The causes of the Holocaust

The causes of the Holokaust

Bogdan Góralski

Library of the History Faculty of the University of Warsaw

Table of Content

Evolution among the Jews. 1

The causes of  the Holocaust. 2

The causes of II World War. 3

The causes of the career of Adolf Hitler. 3

The quotes from Wikipedia. 4

Jewish solidarity knows no bounds. 6

Evolution among the Jews

In my previous work, I wrote about the extraordinary business resourcefulness of Jews that arose evolutionarily during the Jewish people’s diaspora during the last 2,000 years. Contributing to this evolution was a fundamental Jewish law stating that a man who does not earn money has no right to sex and life. This legal provision mobilizes Jews to be active in business because only having money gives access to sex and live. If a Jewish man has children and has lost the ability to earn money, he is killed according to Jewish law, it is not a crime, and his property is taken over by the family. And if he cannot be killed, he is forcibly sterilized in a psychiatric institution. I was told about this Jewish law by a desperate Warsaw Orthodox Jew, a bachelor who, he told me, was satisfying his sex drive with prostitutes.

He thus escaped from having children and the death threats from a greedy wife and family. So the mysteries of the Rainbow Movement are easy to explain once you know it all – this threat from women and families drives Jewish men into homosexuality. Homosexual men free from families have sex without the danger of Jewish law. The phenomenon of a male Jewish mafia of men who support each other in this insane Jewish world is explainable under the assumption that there is a ruthless female mafia.

The Jewish custom of circumcision stemmed from the fact that a circumcised man was capable of a longer sexual act and of satisfying a woman. The Holocaust resulted in the abandonment of circumcision and the sexual handicap of Jewish men, who were unable, without being circumcised, to engage in prolonged sexual acts with women. This is why they escaped into homosexual relationships that ensured them a safe life free from the threat of women. Communism promoted by the Jews was supposed to be an escape from doing business, and therefore it lost to capitalism based on free enterprise. How in such a world governed by wolf Jewish laws to talk about love between a woman and a man? My appeal for human rights in our civilization is described in work “The Third Way between capitalism and communism” available on the Internet, including on Google Play. This work was created thanks to my comprehensive knowledge about the functioning of our world and the desire to improve it.

Warsaw, May 22, 2021, 6:10 am                                                          Bogdan Góralski

Ewolucja wśród Żydów

W mojej poprzedniej pracy pisałem o niezwykłej zaradności biznesowej wśród Żydów. Powstała ona ewolucyjnie w czasie diaspory narodu żydowskiego podczas ostatnich 2000 lat. Do tej ewolucji przyczyniło się bezwzględne żydowskie prawo stanowiące, że mężczyzna który nie zarabia pieniędzy dla rodziny nie ma prawa do seksu i życia. Ten przepis prawny mobilizuje Żydów do aktywnej działalności biznesowej bo tylko posiadanie pieniędzy daje dostęp do seksu i prawo do życia. Jeżeli mężczyzna żydowski ma dzieci i utracił zdolność zarabiania pieniędzy to jest zabijany i według żydowskiego prawa nie jest to zbrodnią, a jego majątek przejmuje rodzina. A jak nie można go zabić to jest przymusowo sterylizowany w zakładzie psychiatrycznym. O tym żydowskim prawie powiedział mi zdesperowany warszawski ortodoksyjny Żyd, kawaler, który, jak mi powiedział, zaspokajał popęd seksualny z prostytutkami.

Uciekał w ten sposób od posiadania dzieci i groźby śmierci ze strony chciwej żony i rodziny. Tak więc tajemnice tęczowego ruchu są łatwe do wytłumaczenia jak się to wszystko wie- to zagrożenie ze strony kobiet i rodzin wpędza żydowskich mężczyzn w homoseksualizm. Homoseksualni mężczyźni wolni od rodzin uprawiają seks bez zagrożenia ze strony żydowskiego prawa. Zjawisko męskiej żydowskiej mafii mężczyzn, którzy się wzajemnie wspierają w tym obłąkanym żydowskim świecie jest wytłumaczalne przy założeniu, że istnieje bezwzględna kobieca mafia.

