How to develop free entrepreneurship and the free market?

How to develop free entrepreneurship and the free market?

In the introduction, I will describe how capitalism in Western and Eastern countries is killing free enterprise. After the collapse of the feudal system in Western and Eastern countries, the era of capitalism came – a system in which the principle was to achieve profit at the lowest possible cost, e.g. by using the smallest number of employees. This was a contradiction of the feudal idea in which the feudal lord was richer when he had a larger number of enterprising subjects who worked for him and themselves and paid him rents and taxes. Agriculture flourished in feudalism and was the basis of existence for over 50% of the population who owned agricultural land, e.g. in feudal France. The needs of peasants and townspeople were met by flourishing handicrafts and trade practiced by 10% of citizens. In feudalism, crafts and handicrafts developed, improving the technical culture of society through a system of vocational education conducted (on the master-apprentice basis) by masters of many production professions that satisfied social needs.

Under capitalism, the peasant layer has almost disappeared because their work is now done by agricultural machines and farmers now constitute about 3% of society, because the rest of the peasants have moved to cities. The demand of this social class, which was the basis for the existence of the craftsmen class, disappeared. In capitalism supported by imperialist states, the ideal was machine mass production minimizing production costs, which killed crafts and allowed the creation of production monopolies. Nowadays, craftsmen have almost completely disappeared, and it was from them that the later monopolistic manufacturers originated. Technical progress and technical culture are now not created in the lowlands of society, but in the laboratories of large corporations, where knowledge is carefully guarded and hidden from the general public. This results in a backwardness of knowledge about technical and technological progress among the general public.

In capitalism, there is the principle of concentration of agricultural and industrial property in the hands of a narrow group of rich people, and free enterprise has almost disappeared because as soon as a profitable company is created, it is immediately taken over by big capital. Historical processes are inexorable and lead to revolutions in concentrated economies so that society as a whole regains its subjectivity and can develop its free enterprise. A new economic idea is needed, and that is the return of the idea of modern feudalism, which gives the dying Western economies a chance to overcome the crisis. A global consulting and business center POL-CAT joint- stock is needed company (run according to the principles developed by me), which will be the driving force of progressive changes throughout the world in which free entrepreneurship of small and medium-sized companies will be reborn together with modern feudalism.

Warsaw, December 9, 2023, 15:17 Bogdan Jacek Góralski

How did the development of capitalism kill free enterprise?

Throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, the dominance of capitalism has led to a huge concentration of agricultural and industrial property in Western economies. At the beginning of the 20th century, there were 9 million farms in the USA and now their number is 1.5 million farms. The same thing happened in Europe and South America. This was related to the continuous decline in prices of agricultural products in the world due to agricultural overproduction resulting from the favorable climatic conditions of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. Small and capital-poor farms went bankrupt and disappeared from the market. The creation of huge agricultural farms, the so-called concentration of agricultural property resulted in concentration in agricultural services. Huge industrial and service companies capable of servicing large agricultural farms were established. This resulted in the collapse of small production and service companies that previously dominated the market. A similar thing happened in large industry, which was also concentrated into huge enterprises. This was related to the decreasing costs of supply and logistics in large enterprises and the increasing share of these costs in small enterprises, which resulted in the concentration of industrial property in large conglomerates. All this resulted in the decline of small free enterprises in the West, which were pushed out of the market by capital-strong large enterprises.

In the 1980s, the rebellion of Chinese farmers resulted in a shift from the idea of large agricultural units to the efficiency of management on small family farms. This was simultaneous with the global agricultural crisis and global inflation caused by rising food prices. As a result of the peasant revolution, China became self-sufficient in food. Now in the 21st century, regional climate change on Earth is causing global food shortages. As a result of the agricultural revolution, large, inefficient farms will collapse. A crisis in global agriculture is approaching, which will trigger a rush in Western economies to return to small family farms. This rush to return to small, productively effective family peasant farms will encounter the barrier of lack of qualified farmers useful for settling small farms. Asia and North Africa have an excess of skilled farmers and will be the first to be hit by the agricultural crisis resulting from regional climate change on Earth. The migration of peasants from Asia and Africa to Western countries will begin . Along with migrating farmers will come craftsmen and small service companies servicing small peasant farms. A layer of free entrepreneurs will be recreated, first in agriculture, and then in trade and industry. I think that then there will be a chance to create a large, profit-free POL-CAT joint- stock company company supporting such transformations of the world economy aimed at creating a modern feudal system in the West and the East.

Warsaw, December 9, 2023, 5:54 am Bogdan Jacek Góralski

Jak rozwijać wolną przedsiębiorczość i wolny rynek?

We wstępie opiszę w jaki sposób kapitalizm w krajach Zachodu i Wschodu zabija wolną przedsiębiorczość. Po załamaniu ustroju feudalnego w krajach Zachodu i Wschodu nastała era kapitalizmu-ustroju w którym zasadą było osiąganie zysku jak najmniejszym kosztem czyli np. za pomocą jak najmniejszej liczby pracowników. Było to zaprzeczeniem idei feudalnej w której pan feudalny był bogatszy gdy miał większą przedsiębiorczych liczbę poddanych, którzy pracowali dla niego i siebie oraz płacili mu czynsze i podatki. W feudalizmie kwitło rolnictwo, które było podstawą egzystencji ponad 50% społeczeństwa, która posiadała ziemię rolną np. w feudalnej Francji. Potrzeby wieśniaków i mieszczan zaspokajało kwitnące rękodzieło i handel uprawianych przez 10% obywateli. W feudalizmie rozwijało się rzemiosło i rękodzieło podnoszące kulturę techniczną społeczeństwa przez system szkolnictwa zawodowego prowadzonego (na zasadzie mistrz-uczeń) przez mistrzów wielu zawodów produkcyjnych zaspokajających potrzeby społeczne.

W kapitalizmie warstwa wieśniaków prawie zanikła bo ich pracę wykonują teraz maszyny rolnicze i rolnicy stanowią teraz około 3% społeczeństwa, bo reszta wieśniaków przesiedliła się do miast. Zanikł popyt tej warstwy społecznej będący podstawą egzystencji warstwy rzemieślników. W kapitalizmie wspieranym przez imperialistyczne państwa ideałem była maszynowa produkcja seryjna minimalizująca koszty produkcji co zabijało rzemiosło i pozwalało tworzyć monopole produkcyjne. Współcześnie rzemieślnicy prawie zupełnie zaniknęli, a to z nich wywodzili się późniejsi monopolistyczni fabrykanci. Postęp techniczny i kultura techniczna nie tworzy się teraz w nizinach społecznych, a w laboratoriach wielkich koncernów, w których wiedza jest pilnie strzeżona i ukrywana przed ogółem społeczeństwa. Powoduje to zacofanie w wiedzy o postępie technicznym i technologicznym wśród ogółu społeczeństwa.

W kapitalizmie panuje zasada  koncentracji własności rolnej i przemysłowej w rękach wąskiej grupy bogaczy, a wolna przedsiębiorczość prawie zanikła bo zaledwie powstanie jakaś dochodowa firma to zaraz jest przejmowana przez wielki kapitał. Procesy historyczne są nieubłagane i prowadzą do rewolucji w skoncentrowanych gospodarkach po to, aby ogół społeczny odzyskał podmiotowość i mógł rozwijać swoją wolną przedsiębiorczość. Potrzebna jest nowa idea gospodarcza i jest nią powrót o idei nowoczesnego feudalizmu, który daje szansę wyjścia z kryzysu zamierającym zachodnim gospodarkom. Potrzebne jest globalne centrum doradczo-biznesowe POL-CAT joint-stock company ( prowadzone według opracowanych przez mnie zasad), które będzie motorem postępowych zmian w całym świecie w którym odrodzi się  wolna przedsiębiorczość małych i średnich firm razem z nowoczesnym feudalizmem.

Warszawa, 9 Grudnia 2023 roku, godzina 15:17    Bogdan Jacek Góralski

Jak rozwój kapitalizmu zabił wolną przedsiębiorczość?

