we reach for his consent. We see the nonsense of victims of the struggle and see the possibility of peaceful exit from conflict. The agreement is still enforced by our advantage. We win the war without launching it. So did the ancient Chinese. It is wise to win the war without launching it. Let’s love our enemies because they make us perfect.
Let’s love our enemies because they make us perfect.
We owe them our perfection achieved through conflict.
Let us be grateful and love them for what they did to us.
This was taught by Christ 2,000 years ago. What would the world be if they listened to Him … ???
God is perfect but does it mean that He has an enemy too???
Warsaw, 2013 -2017 Bogdan Góralski
W jaki sposób Jezus Chrystus rozwiązał problem dziedziczenia własności?
Według listów apostolskich wczesne wspólnoty chrześcijańskie przyjmowały nowych wierzących, gdy oddawali całą swoją własność społeczności. Wspólnoty chrześcijańskie zapewniały członkom ochronę przed głodem i bezprawiem, które panowały w Judei w tym czasie. Prawdopodobnie przeniesienie całego majątku do wspólnoty chrześcijańskiej było nowym rozwiązaniem problemu dziedziczenia własności, co powoduje dzisiaj tak wiele problemów. Myślę, że globalna firma POL-CAT, której nikt nie odziedziczy, rozwiąże wiele problemów współczesnego świata i stanie się wspólną własnością globalnej społeczności.
POL-CAT nie może zostać przejęty przez mafie.
Harmonia między mężczyzną i kobietą nastąpi, gdy zmienimy mechanizmy dziedziczenia własności. POL-CAT Global Enterprise proponuje zmianę systemu dziedziczenia.
Globalna pokojowa rewolucja
W tekście “Tryb działania POL-CAT” piszę, że pracownicy tej firmy będą mieli równy udział w zyskach. Czemu? Ponieważ zmusi to wszystkich do ciężkiej pracy, aby zwiększyć dochody firmy. W tym przedsięwzięciu nie będzie elity finansowej. To jest rewolucja. Albo równe bogactwo, albo równe ubóstwu …
Podążam za Jezusem Chrystusem, tworząc tryb działania POL-CAT.
Jezus Chrystus powiedział: “Wiecie, że władcy uciskają lud, a wielcy dają ludowi odczuć swoją przewagę, nie powinno tak być między wami, jeśli ktoś z was chce być wielki, niech będzie waszym sługą. Jeśli jeden z was chce być pierwszym spośród was, niech będzie waszym niewolnikiem (Mateusza 20: 25-27).
Podążam za Jezusem Chrystusem, tworząc sposób działania POL-CAT.
How did Jesus Christ solve the problem of inheriting property ???
According to the Apostolic Letters, early Christian communities were accepting new believers when they offered all their property to the community. Christian communities were providing members with protection against hunger and lawlessness that prevailed in Judea at that time. Probably the transfer of all property to the Christian community was a new solution to the problem of property inheritance, which causes so many problems today. I think that a global company POL-CAT, which no one will inherit, will dispel many problems of the modern world and become a common property of the global community.
POL-CAT can not be taken over
The harmony between man and woman will occur when we change the mechanisms of inheritance of property. The POL-CAT Global Enterprise is proposing to change the inheritance system. POL-CAT can not be taken over.
Global peaceful revolution
In the text “Mode of operation of POL-CAT” I write that employees of this company will have equal share in profits. Why? Because it will force everyone to work hard to increase the company’s income. There will be no financial elite in this enterprise. This is revolution. Either equal wealth or equal to poverty…
I follow Jesus Christ creating the mode of operation of POL-CAT.
Jesus Christ said, “You know that the rulers oppress the people, and the great ones let them feel their advantage. It should not be between you. If any one of you wants to be great, let him be your servant. And if any one of you wants to be first among you, let him be your slave. (Matthew 20: 25-27). I follow Jesus Christ creating the mode of operation of POL-CAT.