Żydowski obyczaj obrzezania brał się z faktu, że obrzezany mężczyzna jest zdolny do dłuższego aktu seksualnego i do zaspokojenia kobiety. Holokaust spowodował rezygnację z obrzezania i upośledzenie seksualne żydowskich mężczyzn, niezdolnych już bez obrzezania, do długotrwałych aktów seksualnych z kobietami. To dlatego też uciekali oni w związki homoseksualne zapewniające im bezpieczne życie wolne od zagrożenia ze strony kobiet. Komunizm lansowany przez Żydów miał być ucieczką od uprawiania biznesu i dlatego przegrał z kapitalizmem opartym na biznesie i wolnej przedsiębiorczości. I jak tu w takim świecie w którym rządzą wilcze żydowskie prawa mówić o miłości między kobietą a mężczyzną. Mój apel o ludzkie prawa w naszej cywilizacji jest opisany w pracy „The Third Way between capitalism and communism” dostępnej w Internecie min. na Google Play. Praca ta powstała dzięki mojej kompleksowej wiedzy o funkcjonowaniu naszego świata i chęci jego udoskonalenia.

The causes of the Holocaust

The greed for money, the rush for business and domination enforced by Jewish law was direct to the Holocaust as I describe below. Jewish law was the result of the 2000 years of persecution of Jews. German Jews gained access to American capital from the Dawes plan, which resulted in their quick enrichment during the rule of the Weimar Republic. The envy of the (poor after the war) Native Germans seeing German Jews getting rich quickly resulted in the adoption of Adolf Hitler’s political plan and the electoral victory of the Nazis from the NSDAP party. One of the demands of the NSDAP was to liquidate the economic hegemony of German Jews and cause them to emigrate. Unfortunately, the world did not want to take emigrating German Jews, which later turned into a Nazi policy leading to the Holocaust.

Przyczyny Holokaustu

Chciwość pieniędzy, pęd do biznesu i dominacji wymuszony przez żydowskie prawo był bezpośrednią Holokaustu co opisuję poniżej. Żydowskie prawo jest efektem 2000 lat prześladowań Żydów. Żydzi niemieccy uzyskali dostęp do amerykańskich kapitałów z planu Dawesa co spowodowało ich szybkie wzbogacenie się w czasie rządów Republiki Weimarskiej. Zawiść (ubogich po wojnie) rdzennych Niemców widzących szybko bogacących się niemieckich Żydów spowodował przyjęcie planu politycznego Adolfa Hitlera i zwycięstwo wyborcze nazistów z partii NSDAP. Jednym z postulatów NSDAP było zlikwidowanie gospodarczej hegemoni niemieckich Żydów i spowodowanie ich emigracji. Niestety świat nie chciał przyjąć emigrujących niemieckich Żydów, co przerodziło się później w nazistowską politykę prowadzącą do Holokaustu.

The causes of II World War

We are witnessing a growing war between the world of women leading the US and the world of men ruling Russia, China, and Europe. This ruthless war is ruining our world and must be stopped as soon as possible. It is very possible that with the help of the virtual world above us, I will be able to finish it. The European wars described below were caused by the struggle of the sexes to rule the world, but we cannot allow another war. Let us read below about the secrets of the history of mankind described in my publications on Google Books.

The causes of the career of Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889, in Austria (in the district town of Braunau am Inn near the Bavarian border) after a period of strong quantitative development of the German-speaking population (1876-1900) and the development of the economic power of the German Empire. The European economic crisis caused by the growing drought in 1882-1913 led to an increase in pro-war moods in Europe (and around the world) and the outbreak of World War I. The crisis also affected the USA from 1895 to 1931, as shown in the figure above, and was exacerbated by European grain import duties – the basis of American exports. The global crisis related to the period of minimum magnetic activity of the Sun lasted in the years 1885-1931 and as usual, it was accompanied by long-term unfavorable climate perturbations causing an increase in inflation and food prices, causing an increase in social aggression around the world.

