My books on Google Books and their prices in PLN without tax

TytułPLN [Sugerowana cena detaliczna bez podatku] Cena
Why do we doubt the perfection of the world?10
Wpływ kryzysów klimatycznych na przeszłe i przyszłe zachowanie ludzkich populacji. Technologia przetrwania.10
Jak zapewnić dostatek żywności?50
More science, ethics, culture for the modern and future world30
Nowa globalna religia i system społeczno-ekonomiczny kup na ALLEGRO30
Revolution of Russia and the climate70
Sources of Jesus Christ’s ethical system30
False foundations of Marxist ideology.70
The causes of the American Civil War 1861-186530
Rewolucja francuska i zmiany klimatu70
Revolution of Russia and the climate70
The Third Way between capitalism and communism30
How to increase yields of fishing in the ocean? How to feed up the world?70
What to do to ensure the abundance of food for the human population? Bogdan Góralski
History of grain prices versus Earth’s coating shift70
The French Revolution 1789-1814 and climate change70
Dlaczego wątpimy w doskonałość naszego świata?10
The new look at the Earth’s climate mechanism kup na ALLEGRO100
The new climate change theory5
Historia naturalna i zmiany klimatu
kup na ALLEGRO
The concentration and deconcentration of agricultural land ownership as an indicator of climate change.70
The causes of the Holokaust kup na ALLEGRO70
The causes of the career of Adolf Hitler100
The genesis of hydrocarbons.70
If Indo-Europeans survive contemporary global crisis? kup na ALLEGRO100
The new global religious, social, and economic order.70
The Natural History and Climate Change120
Przyczyny kariery Adolfa Hitlera kup na ALLEGRO70

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