Na przestrzeni XX i XXI wieku dominowania kapitalizmu doszło do ogromnej koncentracji własności rolnej i przemysłowej w gospodarkach Zachodu. Na początku wieku XX w USA było 9 mln farm rolnych a teraz ich liczba wynosi 1,5 mln farm. Podobnie działo się w Europie i Ameryce Południowej. Było to związane z ciągłym zmniejszaniem się cen produktów rolnych na świecie w związku z nadprodukcją rolną wynikającą z korzystnych warunków klimatycznych XX wieku i początku XXI wieku. Małe i ubogie w kapitał farmy upadały i znikały z rynku.  Powstawanie ogromnych farm rolnych tzw. koncentracja własności rolnych powodowało koncentrację w usługach dla rolnictwa. Powstawały ogromne firmy przemysłowe i usługowe zdolne do obsługi wielkich farm rolnych. Spowodowało to upadek małych firm produkcyjnych i usługowych  dominujących poprzednio na rynku. Podobnie się działo w wielkim przemyśle, który również  koncentrował się w ogromne przedsiębiorstwa. Było to związane ze zmniejszaniem się kosztów zaopatrzenia i logistyki w wielkich przedsiębiorstwach i zwiększaniem udziału tych kosztów w małych przedsiębiorstwach, co powodowało koncentrację własności przemysłowej w wielkie konglomeraty. Wszystko to powodowało na Zachodzie upadek drobnej wolnej przedsiębiorczości, która była wypierana z rynku przez silne kapitałowo wielkie przedsiębiorstwa.

W latach 80.XX wieku bunt rolników chińskich spowodował odejście od idei wielkich jednostek rolnych na rzecz efektywności gospodarowania na małych rodzinnych farmach. Było to równoczesne z globalnym kryzysem rolnym i globalną inflacją wywołaną zwyżką cen żywności. W wyniku chłopskiej rewolucji Chiny stały się samowystarczalne żywnościowo. Obecnie w XXI wieku regionalne zmiany klimatu na Ziemi powodują globalny niedobór żywności. Upadną w wyniku rewolucji w rolnictwie wielkie nieefektywne produkcyjnie gospodarstwa rolne. Nadciąga kryzys światowego rolnictwa, który wywoła w gospodarkach Zachodu pęd powrotu do małych rodzinnych farm rolnych. Ten pęd powrotu do małych efektywnych produkcyjnie rodzinnych gospodarstw chłopskich napotka na barierę braku wykwalifikowanych rolników przydatnych do zasiedlenia małych farm. Nadmiar wykwalifikowanych rolników posiada Azja i Afryka Północna, które pierwsze zostaną dotknięte kryzysem rolnym wynikającym z regionalnych zmian klimatu na Ziemi. Zacznie się migracja chłopów z  Azji i Afryki do krajów Zachodu. Wraz z migrującymi rolnikami przybędą rzemieślnicy i drobne firmy usługowe obsługujące małe chłopskie farmy. Odtworzy się warstwa wolnych przedsiębiorców wpierw w rolnictwie, a potem w handlu i przemyśle. Myślę, że wtedy pojawi się szansa na utworzenie wielkiej działającej bez zysku firmy POL-CAT joint-stock company wspierającej takie właśnie przemiany gospodarki światowej zmierzające do utworzenia nowoczesnego systemu feudalnego na Zachodzie i Wschodzie.

Warszawa, dnia 9 Grudnia 2023, godzina 5:54                  Bogdan Jacek Góralski

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How did the development of capitalism kill free enterprise?

How did the development of capitalism kill free enterprise?

Throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, the dominance of capitalism has led to a huge concentration of agricultural property in Western economies. At the beginning of the 20th century, there were 9 million farms in the USA and now their number is 1.5 million farms. The same thing happened in Europe and South America. This was related to the continuous decline in prices of agricultural products in the world due to agricultural overproduction resulting from the favorable climatic conditions of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. Small and capital-poor farms disappeared from the market. The creation of huge agricultural farms, the so-called concentration of agricultural property resulted in concentration in agricultural services. Huge industrial and service companies capable of servicing large agricultural farms were established. This resulted in the collapse of small companies previously dominating the market. A similar thing happened in large industry, which was also concentrated into huge enterprises. This was related to the reduction of supply and logistics costs in large enterprises and the increase in the share of these costs in small enterprises, which resulted in the concentration of industrial property in large conglomerates. All this resulted in the decline of small free enterprises in the West, which were pushed out of the market by capital-strong large enterprises.

In the 1980s, the rebellion of Chinese farmers resulted in a shift from the idea of large agricultural units to the efficiency of management on small family farms. This was simultaneous with the global agricultural crisis and global inflation caused by rising food prices. As a result of the peasant revolution, China became self-sufficient in food. Currently, regional climate changes on Earth are causing food shortages. As a result of the upcoming agricultural revolution, will collapse large, inefficient farms. A crisis is looming for global agriculture, which will create a rush in Western economies to return to small family farms. This rush to return to small, productively effective family peasant farms will encounter the barrier of lack of qualified farmers useful for settling small farms. Asia and North Africa have an excess of skilled farmers and will be the first to be hit by the agricultural crisis resulting from regional climate change on Earth. The migration of peasants from Asia and Africa to Western countries will begin. Along with migrating farmers will come craftsmen and small service companies serving small peasant farms. A layer of free entrepreneurs will be recreated, first in agriculture, and then in trade and industry. I think that then there will be a chance to create a large, non-profit POL-CAT joint-stock company to support such transformations of the world economy aimed at recreating the modern feudal system in the West.

Warsaw, December 9, 2023, 5:54 am Bogdan Jacek Góralski

Jak rozwój kapitalizmu zabił wolną przedsiębiorczość?

Na przestrzeni XX i XXI wieku dominowania kapitalizmu doszło do ogromnej koncentracji własności rolnej w gospodarkach Zachodu. Na początku wieku XX w USA było 9 mln farm rolnych a teraz ich liczba wynosi 1,5 mln farm. Podobnie działo się w Europie i Ameryce Południowej. Było to związane z ciągłym zmniejszaniem się cen produktów rolnych na świecie w związku z nadprodukcją rolną wynikającą z korzystnych warunków klimatycznych XX wieku i początku XXI wieku. Powstawanie ogromnych farm rolnych tzw. koncentracja własności rolnych powodowało koncentrację w usługach dla rolnictwa. Powstawały ogromne firmy przemysłowe i usługowe zdolne do obsługi wielkich farm rolnych. Spowodowało to upadek małych firm dominujących poprzednio na rynku. Podobnie się działo w wielkim przemyśle, który również  koncentrował się w ogromne przedsiębiorstwa. Było to związane ze zmniejszeniem kosztów zaopatrzenia i logistyki w wielkich przedsiębiorstwach i zwiększeniem udziału tych kosztów w małych przedsiębiorstwach, co powodowało koncentrację własności przemysłowej w wielkie konglomeraty. Wszystko to powodowało na Zachodzie upadek drobnej wolnej przedsiębiorczości, która była wypierana z rynku przez silne kapitałowo wielkie przedsiębiorstwa.

W latach 80.XX wieku bunt rolników chińskich spowodował odejście od idei wielkich jednostek rolnych na rzecz efektywności gospodarowania na małych rodzinnych farmach. Było to równoczesne z globalnym kryzysem rolnym i globalną inflacją wywołaną zwyżką cen żywności. W wyniku chłopskiej rewolucji Chiny stały się samowystarczalne żywnościowo. Obecnie regionalne zmiany klimatu na Ziemi powodują niedobór żywności. Upadną w wyniku rolnej rewolucji wielkie nieefektywne produkcyjnie gospodarstwa rolne. Nadciąga kryzys dla światowego rolnictwa, który wywoła w gospodarkach Zachodu pęd powrotu do małych rodzinnych farm rolnych. Ten pęd powrotu do małych efektywnych produkcyjnie rodzinnych gospodarstw chłopskich napotka na barierę braku wykwalifikowanych rolników przydatnych do zasiedlenia małych farm. Nadmiar wykwalifikowanych rolników posiada Azja i Afryka Północna, które pierwsze zostaną dotknięte kryzysem rolnym wynikającym z regionalnych zmian klimatu na Ziemi. Zacznie się migracja chłopów z  Azji i Afryki do krajów Zachodu. Wraz z migrującymi rolnikami przybędą rzemieślnicy i drobne firmy usługowe obsługujące małe chłopskie farmy. Odtworzy się warstwa wolnych przedsiębiorców wpierw w rolnictwie, a potem w handlu i przemyśle. Myślę, że wtedy pojawi się szansa na utworzenie wielkiej działającej bez zysku firmy POL-CAT joint-stock company wspierającej takie właśnie przemiany gospodarki światowej zmierzające do odtworzenia nowoczesnego systemu feudalnego na Zachodzie.