Jesus Christ teaching is not a religion, this is an ideology that lead us to better future, to better use of our abilities, to lives in a beauty of our world. We need ideology of Jesus Christ in our everyday life to become wise and loving men, a men loving our all world.
Musisz iść za Jezusem Chrystusem, aby być szczęśliwym
Jezus Chrystus przez swoje nauczanie przywrócił wiarę w doskonałość naszego świata i swoją ofiarą pokazał nam drogę do szczęścia, wymazał pierwotny grzech Adama i Ewy. Sięgnęli po owoce z drzewa poznania dobra i zła, wątpili w dany świat i zaczęli dostrzegać w nim dobre i złe strony. Tymczasem są one istotnym elementem naszego świata i prowadzą nas w procesie ewolucji do doskonałości podobnej do doskonałości twórców naszego środowiska życia. Ofiara cierpienia i życia Chrystusa jest komentarzem jego doskonałej filozofii – dobrowolne cierpienie przynosi wieczne szczęście. Jego ostatnia lekcja: dzielenie się chlebem dla Jego pamięci (Biblia 1998: Ew. Łukasza 22:19), zawiera ostateczną mądrość jego przesłania, ponieważ 15 lat moich studiów doprowadziło mnie do tego samego wniosku, że tylko obfitość pożywienia pozwala uniknąć wojen i rewolucje i zapewnia harmonijny rozwój społeczeństw i ich kultury. Inni ewangeliści cytują słowa Chrystusa. Dzielcie się chlebem i winem na moją pamiątkę – to wezwanie do wegetarianizmu, jak dotąd pomijanego w nauczaniu Chrystusa. Dość chleba oznacza godne życie, wino oznacza życie pełne dobrej zabawy. Dzielenie się chlebem i winem zapewni godne i szczęśliwe życie.
Sens naszego życia polega na dobrowolnym cierpieniu dla dobra innych i jest w nim pełnią radości istnienia. Chrystusowe nauczanie i ofiara pokazały nam nieograniczoną wiarę w doskonałość naszego świata przeciwko wątpliwościom Adama. Chrystus był obojętny na groźbę śmierci na krzyżu. Wypełnił swoją misję i całkowicie zaufał Bogu.
You have to follow Jesus Christ now to be happy
Jesus Christ, by his teaching, restored faith in the perfection of our world and with his sacrifice showed us the way to happiness, erased the original sin of Adam and Eve. They reached for fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they doubted the given world and began to perceive good and bad sides in it. Meanwhile, they are an essential element of our world and lead us in the process of evolution to perfection similar to the perfection of creators of our living environment. The sacrifice of suffering and the life of Christ is a commentary of his perfect philosophy – voluntary suffering brings eternal happiness. His last lesson: Share bread for His memory (Bible 1998: Luke 22:19), contains the final wisdom of his message, because 15 years of my studies led me to the same conclusion that only the abundance of food allow to avoid wars and revolutions and ensures harmonious development of societies and their culture. Other evangelists quote the words of Christ. Share bread and wine for my remembrance – this is a call to vegetarianism so far overlooked in the teaching of Christ. Enough of bread means a worthy life, wine means life full of good fun. Sharing bread and wine will ensure a dignified and happy life.
The meaning of our life is in voluntary suffering for the benefit of others and it is in it the fullness of the joy of existence. Christ’s teaching and sacrifice showed us unbounded faith in the perfection of our world against Adam’s doubt. Christ was indifferent to the threat of death on the cross. He fulfilled his mission and trusted God completely.
Chrystus wskazał, że służba rabinów nie jest już konieczna i On ustanowił swoich przedstawicieli wśród prostych ludzi – Apostołów Nowej Wiadomości: Prawo jest proste i zrozumiałe – Kochajcie swoich wrogów i dzielcie się chlebem i winem – cierpcie dobrowolnie dla dobra innych.
