Program of the Decalogue Party – Program for the future development of Poland

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Program of the Decalogue Party – Program for the future development of Poland

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mgr inż.Bogdan Góralski @bogdangoralski · 4m · edited: 1s



Program of the Decalogue Party – Program for the future development of Poland (excerpt from the book entitled Natural History and Climate Change)

Translated from Polish by Google Translate

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Nature abhors a vacuum, so there cannot be a vacuum in politics. Fifteen years of reflection on the socio-political situation in Poland has led me to a place where the natural next step resulting from my reflections is to establish a political party. Observation of what is in politics leads to the conclusion that the existing parties do not have a program to lead Poland out of the crisis situation it has found itself in in recent centuries and years. I have created such a program and I am presenting it to you. The program for Poland is based on larger transfers of money to a poor but more frugal and economical province. It is the foresight of most provincial Poles, supported by the work of peasant immigrants, that will create demand on the market and allow cities to develop. At the same time, the province must be provided with access to the latest knowledge, so that this foresight has optimal technological support. The program for Poland is the policy of neutrality of the Polish state, decentralization of the state organization leading to the development of rural areas and agriculture, development of distributed energy, irrigation of Poland’s arable lands, population of Poland, stimulation of the production of Poles, a common network of the hotel and tourism industry cooperating with the aviation industry and air transport services. Poland can become the spiritual center of the world and can develop a synthesis of the world’s religious systems within Christianity – a new religion.

I propose the establishment of nobility rewarded with profits from the organization of the work of the Polish people for people who will use their talents to increase their wealth and the wealth of this people.

The upcoming global climate crisis may lead to the collapse of our society’s currently weak economic system. Our territory is only 14.4% smaller than Germany, but our population is more than twice as small, GDP is 7 times smaller, and agricultural production is 2.3 times smaller. The riches of our country are ineffectively used. Trading companies in Poland sell food for PLN 250 billion annually, and the production of Polish agriculture, according to Eurostat, is PLN 85 billion. Where does the difference in these amounts go? Food sales are not recorded and not taxed. The profits are reaped by intermediaries who sell food and do not pay taxes.

If we achieved food self-sufficiency and land cultivation efficiency like the Japanese, Poland could have 561 million inhabitants. Currently, we have 17 million hectares of arable land, and in Japan, one hectare of arable land supports over 33 people (data from 2014). Our social system is productively inefficient and even wasteful when it comes to the use of Poland’s arable land and opportunities.

The coming climate and economic crisis may take away our economic and political sovereignty. We have to prevent this. We must be well prepared for this crisis. The impoverishment of the majority of society, clearly visible in recent years, forces us to act quickly before social protests begin. Poland is in the penultimate place in Europe in terms of the amount of wages to GDP (GDP), and this amount has been decreasing recently. The expression of such action is a letter to you, to the circles that should be keenly interested in the implementation of the program I have proposed. How this program and book came to be written

For 13 years I successfully ran a trading company POL-CAT . Unfortunately, in the course of this activity, while conducting business honestly, I came into conflict with Jewish circles in the USA, Europe, Russia and Poland. When I did not agree to unfair cooperation, they tried to take over my company and destroyed it. Thanks to this, I learned how the mafia operates and its goals. Thinking for ten years about the causes of this state of affairs and looking for ways out of the conflict, I analyzed the current socio-economic and political situation in Poland. I conducted studies on contemporary Polish-Jewish relations, transferring onto paper the information I obtained both from my life rich in events and from historical studies. Through my actions, I want to change our traditions, which both develop and destroy Poland. We need to combine the experiences of many nations into one new, positive tradition. I am certain that it is impossible to reform the Polish state without integrating society – women and men, improving Polish-Jewish, Polish-German and Polish-Russian relations, and without establishing Polish-Asian-African partnership relations. My actions to remedy the existing situation consist in sending written texts to the people in our lives, including you.

On March 29, 2002 I wrote a letter entitled “Initiative for the city of Krakow”, where I proposed to bring Israelis and Palestinians from overpopulated Gaza to Poland to solve the conflict in Israel. I handed the letter to Cardinal Franciszek Macharski and Stanisław Rusinek, president of the “KRAKUS” Song and Dance Ensemble. Every tenth Israeli suffers from hunger, and every fifth Israeli family believes that they do not have “food security” – according to the latest research by the National Insurance Institute in Israel. On May 18, 2005 I sent the text “The Future of Poland” to Primate Glemp, all archbishops and bishops of the Polish Church, the Israeli Embassy and Gazeta Wyborcza. I write there about the criminal partnership of the Jewish community and the Catholic Church in Poland. Needless to say, I got no response. In the multidisciplinary work “Man and Climate”, I present the real threat of climate cooling. In the historical work “The impact of climate crises on the past and future behavior of human populations. Survival Technology ” points out that cyclical climate changes are the causes of crises, migrations, wars and revolutions. In the Program of the Decalogue Party I present the program of the party that I wish to establish to introduce evolutionary changes in the life of Polish society. These changes are intended to prepare Polish society for the upcoming cooling. I have included it in my website’s PORTFOLIO  Notes of an Indo-European , analyzes the past and future of Poland. Recently, I published a book in the CeON Repository entitled Man and climate and its fragment, work The Russian Revolution and the Climate . I write there about the role of Jews in leading the outbreak of the Bolshevik revolution. I am asking you, ladies and gentlemen, for comments that will help me in further work. In 2016 and 2017, I published many articles and my book on Researchgate entitled Natural history and climate change. I have also published many research projects and my works have been read by over 60,000 scientists from around the world.


“Tools for people proud of their work” A NEW TRADITION WILL BUILD A NEW POLAND

A thousand years ago, Poland’s elites adopted Christianity and with it part of the traditions of the peoples of Judea, Romans and Greeks. In this way, the formation of a new identity of the nation related to the teachings of Jesus Christ began. Global climate changes have caused tribes of Scythians, Sarmatians, Germans and Roma to come to the future Polish lands for thousands of years. The first representatives of the Israelites came to Poland almost ten centuries ago, having a centuries-old tradition of faith, management and law contained in holy books. For a thousand years, these nations, living together in the Polish state, have created a new tradition, which has also been enriched by the culture of our neighbors and nations wandering through the territory of Poland – wandering thanks to trade and as a result of wars. During this time, the modern Polish nation was genetically shaped, which now contains the genes of the ancient Slavs, Semitic and Germanic peoples, the Roma and others. Genetic research conducted in the province Pomeranian by prof. Jan Lubiński from the Pomeranian Medical Academy found a mixture of Slavic and Jewish genes in the population, so the nation’s gene pool is more complex than we usually think.

Global climate change is ongoing. The return of the Ice Age to Europe is very likely. This will force the nations of Europe to migrate en masse south to Africa. We must prepare for this cataclysm, which will probably begin in the 21st century, and take countermeasures. Let us treat other nations well that have come or will come to Poland as a result of global climate change. Soon we may be deprived of our homeland and we ourselves will become “strangers” in someone else’s land.

For the last 200 years, the Polish nation has experienced difficult times resulting from partitions, uprisings, wars and revolutions sweeping through Polish territory. For 200 years, the elites of our country have been destroyed. Many of the misfortunes that befell the Polish nation over the years were related to the climate. From the 16th to the 19th century, the Little Ice Age lasted in Europe – a strong cooling of the climate, which was associated with crop failures of cereals and potatoes, which led to social unrest and rebellions. It is probable that the associated economic crisis was one of the main causes of the collapse of the Polish state and resulted in the partitions of Poland. Economic crises caused intolerance towards other cultures, e.g. the Counter-Reformation and anti-Semitism. World War II and Stalinism brought the Holocaust to Poland and the extermination of the Polish intelligentsia. In my opinion, these disasters resulted from climate change, wars between old and emerging new traditions as well as wars between the social strategies of patriarchy and matriarchy. Today, in 2015, in the face of the crisis in Polish society, we were faced with the need to verify the history of our nation and decide on how to proceed in the future – creating our new national tradition. Our new intelligent tradition will allow us to avoid the pitfalls and failures that result from mindlessly moving into the future without a plan of action.

To formulate a new tradition, it is necessary to verify the old ones and synthesize them in order to extract from them factors that are important and valuable for the development of society. Everything that is backward and harmful to the development of the country and Polish society should be rejected. In this way, we can creatively engage in global integration processes. LET’S BUILD A NEW POLAND AND A NEW TRADITION

On Polish lands, the genetic material of many component nations was practically united, which resulted in a qualitatively new modern Polish nation. What is characteristic recently is that a well-educated minority, genetically and culturally related to the Israelites, has strong influence in this new society. However, this minority is unable to conduct a policy that takes into account the skills and aspirations of all Poles. We must bring back to life the elites who supported pre-war Poland – the Polish nobility. She learned a bitter lesson in history and perhaps learned some lessons from it. It is also necessary to expand the power base with the knowledge and inspiration of a new, non-hereditary nobility necessary for Poland – people ennobled for contributing to their own happiness and that of the Polish people.

The phenomenon of the fusion of genetic material is not followed quickly enough by the mixing of traditions, which takes place with the participation of consciousness that is usually burdened with many prejudices. Let’s be sure to discuss the new tradition and articulate it so that it will lead us out of senseless conflicts that make it difficult to plan actions that could direct the Homeland to calm waters. We do not need further forced suffering of millions of people. Voluntary suffering accepted by the individual, however, allows for the continuous progress of civilization.

According to my historical research, the First Polish Republic collapsed as a result of the effects of the long-term climate crisis related to the Little Ice Age. It also collapsed because the biological power of our nation – its numbers – was too small compared to the demographic powers of Russia and the German nation. Today we are once again experiencing a demographic crisis in Polish society and we need to increase Poland’s population.