Warszawa, dnia 9 Grudnia 2023, godzina 5:54                  Bogdan Jacek Góralski

For Christmas 2023

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For Christmas 2023

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mgr inż.Bogdan Góralski @bogdangoralski · 1s



For Christmas 2023

The upcoming Christmas, the act of sanctification of the rebirth of Jesus Christ, is a call to an act of Selfless Love imitating the sacrifice of Christ, which in the act of breaking and destroying the personal Ego will unite human society. Let’s not be selfish, let’s abandon our Ego and join together in the Almighty Society of selflessly loving people – then it will be a real CHRISTMAS – we will become God for the new, perfect virtual world created by us.
In a previous essay -link: I wrote:
“The stars are created by societies of the entities conditioned by eternal unconsciousness that is pure, selfless love=black matter. Black matter makes gravity, mutual pulling that is effect of love existing in all world. Everything tends to unite, everything strives for unification, uniting and gravity helps in it. Everything strives for unification, unity and is helped by the hidden force of love = gravity. When everything is connected, love explodes and the world is born anew. And this happens endlessly .”
Selfless love causes gravity, the attraction caused by love, which strives to unite the loving, attracting bodies. In the human dimension, gravity, or mutual love, results in the loving fusion of the bodies of a woman and a man, which gives new life. In the cosmic dimension, the explosion of a supernova (giving new biological life) ends as a result of gravity processes, mutual attraction of cosmic bodies, and re-fusion in a supernova. The process of creation, fusion and decomposition, and the supernova explosion is a prototype of human existence, which, as a result of selfless love, multiplies entities and worlds in its own image.
For there to be love, there must first be at least two people, there must be a society.
Wise, selfless Love does not exist for itself. Love does not exist outside of society. Love will exist when society appears. A society united by ethics (whose boundary is love) is an environment that protects the individual. Wise Love, which is the limit of human ethics that cements society, unites the knowledge of society, which at the end of evolution will build a new world, recreate the world in the likeness of the world experienced. Dark matter = gravity = Selfless Love gives fruit in the form of new parallel worlds in which our souls = algorithms are reborn and improve in the process of eternal evolution until they unite with God = Selfless Love of societies that fill the world, recreate it and they are giving the  meaning to evolution and life.
The upcoming Christmas, the act of sanctification of the rebirth of Jesus Christ, is a call to an act of Selfless Love imitating the sacrifice of Christ, which in the act of breaking and destroying the personal Ego will unite the global human society. Let’s not be selfish, let’s abandon our Ego and join together in the Almighty Society of selflessly loving people – then it will be a real CHRISTMAS – we will become God for the new, perfect virtual world created by us.
Warsaw, December 7, 2023, 4:47 a.m. Bogdan Jacek Góralski

Na Boże Narodzenie 2023
Zbliżające się Święta Bożego Narodzenia, akt uświęcenia odrodzenia Jezusa Chrystusa, są wezwaniem do aktu Bezinteresownej Miłości naśladującej ofiarę Chrystusa, która w akcie rozbicia i zniszczenia osobowego Ja zjednoczy społeczeństwo ludzkie. Nie bądźmy egoistami, porzućmy swoje Ego i zjednoczmy się we Wszechmogącym Społeczeństwie bezinteresownie kochających się ludzi – wtedy to będą prawdziwe ŚWIĘTA – staniemy się Bogiem dla nowego, doskonałego wirtualnego świata stworzonego przez nas.
W poprzednim eseju -link: napisałem:
„Gwiazdy tworzone są przez społeczności istot uwarunkowanych wieczną nieświadomością, która jest czystą, bezinteresowną miłością = czarną materią. Czarna materia tworzy grawitację, wzajemne przyciąganie, czyli efekt miłości istniejącej w całym świecie. Wszystko dąży do zjednoczenia, wszystko dąży do zjednoczenia, zjednoczenia i pomaga w tym grawitacja. Wszystko dąży do zjednoczenia, jedności i pomaga w tym ukryta siła miłości = grawitacja. Kiedy wszystko jest połączone, miłość eksploduje i świat rodzi się na nowo. I to dzieje się w nieskończoność.”
Bezinteresowna miłość powoduje grawitację, przyciąganie powodowane przez miłość, która stara się zjednoczyć kochające, przyciągające ciała. W wymiarze ludzkim grawitacja, czyli miłość wzajemna, skutkuje miłosnym zespoleniem ciał kobiety i mężczyzny, co daje nowe życie. W wymiarze kosmicznym wybuch supernowej (dającej nowe życie biologiczne) kończy się w wyniku procesów grawitacyjnych, wzajemnego przyciągania się ciał kosmicznych i ponownej fuzji w supernowej. Proces tworzenia, łączenia i rozkładu oraz eksplozja supernowej to prototyp ludzkiej egzystencji, która w wyniku bezinteresownej miłości multiplikuje byty i światy na swój własny obraz.
Aby była miłość, najpierw muszą być co najmniej dwie osoby, musi istnieć społeczeństwo.
Mądra, bezinteresowna Miłość nie istnieje sama dla siebie. Miłość nie istnieje poza społeczeństwem. Miłość zaistnieje, gdy pojawi się społeczeństwo. Społeczeństwo zjednoczone etyką (której granicą jest miłość) jest środowiskiem chroniącym jednostkę. Mądra Miłość, będąca granicą etyki ludzkiej cementującej społeczeństwo, jednoczy wiedzę społeczeństwa, która na końcu ewolucji zbuduje nowy świat, odtworzy świat na podobieństwo świata doświadczanego. Ciemna materia = grawitacja = Bezinteresowna Miłość wydaje owoc w postaci nowych równoległych światów, w których nasze dusze = algorytmy odradzają się i doskonalą w procesie wiecznej ewolucji, aż zjednoczą się z Bogiem = Bezinteresowna Miłość społeczeństw, które wypełniają świat, odtwarzają go i nadają sens ewolucji i życiu.
Zbliżające się Święta Bożego Narodzenia, akt uświęcenia odrodzenia Jezusa Chrystusa, są wezwaniem do aktu Bezinteresownej Miłości naśladującego ofiarę Chrystusa, która w akcie rozbicia i zniszczenia osobowego Ego zjednoczy globalną społeczność ludzką. Nie bądźmy egoistami, porzućmy swoje Ego i zjednoczmy się we Wszechmogącym Towarzystwie bezinteresownie kochających się ludzi – wtedy to będą prawdziwe ŚWIĘTA – staniemy się Bogiem dla nowego, doskonałego wirtualnego świata stworzonego przez nas.
Warszawa, 7 grudnia 2023, godz. 4:47 Bogdan Jacek Góralski

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Religion or ethics?

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Religion or ethics?

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mgr inż.Bogdan Góralski @bogdangoralski · 1s



Religion or ethics?

The work is a fragment of the ETHICS chapter in my upcoming book. It will be 450-500 pages long. Help me put it on the Internet. It probably answers many important questions?