Podobnie jak idea wegetarianizmu, Chrystus czerpał z hinduizmu i buddyzmu, więc idea dobrowolnego cierpienia mogła zostać zapożyczona z taoizmu. Jedną z zasad taoizmu jest zalecanie istotom dobrowolnego umniejszania siebie. Chrystus doprowadził tę zasadę do granic ludzkich możliwości, poświęcając godność i nienaruszalność swojej osoby dla dobra wszystkich istot. Pokornie uniżył się i przyłączył się do Absolutu dzięki temu czynowi.
Chrystus był ideałem, doskonałym, ale niezrozumiałym filozofem i nauczycielem. Podniósł na piedestał pogardzane kobiety, co było niemal świętokradztwem w tamtym czasie. Kobiety ocaliły pamięć o nim i zachowały w pamięci pokoleń kult Nauczyciela. Kobiety niosły swój krzyż i były najsilniejszym wsparciem Kościoła Chrystusowego.
Był z nami 2000 lat temu, kiedy kryzys klimatyczny zubożył mieszkańców Judei, ale nie był wtedy zrozumiany, więc musicie iść za Nim teraz, aby być szczęśliwymi, gdy nadejdzie globalny kryzys klimatyczny, ekonomiczny i społeczny.
Jezus Chrystus przez swoje nauczanie przywracał podstawy porządku społecznego w Judei zgodnie z zasadami Nieba, które nakazują oszczędzać energię społeczną i wszystkie energie. Niebiosa nakazują oszczędzać energię społeczną i wszystkie energie.
Christ pointed out that the service of the rabbis is no longer necessary and He has established His representatives among the simple people – the Apostles of the New News: the Law is simple and understandable – Love your enemies and share your bread and wine – suffer voluntary for the good of others.
Like the idea of vegetarianism, Christ drew from Hinduism and Buddhism, so the idea of voluntary suffering could have been borrowed from the Taoism. One of principles of Taoism is to recommend to creatures voluntarily to belittle itself. Christ has brought this principle to the limits of human possibilities, sacrificing the dignity and inviolability of his person for the good of all beings. He humbly humbled himself and joined with the Absolute by this deed.
Christ was an ideal, a perfect but incomprehensible philosopher and teacher. He raised to the pedestal a despised women, which was almost a sacrilege. The women saved the memory of him and preserved in the memory of generations the worship of the Teacher. The women have been carried their cross and were the strongest support of the Church of Christ.
He was with us 2,000 years ago when the climatic crisis impoverished the people of Judea, but He was not understood then, so you have to follow Him now, to be happy when global crisis will come. Jesus Christ by his teaching have been restoring bases of social order in Judea according to principles of Heaven, which prescribe to save of social energy and all energies. Heaven prescribe to save of social energy and all energies.
Warsaw, 8-14 December 2017, 5:27 Bogdan Jacek Góralskinauka521 visits ·
The short story of religious systems versus climate changes
Figure 49‑1 Earthquakes in the Mediterranean and Poland in the years 750 BC to 2000 AD. Earth gravitational-seismic-climatic-social cycle. Author of the graph Bogdan Jacek Góralski
Source of earthquakes data:
(Guidoboni et al.,1994),
(Guterch, Lewandowska-Marciniak, 2002)
The gravitational-seismic-climatic-social cycle presented in Fig.49-1 describes of our civilization development phases over the centuries. All the great leaders and ethicians appeared in a similar period of the material cycle (Asian ethics appeared in the reverse phase, which is explainable and in line with my theory due to climatic inversion between West and East Eurasia). It was the result of subsequent climate crises defined by cyclical changes geometry of the solar system.
Each cycle had a similar natural and social events scenario and a similar ethical-ideological system, creating social relationships between people and expanding the ideological movement base, expanding the social revolution base. According to the logic of history in the 21st century, the material world crisis, which has begun to grow, will also emerge a new, universal ethical system – new ideas that will probably include the entire global community.
