Creation of systems of religious beliefs

Creation of systems of religious beliefs

Author Bogdan Góralski

The crisis-affected community creates social bonds – an ethical system that guarantees a way out of the crisis. Because the leaders of a crisis-ridden community usually lack authority, the ethical system must be empowered with the highest authority – the authority of God, who supports his chosen people who proclaim his rights. So the ethical system is transformed into a religious one. The free will we have will allow us to appeal to the laws governing the Universe, which are the light of truth for us and lead us into the future in which we will become gods.

Warsaw, 28 Febrary 2018,22: 04 Bogdan Góralski



Fig. 34. Earthquakes in the Mediterranean and Poland in the years 750 BC to 2000AD. Earth’s gravitational-seismic-climatic-social cycle

The gravitational-seismic-climatic-social cycle presented in Fig. 34 describes the development phases of our civilization over the centuries. All great leaders and ethicians appeared in a similar phase of the material cycle (Asian ethics appeared in the reverse phase, which is explainable and in line with my theory as a result of climatic inversion between West and East Eurasia), which was the result of subsequent climate crises defined by cyclical changes geometry of the solar system.
Each cycle had a similar scenario of natural and social events and a similar ethical-ideological system each time expanding the social base of the revolution. The crisis of the material world, which began to grow, according to the logic of history in the 21st century, will also emerge a new, universal ethical system – new ideas that will probably include the entire global community.

The first known ethical system originated in Egypt and was recorded in the 42 commandments of the goddess Maat. It was an expression of the development of the social system of a prosperous state in the rhythm of the Nile’s outbreaks. A derivative of Egyptian ethics was the ethical system of Moses, educated in Egypt. Asian ethicists appeared at the end of the period of overpopulation and global warming and drying because the numerical growth of Asian societies was rapid during the period of good hydration of Asia and led to a socio-economic crisis resulting from overpopulation. Asian societies have reached a critical population density forcing a new ethical system to regulate social relations. In the sixth century BC is the peak of China’s power. The beginnings of building the Chinese wall for defense against Mongol invasions, significant territorial development in the north and south, population growth to 25 million, are examples of this power.

Great Greek colonization in the period of VIII-VI centuries BC It proves that during this period in Greece, and in the equatorial world, environmental conditions conducive to population growth prevailed. These data allow us to suppose that in the eighth-seventh century BC. the population of the equatorial world is increasing. After a period of population growth, the climate is drastically dry (a decrease in the number of earthquakes in the 7 th century BC, see Fig. No. 34) causing overpopulation and conflicts. This results in the almost simultaneous emergence of Buddha’s ethical systems, Lao Tsego, Confucius, which prevent the emergence of social conflicts in the overpopulated India and China.

The phase of earthquake growth in the period 200 years before Christ is accompanied by a large amount of rainfall. This is confirmed by research (Lamb 1977: 426-427 graphs 17.1 and 17.2) of Nile floods, as well as floods and wet years in Rome. These studies indicate a strong humidification of the climate of Africa in the region of Egypt and the climate of Italy at that time. It promotes the growth of agricultural production and the resulting good supply of food to the population. During the reign of Herod the Great (73-4 BC), Palestine’s prosperous economic development continues, as evidenced by the development of cities and the richness of the ruler. This is an indication of a large population (Theissen 2004: 60). The abundance of food is conducive to population growth in well-watered areas. After the period of growth of the Palestinian population, there is a rapid global warming and drying of the climate from the 0-10 AD (Bao et al 2002, Kobashi et al.2011, Lamb 1977: 426-427), which reduced agricultural production and food supply , causing overpopulation of Palestine.

The rapid socio-economic crisis resulting from drought (Lamb 1977: 426-427 graphs 17.1 and 17.2) caused frustrations of the population (especially rural), which was looking for a way out of the crisis. The socially rooted groups tested various ways out of the crisis. The starving rural masses needed a plan of action to alleviate the supply problems common at that time. Many leaders appear, among them Jesus Christ, who has a plan of anti-crisis action. He creates his own communes (Acts of the Apostles describe several thousand people (Bible 1998: Acts 2:41, 4,4)) acting like communes. In order to join them, you must give all your possessions. Municipalities, efficiently managing the riches offered, constituted protection against hunger and lawlessness prevailing then in Palestine. There were numerous gangs of brigands at that time. Many farmers were hopelessly in debt (Johnson 1993: 146). Christ feeding the masses of the poor becomes a threatening leader of the crowds. His economic and social program is radical and unacceptable to the then Judei- Romans and pro-Roman elites. Christ, the leader of a peaceful peasant movement, was killed and further Jewish protests against Roman oppression did not have a charismatic leader.

In the first century BC until the 1st century AD there was a strong density of farms in Judea and Samaria. This testifies to the climatic conditions conducive to the shredding of farms – good hydration during the first century BC. The violent drought at the beginning of the first century AD caused the collapse of these small farms and the crisis situation. The uprising in Palestine in the years 66-74 is a social rebellion against the rich. Rebellion began with the burning of the Rome tax registration offices in Jerusalem (Sartre 1991: 403). The cataclysm of Jewish uprisings revealed ongoing overpopulation, and their consequence was the destruction of the country. There was a mass migration of Jews.