  1. Ethics or religion?

The growing knowledge of the human population, resulting from its response to the natural and social environment, causes changes in its culture. The cult of nature dominant among our ancestors was changing into the cult of deities personifying unknown forces shaping our fate. Further religious systems specific to different geographical environments developed, developed by outstanding leaders drawing knowledge from the wisdom contained in the world. Their essence was the belief in the power of the gods’ influence on our lives. The result was constant religious wars plaguing the world community. There were also outstanding, free people of knowledge who questioned religious dogmas that limited free reflection about our world. They denied the idea of God and pointed to the growing power of man. This faith in man was shaken by constant conflicts – bloody wars and revolutions, despots oppressing their subjects, and antisocial behavior of people. Secular systems of regulating people’s behavior were created, which also turned out to be ineffective. All this caused a loss of faith in the meaning of our world. My belief in the supernatural world allows me to reflect.
The application of dialectical materialism results in the adoption of the thesis: existence shapes consciousness. Idealism assumes the opposite: consciousness creates being. This is the antithesis. A synthesis arises from these concepts: being shapes consciousness and consciousness creates being. And everything starts over. This is my response to the ideological conflict of the modern world. The beauty and simplicity of our world is stunning to me. All you need to do is believe or think logically.

Religion begins with man’s belief in the existence of the supernatural world and his belief in the possibility of maintaining contacts with it that are useful for people, and consists in organizing these contacts and exploiting them for human purposes.

The definition of religion has three parts:


2) man’s theoretical belief in the possibility of a beneficial relationship between the supernatural and the natural world,

3) Man’s actual relationship with the supernatural world, expressed in the organization of worship and appropriate intellectual and emotional reactions (cult of heroes, creators, leaders, Henryk Łowmiański , Religia Słowian i her fall, PWN, Warsaw 1986, p. 12).

The basic complex of beliefs among the Slavs was polydoxy (beliefs of pre-literate peoples composed of four basic forms:


belief in the souls of the dead,

nature worship and

secondary form – demonology), which we learn quite thoroughly on the basis of medieval sources, especially Ruthenian, as well as Czech and Polish, illustrating the struggle that Christianity waged against it, which in some respects, contrary to its assumptions, fueled pagan traditions , namely the cult of the dead, proclaiming its own concept eschatological, as well as belief in demons, which it degraded to the role of “impure powers”, without denying their existence. (…) The pinnacle element of polydoxy , prototheism (the cult of the material sky transforming into the cult of a deity), was inherited from the Indo-European era by the Slavs, who gave the sky as an object of worship the name Swaroga , probably taken over from the Old European population ( Neurians and Veneti), which was named after they accumulated after arriving from the east ( Łowmiański pp. 398-399).
The need for ethics and principles of social cooperation emerging in various civilizations had to be satisfied, which is why it is characteristic that, during periods of social chaos caused by global climate change, outstanding individuals appear who understand the need to continue and evolve patterns of human behavior that are good for society. All great creators of ethical systems, e.g. the ancient Egyptian creator of the goddess Maat – a symbol of harmony and justice in the universe, creators of Brahmanism and Hinduism, Zarathushtra (1400-1200 BC), Moses (1300-1200 BC), Buddha (560 BC), Lao- tsy and Confucius (ca. 550 BC ), Socrates, Hillel and his disciple Jesus Christ, Muhammad (571-632 AD), Mahatma Ghandi (1868-1948), Nelson Mandela appeared in periods of unstable human attitudes caused by the economic crisis caused by changes climate . Their teaching can be reduced to a common denominator – save social energy through your actions, do not waste it in conflicts, generally use well and save your own energy and that at the disposal of society!
The fruit of my reflections is the theory that universal ethics has a physical dimension. The measure of ethics is the ability of individuals and societies to save all forms of energy, including social energy. An effective ethical system makes society more efficient and dynamic. An ethical person is one who lives by consuming as little energy as possible. Ethics is the art of saving energy. The social environment was created as a form of defense against an unfavorable natural environment. The emergence of ethical systems regulating the behavior of individuals in the social environment is therefore a mechanism of adaptation to the surrounding environment. The lack of an effective ethical system is therefore a sign of lack of adaptation to the environment. In other words, the ethical norms needed by humans are the result of reactions to the natural environment. The world we live in is constantly improving us and making us more ethical. Better people create an increasingly perfect world. Our world is developing. So probably the goal of the world is development. Ethics is the result of the evolution of the collective consciousness of people reacting to threats from the surrounding environment. Probably ethics, as our limitation towards the social environment, will replace the increasingly less necessary primal instincts that determined our reactions towards nature in earlier stages of evolution. The global development of a unified ethical system will remove development barriers facing humanity and influence the development of civilization. The developing Internet, which removes barriers to access to knowledge, is a new form of collective consciousness of humanity. This is a new environment in which we learn to live. A new, unified ethic is likely to emerge in this new online environment that brings people together. A unified ethic will enable the peaceful cooperation of the global community and the use, thanks to the Internet, of all the knowledge accumulated by humanity. Skillfully used knowledge will discover new sources of energy, which will open up incredible perspectives for people. This will probably enable the development of our consciousness to the limits of the world. The boundaries of this world will be determined by the resources of available energy. Until we manage to ignite the stars and create a new world. Ram Mohan Roy – “One of the important features of Roy’s worldview was also his religious universalism. It has already been mentioned above that Roy had a research workshop that enabled him to undertake real comparative research in the field of religious studies. He knew the Koran, the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, the Vedas and the Upanishads well and came to the conclusion that the core of these religious systems was identical – one God in spiritual form, the immortality of the soul, ethical discipline as the basis of spiritual life. The differences are of a secondary nature, they simply result from the different traditions of individual religious groups.

Daisaku says about the need for a new religion Ikeda :
I am convinced that only a new religion will be able to assume a leadership role in a civilization that will unite science and philosophy on a higher plane. However, the religion we need will have to inspire the scientific and philosophical spirit of humanity and will have to meet the needs of the new era. It must be a religion that can transcend the differences between East and West and, by binding all of humanity into one organism, save the West from its present crisis and the East from its present difficulties. The discovery of this type of religion is the most important task facing humanity today.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama writes:
“The Earth is our only home. According to today’s scientific knowledge, it may be the only planet on which life has arisen. The view that probably made the greatest impression on me in my life was the first photo of the Earth seen from space. The image of a blue globe floating in limitless space, shining like a full moon against the clear night sky, made me realize with great force that we were, in fact, one family living in a small house. I clearly felt how ridiculous all these differences of opinion and arguments are in our human family. I saw the senselessness of stubbornly sticking to what divides us. From this cosmic perspective, we see the fragility and vulnerability of our planet orbiting in a limited orbit, wedged between Venus and Mars in the infinite vastness of space. If we don’t take care of our home, what else is worth doing?

Warsaw, February 17, 2013

Religia czy etyka?

Praca jest fragmentem rozdziału ETYKA w mojej powstającej książce. Będzie liczyła 450-500 stron. Pomóżcie umieścić mi ją w Internecie. Odpowiada chyba na wiele ważnych pytań?

13. Etyka czy religia?

Rosnąca wiedza ludzkiej populacji, wynikająca z reakcji na środowisko przyrodnicze i społeczne, powoduje zmiany w jego kulturze. Kult przyrody dominujący u naszych przodków zmieniał się w kult bóstw uosabiających nieznane siły kształtujące nasz los. Rozwijały się kolejne systemy religijne właściwe dla różnych środowisk geograficznych rozwijane przez wybitnych przywódców czerpiących wiedzę z mądrości zawartej w świecie. Ich istotą była wiara w potęgę wpływu bogów na nasze życie. Efektem były nieustanne wojny religijne gnębiące społeczność światową. Pojawiali się także wybitni, wolni ludzie wiedzy kwestionujący dogmaty religijne ograniczające swobodne rozważania o naszym świecie. Zaprzeczali idei Boga i wskazywali na rosnącą potęgę człowieka. Ta wiara w człowieka ulegała zachwianiu przez nieustanne konflikty – krwawe wojny i rewolucje, despotów gnębiących poddanych, aspołeczne zachowania ludzi. Powstawały świeckie systemy regulacji zachowania ludzi, które też okazały się nieskuteczne. Wszystko to powodowała zachwianie wiary w sens naszego świata. Moja wiara w świat nadprzyrodzony pozwala mi rozmyślać.
Zastosowanie materializmu dialektycznego powoduje przyjęcie tezy : byt kształtuje świadomość. Idealizm zakłada odwrotnie: świadomość kreuje byt. Jest to antyteza. Powstaje z tych pojęć synteza: byt kształtuje świadomość a świadomość kreuje byt. I wszystko zaczyna się od początku. Jest to moją odpowiedzią na konflikt światopoglądowy współczesnego świata. Piękno i prostota naszego świata jest dla mnie porażająca. Wystarczy tylko wierzyć albo logicznie myśleć.