The first known ethical system originated in Egypt and was recorded in the goddess Maat 42 commandments. It was an expression of the development of a prosperous state social order in the Nile outbreaks rhythm. A derivative of Egyptian ethics was the ethical system of Moses, educated in Egypt. The moral systems of Budda, Laotsy, and Confucius appeared at the end of the period of Asian society’s growth. Overpopulation increased during the period of adequate hydration of Asia and led to a socio-economic crisis resulting from a lack of food. Asian communities have reached a critical population density, forcing a new ethical system to regulate social relations. In the sixth century, before Christ is the peak of China’s power. The beginnings of building the Chinese wall for defense against Mongol invasions, significant territorial development in the north and south, population growth to 25 million are examples of this power. Significant Greek colonization in the period of VIII-VI centuries BC proves that during this period in Greece, and in the equatorial world, environmental conditions conducive to population growth prevailed. These data allow us to suppose that the tropical world population is increasing in the eighth-seventh century BC. After a period of population growth, the climate is drastically dry and cold (especially North of China) (a decrease in earthquakes in the seventh century BC, see Fig.49-1, 49-2), causing overpopulation and conflicts. It results in the almost simultaneous emergence of Buddha ethical systems, Lao Tse, Confucius, which prevent the emergence of social conflicts in overpopulated India and China. The large amount of rainfall accompanies the phase of earthquakes growth in the period 200 years before Christ, because of the shift of climatic ( rainfall) zones connected to the Earth coating movement. This confirms the research on Nile floods and wet years in Rome (Lamb 1977, 426-427 graphs 17.1 and 17.2). Those studies indicate strong humidification of Africa climate in the region of Egypt and the climate of Italy at that time. It had promoted the growth of agricultural production and the resulting adequate supply of food to the population. During the reign of Herod the Great (73-4 BC), Palestine’s successful economic development continues, as evidenced by the growth of cities and the ruler’s richness. Economic development is an indication of a large population (Theissen, 2004, 60). The abundance of food is conducive to population growth in well-watered areas. After developing the Palestinian society, there is rapid regional warming and drying of the climate from 0-10 AD (Bao et al., 2002, Kobashi et al., .2011, Lamb, 1977, 426-427), which reduced agricultural production and food supply, causing the overpopulation of Palestine. The immediate socio-economic crisis resulting from drought (Lamb, 1977, 426-427 graphs 17.1 and 17.2) caused frustrations of the population (mostly rural), looking for a way out of the crisis. The socially rooted groups tested various ways out of the trouble. The starving rural masses needed a plan of action to alleviate the supply problems common at that time. Many leaders appear, among them Jesus Christ, who has a dream of anti-crisis action. He creates his commune (Acts of the Apostles describe several thousand people (Bible 1998, Acts 2:41, 4,4)) acting like communes. To join them, you must give all your possessions. The municipality (commune), efficiently managing the riches offered, constituted protection against hunger and lawlessness prevailing in Palestine. There were numerous gangs of brigands at that time. Many farmers were hopelessly in debt (Johnson 1993, 146). Christ feeding the masses of the poor, becomes a threatening leader of the crowds. His economic and social program is radical and unacceptable to the then Judei- Romans and pro-Roman elites. Jesus Christ’s ideological system was the crowning of ancient ethical ideas development and was probably inappropriate to Judeo-Roman elites. Christ, the peaceful peasant movement leader, was killed, and further Jewish protests against Roman oppression did not have a charismatic calm leader. In the first century BC until the 1st century AD, there was a substantial density of Judea and Samaria farms. This testifies to the climatic conditions conducive to farms shredding – adequate hydration during the first century BC. The violent drought at the beginning of the early century AD caused the collapse of these small farms and the crisis. The uprising in Palestine in the years 66-74 is a social rebellion against the rich. The rebellion began with the burning of the Rome tax registration offices in Jerusalem (Sartre 1991, 403). The cataclysm of Jewish revolts revealed ongoing overpopulation, and their consequence was the destruction of the country. There was a mass migration of Jews. These above-described facts result from the Earth coating movement (movement of climatic zones over Palestine territory), which caused the Palestine area aridification. Since the beginning of the 7th century AD, there has been strong global warming – signaled by a drop in the number of earthquakes, which caused the transfer of civilization centers from the Middle East to, among others, colder Europe and Mesopotamia. Warming and drought caused regression in the development of equatorial populations. These above-described facts result from the Earth coating movement (movement of climatic zones over Arabian Peninsula territory), which caused the Arabian area aridification. Overpopulation occurred on the Arabian Peninsula before the victory of Muhammad. The Arabian Peninsula’s population growth probably took place in the fourth, fifth, and sixth centuries AD. During cooling and increased climate irrigation of the Arabian area had lasted a parallel decline of the Western Roman Empire. Western Roman Empire collapsed