Since the beginning of the 7th century AD, there has been a strong global warming – signaled by a drop in the number of earthquakes, which in turn caused the transfer of civilization centers from the Middle East to, among others, colder Europe and Mesopotamia. Warming and drought caused regression in the development of equatorial populations. Overpopulation occurred on the Arabian Peninsula before the victory of Muhammad. The population growth probably took place in the fourth, fifth and sixth centuries AD during cooling and increased climate irrigation, parallel to the decline of the Western Roman Empire, to which barbarian tribes from northern, overpopulated regions migrated (barbarian populations in the north probably increased in the II and III centuries) because of unfavorable weather conditions. Under the pressure of this great barbaric exodus to the south, the western Roman Empire collapsed. At the time of the economic crisis of the Western Roman Empire, was the triumph of the socially and economically well-organised Christian communities was celebrated, which led to the success of Christianity and the consolidation of their power. The Eastern Roman Empire prospered in the meantime.

The escalation of aggression and fratricidal struggle on the Arabian peninsula prompted Muhammad to reflect on the causes of this state of affairs. Muhammad rejected the social order proposed by the old elite, introduced a new religious community- the umma, the obligation of alms – the redistribution of goods to the poor. Fighting with other leaders, he united all Arab tribes. He broke with the family system. However, his economic program could not remedy the overpopulation (Hrbek, Petráček 1971: 139-140), which is why later the war expansion of the Arabs took place. It was possible because in the seventh century the power of the Roman Empire decreased, and the strength of Arabs united by the ethical system created by Muhammad increased. Warming and drought since the 7th century caused regression in the development of equatorial populations and their displacement towards the north, while societies in the northern hemisphere began to civilize develop in warm climate.

In favorable conditions of the warm climate (the third so-called subatlantic period(Samsonowicz 1990: 8)) there was a dynamic development of European civilization, development of the state organization of Germanic and Slavic tribes.

The population of Europe grew from 1700, but bad weather and population growth in the 17th and 18th centuries worsened the situation of England and France. England, however, had a security vent in the form of emigration to the colony. The feeding of French society has deteriorated since 1700 (Livi-Bacci 1991: 82). The French saved themselves from hunger by establishing several hundred thousand small farms (Taine 1881: 337). Before the French Revolution there was a significant cooling of the climate (Bradley, Jones 1993), which brought France high prices of food (Góralski 2012: 28), famine and the outbreak of the revolution. The revolution lasted, and the problems of overpopulation did not pass because of the further cooling of the climate. Another revolutionary leader, Napoleon, led the French to conquer Europe, which solved the problem of the surplus of single men who had no conditions in France to establish a family in those days.

Since 1815, the climate has warmed and dried, which means that the population of Europe grew in the 19th century from 203 to 408 million and in 1950 to 547 million. There has been a huge increase in the German and Russian population. Russia and Germany at the beginning of the 20th century were heavily overcrowded and this led to the catastrophic development of totalitarian systems centralizing communities around new leaders. Overpopulation, masculinization of the population, high prices of food caused by the cooling of the climate in the early twentieth century (Góralski 2012: 8) and the inability to resolve peacefully food and economic problems caused the First World War, the Russian Revolution and the war expansion of communist Russia directed to Western Europe in 1920 ( Góralski 2012). World War II was a consequence of the First World War and the conditions of the Versailles Treaty and the short cooling of the climate. The high price of food in China at the beginning of the 20th century caused the Chinese revolution, which later used Marxism caused the collapse of the importance of landowners who had previously taken over most of the arable land.

From 1960 to 1990, during the short-term cooling and moistening of the climate (see Figure 30), the population of Africa grew from 282 to 637 million, and the Chinese population grew rapidly from 583 million in 1953 to 1008 million in 1982. At that time, In the northern hemisphere there have been economic difficulties as a result of cooling and dropping agricultural production, which led, among others, to to the collapse of the Soviet empire and almost revolution in China (Gang 2001: 37-38, Gawlikowski 2001: 388). The revolution in China broke out because of the huge population growth and food price rises, and it consisted in resolving peasant communes and assigning land to individual families. This has resulted in a huge increase in agricultural production and China’s current self-sufficiency in nutrition.

Fig. No. 35. World seismic activity characterized by earthquakes magnitude M = 7 and higher in the years 1900-2005 (five-year periods). Source (Góralski 2009). (author of the drawing Bogdan Góralski)
Chart Fig. 35 confirms the occurrence of cooling in the 60-90.XX century because it is accompanied by an increase in the number of significant earthquakes.

Currently, the warming continues (the number of earthquakes has decreased), which causes aggression in Asia and Africa to grow, aggression due to the decline in per capita agricultural production in  young male populations (with a predominance of male individuals) and deteriorating living conditions resulting from the increase in global food prices. Migration from these continents to the USA and Europe is growing. At the same time, in the G-8 countries there is the phenomenon of agricultural overproduction with a decrease in the size of the population. For this overproduction there is no profitable sale due to the misery of the rest global population. All this together causes the financial and economic crisis. The logic of history allows us to expect the emergence of an outstanding figure, the creator of a new order and a universal ethical system that will unite humanity on the way out of the crisis. This leader will have to apply the message of Jesus Christ, who said: “Share bread for my remembrance” (Bible 1998: Luke 22:19) and love your enemies, because this is the love of your neighbor.

If the warming continues, it will worsen the situation in the equatorial countries. There will be a wave of migration to food-rich countries (in 2011 there was a wave of riots and revolutions in North Africa and the Middle East caused by food prices resulting from the cooling of global climate in 2010: see: graphs_v3 / Fig.C.gif). If cooling comes, it will bring disaster (reduction of food production) for the civilization of the white man, migration from the G-8 (or revolutions?) And a sharp further increase in population in the equatorial countries. In such an event the world will not survive and the situation will start to destabilize. We can not allow this.

Warsaw, 2009, Translated into English 29 January 2018           Bogdan Góralski


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