The Second Polish Republic, continuing old Polish traditions, transformed the regained freedom by evolving in accordance with the requirements of the times. In its short period of existence, significant successes were achieved in rebuilding the country. However, the development of the Polish state did not effectively remove internal and external development barriers, which included ethnic relations in Poland and relations with neighbors. We should continue the best traditions of the First and Second Polish Republic by creating a modern, universal ethical system that will support the new social, economic and political order.

I propose the re-establishment of nobility rewarded with profits from the organization of the work of the Polish people for people who will use their talents to equally multiply their wealth and the wealth of this people-nobility for the new Polish elite.

World War II devastated our lands, destroyed the elites and moved the borders west. The criminal Stalinist system caused the further destruction of the Polish elites and resulted in the remaining in exile of multitudes of valuable Polish citizens. The criminal regime murdered 100,000 people after the war. members of the Home Army, disrupted the evolution of the Polish social system and impaired the basis of the Polish economy – agriculture. Conducted in Poland after the war, the so-called The agrarian reform had two goals – the economic destruction of the landed gentry and the political elites derived from them. This prepared the ground for the rule of Stalin’s chosen so-called żydokomuny – to people who have lost faith in everything. The descendants of this formation currently have power in Poland (they lead the PO and PiS parties) and are unable to use it for the benefit of Poles. The expropriation of the Polish landed gentry, the best Polish farmers, resulted in the destruction of the economic and agricultural structure of Poland, shaped over centuries of evolution. This later caused difficulties in feeding the Polish society (excessive export of food to the USSR), which contributed to the creation of “Solidarity” and the fall of the Soviet empire. It is true that the “agrarian reform” eliminated land hunger among the small and landless peasant class, but it happened against the logic of history, because currently these small farms created by the “communism” are collapsing and ceasing to exist for economic reasons, which will soon cause food prices to become more expensive in Poland. These small family farms need to be supported with a modern organizational and financial framework for agriculture.

The destruction of the Polish landed gentry led to the decline of agriculture, which in the Second Polish Republic was the support of the national economy. Production of Polish agriculture in 2008. it constituted approximately 3% of GDP, while during the times of the Polish People’s Republic it reached 20% of GDP. This is probably due to the fact that food trade is not recorded and not taxed. This situation poses a huge threat to the country and its development. Today, in 2015, I predict the arrival of another revolution in Poland and I hope that it will create a chance for the descendants of Polish landowners and nobility to return to society, who will perhaps rebuild Polish agriculture.

However, real socialism, imposed on Poland and lasting for 45 years, strengthened the foundations of our present-day country, which should be appreciated, respected and continued. This came at the cost of great sacrifices made by the entire society financing industrial development. Jewish elites worked for the Polish People’s Republic with energy and dedication, seeing it as a chance for a decent life. The Polish nation did not appreciate this because the development of industry in Polish lands was too rapid, wasteful and not adapted to the capabilities and needs of Polish society. In the times of the Polish People’s Republic, the expansion of heavy industry was pushed, forgetting that the industry does not produce for itself and must be supported by the rest of the economy, i.e., among others. in agriculture. The expansion of industry was centrally directed and financed with public money. Today, Polish industry does not have a strategic action plan, secured financing or support in demand-generating agriculture. The success of the Polish People’s Republic was the development of a universal education system, and its reform for the 21st century is necessary to develop the Polish education system.

The banks are 80 percent in the hands of foreign capital. These banks, bought by foreign capital, deal with our Polish money. We cannot cope without a strong domestic financial planning center, so let’s create one. Poland’s economic framework is currently strong, but we need to fill it with new written content through the activities of enterprising Poles and foreigners coming to Poland.

The socialist system sensitized Polish society to the slogans of justice and social equality. He also showed that a joint but voluntary effort of the entire society can bring success when provided with appropriate and competent leadership.

The free market system introduced after 1989 cleansed the economy of unnecessary things, but what is characteristic is that strong state-owned enterprises constitute the backbone of the economy. Everything that was weak in the market failed due to lack of financing. Practically almost everything built in Poland after 1989 was built for foreign money. The exceptions are family enterprises that use the opportunities of trade and services and entities that use the intellectual potential of society. A significant part of economic turnover is controlled by mafias who criminally intercept the best ideas of Polish entrepreneurs. These mafias support the largest Polish political parties PO and PiS. This does not allow for the creation of a camp of real reforms necessary in Poland.

There is a need to explain the phenomenon of male mortality. There are now 1.6 million widows in Poland and only 0.4 million widowers. From 1955 to 1985, the OVERMORTALITY of men increased by 60%. 300 thousand widows receive survivors’ pensions after their deceased husband. In my opinion, this proves the mass poisoning of Polish men by mafias in order to take over their wealth through marriage. A poison that reacts with the male hormone testosterone is commonly used, resulting in a simulated heart attack or cerebral hemorrhage.

Polish mafias are financed by, among others, by the Polish Catholic Church, in turn subsidized by mafia companies. Church-mafia interests are possible thanks to an appropriately prepared tax system – i.e. a possible deduction from income intended for church purposes. This is one of the main obstacles to conducting honest business activity in Poland.

The source of Poland’s problems is, among other things, a population that is too small for the country’s area. Since 1925, the birth rate in Poland has decreased four times and is currently the lowest in Europe. Since 2011 The number of people of working age began to decrease by 5% in 20 years. At the same time, according to GUS forecasts that the number of people of post-working age will increase by 64%. There are already problems with paying pensions; ZUS already has to take out loans to pay half of the pensions and annuities, and how will it pay them back? This problem will grow and if the demographic situation does not change, Poland and ZUS will go bankrupt. Who will then support 10 million retirees and pensioners?

Poland’s low population growth proves the country’s ineffective ethical, social and economic system. Polish men have no motivation to develop their businesses, at risk of death at the hands of the mafia taking over the best companies. There are no civilized social institutions supporting business development. At the same time, the cost of raising and educating a child up to the age of 25 was estimated at PLN 250,000. Ordinary people in Poland cannot afford such costs of having children, but Polish women emigrating in England willingly give birth to children when they have conditions to support them. The Polish countryside is currently depopulated, especially the lack of women – candidates for farmers’ wives. Polish women are too comfortable to accompany the farmer in his difficult and thankless work. We need to open a marriage agency for Polish farmers and invite Asian and African women from peasant families to Poland. The population density of the most populated regions in Asia is approximately 2,000 people/km², in the Gaza zone of the Palestinian Authority the population density is 4,118 people/km², (population density of the Polish countryside is approximately 50 people/km² – one person working in agriculture per 7 hectares of arable land ). People living in such a dense population in Asia must be extremely ethical, and that is exactly what we need in Poland. Organizing the migration of peasants from Asia and Africa would solve demographic problems and save the Polish pension system. It would also help overpopulated countries. Mating mixed couples would help rebuild and strengthen the declining Polish rural society. He needs hands to work and hope for a better life than before. Such hope now appears with the increase in exports of Polish food.

Closing the eastern border resulted in losses in agricultural trade of approximately USD 20 billion annually. Competition with a wealthy European farmer supported for decades by the EU is not easy for a Polish farmer oppressed in the Polish People’s Republic. We need to create social institutions that support small-scale Polish agriculture and help it function. We need to build modern agricultural infrastructure in Poland to support small-scale agriculture.

Currently, approximately 3 million hectares of arable land in Poland are unused. According to the government report, at the end of 2010, the State Treasury owned 11.2 million hectares, which constituted 35.9% of the country’s area. Moreover, many small farmers do not cultivate the land but rent it to others who have machinery. This land is definitely not being used properly. On this land you could feed yourself by: European standards, approximately 10-15 million more people than now in Poland. We need to bring 15 million peasant immigrants from Asia and Africa to Poland. Completely making up for the decline in labor supply in the country would require approximately 5.2 million emigrants to settle in Poland in the years 2010-2060, i.e. maintaining the average migration balance at a level above 100,000. annually. For comparison, according to the official estimates of the Central Statistical Office, the negative impact of emigration from Poland in 2004-2010 amounted to an average of 165,000. people per year. I propose settling entire villages of peasant Asian migrants in sparsely populated Western lands.

In India, 42 percent of children under five years of age are malnourished and nearly 60 percent of this age group have developmental delays, according to a new study. This is a national disgrace – he said on Tuesday, January 10, 2012. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

The authors of the report on hunger and malnutrition examined over 100,000 people. children in nine of 28 states between October 2010 and February 2011. It was the first study conducted by the Naandi Foundation , a Hyderabad-based non-governmental organization, and the largest of its kind since 2004. Prime Minister Singh presented a summary of the latest research on Tuesday. Details of the report are not yet known. Despite impressive GDP growth, which has averaged 8% in recent years, the country’s human development index is very low, according to the UN. India ranks 119th out of 169 countries in this respect. UNICEF estimates that one third of the world’s malnourished children under three years of age live in India . Malnutrition is higher there than in sub-Saharan Africa. The government wants to combat this problem by subsidizing food for three-quarters of the population. A law on this matter may be adopted soon.

India cannot overcome the hunger that is oppressing its society on its own . We need to help them, after all, they are our Indo -European ancestors. Let’s bring them to Poland, give them plots of land and help them settle in Poland.

This would greatly improve Poland’s productivity, internal demand, economic situation in Poland and the demographic situation. It would also diversify cultural life and improve the image of Poland as a country of people open to the world and other cultures. The condition for such changes is the creation of a new universal religious and ethical system suitable for all Poles, including those of the future.

There are too many women in Polish cities and for them it is necessary to import enterprising bachelors from Africa, China and India. This will fill Polish cities with satisfied people with useful professions. The population density of Poland is 123 people/km².

