I. Introduction
Is the earth’s climate getting warmer?
My research shows that indeed the atmosphere and hydrosphere of the northern hemisphere warmed up during XIX-XXI centuries but the southern hemisphere getting colder. However, this warming of the northern hemisphere is not caused by excessive carbon dioxide emission caused by the developing human civilization, but is caused by the gravitational-magnetic influences of the Solar System on the rotating Earth as a result of which the outer layer of the Earth’s rotates. Being in the move the Earth’s coating changes its position relative to the ecliptic plane and along with its movement, over surface of the Earth’s, is the shift of the zones of life-giving rainfalls that are stable relative to ecliptic plane. This results in a global economic and social events in the form of regional crises in areas affected by the drought or excessive precipitation. Physical phenomena related to the movement of the Earth’s coating and evidence of the occurrence of this phenomenon are presented in the following work.
Table of Contents
I. Introduction 3
II. Scheme of the climate mechanism of the Earth
II.1. Northern hemisphere climate warming and southern hemisphere cooling.
II.2. Cooling of the northern hemisphere and warming of the southern hemisphere 5
III. Chandler oscillation period and linear systems of the planets 6
IV. The mechanism of movement of the Earth’s coating and the Earth’s magnetic field 7
V. Future Earth climate change 8
VI. Climate changes versus Earth’s geoid shape changes 9
VI.1.Introduction 9
VI. 2.General causes of changes in climate and speed of rotation of Earth. 9
VI. 3.Causes of the fall of the Western Roman Empire 14
VII. Earth coating movements cause climate changes, changes in the velocity of Earth’s geoid revolving, and earthquakes. 15
VII.1. Changes in the shape of the Earth because of movements of the Earth coating 17
VII.2. Oscillations in the Solar System and changes in the shape of the Earth and their effects 18
VII.3. The dependence of the number of earthquakes in Italy from changes in angular velocity of the Earth 19
VIII. Relationship Between Rainfall in the Northern Hemisphere and Impulses of the Torque in the Sun’s Motion) 21
IX. Movement of Earth’s coating and circulation of water in Hadley cell 22
X. Predicting, forecasting of earthquakes 22
XI. The Solar Wind and Earthquakes 23
XI.1. Causes of earthquakes 23
XI.2.The Solar Wind and Earthquakes 24
XII. Explanation of sea level changes in the last 500 years in NW Europe and equatorial ocean 31
XIII. Hemispheric temperature change versus shift of the Earth’s coating 33
XIV. Mechanism of global changes in food prices 37
XIV.1.The Sun sets food prices 37
XIV.2. The area of cultivated land changes 38
XIV.3.Mechanism of changes in global food prices 39
XV. The proofs that the Earth’s coating is moving 43
XVI. Changes in surface temperature of the ocean in the Pleistocene off the coast of Spain 45
XVII. Global mean change of air surface temperatures on the globe in period 1880-2018 45
XVIII. Why Earth’s coating rotates around the liquid core of the Earth 47
XIX. Cause of reversals of Earth’s magnetic field 49
XX. Fluctuations of the Earth’s dynamic oblateness J2 versus atmospheric emissions of Carbon dioxide 50
XXI. Ocean Physic-chemistry and carbon dioxide emissions versus Earth’s oblateness changes 53
XXII. Global changes of see surface temperature SST and upwelling versus changes in carbon dioxide emissions from the oceans that all correlate with course of East Asian Monsoon, ENSO and NAO 57
XXIII. Correlation of upwelling and global SST with carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere and East Asian Monsoon, ENSO, NAO 60
XXIV. Variability ENSO Index and earthquakes in the region of the west coast of Peru versus number of SSN (Solar Sunspot Number) 66
XXV. Forecasting climate changes, earthquakes and world use of energy 72
XXVI. Time of forming hurricanes versus changes of SST anomaly in tropics 81
XXVII. Correlation of LOD (length of day) versus use of electrical power in Poland 86
XXVIII. The new theory of tectonic plates movement of the lithosphere of the Earth 87
XXIX. The mechanism of inflation 91
XXX. Redshift and blueshift in astronomical, cosmic research is observed when the observers on Earth changes their position 98
Jakuszowice, 27 July 2019, 15: 10 Bogdan Góralski