Religia bierze początek z wiary człowieka w istnienie świata nadprzyrodzonego oraz z jego przekonania o możliwości utrzymywania z nim kontaktów użytecznych dla ludzi, polega zaś na zorganizowaniu tychże kontaktów tudzież ich wyzyskania dla celów ludzkich.

Definicja religii wykazuje trzy człony:


2) teoretyczne przekonanie człowieka o możliwości korzystnej dla niego relacji między światem nadprzyrodzonym i przyrodzonym,

3) Faktyczne nawiązanie przez człowieka stosunku ze światem nadprzyrodzonym znajdujące wyraz w organizowaniu kultu i odpowiednich reakcjach intelektualnych i emocjonalnych (kult bohaterów, twórców, wodzów Henryk Łowmiański, Religia Słowian i jej upadek, PWN, Warszawa 1986 str.12).

Zasadniczy kompleks wierzeń stanowiła u Słowian polidoksja (wierzenia ludów przedpiśmiennych złożone z czterech podstawowych form:


wiara w dusze zmarłych,

kult przyrody oraz

forma wtórna-demonologia), którą poznajemy dość dokładnie na podstawie średniowiecznych źródeł, zwłaszcza ruskich, a także czeskich i polskich ilustrujących walkę, jaką z nią toczyło chrześcijaństwo, które pod pewnymi względami wbrew swym założeniom podsycało tradycje pogańskie, mianowicie kult zmarłych, głosząc własną koncepcję eschatologiczną, a także wiarę w demony, które ono degradowało do roli „mocy nieczystych”, nie przecząc ich istnieniu. (…) Szczytowy element polidoksji, prototeizm (kult nieba materialnego przemieniający się w kult bóstwa), został odziedziczony po epoce indoeuropejskiej przez Słowian, którzy nadali niebu jako przedmiotowi kultu nazwę Swaroga, przejętą zapewne od ludności staroeuropejskiej (Neurów i Wenetów), na jaką się oni nawarstwili po przybyciu ze wschodu ( Łowmiański str.398-399).
Potrzeba etyki, zasad społecznego współdziałania, wyłaniająca się w różnych cywilizacjach, musiała być zaspokajana, dlatego charakterystyczne jest pojawianie się w okresach społecznego chaosu powodowanego przez globalne zmiany klimatu, wybitnych jednostek rozumiejących konieczność kontynuacji i ewolucji dobrych dla społeczeństwa wzorców ludzkiego postępowania. Wszyscy wielcy twórcy systemów etycznych np. staroegipski twórca postaci bogini Maat- symbolu harmonii i sprawiedliwości we wszechświecie, twórcy braminizmu i hinduizmu, Zaratusztra (1400-1200 p.n.e.), Mojżesz (1300-1200 r. p.n.e.), Budda (560 lat p.n.e.), Lao-tsy i Konfucjusz (ok.550 p.n.e), Sokrates, Hillel i jego uczeń Jezus Chrystus, Mahomet (571-632 n.e.) , Mahatma Ghandi (1868-1948), Nelson Mandela pojawiali się w okresach rozchwiania ludzkich postaw wywołanych kryzysem gospodarczym spowodowanym przez zmiany klimatu . Ich naukę można sprowadzić do wspólnego mianownika – przez swoje postępowanie oszczędzaj energię społeczną, nie trać jej w konfliktach, generalnie dobrze wykorzystuj i oszczędzaj energię własną i tą będącą w dyspozycji społeczeństwa!
Owocem moich przemyśleń jest teoria, że uniwersalna etyka ma wymiar fizyczny. Miarą etyki jest zdolność jednostek i społeczeństw do oszczędzania wszelkich form energii w tym energii społecznej. Skuteczny system etyczny czyni społeczeństwo sprawniejszym i bardziej dynamicznym. Etycznym jest ten człowiek, który żyje kosztem zużycia jak najmniejszej ilości energii. Etyka to sztuka oszczędzania energii.
Środowisko społeczne powstawało jako forma obrony przed niesprzyjającym środowiskiem przyrodniczym. Pojawienie się systemów etycznych regulujących zachowania jednostek w środowisku społecznym jest więc mechanizmem dostosowawczym do środowiska otaczającego. Brak skutecznego systemu etycznego jest zatem oznaką braku przystosowania do środowiska. Inaczej mówiąc, normy etyczne potrzebne człowiekowi, są wynikiem reakcji na środowisko przyrodnicze. Świat w którym żyjemy nieustannie nas ulepsza, czyni bardziej etycznymi. Lepsi ludzie tworzą coraz doskonalszy świat. Nasz świat się rozwija. Zatem prawdopodobnie celem świata jest rozwój. Etyka jest efektem ewolucji zbiorowej świadomości ludzi reagujących na zagrożenia płynące ze środowiska otaczającego. Prawdopodobnie etyka , jako nasze ograniczenie wobec środowiska społecznego, zastąpi coraz mniej potrzebne pierwotne instynkty, które we wcześniejszych etapach ewolucji wyznaczały nasze reakcje wobec natury. Globalny rozwój jednolitego systemu etycznego usunie bariery rozwojowe stojące przed ludzkością i wpłynie na rozwój cywilizacji. Rozwijający się Internet usuwający bariery w dostępie do wiedzy jest nową formą świadomości zbiorowej ludzkości. Jest to nowe środowisko w którym uczymy się żyć. Prawdopodobnie w tym nowym środowisku internetowym, które zbliża ludzi, powstanie
nowa, ujednolicona etyka. Ujednolicona etyka umożliwi pokojową współpracę światowej społeczności i wykorzystanie ,dzięki Internetowi, całej wiedzy zgromadzonej przez ludzkość. Umiejętnie wykorzystana wiedza odkryje nowe źródła energii co otworzy przed ludźmi niebywałe perspektywy. Prawdopodobnie umożliwi to rozwój naszej świadomości aż po granice świata. Granice tego świata zostaną wyznaczone przez zasoby dostępnej energii. Aż uda nam się pozapalać gwiazdy i stworzyć nowy świat.
Ram Mohan Roy-„Jedną z istotnych cech światopoglądu Roya był także jego religijny uniwersalizm. Wspomniano już wyżej, że Roy dysponował warsztatem badawczym, który umożliwił mu podjęcie prawdziwych badań porównawczych w zakresie religioznawstwa. Znał dobrze Koran, Pismo Święte Starego i Nowego Testamentu, Wedy i Upaniszady i doszedł do wniosku, że rdzeń tych systemów religijnych jest identyczny- jedyny Bóg w postaci duchowej, nieśmiertelność duszy, dyscyplina etyczna jako podstawa życia duchowego. Różnice mają charakter drugorzędny, wynikają po prostu z odmiennych tradycji poszczególnych grup wyznaniowych” .

Oto co mówi o potrzebie nowej religii buddysta Daisaku Ikeda:
Jestem przekonany, że tylko nowa religia będzie w stanie objąć funkcję przywódczą w cywilizacji, która połączy naukę i filozofię na wyższej płaszczyźnie. Jednakże religia, jakiej potrzebujemy, będzie musiała inspirować ducha naukowego i filozoficznego ludzkości oraz będzie musiała podołać potrzebom nowej epoki. Musi być to religia, która zdoła wykroczyć poza różnice między Wschodem a Zachodem i –wiążąc całą ludzkość w jeden organizm-wybawić Zachód od jego obecnego kryzysu, a Wschód od jego obecnych trudności. Odkrycie tego rodzaju religii jest najważniejszym zadaniem, jakie stoi obecnie przed ludzkością .