Full reprivatization should also be carried out, i.e. return to the owners what the communists took, and full compensation, in the form of state treasury bonds, should be paid to Polish citizens expropriated by tsarism and other invaders and Stalinists. The feudal system of agricultural production using land leasing is the most effective system. In feudalism, the social position of an aristocrat or nobleman depended on the number of subjects providing taxes. The greater the number of subjects renting land, the greater was the wealth of the feudal lord. The greater the productivity of the subjects, the greater the aristocrat’s profits. It was a system that rewarded population growth and agricultural production. It was a socially distinguished system. If we introduce this system again in Poland, it will influence the growth of the Polish population and the increase of production in Poland. It is necessary to create a modern version of the feudal system and entrust it to the care of the Polish non-hereditary nobility. This will create conditions for the descendants of the Polish nobility to return to the country. They will bring with them knowledge about the world and capital. We should also start pursuing a well-thought-out immigration policy with the world that can strengthen our society with wise tradition and knowledge.

A new uprising of the Polish nation is needed, such as that which took place during the reconstruction of the country after the war and during the peaceful revolution of Solidarity. Minorities need to be united with the rest of society. The nation must be united through agreement and joint action around the construction of national investment capital concentrated in one perfectly managed and ethical company. This company will be independent from the EU and will allow us to flexibly manage the country’s potential – it will be a market regulator. This strong financial-scientific-supply-distribution-service center POL-CAT, operating without profit, is needed so that a thrifty Pole can set up his own company, if he is a specialist, get a supply loan to start a business, or run a scientific activity. His company will be supported by professionals cooperating with this strong POL-CAT center to ensure low operating costs. POL-CAT would be a market regulator removing asymmetry in access to knowledge and goods, the creation of which is postulated by enonomists awarded the Nobel Prize in 2001.

The POL-CAT Center would actively promote the products of the Polish economy and the Polish tourism industry abroad, using the large Polish diaspora abroad. Center

POL-CAT must also be strong in order to cheaply buy good production equipment for a businessman to be competitive in Europe and around the world. It must be strong also because all profits will be allocated to scientific research needed by Polish society. Science would gain a permanent and strong source of financing. In other words, this strong financial-scientific-export-supply-distribution center would support market processes in Poland. (the principles of operation of the POL-CAT company are available at the link:

and also at the link:

Currently, Kowalski is being told: “Open a company, conduct research, export,” while all suppliers, including you (taxes, ZUS) are waiting for his money. Nothing supports his initiatives and activities. This is banditry, not a free market. This is how mafias are born as organizations supporting business activities, but they have to pay tribute. Supporting small and medium-sized businesses will increase Poland’s production and increase budget revenues. It will also limit the unfavorable phenomenon of concentration and monopolization of industrial and agricultural production. EU research between 2002 and 2010 showed that 85% of new jobs in the EU are created by small and medium-sized enterprises. Large companies create more jobs only in Poland and Slovenia. This is a sick phenomenon, proving that small and medium-sized businesses in Poland are discriminated against by social and legal mechanisms. This needs to be changed as soon as possible.

POL-CAT will support the Polish farmer: farmers should be prepared and strengthened by practical training in agricultural production skills and technologies, and a modern, productive and innovative workforce should be promoted. Important factors should be access to easy loans for production, good quality seeds, easy to obtain and cheap fertilizers, good irrigation, cultivation and marketing processes. The POL-CAT company must pay attention to this before releasing the sale of Polish land to foreigners. POL -CAT will help farmers buy and rent modern agricultural equipment in parish machinery centers. Such a small Denmark produces three times more food than it needs. Greater Poland produces only for its own needs. We need to increase Polish agricultural production and export it. The world needs food – over 1 billion 300 million people are hungry, and there will be even more.

By 2050, global food production needs to be increased by approximately 65%, and this can only be done without problems in Europe and the Americas, so let’s get started.

The generosity of society, which lacks an honest program and leadership, is unused. The former noble elites were annihilated and the current ones are unable to meet the demands of the times. I believe that we will unite and gather capital together that will bring new life to our new society of solidarity. A nation is a community of treasure and tradition. Poles have approximately PLN 1,200 billion in savings and are able to save up to PLN 3 billion per month. This capital, skillfully used, will give a development impulse to the Polish economy. The generosity of Polish society is enormous, but unused on a daily basis. Let’s use it to raise capital for our nationwide and multi-industry company. This company will manage our shares in the economy created on Polish soil and build modern agriculture, hotel industry, aviation, communication and transport industry (current transport systems are too expensive for food trade. It’s time for a revolution in transport and let’s try to make it in Poland). This company will buy shares in state-owned enterprises and will constitute a controlling body of society.

Why should there be one large market company? Research among students in Europe and Poland has shown that young people do not dream of starting their own company, but of a quiet workplace ensuring knowledge development and social security. Not everyone was born a businessman. In this large, free-market company POL-CAT, which will be their property, they will gain experience and understanding of social needs necessary to open their own business. Moreover, only large and efficient economic entities have a chance for unrestricted development in a globalizing economy.

Poland currently has external security assured. Participation in the EU and NATO protect us against external aggression. Fraternizing with the nations of Asia and Africa will additionally protect us against the aggression of our neighbors. A new neutral position of Poland is needed and it will best secure Polish borders and improve Polish foreign policy. Poland is a Christian country and Christ’s teaching excludes violence (including armed violence). The Polish Church, which has strong ties with the Polish army, does not follow the teachings of Christ. Let us consistently follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.

The internal situation and the inevitable cooling may become a threat to Poland. In 2008 and 2010, according to American government research institutes, we had two small global climate coolings. Both caused an economic crisis and food prices, which resulted in revolutions around the world. Since food importers are mainly oil-exporting countries, the increase in food prices resulted in an increase in oil prices. Food price increases resulting from climate crises trigger an inflation spiral. In 1973, there was a crop failure, after which world oil prices immediately increased, according to John.W.Warnock’s book entitled Politics of Hunger. To combat inflation today, food production must be increased. This will protect us when the global climate becomes more cold.

The internal threat is currently visible in politics, where the lack of agreement on the general rules to be applicable in Poland translates into a crisis of trust in politicians and scientific elites. POL-CAT will restore society’s trust in the scientific and political elites. A significant part of society suffers from poverty, which may cause social unrest. The new elites will prevent Poland from becoming poorer.

The growing generational conflict in Poland and Europe will be important in the future. This older generation has jobs and will have pensions that will be paid for by the youth. Meanwhile, young people may rebel against high taxes, which will trigger a social collapse and generational conflict. According to Eurostat data for 2011, 14% of Poles cannot afford to pay for an apartment, electricity and heating, or go on holiday, they do not have, for example, a washing machine, color TV or telephone. The second 14% are at risk of poverty – in total, 10 million Poles live in the poverty zone. If we sold cheap food to, for example, Egypt, we would send millions of compatriots there on holiday in return. Unfortunately, we do not have significant food surpluses because we have so much unused or ineffectively managed agricultural land.

A new political force must emerge that will unite Polish society around a generally accepted idea. This force will respect the belief in a world inaccessible to our senses, professed by the majority of Poles, and provide conditions for self-government.

The state of trade unions should be limited and the principle should be introduced that a trade union is maintained from the contributions of its members and not from the budget of the company employing them.

The climate threat is inevitable because climate cooling is a cyclical phenomenon. We do not know when the cooling will come. We still have 5, 10, 50 or more years left. The cooling of the climate will cause another economic crisis (the COOL AND SNOWLESS WINTER 2012 resulted in the freezing of crops on an area of one million hectares in Poland) and the upcoming ice sheet in an unknown perspective (it needs to be researched!!!) will destroy farmlands, factories, houses and churches. Priests will conduct masses outdoors, as at the beginning of Christianity. Therefore, I propose to pledge all church properties as long as someone wants to take them as collateral for loans, and invest the obtained loans in the development of parish cooperatives. The potential of agriculture is untapped and there is a huge scope for economic opportunities for parish communities. Currently, most peasant farms have lost the ability to self-finance their development (an opportunity for them is specialization in fruit and vegetable production, which increases the efficiency of farming). This results from price relations in the food trade. In market food prices, at least 80% is the income of intermediaries and only 20% of the price is the income of farmers.

Food trade intermediaries generally do not pay income taxes, which causes at least PLN 30 billion in losses for the state budget. Food trade must be taxed.

Parish cooperatives can improve supplies for farmers, because since joining the EU, the prices of agricultural products have increased significantly: Losses per 1 ha of corn due to price increases after May 1, 2004 for fertilizers amount to approximately PLN 957/t, for seeds – PLN 236, for drying per 1 ha – PLN 552, and for fuel use per 1 ha – PLN 258. In total, the balance of losses amounts to PLN 2,003/ha – summarizes Tadeusz Szymańczak from PZPRZ. As a result, Polish food has become more expensive and this must be prevented . According to IERiGŻ data, in the years 2007-2011 the income of Polish farmers decreased by 60%.

Jobs created in agriculture cost the least. According to the World Bank, investments in agriculture are the most effective in reducing social poverty. Let’s invest in agriculture.

The importance of the issue of food production is emphasized by the fact that the most industrialized countries in the world subsidize the agricultural sector. Russia is threatening the EU to sign contracts for the supply of agricultural products with South American countries. All this shows how important it is for each country to secure the supply of adequate amounts of food. Food production drops dramatically when the climate gets colder. Food shortages then cause economic difficulties and trigger social unrest, as in Poland in the 1970s and 1980s. You need to know that you can earn good money by exporting food. Our neighbors, the Russians, had to import food worth USD 32 billion in 2010, and USD 45 billion in 2014. In 2010, Ukraine bought fruit and vegetables from Poland for USD 800 million. Currently, Italy, Greece, Spain and Portugal are not self-sufficient in food. Also, the UK is only 74% self-sufficient in food. Japan produces only 39% of the food it consumes. South Korea imports 50% of the food it consumes. Depending on the harvest, India spends from 10 to 20% of the value of imports on food purchases. China’s food imports from the US alone are worth $20 billion. Over one billion three hundred million people are hungry in the world, and in Poland farmers pay fines for overproduction of milk – it’s a horror! We need to earn money from agriculture and food processing and organize society perfectly before the cold snaps. Such a well-organized agricultural society will easily find a new homeland when the time of migration comes. The mere cooling by an average of >2ºC (average annual temperature) will bring dramatic consequences in the form of crop failures, natural disasters and wars. The last reduction in the average annual temperature by 2ºC, in the period from the 17th to the 19th century, the so-called The Little Ice Age brought about the weakening of society, agriculture, and therefore the economy and state finances, which ended with the partitions of Poland.