because of the conquest of barbarian tribes from northern, overpopulated regions of Europe. They migrated because of unfavorable weather conditions while cooling the climate of Northern Europe. (Barbarian populations in Northern Europe probably increased in the IV to VI centuries, .which was the result of the Earth coating movement (movement of climatic zones over barbarian tribes territory which was caused by the warming and well irrigation of the Northern Europe area). Under the pressure of this tremendous barbaric exodus to the south, the western Roman Empire collapsed. At the time of the Western Roman Empire crisis, the triumph of the socially and economically well-organized Christian communities was celebrated, which led to the success of Christianity and the consolidation of their power. The Eastern Roman Empire prospered in the meantime. The Arabian Peninsula was probably experienced by drought and social crises in the VII century. There was an escalation of aggression and the fratricidal struggle between Arabian tribes (the drought is the result of the Earth’s coating movement (the movement of climatic rainfall zones over Arabian peninsula territory which caused the aridification of the Arabian land). The Civil War prompted Muhammad to reflect on the causes of this state of affairs. Muhammad rejected the old elite’s social order, introduced a new religious community- the umma (the commune), the obligation of alms – the redistribution of goods to the poor. Fighting with other leaders, he united all Arab tribes. He broke with the family system. However, his economic program could not remedy the overpopulation (Hrbek, Petráček, 1971, 139-140), which is why later the war expansion of the Arabs took place. It was possible because in the seventh century, the Roman Empire’s power decreased, and the strength of Arabs united by the ethical system (created by Muhammad) increased. Warming and drought since the 7th century caused regression in the development of equatorial populations and their displacement towards the north. At the same time, societies in the northern hemisphere began to civilize in a warm climate. In favorable conditions of the warm climate (the third so-called sub Atlantic period (Samsonowicz, 1990, 8)), there was a dynamic development of European civilization, development of Germanic and Slavic tribes. Europe’s population grew from 1700, but bad weather and population growth in the 17th and 18th centuries worsened England and France’s situation. England, however, had a security vent in the form of emigration to the colony. The feeding of French society has deteriorated since 1700 AD (Livi-Bacci 1991, 82). The French saved themselves from hunger by establishing several hundred thousand small farms (Taine 1881, 337). Before the French Revolution, there was a significant cooling (and probably drying) of the climate (Bradley, Jones, 1993), which had brought France high prices of food (Góralski, 2012, 28), famine, and the outbreak of the revolution (These above-described facts are the result of the movement of Earth’s coating (movement of climatic zones over Europe territory) which caused the cooling and bad weather conditions of the European area). The revolution lasted, and the problems of overpopulation did not pass because of the further cooling of the climate. Another revolutionary leader, Napoleon, led the French to conquer Europe, which solved the problem of the surplus of single men who had no conditions in France to establish a family in those days. Since 1815, the climate has warmed and dried (These facts are the result of the movement of Earth’s coating (movement of climatic zones over European territory) which caused the favorable climatic conditions of the Europe area), which means that the population of Europe grew in the 19th century from 203 to 408 million and in 1950 to 547 million. There has been a massive increase in the German and Russian populations. At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia and Germany were heavily overcrowded, which led to the I World War and, after that, the catastrophic development of totalitarian systems centralizing communities around new leaders. The overpopulation, masculinization of the population, high prices of food caused by the drying of the climate in the early twentieth century (Góralski, 2012, 8) and the inability peacefully resolve of economic problems caused the First World War, the Russian Revolution, and the war expansion of communist Russia directed to Western Europe in 1920 year( Góralski, 2012). World War II as a consequence of the First World War and the conditions of the Versailles Treaty. The high prices of food in China at the beginning of the 20th century were the result of the movement of Earth’s coating (movement of climatic zones over Chinese territory), which caused the unfavorable climatic conditions of the China area, caused the Chinese revolution, which later used Marxism caused the collapse of the huge landowners who had previously taken over most of the arable land. From 1960 to 1990 years, during the short-term cooling and moistening of the climate (Bradley, Jones, 1993), Africa’s population grew from 282 to 637 million. The Chinese population multiplied from 583 million in 1953 to 1008 million in 1982. At that time, in the northern hemisphere, there have been economic difficulties resulting from cooling, excessive rainfall, and dropping agricultural production, which led, among others, to the collapse of the Soviet empire and almost revolution in China (Gang 2001, 37-38, Gawlikowski 2001, 388). The riots in China broke out because of the enormous population growth and food prices rising. It consisted of resolving peasant communes and assigning land to individual families. This has resulted in a vast increase in agricultural production and China’s and current self-sufficiency in nutrition.
