mgr inż.Bogdan Góralski@bogdangoralski · 0sPublic
Combining love with wisdom will give humanity a new moral system
Combining love with wisdom will give humanity a new moral system that will bring us closer to the ideal that is the crowning achievement of evolution. I published the beginnings of such a moral system on the Internet in the file Energy and society-link: https://justpaste.it/50ef4 .
People need to be helped to become better for others. To this end, knowledge, which culminates in wisdom, and ethics, which culminates in love, must be used. POL-CAT joint-shares company will be a global non-political organization helping people to live better and smarter in local communities scattered around the globe and supporting the exchange of material products, services and ideas. POL-CAT joint-shares company will be guided by wise love that saves all energies (including social energy) and will show and advise local human communities development opportunities tailored to them. POL-CAT joint-shares company will be your advisor, leaving you free will to shape your destiny.
Jakuszowice, 31 October 2022, 3:15 Bogdan Jacek Góralski