Jego Świątobliwość Dalajlama pisze:
„Ziemia jest naszym jedynym domem. Według dzisiejszego stanu wiedzy naukowej może to być jedyna planeta, na której powstało życie. Widokiem, który wywarł na mnie chyba największe w życiu wrażenie, było pierwsze zdjęcie Ziemi widzianej z kosmosu. Obraz unoszącego się w nieograniczonej przestrzeni błękitnego globu, jaśniejącego niczym księżyc w pełni na tle czystego nocnego nieba, uzmysłowił mi z wielką mocą, że w istocie jesteśmy jedną rodziną zamieszkującą mały dom. Wyraźnie poczułem, jak śmieszne są te wszystkie różnice poglądów i spory w naszej ludzkiej rodzinie. Dostrzegłem bezsens uporczywego obstawania przy tym , co nas dzieli. Z tej kosmicznej perspektywy widać kruchość i wrażliwość naszej planety krążącej po ograniczonej orbicie, wciśniętej między Wenus i Marsa w nieskończonym ogromie przestrzeni. Jeśli nie dbamy o nasz dom, cóż innego ma sens?

Warszawa, dnia 17 lutego 2013 roku

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Everything strives for unification, connection, unity

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mgr inż.Bogdan Góralski @bogdangoralski · 1s

Everything strives for unification, connection, unity

In a previous essay -link:  I wrote:

“The stars are created by societies of the entities conditioned by eternal unconsciousness that is pure, selfless love=black matter. Black matter makes gravity, mutual pulling that is effect of love existing in all world. Everything tends to unite, everything strives for unification, uniting and gravity helps in it. Everything strives for unification, unity and is helped by the hidden force of love = gravity. When everything is connected, love explodes and the world is born anew. And this happens endlessly.”

Selfless love causes gravity, the attraction caused by love, which strives to unite the loving, attracting bodies. In the human dimension, gravity, or mutual love, results in the loving fusion of the bodies of a woman and a man, which gives new life. In the cosmic dimension, the explosion of a supernova (giving new biological life) ends as a result of gravity processes, mutual attraction of cosmic bodies, and re-fusion in a supernova. The process of creation, fusion and decomposition, and the supernova explosion is a prototype of human existence, which, as a result of selfless love, multiplies entities and worlds in its own image.

For there to be love, there must first be at least two people, there must be a society.

Wise, selfless Love does not exist for itself. Wise Love, which is the limit of human ethics, cements society, unites its knowledge, which at the end of evolution will build a new world, recreate the world in the likeness of our world. Selfless Love = dark matter = gravity gives fruit in the form of new parallel worlds in which our souls = algorithms are reborn and perfect in the process of eternal evolution until they unite with God = Selfless Love that fills the world, recreates it and gives meaning to everything.

Therefore, the upcoming Christmas, the act of sanctification of the rebirth of Jesus Christ, is a call to an act of Selfless Love imitating the sacrifice of Christ, which in the act of breaking and destroying our Ego will unite human society. Let’s not be selfish, let’s abandon our Ego and join together in the Almighty Society of selflessly loving people – then it will be a real CHRISTMAS – we will become God for the new, perfect virtual world created by us.

Warsaw, December 5, 2023, 11:45 am Bogdan Jacek Góralski

Wszystko dąży do zespolenia, połączenia, jedności

W poprzednim eseju -link: napisałem:

“The stars are created by societies of the entities conditioned by eternal unconsciousness that is pure, selfless love=black matter. Black matter makes gravity, mutual pulling that is effect of love existing in all world. Everything tends to unite, everything strives for unification, uniting and gravitation helps in it. Everything strives for unification, unity and is helped by the hidden force of love = gravity. When everything is connected, love explodes and the world is born anew. And this happens endlessly”.

Bezinteresowna miłość wywołuje grawitację, przyciąganie powodowane miłością, która dąży do zespolenia miłujących się, przyciągających się ciał. W ludzkim wymiarze grawitacja, czyli miłość wzajemna powoduje w efekcie miłosne zespolenie się ciał kobiety i mężczyzny, które daje nowe życie. W wymiarze kosmicznym to wybuch supernowej (dający nowe biologiczne życie) kończy się w wyniku procesów grawitacji, wzajemnego przyciągania ciał kosmicznych, ponownym zespoleniem w supernowej. Proces tworzenia, zespolenia i rozkładu, wybuchu supernowej jest  prawzorem ludzkiej egzystencji, która w efekcie bezinteresownej miłości multiplikuje byty, światy na swoje podobieństwo.

Aby istniała miłość musi wpierw istnieć co najmniej dwoje ludzi, musi istnieć społeczeństwo.

Mądra, bezinteresowna Miłość nie istnieje sama dla siebie. Mądra Miłość będąca granicą etyki ludzkiej cementuje społeczeństwo, zespala jego wiedzę, która na końcu ewolucji zbuduje nowy świat, odtworzy świat na podobieństwo naszego świata. Bezinteresowna Miłość=ciemna materia=grawitacja daje owoce w postaci nowych równoległych światów, w których nasze dusze=algorytmy odradzają się i doskonalą w procesie wiecznej ewolucji, aż zespolą się z Bogiem =Bezinteresowną Miłością, która wypełnia świat, odtwarza go i nadaje sens wszystkiemu.

Zatem zbliżające się Święta Bożego Narodzenia, akt uświęcenia ponownych narodzin Jezusa Chrystusa, jest wezwaniem do aktu Bezinteresownej Miłości naśladującej ofiarę Chrystusa, która w akcie przełamania, zniszczenia naszego Ego zespoli ludzkie społeczeństwo. Nie bądźmy egoistami, porzućmy nasze Ego i połączmy się we Wszechmogące Społeczeństwo ludzi bezinteresownie kochających- wtedy będzie prawdziwe BOŻE NARODZENIE-staniemy się Bogiem dla nowego utworzonego przez nas doskonałego wirtualnego świata.

Warszawa, dnia 5 Grudnia 2023, godzina 11:45    Bogdan Jacek Góralski

Aggression, revolutions, wars and climate change

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mgr inż.Bogdan Góralski @bogdangoralski · 3m · edited: 1s

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Aggression, revolutions, wars and climate change

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mgr inż.Bogdan Góralski @bogdangoralski · 3m · edited: 1s



Aggression, revolutions, wars and climate change  

Bogdan Góralski 

Library of Historical Institute of the University of Warsaw  

1. Aggression 

Failure to satisfy basic desires causes stress and actions aimed at eliminating the cause of 
dissatisfaction, and in the event of prolonged failure, aggression directed at those guilty of this 
condition – the elite leaders. Aggression by Baron and Richardson: is any form of behavior that aims 
to cause harm or injury to another living being, motivated to avoiding causes of aggression. (…) The 
primary motive for aggressive behavior may be either the desire to cause harm to another person as 
an expression of negative feelings, as in the case of hostile aggression or intention to achieve a 
specific goal by means of an act of aggression, as in the case of instrumental aggression (Krahé 2005: 

From the multitude of views on the causes of aggression, I chose the hypothesis of frustration-
aggression. There is an idea that there is a force inside the body that, when interacting with external 
events, leads to aggressive behavior and is an externalization of the aggressive drive as a motivation 
for aggressive behavior: 

Unlike instinct, the drive is not an ever-present, growing source of energy, but it activates only when 
the body is deprived of the means to meet some vital need. Then the drive plays the role of a 
stimulating force, aimed at ending the state of deprivation. In the first version of the frustration-
aggression hypothesis (Dollard J., Doob LW, Miller NE, Mowrer OH, Sears RR, Frustration and 
aggressin, Yale University Press, New Haven 1939), aggression is interpreted as a result of the drive 
to discharge the state of frustration, with frustration is defined as the external disruption of goal-
oriented behavior. Therefore, the experience of frustration activates the drive to act against the 
source of frustration and this drive is responsible for performing aggressive action, (…). Whether or 
not frustration causes an aggressive response depends on the influence of the intermediary 
variables. Fear of punishment for overt aggression or unavailability of a source of frustration are 
moderators who inhibit aggression. Such mediating variables may also explain the phenomenon of 
“displaced” aggression that is often observed – from a source of frustration to a more accessible or 
less fearful purpose. (Krahé 2005: 38). 

