Euro-Asian land is a homeland of Neanderthales and their culture is dominatig there to this day. Culture of Homo sapiens sapiens from USA are in attack on the Euroasian continent and try to capture power over the Neanderthales so we see the conflict of interest. My task is to bring to the compromis od both cultures and I think that establishing global trade-service enterprise POL-CAT is such a compromis. My article below was written many years ago and I think this explain the weight of problem that affect us and on the contemporary world.
Warsaw, 3 March 2018, 11:00 Bogdan Góralski
The causes of conflict, the man, the woman.
The cause of male-female conflict are different mechanisms of inheritance of property.
Author: Bogdan Góralski
The fate of the solar system traversing the galaxy condition life on Earth and the development of human civilization. Climate change resulting from changes in the magnetic activity of the sun diversified human population on derivatives:
Homo sapiens neandertalensis (HSN) – educated in cold climates,
and Homo sapiens sapiens (HSS) – educated in warm climates.
Studies have shown that the features of of Neanderthals survived in modern human populations indicate their mixing with the population of Homo sapiens sapiens. Neanderthals had larger brains than HSS and the habit of team activities imposed by environmental conditions. They were a population of hunters dominant role of men. Their women were probably common property of men. They had a more massive body structure compared to Homo sapiens sapiens (HSS), probably more aggressive disposition (higher levels of testosterone) and higher sexual appetites due to high protein meat diet.
HSN males probably had probably the progeny of women HSS, which was the ancestor of modern humans with Neanderthal features. This resulted in differentiation of the human population to that of the dominant features of HSN and that of the dominant features of the HSS. Hereditary and derivatives cultural characteristics of social behavior existed in both human populations.
In populations with the features HSN teamwork dominated culture men. The populations HSS was a significant predominance of women’s culture and individual action. In my analysis I focus on the analysis of observations of modern life, which indicate the most important features of both populations clearly now culturally diverse. Observations indicate the social dualism within a nation characterized by community Ashkenazi and Sephardic -Hsn -Hss among the Jews, and Confucian and Taoist -Hsn -Hss among the Chinese.
Ashkenazi community and Confucian (northern China) developed a type of male culture characterized by joint action of the organized community of men and subordinate women. Sephardic community (?), And Taoist cherish the individual actions of a greater role of women in the community. Community Sephardic come from Africa and Taoist from the warm southern China, where environmental conditions allow individualism and survival by working only one family.
Both communities HSS and HSS now compete for primacy in the human world and that is why we observe in it two social tactics of achieving that aim – organized interaction of men and women opposing organized cooperation aimed at gaining superiority and domination over the world.
In the HSN community survival provides the knowledge of a man serving male superior community, whose influence and power provide material position individual members. Ownership of a man inherits. Community is focused on reducing private property, because this creates for the men the risk an early death from the hand of women and their children because of the mechanisms of inheritance.
Community HSN specializes in achieving the benefits of salaried social service safety old age. Childcare assumed by the State providing crèches, nursery schools, free education. The state exist because there is a demand for jobs in which competencies are not checked by the market. Such a job is a specialty men HSN. Community, led by the men provides all egalitarian living conditions. Examples of such communities are national organization led by men of China, Russia, Iran.
The HSS community, of which I have very little knowledge, a woman inherits property, and she won a fortune favorably by marrying a rich man or inherit property from their parents. In this community counts individual success of the family, progeny aimed at achieving maximum profits out of the business of private security secure old age. This tactic results from a mother’s love, which had always care for progeny often abandoned by selfish fathers. Women beheld that it inherited from the husband and father business will further profitable.
To bring up two children today in Poland have to earmark more than 125 000 dollars, and in addition you have to provide them an apartment that costs a similar amount. Meeting that kind of money, beyond the cost of living, it requires prosperous private company serves the needs of the community as a full-time job such gains will not provide, unless assisted corruption. Society with a predominance of of women will develop a market economy with a dominant elite private sector. Examples of such communities are the US, Australia, UK, Taiwan. Poland is a mix of both systems.
The proposal of a new social system.
I suggest a different strategy of social inheritance of property by the public. Fortune (enriching society) gained individually, but with public support, after the business will provide us a prosperous old age, returning again to the public. Adult children are taken into care by the society, which will enable them to start a business meet those social needs.Then we create optimal conditions for the development of children and human civilization. The principle of inheritance by society will be the choice of the spouses’ penchant – will increase among the people the meaning of love, what is most important in the development of our civilization. Focus on bringing up children is forcing parents to make an effort – you need to earn a lot of money. This should be by all means supported by the social environment, which can thus survive, enrich and develop.