Figure 49‑2 World seismic activity was characterized by earthquakes magnitude M = 7 and higher in the years 1900-2005 (five-year periods). Source (Góralski 2009). (author of the drawing Bogdan Góralski)
Chart Fig.49-3 confirms the occurrence of cooling in the 60-90.XX century because it is accompanied by an increase in the number of significant earthquakes.
Currently, the warming continues (the number of earthquakes has decreased), which causes aggression in Asia and Africa to grow, aggression due to the decline in per capita agricultural production in young male populations (with a predominance of male individuals) and deteriorating living conditions resulting from the increase in global food prices. Migration from these continents to the USA and Europe is growing. At the same time, in the G-8 countries, there is the phenomenon of agricultural overproduction with a decrease in population size. For this overproduction, there is no profitable sale due to the misery of the rest global population. All this together causes the financial and economic crisis. The logic of history allows us to expect the emergence of an outstanding figure, the creator of a new order, and a universal ethical system that will unite humanity on the way out of the crisis. This leader will have to apply the message of Jesus Christ, who said: “Share bread for My remembrance” (Bible 1998, Luke 22:19) and love your enemies because this is the love of your neighbor.
If the warming continues, it will worsen the situation in tropical countries. There will be a wave of migration to food-rich countries (in 2011 year, there was a wave of riots and revolutions in North Africa and the Middle East caused by food prices resulting from the cooling of the global climate in 2010 year ( graphs_v3 / Fig.C.gif ).
Currently, the Earth’s coating rotates south in the US region and to the north in eastern Russia. This is causing the warming and drying of the climate in the US South and climate change in the US-North. This carries the threat of reducing food production in the US. The northward movement of eastern Russia and northern China will cool and dry this world site climate. Suppose cooling and drought come (as a result of the continuous movement of Earth coating and climatic zones) in the East of Russia and Northern China. In that case, it will bring disaster (reduction of food production in Asia) for the man’s civilization. In such an event, the world will not survive, and the situation will start to destabilize. We cannot allow this.
As a global civilization, we must take radical steps to overcome the impending crisis and global war threat. The activities stabilizing the world situation I described in my work above are available in Google Books and other websites on the Internet. Below is an excerpt from my work entitled More science, ethics, culture for the modern and future world, published in open access on Google Books and
Climate change and people migrations
Climate change has triggered migrations of peoples whose chronology is a record of Earth’s climate cycles. Here is a history of the crises that ended in movements:
- -Approx. 12th century BCmarked the migration of people, which ended the reign of Mycenaean civilization and began the so-called dark ages. As a result, the Etruscans appeared in Italy, Egypt and Palestine were attacked by the so-called peoples of the sea.
- -In the VIII, VII century BC, during the drought in the Asian steppes, the Scythians occupied eastern Europe. Simultaneously, the Great Greek colonization marked out, which expelled the Greek population to emigrate.