The phenomenon of displaced aggression explains the occurrence of “scapegoats” – surrogate targets 
of aggression that unload social frustration resulting from min. from the climate crisis. 

Muzafer Sherif, an American psychologist of Turkish origin, created the Realistic Conflict Theory after 
an experiment at Robbers Cave. It states that, in conditions where the resources desired by various 
human groups are limited, this leads to a conflict between them which creates mutual prejudice and 
discrimination. As soon as mutual hostility arises, returning to ‘peaceful’ relations between the 
groups is very difficult and the conflict can turn into an open confrontation (Szymborski 2011: 152). 

The genesis of revolutionary actions: 

• economic crisis and disorganization of the state system 

• Growing feelings of unmet needs (in the form of desperation, hopelessness, feelings of 
dissatisfaction, etc.) 

• Growing criticism of social order 

• The appearance of a group or class solidarity 

• Creating ideology or “revolutionary faith” 

The latter process is described either in the form of an irrational interpretation of reality (the role of 
a symbol) or a rational attempt at a collective interpretation of the social world (Pacewicz 1983: 100). 

Ideologies are the most complex form of manifesting great values. They express values in historically 
specific categories, e.g. the pursuit of specific needs is generalized in the form of the need for 
freedom and meets a specific cultural message (Pacewicz 1983: 151). 

For example, Polish workers in August 1980 wanted freedom because it ensured the existence of a 
free market system, which was to contribute to improving their material fate because the example of 
the West indicated that the free market system leads to satisfying the needs. 

Society is constantly testing various solutions to crises in spontaneously renewing groups, and if the 
program of the selected group matches the feelings of the majority, they are rewarded with social 

S. Milgram and H. Toch (1969) pointed out that failure to meet needs does not, of itself, lead to a 
social movement. It is also necessary to experience the removability of the source of frustration, a 
high level of sensitivity of the possibility of individual or group influence on social reality and the 
resulting desire to influence this state of affairs. Four psychological processes lead to revolutionary 

• a decrease in the sense of meeting needs 

• activating the sphere of “great” or “basic” values 

• lowering the legitimacy of social order 

• an increase in the sense of political efficiency (Pacewicz 1983: 101). 

In 1962, J. C. Davies proposed a one-factor theory of revolutionary phenomena, in which the main 
explanatory element is the discrepancy between the expected and actual level of satisfying social 
needs. The theory describes diachronic dependencies, and more specifically it deals with the relation 
between two historical processes: 

• Changing expectations in meeting the needs and 

• the real level of meeting the needs. 

According to the author, this is not an objective level of meeting needs, but the relationship between 
what people expect and what they get is a decisive factor in the genesis of the revolution (Pacewicz 
1983: 86). 

In the paper (Dimoso 2009: 96-99), Western literature is discussed in detail about the factors 
influencing the subjective sense of well-being (subjective well-being SWB). As the cited studies show, 
the amount of income affects SWB only up to some point and then SWB is no longer growing. 
However, SWB is significantly affected by a decrease in income (i.e. an increase in maintenance costs 
*). In addition, increasing SWB is more influenced by having a job than social welfare for the 
unemployed – non-wage (psychological) costs are more important than economic. Many studies have 
stated that there is a negative correlation between age and SWB, i.e. as the age increases up to 30, 
40 years, SWB decreases, above 40 years SWB already increases. 

This indicates that younger societies are more aggressive and threatened by revolution than older 

The quoted opinions explain the role of the lack of satisfaction of human needs in the escalation of 
social conflicts. I claim that the climate crisis limiting the satisfaction of human needs is a factor that 
triggers the mechanism of the social crisis. The crisis mechanism after the climate shock was 
previously recognized by the studies of French and English authors (Dupâquier 1989: 189-199), who 
studied climate crises and their effects in the 17th and 18th centuries in England and France. And 
they also came to the conclusion that the mechanism of history is largely shaped by the climatic 
conditions of the area. The climate shock triggers the socio-economic process leading to a state of 
equilibrium through the next stages of the cycle. 

2,Sex ratio – masculinization rate and aggressive social moods. 

In the article, I will present theses that require further research of sociologists, biologists, and 
historians, as well as demographers. Perhaps, thanks to the knowledge we have gained, we will be 
able to improve political activities that will avoid future revolutions and wars. My yesterday’s 
conversation with colleagues at work Krystyna Kasztelewicz and Ewa Szutkowska, who said that her 
son Antek’s pre-school group was dominated by boys, she gave me an idea for an article. Many years 
ago, I listened to a radio broadcast about research on the sex of children in African tribes. The 
broadcast showed that well-fed mothers more often give birth to boys. Ewa Szutkowska said that 
male fetuses are weaker than girls and die more often during early pregnancy. It would result from 
the fact that male fetuses need better living conditions (for their mother) to survive. It would then be 
necessary to check whether girls are born during periods of malnutrition of mothers as stronger 
feminine fetuses to birth more often and dominate in populations of malnourished societies? 

Confirmation of this observation I found in the work of the Łódź sociologist Piotr Szukalski entitled 
Account of births of boys and girls, link:


 Fig.1 Masculinization rates for live births in Poland in 1927-2013 

Chart source: Piotr Szukalski, Birth report of boys and girls,

The above graph of masculinization coefficient – sex ratio in Poland, in the period of several dozen 
years, from pre-war Poland to the present day, indicated a strong advantage of boys’ births in pre-
war Poland (indicating better feeding of mothers), during the period of the PRL the constantly 
decreasing masculinization coefficient indicating worse nutrition of Polish mothers, and finally, the 
growing masculinization ratio which proves better nutrition of contemporary Polish society and 
Polish mothers. The conclusions drawn from the observation of the above chart confirm the results 
of my research proving that it was the climate crisis of the 70. XX century and the global increase in 
food prices that influenced the revolutionary attitudes of malnourished Polish society. Failure to 
fulfill the basic duty of the PRL authorities, which is agricultural policy conducive to adequate 
nutrition of the society, and excessive and unprofitable food exports to the Soviet Union, caused 
social protests and the Solidarity revolution. 

An analysis of the masculinization – the sex ratio and other demographic indicators, as well as the 
food situation of societies, can provide conclusions about the possible course of social moods, which 
have usually surprised politicians until now. Conducting research on these issues can help preserve 
peace of society and global peace. The war mechanism described in the following article indicates 
that wars break out after an initial period of good nutrition of societies, in which the population is 
growing with a strong predominance of young men, followed by a climate crisis and an increase in 
food prices bring an increased level of social aggression. Unrealized procreation ambitions and sexual 
stress associated with the difficulty of finding partners causes young men to be aggressive and favor 
of politicians calling for war. This is only a step away from the aggressive behavior of entire countries. 

The contemporary situation related to good nutrition of societies has been prevailing since the 1980s 
and the masculinization rates of most countries of the world have probably increased during this 
time. The climate crisis, which I forecast in the near future, will affect global aggressive pro-war 

Will we be able to prevent them? 

Warsaw, January 6, 2016 at 12:21                                          Bogdan Góralski 

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The French Revolution 1789-1814 and climate change

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The French Revolution 1789-1814 and climate change

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Translated by Gogle Translator 2023.12.02

The French Revolution 1789-1814 and climate change

Bogdan Góralski

Library of the Historical Institute of the University of Warsaw

I. Climate changes versus Earth’s geoid shape changes 1

1.Introduction 1

2.General causes of changes in climate and speed of rotation of Earth 2

II. Causes of the fall of the Western Roman Empire 7

III. Modern history and changes in the location of the earth’s coating 9

IV Climate change and the French Revolution 10

V. The demographic, socio-economic situation of pre-revolutionary France 15

VI. Structure of the society of pre-revolutionary France 17

VII. French revolutionary ideology 18

VIII. Food prices and the agricultural structure of feudal France 20

IX. Pre-revolutionary period and the image of feudal France 24

X. Scientific and technological revolution versus the causes of the capitalist revolution 27

Bibliography 29

Area France revolutionary was approaching towards the equator Because grew in Europe number earthquakes earth .