We should demand that the European Union abolish subsidies for agricultural production. This will happen soon when food prices become more expensive. This will bring wealth to our country. Money alone is not enough because you also need to have a plan to use it and I have it.

Dear Scientists!

In the text below I have included the result of seventeen years of studies on the functioning of Polish society. My young life brought me suffering that created a hunger for knowledge about the environment around me. The acquired knowledge allows me to remove the causes of suffering and establish order in my life and the environment around me. So, during seventeen years of studies, I went from suffering through understanding its causes to the final conclusions about the needs of my Polish community, which I present below:

Principles of humanistic progress in the economy and politics of Poland

Author: Bogdan Góralski

Library of the Historical Institute of the University of Warsaw

Will global peaceful evolution begin in Poland?

So far, no revolution has created a beautiful and just social system. All revolutions were bloody and unethical, that is, they did not achieve their goal without wasting human life and social energy. After 16 years of research, I have formulated the principles of effective and peaceful evolution that will allow us to realize human ideals. The global peaceful evolution will begin in Poland, which will bring social and international peace thanks to Poland’s successful social and economic reforms.

The Catholic Church is an emanation of the idealistic Jewish faction, and Marxism is the ideology of the second, materialistic Jewish faction, and both are fighting for power in Poland. So that as a result of this fight, Poland does not sink into the depths of collapse, I would like to start a socio-economic experiment in Poland based on simple Polish principles, which I mention below and which give all Poles a chance for a dignified life:

  1. All politicians earn as much as the average salary in the country.

2 Only anti-corruption POL-CAT supplies materials and sells services in Poland:

Link to the principles of operation of POL-CAT: http: // pol – cat -joint- stock – company /.

  1. Production companies are free from prohibitions.
  2. Landowners, owners and management of enterprises earn as much as the average salary of their employees and tenants.

POL-CAT will be a precursor of ethical changes in Poland and a controlling body of Polish society.

Warsaw, February 1, 2019, 18:25 Bogdan Góralski

III. Why the Decalogue Party?

I will create the DECALOGUE Party, which will become a power environment grouping honest Poles of all nationalities creating Polish society. Poland needs a simple, universal moral system to continue the country’s reform. Both the DECALOGUE (it needs to be rewritten!) and the Commandment to Love Your Neighbours – and even more – LOVE YOUR ENEMIES can be applied in life, so I propose to rely on them. Love for one’s neighbor may consist in interpreting the laws of the Decalogue always to the benefit of one’s neighbor. Nowadays, love for one’s neighbor should consist in helping to depopulate the overpopulated countries of southern Europe, Asia and Africa. The commandment to LOVE ENEMIES leads to humility towards neighbors, to learning and becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ – that is, to salvation and second life.

Japan managed to reform the country after the war only because the principles of the samurai code, Confucian and Buddhist morality were observed in social life. The post-feudal elites were well motivated to fight for the future of the country. This created the foundations of the economic and political system. There was no morality in Wałęsa’s Poland and that is why Japan II failed. There was also no noble elite, which was necessary.

We need a common and simple moral system created in our culture. This system for our culture is a combination of the old Polish tradition of freedom, the DECALOGUE and the Commandment to Love Enemies. The DECALOGUE is an emanation of the culture of ancient Egypt and is the basis of Judaism, and the Commandment to Love Enemies (previously known in many cultures) is the basis of Christianity – so it is a compromise of many traditions.

Why freedom? Because it leads to responsibility for improving ourselves and the social environment around us.

Why rely on the Decalogue? Because it leads socially imperfect people to respect each other, and the love of enemies is the highest respect . The society of free and loving people will be efficient and effective in action. He will efficiently achieve the goals ahead of him and survive crises. An ethical person lives with the lowest possible energy consumption, which means he should be a vegetarian. Christ’s postulate of “Sharing bread” is the crowning achievement of ethics, because it will provide nations with the necessary basis for living in peace. If a person learns to save all energy, he will stop feeling the pain of existence .

Warsaw , 2000-2017 Bogdan Góralski Why the Decalogue Party?

I will create the DECALOGUE Party, which will become a power environment grouping honest Poles of all nationalities creating Polish society. Poland needs a simple, universal moral system to continue the country’s reform. Both the DECALOGUE (it needs to be rewritten!) and the Commandment to Love Your Neighbours – and even more – LOVE YOUR ENEMIES can be applied in life, so I propose to rely on them. Love for one’s neighbor may consist in interpreting the laws of the Decalogue always to the benefit of one’s neighbor. Nowadays, love for one’s neighbor should consist in helping to depopulate the overpopulated countries of southern Europe, Asia and Africa. The commandment to LOVE ENEMIES leads to humility towards neighbors, to learning and becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ – that is, to salvation and second life.

Japan managed to reform the country after the war only because the principles of the samurai code, Confucian and Buddhist morality were observed in social life. The post-feudal elites were well motivated to fight for the future of the country. This created the foundations of the economic and political system. There was no morality in Wałęsa’s Poland and that is why Japan II failed. There was also no noble elite, which was necessary.

We need a common and simple moral system created in our culture. This system for our culture is a combination of the old Polish tradition of freedom, the DECALOGUE and the Commandment to Love Enemies. The DECALOGUE is an emanation of the culture of ancient Egypt and is the basis of Judaism, and the Commandment to Love Enemies (previously known in many cultures) is the basis of Christianity – so it is a compromise of many traditions.

Why freedom? Because it leads to responsibility for improving ourselves and the social environment around us.

Why rely on the Decalogue? Because it leads socially imperfect people to respect each other, and the love of enemies is the highest respect . The society of free and loving people will be efficient and effective in action. He will efficiently achieve the goals ahead of him and survive crises. An ethical person lives with the lowest possible energy consumption, which means he should be a vegetarian. Christ’s postulate of “Sharing bread” is the crowning achievement of ethics, because it will provide nations with the necessary basis for living in peace. If a person learns to save all energy, he will stop feeling the pain of existence . Decalogue Party and POL-CAT

The financial arm of the DECALOGUE Party will be my company POL-CAT, owned by Polish youth, which I hereby donate (together with all its rights) to them. Let this be another example of a new tradition of inheritance emerging – passing on life’s achievements to society . Let our children gain a position in society thanks to their own diligence and talents. Such healthy competition will develop our civilization. Of course, there is a problem of succession – who will run such a company after my departure, but we still have time to solve it . A small digression here – in capitalism the basis is private property, in communism social property. In my system, you can get rich, but you have to sell the acquired property to society (it cannot be inherited) and ensure a comfortable retirement. This is the so-called third way. I published the principles of operation of POL-CAT on the Eioba website , link:

“ Rousseau , according to Bankim Chandra Chatterjee , also occupied a special place in the dissemination of egalitarian ideas. His concept prepared the ground for the bourgeois revolution in France and also initiated the development of socialist and communist thought, which focused its attention on this problem. Like some utopian socialists, he believed that in order to remove disproportions between individual groups of people, it was necessary to introduce significant restrictions on the law of inheritance. An heir should inherit only what is absolutely necessary for his maintenance and education – the rest should serve to meet the needs of the entire society. ” ( Justyński 1985:156)).

Using the structures of the DECALOGUE Party and the POL-CAT company, I will, in a planned manner, build a new free market economy in Poland based on ecological agriculture (Polish agriculture is already ecological today), wind, water and biogas energy, aviation industry, cheap transport and air communication, and industrial tourist center with a chain of cheap hotels (an average tourist leaves $300 in Poland). Developing agriculture, energy, mining, aviation and tourism will influence the harmonious development of the entire Polish economy.

Currently, there are no hotels in Poland – we only have 35 hotel beds per 10,000 people. inhabitants. There is an urgent need to create a chain of Polish hotels because currently only 13% of hotels in Poland belong to chains. Meanwhile, 50% of business bookings are made online . The Polish hotel chain will be Poland’s best advertisement and will increase the quality of hotel services. Poland will be a country worth visiting, so let’s develop the Polish hotel industry. In the Czech Republic per 10 thousand. There are 220 beds in the population, 703 in Austria and 2,000 beds in Malta. In Poland there is one airport for 3.2 million citizens and in the EU for 460,000. inhabitants. Regional airports will develop dynamically and need a good investor – this is a good task for POL-CAT.

Let’s develop the airport network and air transport – that’s what the whole world does. The development of the industry of cheap air transport machines will allow Poland to export surplus food, coal and fuel (Asia and Africa suffer from a lack of food and fuel), develop tourism and domestic communication.

The basic organizational and political unit of the state will be the parish community, the religious commune, in which a cell of the DECALOGUE Party will operate, which will provide citizens with a natural need for social bonds and will meet the need for a sense of purpose and structure. It is necessary to popularize the study of world religious systems in Poland to facilitate understanding between people – all religious systems are convergent in Heaven.