- -Approx. 4th century BCthe journey of the Celts from northwestern Europe towards the Adriatic Sea, the Black Sea began, which indicates a growing cooling.
- -At the beginning of our era in Palestine has marked itself the significant socio-economic crisis that provoked the civil war in Galilee, Judea (which was called the War of Varus), and the uprising in 66 and 132 AD. It testifies to a crisis (rapid drying of the climate) that caused the exodus of Jews from Palestine to all world.
- The next migration of peoples began in the 4th century CE Huns invasion of Europe. Germanic peoples migrated south to the lands of the Roman Empire, leading to its downfall.
- In the VIII-IX centuries, the Viking expansion continued towards the south of Europe, which may indicate problems with feeding the population of Northern Europe and the climate crisis.
- In the 12th century, Mongols arrived in Europe because of the drought in the Asian steppes.
In the fourteenth century, it got cold, and in Europe were epidemics, hunger, and peasant uprisings.
- The extinction of the Vikings in Greenland since 1400. The Little Ice Age lasted until the 19th century. The peak of chilling in Europe was in the 17th century. It resulted in the great migration Europeans to the continents of both the Americas and Asia continued at the time. The great State of Poles-the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Ottoman Empire collapsed then.
Climate disaster in the years 2013-2100
By the geophysical and historical data (migrations of people are indicative of climate crises), we know that the climate cycle repeats every 400 years. We can, therefore, expect that another major crisis will occur in 2013-2100. We should prepare for it. It will be a climate disaster – a sharp change in the distribution of climate zones, which will drastically reduce global food production. It will bring revolutions, wars, and supra-regional population migrations. There is still time to protect yourself against this. It requires knowledge and ethics on a global scale. Otherwise, dark ages will come. In October 2020 I read in the articles on the upcoming GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM and its results. Those articles confirm my opinion that a climatic cataclysm will appear.
Conclusions IIWe must adapt to regional climate change and, like our ancestors, migrate to climate-friendly regions of the globe. To do this, we must open borders and modify state systems to accept migrants and establish a new ethical and economical system uniting all beings. We must introduce a modern feudal production system in Western agriculture based on humane principles. Only a feudal system of agricultural production will enable Western economies to absorb millions of peasant migrants from Asia and Africa and deal with the crisis of Western economies. The development of feudal agriculture will increase the demand in the entire Western economy because As calculated by American economists, $ 1 of agricultural demand (expenses for tractors, fertilizers, etc.) produces $ 2.73 of NATIONAL INCOME (Tomczak 2004). Thus, growing farmer demand will produce an economic boom, while falling demand causes a downturn. We need to create the technology of surviving the contemporary global crisis.Warsaw, October 8, 2020 Bogdan Jacek Góralski
The history of the development and fall of successive empires has intrigued researchers for a long time, and this work makes an essential contribution to solving this puzzle. The logical concept of regional climate change related to the Earth coating displacement allows for explaining each empire’s development and defeat. The realm has been developing during favorable environmental changes in the region, which was a kingdom cradle. It grew during conquests, dependent on the empire elite and the conquered nations. Usually, great human migrations related to regional climate change marked the end of a given empire. To avoid the collapse of our human civilization in the coming global climate crisis and a possible devastating global war, we must open all borders and allow people free movement. It will focus the attention of politicians on economic life inside countries with the masses of migrants and reduce the pressure on foreign expansion. These changes should be preceded by a global agreement defining goals and rules for the worldwide migration of people and goods. In the course of my life, I developed the principles of a new international economic and political order and presented them in the works entitled “The Third Way between capitalism and communism”, and “More science, ethics, culture for the modern and future world”. I hope that reading these works published in free access in Google Books will allow you to understand our history logic, which will result in the further global evolutionary development of our civilization.The terrestrial globe is divided into two hemispheres: northern and southern. The northern hemisphere is made up of more thick continental plates and is heavier than the southern hemisphere, mostly made up of thin ocean plates. The Earth globe is affected by the cosmic gravity and more strongly pulls the northern hemisphere with a variable force causing it to move to the ecliptic plane. It is possible due to the liquid intermediate layer between the rigid coating and the solid Earth core. The Earth coating slides over the liquid middle layer under the influence of the attraction of gravity alternating forces. The Earth climatic zones are immobile to the ecliptic plane because they depend on the balance of solar radiation falling on the surface at various angles. As a result, the earth’s coating movement in relation to climatic zones causes regional climate changes in different parts of the globe. The Earth coating movement causes varying stresses in the crust as it approaches the equator and then moves away from it. These variable stresses cause earthquakes, the distribution of which was investigated in the Mediterranean Basin and Poland during the 750 BC-AD 2000 period. Almost the sinusoidal distribution of earthquakes with maxima and minima every 400 years was found. That is, every 400 years or so, the area adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea approaches the equator and then moves away from it, with different effects in different parts of the globe. The movement of the earth coating under stationary climatic zones causes changes in precipitation zones and drought zones on the earth area, bringing specific social effects and the occurrence of the cosmic-social cycle illustrated in the figure below.