(drawing source link:

 Feudal European monarchs led armies of desperate young men born in a prosperous period (deprived of a chance for a happy life by the economic crisis) into a devastating war that reduced the size of the population. The defeat of the Germans in the war with the Allies caused the fall of the German Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the development of parliamentary democracies on the territory settled by Germans. The 6 post-war economic disorder, the necessity to pay off war debts and reparations as well as the change of the ruling elite caused the living conditions of the German population to deteriorate. The influx of American capital to Germany after the adoption of the Dawes Plan for the Weimar Republic in 1924 was supposed to alleviate the effects of the postwar crisis, but the food crisis and hunger caused by the taking from German of fertile grain lands (granted to Poland as a result of the Versailles Treaty) caused the rise of revolutionary moods in German society. American capital from the Dawes Plan was transferred to the control of German Jews, which gave them wealth and privileges in German society. In a short time, 20 billion Reichsmarks were pumped into the economy of Germany, and during that time Germany only paid 10 billion Reichsmarks in reparations and interest on loans. Rising unemployment and post-war poverty in the German population favored the career of the populist Adolf Hitler, who formed the party defending German workers – the NSDAP, which in 1933 won a parliamentary majority and began to rule in the Weimar Republic. In a short time, under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, a plan was created to restore the German Empire, the III Reszy, but the condition was to gain financial independence for the Nazi government. The control of finances in the Western world belongs to the Jews, mostly American, who controlled Germany with the help of the German Jewish community of 522,000. In order to gain independence for the implementation of his plans to improve the existence of the German nation, Adolf Hitler decided to liquidate the financial and economic influence of German Jews by taking over their property. Taking advantage of his popularity, Hitler started anti-Jewish propaganda, which found a response in the impoverished German society, that had seen the wealth of German Jews. In January 1937, Adolf Hitler announced the financial independence of the Third Reich (and the termination of the Dawes plan), which, with the absence of an influx of Jewishcontrolled capital to Germany, could only be sustained by successive conquests and economic exploitation of the conquered countries. This triggered the Second World War as well as the exodus and extermination of European Jews. So we see that all attempts to play politically on people’s moods allowed in parliamentary democracies bring power to populists who, by using the propaganda apparatus, violate the psychological balance in societies aimed at survival and bring about disturbances in the global economic system that is tending to the balance. 7 However, this balance is difficult to achieve due to regional climate change, which worsens business prosperity in zones affected by the climate crisis. Restoring global equilibrium can only take place through an international economic, ideological, and ethical compromise that will make use of the strengths of all participants in the global compromise agreement. I have described the outline of this new international business and political order in my articles published in Google Books entitled “More science, ethics, culture for the modern and future world” and “The Third Way between capitalism and communism”.

 Warsaw, February 16 – September 9, 2020                             Bogdan Góralski

The quotes from Wikipedia

The Dawes Plan (named after the 1925 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Charles Gates Dawes) – a historic economic plan to spread over many years German war reparations after World War I and to grant loans to Germany of $ 200 million to pay them back. It was developed to stabilize the German post-war economy by a team of experts led by the American banker Charles Dawes. The plan was adopted on August 16, 1924 during the so-called the London Conference and made effective by the Reichstag on August 30, 1924.

When, after severe hyperinflation in Germany, in September 1923, a relative currency stabilization finally took place, the world decided to join forces to try to regulate the issue of post-war reparations. The coming to power of the Labor Party in Great Britain and the Left Cartel in France additionally favored the compromise. An international committee of experts appointed in this regard at the initiative of the USA defined the installments that Germany was to pay back over the next 5 years. They gradually increased from $ 200 to $ 600 million a year. Thus, the entirety of the German obligations would be repaid within forty years. It was planned to subject German finances to control, and to secure reparations, among others, by the revenue from railroad, in turn, which were transformed for this purpose into a joint stock company (Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft (DRG)). Moreover, the Reichsbank became independent from the German government. Germany was granted access to loans and a loan for currency stabilization in the amount of $ 200 million. After withdrawing from the Ruhr, France and Belgium evacuated about 1/3 of the previously occupied zones in the Rhineland.