None of the parties operating in Poland has any idea on how to stimulate the nation’s economic life and eliminate the foreign trade deficit. This deficit is the reason for Poland’s current debt of over PLN 1,500 billion (ZUS is indebted for PLN 2,070 billion), which is mostly the result of mistakes of the last 70 years. In 1996, the repayment of interest on the debt consumed 16% of the Polish budget (the same as budget salaries) and in 2011 it will reach approximately 3% of GDP, and 16% of the budget amount, i.e. PLN 42 billion. Polish exports are not supported by loans, insurance or effective promotion and this needs to be changed. My company POL-CAT will take care of this. Appropriate domestic and foreign policy, as well as good relations with Polish minorities and neighboring nations will contribute best to the increase in exports. Poland should declare neutrality and consistently observe it.

emission restrictions forced on Poland , resulting from the false climate theory promoted around the world, will result in annual costs of 5% of GDP and will destroy the Polish energy sector and industry. Where will we get the money for these expenses and for pensions, annuities and salaries of the public sector?

This shows how easily, based on my research, the false theory about the disastrous impact of humans on the Earth’s climate can be refuted. Spending several dozen million euros on research and earning EUR 50 billion by avoiding paying tax on CO 2 emissions, isn’t it a good deal?

The essence of all the changes recently proposed in Poland is that in each version of events, poor people are left to their own devices. Polish society is apathetic, passive and does not engage in political activities. Due to lack of funds and knowledge, he does not engage in business activities. People have been taught for centuries not to get involved in the political and economic life of the country. Poles are replaced in social activity by an army of 370,000 state officials, which apparently must be reduced to 100,000 competent and educated individuals who are perfectly familiar with the regulations of the European Union. This means a revolutionary reform in the management of the country in the coming years, in which citizens’ self-government will have to increase. The reduced number of officials will have to be compensated by an increase in social capital that expresses willingness to cooperate in local communities. Parishes and religious communities need to be reformed

In order to reform the country, it is necessary to note that the smallest socio-economic unit of our country is the parish. It is the smallest unit of society capable of economic investment (investments include churches, construction of cemeteries, etc.). The Catholic parish had a predecessor, the Jewish community. The tradition of organizing Jews into communes was brought centuries ago from the Babylonian captivity. Economically efficient Christian communities were probably the reason for the success of Christianity in the declining Roman Empire. Today, the Catholic parish is dependent on the state and the Church. It is closely dependent on both of these organizations to provide services to parish members. This results in the incapacitation of parishioners – citizens in the spiritual, social and political fields. Citizens are not able to create policies at the lowest level of national organizations that are consistent with their own needs, because all decisions are made for them by the Church and the state. We need to activate this cell of our society, i.e. let it manage it and make it self-governing economically, politically and spiritually. The Church, when it was very successful at the end of the Roman Empire, was an organization supporting the poor, whose number was growing rapidly at that time. That is why the Church has gained people’s trust. This is described in a fragment of the book by historian Edward Gibbon …The Decline of the Roman Empire…edition from 1995, pp. 39-41, I quote: The property of the Church was naturally managed by the bishop; public resources were entrusted to his care without any accounting or control. Since presbyters (bishops) were limited to their spiritual functions, the management and distribution of church revenues was the responsibility of the lower and more subordinate order of deacons. (…) A certain part of these revenues, within the limits of decency, was kept for the maintenance of the bishop and his clergy, a sufficient amount was allocated for expenses related to public worship, a very nice part of which were love feasts, the so-called agapae . All the rest was the sacred patrimony of the poor. At the bishop’s discretion, it was distributed to support widows, orphans, cripples, the sick and the elderly of a given community, to support strangers and pilgrims, as well as to relieve the misfortune of prisoners and captives, especially when the reason for their suffering was their unwavering devotion to religion, generously shown to each other. charity united even the most distant provinces, with smaller congregations eagerly helped by wealthier brothers with benefits. Such an institution, which took into account the misfortunes of its pupils rather than their merits, played a very important role in the progress of Christianity. (…) The prospect of immediate relief from distress and care in the future lured many unfortunate people, abandoned by the world’s carelessness to the mercy of want, to the hospitable bosom of the Church. diseases and lonely old age…

The organization of the secret Polish State in the January Uprising was based on parishes and municipalities. The parish council included the parish priest, parish head, writer, treasurer and parish manager. The duties of the parish manager in 1863 were to include: ” looking into all parish needs, such as: repairs of roads and bridges, buildings parish, church and nurseries, the construction of a hospital, the appointment of a doctor who would be obliged to visit and treat the sick in the parish ” ( Ramatowska 1999:260).

In England, the parish is the basis of local government, which makes the country’s parliamentary system the most efficient. Let us do the same in Poland, but not exactly as is happening in Jewish communities operating in Poland today. They elect a local government that ensures compliance with the laws regulating the behavior of commune members. Jewish communities, in accordance with their tradition, create their own spiritual life by selecting rabbis to serve the community members. They regulate economic life in their area themselves. Are they taking over the state’s responsibilities in providing employment, social and health care? for commune members. However, Jewish communities in Poland have had huge loans from the Catholic Church at their disposal for centuries. These loans come from contributions from Polish parishioners. This money is not disclosed in official currency circulation and creates mafia fortunes in Poland . Recently, the so-called quick loans from mafia funds. Anyone who is thinking about reforming the state cannot ignore this criminal practice of producing dirty, undisclosed money in the machinery of the Catholic Church. Someone has to multiply this dirty money, and disciplined Jews have been employed for centuries. Organizations of Jewish communities borrowed (data taken from the publication of the Jewish Historical Institute (Leszczyński 1980:200)) and borrowed money at interest from the Catholic Church, and granted loans to their members. A mechanism was created to guarantee the return of money borrowed from the commune. This mechanism may differ in the community of Ashkenazi (pro-European) Jews using the strategy of patriarchy from the matriarchal behavior of Sephardic (pro-American) Jews. The mechanism involves killing a man who does not return church money borrowed from the commune. The deadly poison, which reacts with the male hormone testosterone and simulates a heart attack or stroke, is administered to him by his wife, daughter or mother or other members of the commune, on the order of the commune. According to Jewish oral law of the Talmud then there is no murder. In this way, discipline prevails among the members of the commune because those who are less thrifty or less obedient die. It is for this reason that Jewish men are very thrifty – they simply fight for their lives. The elders of the Jewish communities are happy with this situation because the members of the communities are disciplined and easy to manage. But if you think that the Church will have a say in the discussion about fixing this state of affairs, you are wrong. The church is very happy with this mess and doesn’t care about Jewish men being killed. An offshoot of this state is the male mafia, created by Jewish men, providing lucrative places in business to its members. It also operates in the Polish Church, which is mainly a male refuge providing material security and freeing from the threat of having a family. The Polish Church is most likely dominated by matriarchal Sephardic Jews. In this way, they escape from marriages with greedy Jewish women. They are provided with food and shelter in the Church. Father Chancellor Kalwarczyk (a few years ago) at ul. Miodowa in Warsaw, the right hand of Primate of Poland Glemp, who manages all the Curia’s money, is certainly a Polish Sephardic Jew. It provides loans to trusted people from the Jewish community, who then provide loans to members of the communities. The phenomenon of the mafia is emerging around church money, an organization that manages dirty money and forces the return of borrowed money. Church money is a taboo topic, absent from the mass media controlled by Jews. They will bear the burden of responsibility for the lack of Church reforms if they continue to remain silent on this matter. The Catholic Church is also a money laundering facility for the Polish mafia. It is likely that the Polish Catholic mafia, using the same methods described above, also participates in this church money laundering machine. The difference is that the less thrifty Poles are lost when the Church’s money increases. We all live in a sick country, surrounded by a sick society that no one teaches ethical behavior. Christ’s message will encourage the Vatican to trade food fairly

The Polish Church must free itself from the power of the Vatican and reform itself, setting an example for the ecclesiastical state. The Vatican will then probably deal with global fair trade in food and will implement the message of Christ, who said: ” Share the bread in remembrance of me ” ( Luke 22:19). Then he will be able to start ecumenical cooperation with the Orthodox Churches of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania, which will help us all. Independent parishes will establish economic cooperation with the parishes of our Slavic brothers in the east. This will allow us to overcome the prejudices that divide our Slavic nations. The 19th-century philosopher Dmitry N. Shipov had a similar vision of independent communities of Russians : The key to his liberal Slavophilism was the vision of Russia as “a country with local governments and an autocratic ruler at the head.” He believed in an ancient spiritual bond between the tsar and his people, a relationship that, in his understanding, was broken only by the “autocracy of the bureaucracy ” ( Figes 2009:188).

The Catholic Church is the only force in the country that has not reformed. The state was reformed and its citizens were subjected to market reforms. Only the clergy doing business with mafias clings to their status quo, which is dragging the entire country down. However, at the moment we cannot remain silent about the fact that millions of incapacitated parishioners are unemployed (they are emigrants, pensioners) and only rebuilt generosity and interpersonal solidarity – parish solidarity – can help them. The Church says that God is love. Love does not exist for itself. Love exists to cement society. It serves to make people live better. Live wisely so that everyone loves you and no one wants to slap you. Love must pay off for people to follow its path. We need to create a social system in Poland in which it will be profitable to be good to others. It is difficult but possible.

The reform carried out in the Church should consist in:

  1. 10 years of compulsory celibacy for the priest – so that he can prepare for…

future relationship with a woman. After getting married, he would go to work at POL-CAT. He would teach Polish men how to be exemplary spouses and citizens because he would have the authority resulting from the social position of the renewed Church.

  1. separating the parish priest from managing the finances of the parish community – so that he could only focus on promoting ethics in his parish. Ethics cannot exist for itself. The church cannot serve itself. Ethics was created to cement society and secure the individual in his rights. Ethics must be practically used in family, business and social life so that our civilization can develop harmoniously. Christ’s ethics enriched by the experiences of other civilizations is a model that we should create, understand and imitate.

