Causes of the global crisis 2020-202?
Bogdan Góralski
Library of the Historical Institute of the University of Warsaw
On November 25, 2013, I published in the Repository of the CEON Open Science Center and the Jagiellonian Digital Library a work entitled Geneza węglowodorów. Nowe perspektywy prospekcji ropy i gazu . This work is available in English on the Internet under the title The genesis of hydrocarbons. New perspectives for the prospecting of oil and gas (free access in Google Books) .My work has probably contributed to the rapid increase in hydrocarbon production in the US and around the world. Rising production contributed to the fall in hydrocarbon prices.
On April 30, 2013, I wrote a paper published on May 9, 2014 in the CEON Repository entitled Prognozowanie cykli koniunktury (Forecasting business cycles) with a forecast of the economic crisis in 2018-2020. The economic crisis was to be the result of climate change coupled with the minimum magnetic activity of the Sun forecasted by geophysicists and astronomers. Climate change coupled with changes in gravity in the solar system were to cause a global increase in food prices. I described the mechanism of changes in food prices in my book entitled The modern look at the Earth’s climate mechanism and the Cosmo-geophysical system of the Earth, available from the CEON Repository from July 27, 2019 and published in the revised form in Google Books.
My forecasts from many years ago proved to be accurate and in 2019, according to FAO, there was a global increase in food prices. See the graph below.
Chart source:
The increase in food prices usually forced an increase in the price of hydrocarbons but now it is impossible due to the large production and large global supply of hydrocarbons. Countries that depend on food imports and at the same time depend on the export of hydrocarbons have only one way only to meet their food needs- the increase of production of hydrocarbons. This increase in production results in the current and forecast decrease in global energy prices. Will there be a global economic crisis in such a situation?
Certainly the Covid-19 epidemic exaggerated by the media and politicians has worsened the global economy. We must be prepared for the continuation of the epidemic and subsequent mutations of coronaviruses, which I described in the paper Further Covid -19 mutations will occur in the future published in the Repository of CEON and in the first days of May 2020.
I am sure that the only way to overcome the current economic crisis is to increase the importance of sound science (free from the pressure of the media and politicians) leading to an increase in global food production. I described the methods that lead to increased food production in our world in a book published in Google Books and the CEON Repository in December 2019 entitled What to do to ensure an abundance of food to the human population?
Jakuszowice, 6 May 2020, 4:00 Bogdan Góralski