Great religious leaders appear in times of socio-economic crisis caused by droughts resulting from the Earth’s coating movements towards the equator. In the ages of Christ and Muhammad, Palestine and the Arabian Peninsula probably entered, after a period of increased rains favoring population growth, in a year-round drought zone between the parallels of 20-30 degrees of latitude due to the Earth coating movement towards the equator (confirmed in the graph above Fig.35-1 by earthquakes maximum of the earthquakes). It is worth mentioning here the credible research showing that the Iranian area has shifted in the last 5,000 years from the climatic rainfall zone in summer to the rainfall zone in winter. It corresponds to the Earth linear movement of the coating towards the equator in the Iran region by about 25 degrees latitude, i.e., from the rainfall zone in summer between the 5-20 parallel to the winter rainfall zone the 30-50 parallel. The area of Iran is now between 30-40 parallel, which means a shift to the equator over the last 5000 years by about 25 degrees latitude or about 3000 km. The Earth coating in the Iranian region has shifted southward by about 3,000 km in the previous 5,000 years, but this movement is likely to have had different phases in the north-south and east-west directions. The idea of changing the Iranian area comes from the study of the north magnetic pole apparent positions, which continually changes its apparent location on the globe surface. The magnetic north pole changeable position results from the Earth coating continuous movement relative to the ecliptic plane.
During the Arab Empire rising, the Western Roman Empire fell, devastated by the invasion of the Germans tribes, who were driven out of northern Europe by the cold and the Mongol invasion. A similar phenomenon of earthquakes growth took place gradually in the period of AD 1250-1800 in Poland territory, which means that the area of Anatolia was also approaching the equator at that time. It probably told Anatolia and the Mediterranean area to transition into a climatic zone drought all-year-round. It had specific economic and social consequences for the Ottoman Empire, such as the internal crisis related to the lack of food, the disintegration of the empire, and the appearance of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the Turkish social reformer at the end of the crisis. The crisis of the Ottoman Empire was caused by a drought (which was found in numerous works on the climate of Anatolia) and was interfaced with the entry of the Russian area into the year-round rainfall zone between the parallels 50-60, which caused the Russian imperial expansion and its development also towards the west, which resulted in the partitions of the Republic of Poland Both Nations.
Thus, we see that the influence of the Cosmos on the terrestrial natural environment causes specific psychological and social effects that end the duration of successive empires and the formation of new ones. With this knowledge, we should notice that North America again approaching the equator (which causes the effects called global warming) because of the number of earthquakes in the Mediterranean region observed by seismological observatories around the globe is increasing. On the other side of the world, in East Russia, Earth coating goes to the North direction. Therefore, we should prepare for the change in the distribution of biological forces on our planet related to climate zones displacement.
An explanation of the above-described phenomena can be found in my books published in open acces on Google Books. 25 visits · 1 online ShareVote: 0 0 0 Save as PDF© 2022