The money should be managed by a parish council elected by the parishioners, employing an accountant to settle the circulation of money in the parish. The parish priest and priests and staff would be employed by the parish council. Of course, parish donations intended for maintaining the hierarchy and other church institutions necessary for the functioning of the Church in Poland should be preserved. However, the circulation of money in the entire Church should be subject to state control. Any monetary inflows exceeding the costs of maintaining the Church would create the capital of the parish, which would become the basis for the economic activities of the parish community. Parish communities would be supported by the knowledge, business and commercial potential and professionalism of POL-CAT . Incorporating modern faith-ethics into the Polish state system

Poland needs decentralization of the state and improvement of the tax system – I propose leaving half of the taxes (including VAT, ZUS, excise) of parishioners in parishes and communes of other denominations. I propose introducing a 10% sales tax in Poland instead of an income tax. This solution will increase tax collection ( including taxation of agriculture, depending on the value of the land, in which 25% of all employees work. The poorest quality class V and VI lands are not subject to taxation (there are over 75% of such areas in Poland) and will increase revenues budget (in 2008, uncollectible tax arrears due to customs duties and VAT amounted to PLN 18 billion, and the latest research shows that the gray zone can easily generate PLN 20-30 billion of additional income for the state). It will also allow for a rational investment policy tailored to the needs of local communities Leaving half of the taxes in the parish or religious commune will immediately result in an increase in the population of parishes and communes, and immigrants from other countries will be eagerly welcomed as income-generators.

Currently, 20% of municipalities in Poland do not have their own funds to use EU support. This does not allow for the development of the necessary municipal infrastructure. The surveyed rural leaders point to the problems of the communes: poor financial situation 52%, poor condition of roads 47%, low activity of residents 28% and poor work of councilors and local government authorities 24%. According to the respondents, the basic condition for development is obtaining funds from the EU (41% of responses), supporting small local enterprises and local initiatives (32% of responses), and supporting agritourism (35%). The reform I propose will improve all these indicators. Some of the taxes should also remain in higher-level local government units. This will automatically reduce central bureaucracy. Poland also needs a cadastral tax and it must be introduced. The cadastral tax was in force in the Second Polish Republic and amounted to approximately 2.4% of the property value, i.e. 10% of the obtainable rent. In the Second Polish Republic, a one-off wealth tax was also introduced in 1924-26.

In a parish or religious commune, a local police and a parish court can be established, which is a continuation of the tradition of community courts protecting the interests of the community. The former rural elite – the Polish nobility – will be needed to lead society again. She will supervise the agricultural financing system necessary for future Polish farmers. Parishes and religious communes of farmers who will soon come to Poland will provide loan guarantees to farmers farming on small plots. The nobility will supervise the operation of the system of supporting small-scale agriculture and the distribution of produced food. Notaries, of which there are only 1,700 in Poland, can operate at parish courts. They are needed so that the newlyweds can voluntarily separate their property immediately after the wedding. The marriage between a man and a woman is established at the moment of conception. Spouses are obliged to contribute to the child.

The parish community or religious commune would provide a credit guarantee to ethical and thrifty parishioners so that they could meet the needs of the parish society through their activities. Businessmen (and businesswomen) created in this way would run their companies and sell them voluntarily , after reaching retirement age, to the parish community, thanks to which they acquired their wealth. They would spend the money they obtained on comfortable pensions. Life is an eternal pursuit of happiness, so let’s provide our young people with conditions to realize their dreams and let them find a place in the world that suits their predispositions. Let’s not make anyone happy by force.

It is very important to organize financing for small businesses, because in as many as 86 percent of cases, business in Poland is initiated solely from one’s own savings, 6 percent of initiators are supported by loans from family or friends, and only 4 percent by a bank loan. Credit guarantees from parishes and religious communities granted to beginning businessmen will ensure good credit control, stimulate the Polish economy and reduce unemployment, and allow crowds of emigrants to return to the country. “We must remember that the situation of those giving more than 65 percent The GDP of small and medium-sized enterprises in Poland is often very difficult today due to the lack of working capital” – statement by Richard Mbewe . Increased domestic capital resources derived from the labor of millions of new arrivals will power the national banking system. Along with the newcomers migrating to Poland, international capital will arrive looking for favorable and secure investments.

The activities of rural communities could consist in organizing parish purchases of agricultural produce and organizing their trade in order to achieve greater benefits for farmers. Discounts would be granted to intermediaries on food prices determined on the commodity exchange. Parish biogas plants would be launched (this would result in increased demand for agricultural products and would reduce the size of meat farms) and small hydroelectric power plants at local retention reservoirs, providing an inexhaustible source of energy and increased water resources. Since 1992, Germany has built 6,800 biogas plants with the capacity of two nuclear power plants . The Energy Institute in Gdańsk estimated in 2003 that 6 Gigawatts of power from e.g. renewable energy sources could be connected in Poland without additional investments in the transmission network.

This means that we can start building 6,000 parish biogas plants with a capacity of 1MW each.

Poland uses only 12% of its hydropower resources, Germany 80%, France 100%. Let’s build biogas plants and small hydropower plants. Retention reservoirs will be built next to the MEW and we will use them to irrigate agricultural crops, because Poland experiences a huge water deficit.

Developing such a large investment front requires a base that does not exist in Poland. Let us, for example, allow Turkey and Norway, which specialize in building mountain hydroelectric plants, to build new power plants in Poland by granting concessions for their operation. Let the Chinese and Israelis build irrigation systems for farmlands.

It would also be possible to voluntarily combine the land of small-scale farms into a larger area that would be cultivated according to the latest agricultural knowledge by specialists working for the community (currently, according to the 2010 agricultural census, small farms are going bankrupt in Poland. The number of milk suppliers has decreased by 45% since 2004. from 355 thousand to 195 thousand, and yet small farms are the most efficient in production. At the same time, the number of entities purchasing milk decreased by 19% to 289). There were significant changes in the structure of agricultural farms, namely a significant decrease by over 25% in the smallest farms with an area of 0-5 ha of agricultural land (UR), a decrease in the number of farms with an area of 5-20 ha – by 17%, remaining at a similar level the number of farms from the area group of 20-50 ha and a significant increase in the largest farms with an area of 50 ha and more – by over 34%. Currently, 30% of agricultural land in Poland is in the hands of landowners, and yet the Polish nobility has not been given back the land stolen by the communists. The land in these large estates (probably run by mafia upstarts) is exploited wastefully (43% of the land is fallow) and yet it could bring benefits to society. This is possible because farmers pay very little taxes on the land they own. It is necessary to introduce a cadastral tax on the value of real estate, which will improve the use of land.

Leasing small plots of land to newly arrived farmers, while solving the problem of financing and supplying agricultural work with means of production, will bring a large income from land, approximately 70% higher than the current one. This will allow tenants and lessees to maintain the land. About 25% of all working people are employed in agriculture and they pay almost no taxes. Meanwhile, the state treasury takes out debts to cover its expenses and finances agricultural pensions. Registration of agricultural production at parish and municipal collection points will allow taxation of all agricultural production, which is currently impossible.

Public expenditure in Poland amounts to approximately 43% of GDP and cannot be increased without increasing state revenues. More than 50% of GDP is generated in 10 Polish cities and this proves the underdevelopment of the province. These proportions need to be changed and the development opportunities of the Polish province must be ensured. It is necessary to reintroduce a modern feudal system in the organization of the state, because it favors population, productivity and efficiency of land use.

In the feudal system, the farmer’s tax burden amounted to up to 40% of the harvest. This forced him to use the land intensively. Today’s farmers are lazy and this needs to change. Parishes and the modern agricultural system

Today, Polish farmers have no protection against the sharks of international business supplying them with means of production. Solutions are needed to ensure the supply of agriculture throughout the country – this will be provided by POL-CAT. Parish machinery parks, agricultural supply centers and agricultural produce storage facilities could be established. According to the data of the last general agricultural census, there are 1 million 471 thousand people in Poland. agricultural tractors, i.e. by 9.9%. more than in 2002. According to the Central Statistical Office, tractors used in agriculture are characterized by high wear and long service life – the average age of a tractor is estimated at 23 years. This means that the Polish countryside will face a huge effort to modernize agricultural equipment in the coming years. Farmers cannot be left without help in such huge investment tasks. A field of action opens up for POL-CAT to organize central purchases of equipment for Polish farmers.

Small processing plants producing highly processed food products would be built in parishes . Small industrial plants serving the needs of processing, construction and emerging parish housing estates would be revived. The lack of housing is a pressing social problem – 3.2 million families in Poland do not have their own apartment. Individual construction should be supported because, according to the preliminary data of the Central Statistical Office summarizing residential construction in 2011, the highest percentage – 55.4 percent. built by individual investors. Second place was taken by developers, who account for 38.1 percent. all premises commissioned in 2011. However, the greatest emphasis should be placed on social rental housing construction for poor families.

In order to quickly build the necessary premises, competition in the field of housing construction should be strengthened by allowing solid foreign companies to enter the Polish market.

Estimates show that it will be necessary to build 5 to 10 million residential premises in Poland by 2025, depending on the speed of the inflow of immigrants. In order to provide the necessary energy to the emerging parish housing estates, it is necessary to increase agricultural production needed to power parish biogas plants, build small hydroelectric plants and other distributed energy sources.

Parish communities and communes of other denominations supporting local businessmen would create a nationwide trade network for the distribution of food products. This would enable the launch of an online agricultural products exchange. Such a stock exchange and trade network would increase farmers’ profits. The created nationwide retail chain with several thousand retail customers could distribute Polish and imported food products, which would allow it to compete with hypermarket chains.

The development of widely available local Internet and Internet technologies in Poland could contribute to the modernization of the education system through the development of distance learning methods. Television, online lectures conducted by the best professors would enrich the television education program. This would be an opportunity to improve the quality and reduce the costs of education, especially in rural areas. There are three times fewer master’s students and twice as many high school graduates in the countryside than in the city.