The consent to adopt the Dawes Plan was made during a conference in London, which took place on July 16 – August 30, 1924 with the participation of, among others, Great Britain and France. The Dawes plan entered into force on August 30, 1924 [1].

The political situation of post-war Germany was finally normalized in 1925, as confirmed by the Treaty of Locarno. However, the stabilization resulted in a short post-inflation crisis in this country. It brought, among other things, the bankruptcy of the largest speculative undertaking from the hyperinflationary era – the Hugo Stinnes concern.

The Dawes Plan, as a long-term strategy of economic policy towards Germany, contributed to a temporary reduction in political and economic tensions in Europe. As a result of its implementation, however, Germany borrowed more money (DM 20 billion) than it repaid (DM 10.3 billion). This is one of the reasons why, in 1929, the Dawes Plan was replaced by another plan for reparations, the Young Plan.

On January 30, 1937, Hitler announced in the Reichstag that he was depriving the German railways and the Reichsbank of their former character, restoring their full subordination to the German Reich. In fact, this meant the termination of the London Agreement of August 16, 1924.

Jewish solidarity knows no bounds

A leading large-scale financier associated with the railroad, American Jewish citizen Jacob Henry Schiff (1847-1920) of the Kuhn, Loeb and Company investment house granted bank guarantees thanks to which Japan obtained loans from various institutions on very favorable terms in the amount of $ 200 million to wage war with Russia. Neither the Rothschild bank nor Jacob.H.Schiff supported Russia (Joanna M. Guzik, Japan’s Attitude to the Jewish Question in 1932-1945, Google Books).

It is necessary to mention here the enormous international solidarity of Jews, which for the first time showed aid for Russian Jews in the fight against tsarism. Thanks to the help of American Jews, Japan obtained loans for the war with Tsarist Russia, and Russia did not obtain any loans. The tsarist regime failed in the war with Japan and this was precisely the goal of the Jews seeking to weaken the tsarist rule. The solidarity of American Jews with German Jews resulted in the Dawes Plan and the redirection of American capital to German Jews in the Weimar Republic. The likely goal of the Americans was to stop the communist revolt promoted in the Weimar Republic and to stop the expansion of Bolshevism into Western Europe. As I know from my work The Russian Revolution and Climate, the Jewish community saw communism as an opportunity to stop anti-Semitism, and in order to stop the influence of communism among German Jews, the Americans gave them money at their disposal. In the feudal German empire, the German Jews were of little importance, but putting at their disposal the money from the Dawes Plan gave them great economic power. The quick enrichment of German Jews resulted in the anti-Semitism of impoverished Germans in the Weimar Republic, which was ruined by war reparations. It must be said here that the tremendous solidarity of the Jews (their tribal ethical ties) resulted from their life in a hostile and cruel Christian environment, which was induced to persecute Jews by the Gospels of the Holy Scriptures presenting the untrue story of the life of Jesus Christ.

Jews have experienced during the Exodus by suffering in the history of the last 2,000 years have become people evolutionarily better adapted to life than other nations, and due to their resourcefulness and prudence, and knowledge of the world, they make better use of capital than other nations, and they support each other. To whom, then, were American Jews to donate capital for the development of the humanitarian project of the Weimar Republic, if not German Jews? But ignorance of the rules of the historical mechanism was common among Jews, therefore their reform efforts ended in the Holocaust. One has to learn a lesson from history not to repeat mistakes such as promoting American policy in Poland. For Europe to be peaceful, Poland should follow its own path and pursue a policy of ideological and economic compromise, the assumptions of which I have described in the works available on Google Books entitled: Historia naturalna i zmiany klimatu, More science, ethics, culture for the modern and future world “and” The Third Way between capitalism and communism “.

Jakuszowice, 8 czerwca 2021, godzina 4:49           Bogdan Góralski

Warszawa, 22 maja 2021 roku, godzina 6:10                                        Bogdan Góralski

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