Ownership is a resource of energy gathered by an individual in order to carry out the tasks of life, ie. the extension and improvement of the reproduction of society to protect the individual.
Energy is not limited no one and no one can her homestead, everything is based on energy flows in society, which must not be withheld old mechanisms of inheritance.
Energy balance collected and donated by a man from the society should be greater than or equal to zero. Then society will continue developing the civilization in which you have to apply the principle: I will have a lot of if and you’ll be rich. To achieve this you need to put in place rules to enable the widespread wealth creation and it is possible.
The Nobel Prize in Economics in 2001 awarded Akerlofowi, Spencer, Stiglitz for to prove that the free market there is an asymmetry of information (Kolodko 2013: 130) suggests the need for a government regulator removing this asymmetry of knowledge. My proposal to establish the existence of the organization POL-CAT, owned exclusively by workers, whose task is to supply the market with the means to produce and allocate the entire profit for scientific research, is essentially an initiative to establish a global business controller.
As proven by my research, global warming increases the prosperity of the market and dominates the market, and the role of the state is weakening. During the cool climate there is a downturn, increasing the role of government and state in public spending creating demand stabilizing but enlarging debts state. POL-CAT is to be the market regulator lowers the price of supplies during the crisis downturn as demand continues. POL-CAT raise the price of supply during the boom to realize profits and fund research. Working in POL-CAT offering all verified qualitatively world production will provide young workers to gain market knowledge of the needs of human civilization and allow establishing their own market service or manufacturing company satisfying these needs. Market satisfies human needs and requires a certain amount of supervision to ensure compliance with the humanitarian and ethical criteria.
Efficient market requires a good, simple and respect the law. This law is the principle of saving any energy. Respecting the law by the citizens limits the role of the state. The opening of the economy to the outside also limits state interference. POL-CAT is a company open to the world and by applying the universal global right.
Currently, in the industrialized countries of the West, disappears as a result of the depopulation of the employer-employee conflict, and production is shifting from the West to the East, where this conflict is constantly growing. There is a new urgent problem of social-conflict producer versus consumer foods. Avoid this conflict can only be bringing in poor Asian and African farmers to Western countries to develop modern feudal system of agriculture and increase food production. This requires the development of a universal ethic for such created societies to ensure their harmonious coexistence. This ethic should ensure equal rights for men and women.
If we can harmonize the spheres of men and women of our global society will become more just and strong in ensuring universal happiness. Barriers between civilizations due to the different methods of solving conflict of interest between a man and a woman. Man strives to knowledge and a woman to love. The harmonious blend of man and woman, knowledge and love of our society will give enormous power – the powerful energy of the new star, which will provide further life to us and the next world.
The new world will be the crowning achievement of the evolution of our world, its fulfillment. It will be another element of the eternal chain of entities located in the final the act of a harmonious combination of knowledge and love, intelligent and loving connection between man and woman. In this new world you can easily will find Poles women adoring and loving science. The aim of the Polish nation in the world is to introduce equality of women and men in the way of both love and knowledge.
With God’s help I established with my wife Maria exemplary marriage. Our lives embody the ideal union of a man and a woman. Man having gained knowledge keeps his wife and children to educate, and then after raising children, spouses change their roles and the wife keeps her husband, and he is devoted to science in the service of society. Then both of them, serving the public and providing him with the fruits of their life, protect his old age. Such a Polish family creates social progress and civilization. Poles, drawing from the world’s best models, they should develop their original culture to create it for other nations. The development pattern of Polish culture is, after our destiny.
According to the Chinese Book of Changes I-Ching (Wilhelm 1995), the whole being formed by conversion and mutual game of two elementary power – female power “in” and male power “yang”. Also, Indian sankhji-yoga implies a harmonious correlation puruszy- pure consciousness embody the masculine, with nature, Prakriti materials embodying feminine. It is certain that the harmony between the feminine and masculine strength of the force will bring peace and development to the world. This harmony and love happens when we apply the principles in the life of Jesus Christ- love of enemies and the sharing of bread to be selfless acts of salvation introducing in our world right saving any energy.
This article is the end of my book entitled “Natural history and climate changes”, published in the Internet.
Warsaw, on 1 July 2013. Bogdan Góralski
Translated by Google Translate on 22 November 2015.