In order to restore the respect due to schools, I propose to abolish compulsory schooling after primary school. Polish universities should educate many foreign students and they can be helped in this. This would create demand for scientists and revitalize Polish science. Today, all Polish universities earn $100 million annually from selling their scientific achievements, and only New York’s Columbia University earns almost twice as much. This proves that the system of organizing science and financing scientifically talented Polish youth is unhealthy. Well-managed parishes with the support of POL-CAT would be a good sponsor for university research projects and would ensure efficient implementation of the results of scientific research commissioned by parish businessmen.

POL-CAT would provide financing and national coordination of scientific research and its widespread business use.

Currently, it is very difficult to determine the human resources needs of the Polish economy. The balance of specialists needed by parish cooperatives will help precisely define the teaching programs of Polish universities, which will immediately verify and reform the network and operation of universities and post-primary education. This will have an immediate impact on the demand for real, marketable knowledge and will reform Polish science. Parish cooperatives and religious communities would provide scholarships to the necessary specialists to cover their study costs. The specialist retirees Poland needs could be imported from other European countries. They would need to be provided with good conditions for settlement, build cheap apartments and restaurants, and provide good medical care. Letter to Grzegorz – a Polish farmer

Dear Mr. Grzegorz!

You recently mentioned that there are 24 prosperous farmers left in Krusz out of 120 who were farmers before. It follows that agriculture has declined since so many of the people working for it are suffering from poverty. At the same time, I insist in my writings that agriculture should be developed in Poland. It follows that I am wrong in assuming that Poland’s development will be based on developing agriculture. So I hasten to explain my views.

The warming of the global climate in the 20th century resulted in an increase in agricultural production in the world.

This resulted in a decline in the prices of agricultural products caused by an increase in food supply. Let’s take the example of my Father-in-law. He was born in a village near Krakow in 1929. and grew up in a farming family – two parents and eight children. My parents farmed 16 hectares and it was enough to support such a large family. Today, only two people can survive on sixteen hectares, and that is why the village is dying out.

The decline in food prices has worsened the profitability of agricultural production around the world and caused the collapse of small farms in the white man’s countries. For example, in the USA there were 6.5 million farms in 1930 and currently there are 2 million. 4.5 million farms disappeared and their land was absorbed by huge agricultural latifundia – huge agricultural enterprises – which were created in their place. A similar phenomenon is currently taking place in Poland, where smaller farms are going bankrupt and smaller but larger farms are being created in their place. Therefore , there are only 24 prosperous farmers left in Krusz out of 120. The land of these 120 will probably be taken over by those who manage to prosper in the current difficult conditions.

Recently, in 2008 and 2010-11, there was a cooling of the global climate, which resulted in lower agricultural production in the world. Food prices immediately increased and the profitability of agricultural production improved. Additionally, many foods are produced in the world, e.g. corn for the production of so-called fuel. bioethanol. The grain is also fed to farm animals to produce meat for wealthy people. Additionally, this causes an increase in the prices of plant food, which does not reach hungry people. There are 1 billion 300 million people in the world who are hungry. These are people who can spend less than a dollar a day on food. For example, today there is a famine in Somalia due to drought. When does the UN declare a famine?

When in some part of the world 2 people out of 10,000 die of hunger every day. inhabitants. When 30% of children suffer from malnutrition, water consumption is less than 4 liters per day, caloric intake is less than 1,500 per day. For example, under these conditions in Poland, during the famine, 700 people a year in a small town would die of hunger. We are not in danger of hunger for now. So is there nothing we can do for these billion 300 million starving people?

Then the question arises:

Why can’t Polish farmers sell their work, there is no demand for their production when there are so many starving people? This is a difficult question.

The simplest answer is that the costs of transporting food to the hungry are higher than the value of the food that can be provided to them. Please think about this problem. The grain you produce is intended to go to starving people in Somalia. What needs to be done so that a hungry Somali can buy your grain? They need to be loaded onto a tractor and taken to a purchase center (which, by the way, does not exist in Poland!!!). Then they need to be transported to the railway that will deliver them to Gdańsk. In Gdańsk, they will board a ship that will take them to Mogadishu. From there it will go to many points in Somalia where it will need to be transported across the wilderness of Africa. At each point on the journey, grain from your field must be loaded and unloaded many times. Every trader has to earn money from it – otherwise he wouldn’t do it. All this means that your grain, which costs PLN 900/ton here, would cost PLN 2,000 or more there. When the Russians sell their grain en masse to Egypt, the price of sea freight alone is approximately 30% of the price of grain in a Russian port.

All this means that food is expensive for a hungry recipient and he cannot afford to buy more of it to satisfy his hunger. The demand of the hungry is limited by high food prices created in the distribution chain . This cannot be avoided given the cost of current means of transport.

My idea for Polish agriculture is to bring hungry people to Poland. Therefore, I propose to bring to Poland 15 million farmers from countries affected by drought caused by global warming. The arrival of such a number of people to Poland would create demand for food produced by Polish farmers. Moreover, the Polish offer of vegetables and fruit would expand.

These people, immigrants, will cultivate Polish land, producing vegetables and fruits that Europe and Russia need.

In Poland, fallow land – uncultivated land – currently constitutes approximately 30% of all Polish arable land. The Agricultural Property Agency currently has one and a half million hectares of free arable land, which it wants to sell to existing tenants. They don’t want to buy it because they can’t afford it. Why can’t they afford it? Well, tenants in Poland usually grow grain. Growing grain is the least troublesome and can be mechanized. Conditions for grain production in Poland are not the best. Not enough rain falls on our land for the cereal crops, wheat, to grow well. Better climatic conditions are in England, France and Germany. Even Russia beats Polish farmers because there are huge state-supported collective farms that specialize in grain production . In 2010, Russia exported grains worth $5.5 billion. An opportunity for Polish farmers is growing vegetables and fruit because we have good climatic conditions for this. You need to specialize in the production of vegetables and fruits, including herbs, because this is what the Russian, Asian and European markets need. Russian imports of vegetables and fruit are worth about $30 billion according to FAO. Grain production in Poland is a disaster for Polish farmers. Russia, USA, Canada, Argentina, England, France and Germany have large specialized grain farms supported by these rich countries. Large grain farms in Poland were run by the nobility before the war, but the commune took away their property. Our modern grain farmers will not be able to cope with such well-organized competition supported by rich countries.

What you need to do to grow vegetables, fruits and herbs. We need to teach this to farmers and organize purchase, processing and distribution. This is not easy. Additionally, many people need to be employed in the cultivation because these crops are labor-intensive . So my idea for Polish agriculture is to bring farmers to Poland who can grow vegetables and fruit, to teach Polish farmers how to do it. They should be rented free and uncultivated land and supported in their activities. A modern Polish agricultural system must be created to support the Polish farmer. For now, there is nothing to support the Polish farmer. Take fertilizer supplies for example. Fertilizers are cheapest in winter when the farmer does not need them. They are then cheaper by over 40% than the spring price. If we bought fertilizers from producers in winter and delivered them to the farmer at the winter price in spring, it would be a good deal for the farmer. It is similar with other means of production. But the farmer only gets money after selling the harvest. He sells his crops when their price is lowest, after the harvest. Many intermediaries, thanks to price collusion, make money by buying grain right after the harvest, when the price is lowest, and selling it in spring, when the price is highest. Therefore, there is a problem of crediting farmers so that they can achieve higher profits from their activities. There should be a local credit institution in the countryside. It is similar with the collection of agricultural produce, their storage and processing. There are too few food storage and processing plants in the Polish countryside. They need to be created because it will increase the profits of Polish farmers. In the past, in pre-war Poland, the nobility dealt with this, but now they are gone and there is no one to replace them.

Another way to increase demand for agricultural products is to create a biogas plant in each parish. Biogas production is very profitable, especially when fuel prices increase. Plant waste can be used to produce biogas – beet leaves, pulp, fruit waste, potatoes, whey, etc. Over the last dozen or so years, Germany has built 6,800 biogas plants in their country with the energy potential of two nuclear power plants and is planning to build more.

Poland has a very large potential for biogas production and we could probably completely meet the country’s energy needs using this fuel. This would require the intensification of agricultural production in Poland – the demand for farmers’ labor would increase. Farmers would have additional and considerable income and an assured market for their production. A biogas plant in every parish means a large and continuous demand for agricultural products. This means prosperity for Polish agriculture. However, there is one condition for this development and increased agricultural production – increasing employment in Polish agriculture. Farmers in Poland are aging and dying out and there is no one to replace them. Experienced and young farmers should be brought to Poland and the land should be leased to them. Support their work because we won’t be able to cope without them.

Coal and oil resources will soon be exhausted and biogas is probably our only alternative that will bring prosperity to Polish agriculture. Without thriving agriculture, Poland will not survive. The development of biogas plants in Poland requires the creation of appropriate scientific and economic structures that will lead and supervise the construction and operation of biogas plants in Poland. It should not be released on the free market because it will only bring losses. A modern center for development strategies for agriculture and the economy must be created in Poland, recognizing the principle of sustainable development as the most important. The potential of Polish agriculture is untapped and, above all, its development must be ensured. This will bring wealth to our country and provide conditions for the development of the culture of Polish society.

Warsaw, Jakuszowice June 23 -July 23, 2011 Parishes and the modern tourist system. How to rebuild synagogues?

