My plan for Poland and the world

My plan for Poland and for the world

My plan for Poland and the world is very simple – I want to enable everyone to realize their dreams of a dignified life on their own. I would like to enable the farmer, merchant, producer, clergyman and service provider to work calmly without worrying about too good quality products and services, as well as lack of concern about necessery products and loans necessary for profitable business. Let everyone take care of what they can do best and the POL-CAT ethical business and scientific platform will help him in it. POL-CAT operating principles are presented below. You got to know my views on the functioning of the world in my earlier statements. Now it’s the turn of the political and economic details of my plan. I would like to provide every local community freedom with their beliefs, freedom in shaping religion and customs as well as scientific and technological and financial support for local community economic activities. A single-tier organizational structure of the future global state will be introduced, consisting of a local spiritually and economically self-governing community and an ethical POL-CAT scientific, business and financial center supporting these self-governing local religious and economic communities.

Who will be an employee of POL-CAT?

POL-CAT will primarily employ independent scientists who will raise funds for their research by selling products and services from the POL-CAT offer. This will ensure the researchers komfort job and living. Research topics will be selected mainly from research topics needed for business development reported by POL-CAT clients. To solve the problem, the researcher will organize a team that will earn a commission on the sale of the POL-CAT offer purchased by companies ordering the study. This will ensure adequate funding for science and the right amount of time for researchers need to solve the business ordered problem. POL-CAT will sell everything except military equipment. I wonder how it will work in practice?I think that our purpose is also coninuous development of knowledge of the Universe and our world. Only gaining knowledge is curious and discovering the world. The rest is only support of continuous processes of learning. For example the last twenty years of my lifes was great (and cheap) and fascinating adventure of discovering of climatic mechanism of the Earth and human social mechanismus also. It was a great pleasure and I think usefull is the result of my research…My research was possible because I had been not doing demanding, engaging job, what given me a chance for to put big effort in my research. I would like to help the other (cheap) researchers by creating POL-CAT that will be supporting cheap research usefull for global civilisation…
This is my whole plan, the implementation of which depends on you. Details of the plan for Poland are included in the Decalogue Party Program (written in Polish) and the principles of ethical joint-stock company POL-CAT – links to them below:

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