mgr inż.Bogdan Góralski@bogdangoralski · 27mPublic Edit
Assumptions of a new global policy
For 13 years I have been conducting independent research into the causes and effects of changes in the Earth’s climate. The research results clearly indicate that the period of climate warming will soon end and the next phase of its cooling will begin. As usual, this will bring dramatic consequences for human civilization resulting from the deterioration of environmental conditions determining the volume of food produced in the world. Small cooling of the global climate in 2008 and 2010 caused food prices to rise, which caused revolutions in North Africa. Greater cooling of the climate, which will occur cumulatively until 2030, will probably destabilize the economic, social and political situation in Europe, Russia, the USA and probably in China. This will have dramatic consequences for the world, which will have to adapt to the situation. There will probably be great revolutions and, in their wake, world wars, and there will be great migrations of people from overpopulated areas of Asia to rich Europe and North America.
Climate cooling will be accompanied by numerous strong earthquakes that will cause catastrophes in nuclear power plants, which will threaten the world’s electricity supply.
Today, one billion Westerners account for 30 percent of world GDP, just as 30 percent of world GDP is generated by four billion Asians. The inhabitants of Asia are therefore four times poorer than the inhabitants of the West and will not be able to afford adequate food purchases when the climate cools down and food prices increase in the world. The sensitive region will be the area of Central Asia – the area of Turkish influence, through which the migrating masses of people will move. In this area, during the great migrations of the population, a conflict between the Indo-European civilization and the large Chinese population may occur. Anticipating this conflict, we must bring about an agreement between the peoples belonging to the Indo-European civilization, that is, among others, the Slavic, Turkish and Hindu peoples in order to prevent the development of a conflict situation. The observation of the geographical atlases of Asia and Europe indicates that it is in Europe that there are vast and fertile lowlands capable of feeding future migrating starving masses. These lowlands are now cultivated by 2 percent of Europe’s population. Settling Asian farmers in these areas would increase food production in Europe – small farms are many times more productive than large latifundia – and prevent famine. In order to implement such a policy, it is necessary to understand the importance of the problems facing our civilization. It would be necessary to change the economic and social systems in force in Europe into one that would allow the settlement of hundreds of millions of peasant settlers in the European lowlands. The only system that can meet the requirements is the feudal system based on the lease of small plots of agricultural land. I write about it in the essay “The Conflict of Systems – Notes on the Causes of the World Crisis”. Therefore, a coordinated action of many political centers, e.g. those influencing the Slavs and Asian peoples, is needed in order to introduce such a social system. Poland may be the center coordinating the activities of the Slavs, and Turkey is already pursuing a policy that unites the Turkic peoples. India is a power with great influence in Asia.
It would be important to develop a uniform systemic model for an Indo-European state, which currently consists of very different components. This pattern should unify the ethical and religious systems as well as the organization of the associated state in the Indo-European empire.
According to the achievements of Polish historians[1] [2], the condition for the creation of a state is the formation of the elites of a society covering a geographically defined territory. Elites determine the direction of state policy depending on geographical, social and environmental conditions. This means that the process of globalization-economic exchange, including the international movement of elites, will limit the importance of traditional states due to the fact that the entire globe has become the territory of operation of individual state elites. Probably??? an agreement will be reached between the state elites enabling mass movements of the population to sparsely populated regions of the globe, which will lead to the expansion of the ethnic social base of individual countries-recipients of migrating peasants. The even density of population of the globe will reduce interstate economic competition, reducing international tension. Intercontinental population migrations will result in expanding the ethnic composition of the societies of individual countries, enabling the construction of multi-ethnic state elites.
This will facilitate an international agreement leading to the unification of states within the continents and ultimately the entire globe.
In recent years, I have been researching a state system that would take into account our traditions and look to the future. Detailed solutions of this system developed for the future Polish State are presented in the Program of the Decalogue Party-link: . I write about the importance of food in the stability of the state system in the study “The Russian Revolution and the Climate”-link: . In the work
A program of economic and social improvements in post-communistic countries-link: ,
The global POL-CAT joint-stock company will eliminate the need for the existing of the state-ink:,
“Ethics and the Environment”, “Will and Loving Enemies”, “New Ethics”-link: I propose to undertake intensive studies on the universal global ethical system. Ladies and Gentlemen, I am asking for comments on the studies published in the Portfolio on my website at the address: .
My predictions need to be verified to avoid mistakes in designing the future. To this end, comprehensive research on the climate of the Eurasian continent should be undertaken, which will help us make the right political decisions. I hope that Polish scientists will understand the importance of the issues I am writing about above and will take appropriate steps.
[1] Marceli Handelsman, Średniowiecze polskie i powszechne, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2010, s.125-126
[2] Karol Modzelewski, Chłopi w monarchii wczesnopiastowskiej, Ossolineum 1987, s.57-59.
Bogdan Jacek Góralski
Warsaw, June 27, 2012
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