A Polish chain of cheap parish hotels and restaurants could be established (especially restaurants with a vegetarian menu to reduce meat consumption, because Polish cuisine is, contrary to appearances, very vegetarian, which should be promoted around the world). Local tourist service centers could be created to take advantage of the natural environment of our beautiful Poland. Tourism, e.g. horse riding and sports tourism, would have a vital impact on the development of services in parish communities, etc. In a country where tourism is developing, there must be tourist attractions. He proposes to make Poland the cultural and spiritual center of the world. Studies on religious systems, widespread practice of meditation, tai-chi and yoga will allow the creation of centers of these arts for tourists and residents of Poland. Studies on global and national ethical systems would be supported by POL-CAT. It would then be possible to rebuild and bring back to life hundreds of destroyed synagogues and resuscitate Jewish communities.

Festivals, concerts and performances by artists from around the world throughout the year will attract crowds to our country. Folklore, avant-garde, street performances, etc. You will be able to see the whole world in a nutshell. This will be a constant inspiration for our artists. To this I would add marijuana, freely available coca leaves and maybe other stimulants?

After all, American scientists have proven that marijuana is not as harmful as tobacco, and the sale of tobacco is legal.

Let’s use our excellent doctors and promote Poland as a country of good and cheap treatment. According to Chamber of Commerce for Medical Tourism, the British alone spend PLN 648 million on foreign medical services annually. Parishes and reducing unemployment and increasing internal demand.

Let’s abolish the minimum wage standard. This will increase employment in rural communities. The parish and municipal community would take care of the elderly and, for example, verify pension benefits and benefits received from the state. This would allow for active policies to reduce the costs of social and health care. This would increase Polish social capital understood as the ability to cooperate and allow urban and rural communities to establish contacts.

The program for urban parishes includes activities aimed at improving public transport within urban agglomerations. A poorly functioning communication system is a common problem in Polish cities. POL-CAT would coordinate nationwide activities in the field of improving public transport – e.g. centrally purchasing buses and trams for all Polish urban centers.

Urban parishes would actively participate in the distribution of agricultural produce and the creation of parish markets and service centers.

The increase in agricultural production and cheap air transport would increase the export of processed Polish food, the good quality of which would be Poland’s best advertisement. Exports would be increased thanks to new and cheap Polish means of mass transport. The development of this industry in Poland would be supported by POL-CAT.

I believe that the EU and neighbors would welcome this direction of Poland’s development as it is consistent with European priorities and consistent with Polish traditions. We will certainly obtain loans for development from countries supplying immigrants and food importing countries. Additionally, competition with agriculture in other EU countries would not be too severe for their labor markets as agriculture in the EU employs only 3% of all employees. The good prosperity of rural parishes would increase internal demand. As calculated by American economists, USD 1 of agricultural demand (expenditures on tractors, fertilizers, etc.) generates USD 2.73 of NATIONAL INCOME. USD 1 billion of agricultural demand creates 36,000 jobs in the national economy. Investments in increasing rural productivity will therefore bring wealth to the country and increase employment in industry.

One of the sources of Polish problems is the population that is too small for the country’s area. We need to start pursuing a well-thought-out immigration policy with the world that can strengthen our society with an influx of people with knowledge and a wise social tradition. This will diversify Polish society and give the world a good example of how to overcome the world’s social problems.

Organizing migration from overpopulated regions of the world to European countries will eliminate the threat of a demographic and economic crisis in the European Union. However, a scientific discussion on cultural differences between the nations of the world will be necessary in order to create a universal ethical system, the lack of which divides nations today. I propose that this new religious and ethical system be based on the universal principle of saving all energy. It is energy that gives life and creates worlds. However, old religious systems should be preserved and nurtured and a decent life should be ensured for their clergy and followers . Ensure the development of all minorities in Poland

Poles should start to appreciate minorities, who enrich social and national life when they have good conditions for development. Things weren’t going well in the past centuries, and that’s why the Second Polish Republic was a very nationally conflicted state. The art of government is about creating conditions for people to develop their best qualities and skills. Poles can create an exemplary social system in which all nations would have the opportunity to cultivate their national traditions in culture and art, trade and production. After all, we clearly see that Polish society will not survive and certainly will not develop without a strong influx of workers from other countries. Let’s create legal and tax preferences for specialists from around the world who would like to settle in Poland. A well-thought-out settlement campaign will provide Polish industry and agriculture with experienced workers. This will increase the productivity of Polish industry and agriculture, reduce labor costs, increase internal demand, increase national income, and utilize schools and the health care system. The new Polish citizens coming from overpopulated countries will be grateful to us for creating better living conditions for them and will repay them with efficient work that will increase the wealth of the Polish state and inspire the revival of Polish culture.

In the long run, the settlement campaign will increase tax revenues and save the Polish pension system. The only advantages come from bringing new nationalities to Poland. Each of them has a national specialization. Indians are super specialists in agriculture and steel production, Japanese in crafts and robot technologies, Turks build great retention reservoirs and dams in the mountains, Russians – Old Believers are masters in building wooden houses, Russians – masters of cheap space technologies, Jews are artists in the construction industry , The Chinese are restaurateurs and irrigation masters, the Germans are biogas builders, the Mormons are the elite hoteliers, the Roma are artists and traders, the Swedes are Ikea and the large-scale furniture industry, etc. etc.

All these people can create a new quality in Poland, a new multinational society to which Poles will surely become convinced if the Polish elites set the nation an example of harmonious coexistence with foreigners. If specialists from other countries come to Poland, they will create thousands of jobs for Poles, they will enrich the country’s offer of trade, production and services, they will make the lives of Poles more interesting without the need to travel abroad, they will enrich Poland’s national culture with interesting inspiration, they will make our lives nicer, more comfortable and more prosperous.

Poles are a people who are curious about the world and willingly adopt new customs observed during their travels abroad. National marketing, if carried out skillfully, will encourage Poles to make a well-thought-out experiment of opening our labor market to the world. We must open up to the world with confidence, but first we must agree on the principles in the internal system of our country.

In Poland, there must be internal consensus among the elites regarding the country’s past and future. Contemporary Polish political elites are divided, even quarreling, which we see all the time in national politics. They are unable to develop a coherent policy for Poland that could use all of our advantages, of which there are many. There is no shortage of wise people in Poland, but they stay away from politics, not wanting to get dirty in its swamp. For 13 years I have been writing a political program – the Program of the Decalogue Party, which will introduce a new quality in the Polish tradition of serving the nation based on the best world and Polish models. I am sure that the implementation of the Decalogue Party Program will ensure a successful future for the homeland and all Poles. According to the words of John Paul II, the world’s past depends on the development of culture and that is why I appeal to all Poles – let’s unite and build in Poland a new culture open to the world in line with the traditions of our ancestors. Let us look for inspiration in the world to properly understand national wealth – the ability to coexist harmoniously between men and women, which is natural to all indigenous Poles. This is the basis of our national culture, which distinguishes Poland from other countries in the world and of which we should be proud. On this basis, based on equal rights for women and men, let us build our world, a Poland that will be happy for other nations and for us.

Warsaw, July 31, 2013 HOW BEAUTIFUL POLAND CAN BE!!!

Self-government in parish communities and communes of other denominations would increase the political activity of Poles and allow the creation of local leaders. Leaders created in this way would successfully serve as representatives in local government bodies and in the Sejm. A Sejm consisting of competent and proven deputies (elected in single-seat majority constituencies) would constitute good law that would strengthen the developing homeland. In such a wealthy country, everyone would be kind to each other. This reform of the country will be undertaken by the Decalogue Party, which I am organizing .

Poles and Polish Jews, together with other nations, will perform miracles in beautifying Poland. However, we are divided by centuries of different experiences visible in the way national customs and traditions are shaped. We must overcome differences and build a new national tradition in the DECALOGUE Party that will lead us out of the crisis.

I also propose to move the office of the President of the Republic of Poland to Krakow, a city least threatened by cooling and with a strong community of independent intellectuals. It is important to draw attention to the problem that today’s politicians are mainly concerned with how to spend budget money, which is still not enough. My program is a way to increase Poland’s productivity by better organizing the country and society, increasing compliance with ethics, increasing the budget and a chance for a decent life for Poles and incoming newcomers. Creating a flat, two-tier organizational structure (POL-CAT as the center, parishes and religious communes directly related to it as the second tier) will make it business and ethically effective.

Let’s save all energy, including social energy – saving means making optimal use of it . Let us avoid wars and declare neutrality. Let us not avoid suffering, because when it is voluntary, it ennobles. Let’s learn, because the development of knowledge enables understanding of the world and compassion for other beings. Let’s improve in sports and meditate. Let us be free people, but let us cooperate to strengthen the society that protects us. Freedom brings responsibility. Let’s change the mechanisms of inheritance – let society inherit, it will develop our civilization. Our behaviors are the result of evolutionary development, let’s learn to control them so that our instincts do not dominate our lives.

Let us live in the tradition of dignified patriarchy, although the DECALOGUE tells us to honor both our father and our mother, i.e. respect both men and women. Let’s shape men to be responsible for the family and let women be its jewel.

Let’s concentrate national money in one perfectly managed company operating without profit, POL-CAT. Let it support the free market activities of economical, innovative individuals. Let it use the funds generated to finance scientific research in Poland. Let’s create conditions for the development of creative people so that they can serve themselves and society.

Let’s head from here The Decalogue, but let’s rewrite it to suit our times. Freedom is freedom within the meaning of the Decalogue, supported in case of doubt by wise love for other beings. Let us obey Roman law, cultivate democracy and tolerate other cultures. Let’s remain stoic. Let us love our enemies and share bread as Jesus Christ showed. Let’s save ourselves.

Let the following message be the spiritual basis for Poland’s development:

The purpose of life on Earth is to constantly transform into a global society of happy creatures who, using the energy of the Solar System, i.e. a quantum computer, will build a new quantum computer, i.e. a new Solar System, in which our world and life will reappear . Our destiny is to be born again. Will we succeed?

Warszawa-Jakuszowice 2002-2017 Bogdan Góralski

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