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The Great Migration and ways to deal with it
mgr inż.Bogdan Góralski @bogdangoralski · 0s
The Great Migration and ways to deal with it
Everyone around is discussing the topic of MIGRATION in many ways, including: Agnieszka Holland’s film entitled Green border. We must realize that Poland and Europe will not be able to absorb the large wave of migration from the east and south without reforming EU agriculture and increasing agricultural production in Europe. To ensure this, it is necessary to first introduce a modern feudal agricultural system in the EU and fill it with young farmers from Asia and Africa. Great migrations intensify every 400 years and change the direction of human movement every 400 years. In the XXI century migrations will take place in the east-west and south-north directions.
Only modern feudal agriculture system in Europe can help feed the great migration wave that will soon flood us.
Warsaw, September 21, 2023, 4:00 p.m. Bogdan Jacek Góralski
Climate change and people migrations
Climate change has triggered migrations of peoples whose chronology is a record of Earth’s climate cycles. Here is a history of the crises that ended in movements:
- -Approx. 12th century BCmarked the migration of people, which ended the reign of Mycenaean civilization and began the so-called dark ages. As a result, the Etruscans appeared in Italy, Egypt and Palestine were attacked by the so-called peoples of the sea.
- -In the VIII, VII century BC, during the drought in the Asian steppes, the Scythians occupied eastern Europe. Simultaneously, the Great Greek colonization marked out, which expelled the Greek population to emigrate.
- -Approx. 4th century BCthe journey of the Celts from northwestern Europe towards the Adriatic Sea, the Black Sea began, which indicates a growing cooling.
- -At the beginning of our era in Palestine has marked itself the significant socio-economic crisis that provoked the civil war in Galilee, Judea (which was called the War of Varus), and the uprising in 66 and 132 AD. It testifies to a crisis (rapid drying of the climate) that caused the exodus of Jews from Palestine to all world.
- The next migration of peoples began in the 4th century CE Huns invasion of Europe. Germanic peoples migrated south to the lands of the Roman Empire, leading to its downfall.
- In the VIII-IX centuries, the Viking expansion continued towards the south of Europe, which may indicate problems with feeding the population of Northern Europe and the climate crisis.
- In the 12th century, Mongols arrived in Europe because of the drought in the Asian steppes.
In the fourteenth century, it got cold, and in Europe were epidemics, hunger, and peasant uprisings.
- The extinction of the Vikings in Greenland since 1400. The Little Ice Age lasted until the 19th century. The peak of chilling in Europe was in the 17th century. It resulted in the great migration Europeans to the continents of both the Americas and Asia continued at the time. The great State of Poles-the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Ottoman Empire collapsed then.
Climate disaster in the years 2013-2100
By the geophysical and historical data (migrations of people are indicative of climate crises), we know that the climate cycle repeats every 400 years. We can, therefore, expect that another major crisis will occur in 2013-2100. We should prepare for it. It will be a climate disaster – a sharp change in the distribution of climate zones, which will drastically reduce global food production. It will bring revolutions, wars, and supra-regional population migrations. There is still time to protect yourself against this. It requires knowledge and ethics on a global scale. Otherwise, dark ages will come. In October 2020 I read in the articles on the upcoming GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM and its results. Those articles confirm my opinion that a climatic cataclysm will appear.
Conclusions II
We must adapt to regional climate change and, like our ancestors, migrate to climate-friendly regions of the globe. To do this, we must open borders and modify state systems to accept migrants and establish a new ethical and economical system uniting all beings. We must introduce a modern feudal production system in Western agriculture based on humane principles. Only a feudal system of agricultural production will enable Western economies to absorb millions of peasant migrants from Asia and Africa and deal with the crisis of Western economies. The development of feudal agriculture will increase the demand in the entire Western economy because As calculated by American economists, $ 1 of agricultural demand (expenses for tractors, fertilizers, etc.) produces $ 2.73 of NATIONAL INCOME (Tomczak 2004). Thus, growing farmer demand will produce an economic boom, while falling demand causes a downturn. We need to create the technology of surviving the contemporary global crisis.
Great migrations intensify every 400 years and change the direction of human movement every 400 years. In the XXI century migrations will take place in the east-west and south-north directions.
Warsaw, December, 2006 Bogdan Jacek Góralski
Warsaw, October 8, 2020 translation into English
Wielka Migracja i sposoby na nią
Wszyscy na około omawiają na wiele sposobów temat MIGRACJA min. film Agnieszki Holland pt. Zielona granica. Trzeba sobie zdawać sprawę, że Polska i Europa nie zdołają przyjąć wielkiej fali migracyjnej ze wschodu i południa bez reformy unijnego rolnictwa i zwiększenia produkcji rolnej w Europie. Aby to zapewnić trzeba uprzednio wprowadzić w UE nowoczesny feudalny system rolny i zapełnić go młodymi rolnikami z Azji i Afryki. Great migrations intensify every 400 years and change the direction of human movement every 400 years. In the XXI century migrations will take place in the east-west and south-north directions.
Tylko nowoczesny feudalny system rolny w Europie może pomóc wyżywić wielką falę migracyjną, która wkrótce nas zaleje.
Warszawa , dnia 21 Września 2023 roku, godzina 16:00 Bogdan Jacek Góralski
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