  1. Climate changes versus Earth’s geoid shape changes

This chapter is a part of my book entitled “ A modern look at the Earth’s climate mechanism and the Cosmo-geophysical system of the Earth”, published online.


In my previous work, I presented the concept of rotational motion of the Earth controlled by the movements of the masses of the Solar System. Changes in gravity and magnetism (?) in the Solar System cause the Earth’s coating move relative to the ecliptic plane. Earth’s coating consisting of earth’s crust and mantle revolves by slipping over the surface of the outer, liquid , and metallic earth’s nucleus.

Below I present evidence that the movement of the planets causes the movement of the earth’s coating, and the precession of the earth’s axis does not exist. The observer on Earth is changing its position, and star constellations are probably not moving at all.

2.General causes of changes in climate and speed of rotation of Earth.

The temperature of the interior of Earth is sustained by the constant friction between the COATING of Earth and its LIQUID OUTER CORE. The coating of Earth, consisting of the crust and the upper mantle, is rotating under the influence of the alternating gravitational field of the solar system and is rubbing against a liquid, metallic Earth’s outer core, which is a spherical sliding surface for Earth’s coating. The solid metallic inner core of Earth stays in the grip of the magnetic field of the Sun, which alternates according to the pulsation of gravity within the solar system. The movements of the masses inside the Earth geoid are coupled with internal interactions within the solar system, which are also subject to the influence of our galaxy.

Changes in Earth’s climate (which are dependent mainly on the heating through the Sun the Earth surface) are evidence that Earth’s coating moves relative to its core. Climate change resulting from the tilt of the globe in relation to the ecliptic plane causing the succession of the seasons. On top of this, there are circular movements of Earth’s coating around the axis of rotation of Earth and in relation to the ecliptic plane. Movements of the coating are mirrored by the apparent changes in the position of north magnetic field (see Fig.3), which is stable in the grip of the Sun’s magnetic field. Earth’s coating rotates but the north magnetic field is motionless. Throughout several thousand years, the magnetic poles traveled seemingly on the moving surface of Earth along a curve surrounding the geographical pole. Deviations of the north magnetic pole from the north geographic pole reach over twenty degrees of latitude, ie . approximately 2500km and change over time (probably) regularly, i.e. determined by cyclical interactions within the solar system. The research of paleomagnetism show deviation of the northern magnetic field from the north geographic pole (the axis of rotation of Earth) mirrors the movements of Earth’s coating in relation to the sun. Sometimes the movement of Earth’s coating reaches this extent that magnetic poles are reversing themselves but only apparent.

Movements of Earth’s coating change the moment of inertia of the Earth, which causes the variations of the speed of rotation. An increase in the speed of rotation of Earth was observed in the time when the northern magnetic pole was close to the north geographic pole, and vice versa, ie . for example, around year AD 1600 and nowadays. I believe that changes in Earth’s rotation speed reflect the variability of the Earth’s coating movement in relation to the center of Earth’s gravity and in relation to the sun.

Deviations of the location of the northern magnetic pole NMP- from the north geographic pole over twenty degrees latitude, and the apparent circular motion of NMP around the geographic pole, mirror the movements of Earth’s coating which cause regional changes in Earth’s climate. The width of climatic zones designated by the seasons on Earth’s surface reaches about 5 to 20 degrees latitude. Related to these zones, rainy and dry climates, which are dependent on the latitude and insolation, move along the surface of Earth, together with Earth’s coating movements, which are cyclical relative to the Sun. If the coating of Earth moves about 2500 km, which is about 20 degrees latitude, climate zones shift respectively on the Earth’s surface. In such a case, a given region of Earth can experience a dry season instead of the rainy season, and vice versa.

The “rising” and “sinking” zones move northward and southward together accordingly to the Earth’s coating movements. Thus, the wet area near the Equator moves northward into the Northern Hemisphere in its summer, and southward into the Southern Hemisphere during its Southern summer. similarly, the dry zones and wet zone at higher latitudes shift northward and southward throughout the year.

The result of these shifting climatic zones are latitude bands with distinctive precipitation characteristics described below:

0–5° latitude: wet through the year (rising zone)

5–20° latitude: wet summer (rising zone), dry winter (sinking zone)

20–30° latitude: dry all year (sinking zone)

30–50° latitude: wet winter (rising zone), dry summer (sinking zone)

50–60° latitude: wet all year (rising zone)

60–70° latitude: wet summer (rising zone), dry winter (sinking zone)

70–90° latitude: dry all year (sinking zone)

Source of the above date:

Global Distribution of Precipitation- link:


Source of above graph:

For example, I suppose that the shift of precipitation from summer to winter, observed in Iran for the past several thousand years, is one of the results of the movement of Earth’s coating.


Fig. 1. Rainfall over Iran [42.5_ Ee65.5_ E; 25_ Ne41_ N ] for 6 ka BP to present (blue line) and the solar insolation [W/m2] at 31_ N (red line) from ECHO-G simulation during (a)

Summer (JJA) and (b) Winter (DJF). Time-series are smoothed using 201 years running mean. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Source of the above graph:

Towards modeling the regional rainfall changes over Iran due to the

climate forcing of the past 6000 years

Bijan Fallah * , Sahar Sodoudi , Emmanuele Russo, Ingo Kirchner, Ulrich Cubasch

Institute of Meteorology, Free University of Berlin, Carl-Heinrich-Becker- Weg 6-10, 12165 Berlin, Germany

Earth is flattened at the poles and when Earth’s coating rotates, this flattening moves closer to the equator. That is when the moment of inertia of Earth’s rotation increases and its speed of rotation decreases. When Earth’s coating returns to its equilibrium position (which is when both magnetic and geographic poles are next to each other), the speed of Earth’s rotation increases because the moment of inertia decreases.

Currently, the magnetic field moves eastward, toward the geographic pole, increasing the speed of Earth’s rotation. It demonstrates that Earth’s coating is returning to the equilibrium position. What will be the next moves of the magnetic pole and Earth’s coating and what will they bring?

Cyclical waves of increase in the number of earthquakes in the Mediterranean and Poland (see Fig.2.) observed in the period 750 BC to AD 2000 confirm the movements of Earth’s coating. The number of earthquakes rises when the Mediterranean region moves closer to the equator, where the tectonic stress is increased. It is exactly what we are currently observing in Italy. There is an increase in the frequency of earthquakes in the Mediterranean and Poland during periods of large shifts of Earth’s coating, i.e., up to 7000km in the years AD 250-700 and 1250-1860.


Fig.2. Variability of the number of significant earthquakes in the Mediterranean and Poland between 750 BCE to AD 2000

Based on archival data about earthquakes registered in the period from AD 998 to AD 2000 in

Poland ( Pagaczewski 1972); ( Guterch , Lewandowska -Marciniak 2002) and earthquakes

registered in areas adjacent to the Mediterranean basin in the 750 BC period. it’s AD 995

( Guidoboni et al. 1994) a set of high-intensity earthquakes containing 417 events was

prepared. Based on the above set, a diagram of seismic activity in Europe was made in

the period between 750 BC and AD 2000. showing the variation in the number of shocks over


The c easeless movement of Earth’s coating, causing cyclical and regional climate changes, causes the birth, rise, and fall of civilizations and empires developing from east to west (in agreement with the movement of Earth’s coating and climate zones) in the historical civilization of Indo-European and Asian civilization.


Guidoboni Emanuela , Comastri Alberto, Traina Giusto 1994: Catalog of ancient earthquakes in the Mediterranean area up to the 10th century , Instituto Nazionale de Geofisica , Rome

Guterch Barbara, Lewandowska – Marciniak Hanna 2002: Seismicity and seismic hazard in Poland, Folia Quaternaria vol.73, Kraków.

Pagaczewski J. 1972: Catalog of earthquakes in Poland in the years 1000-1970, Materials Works of the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences no. 51, Warsaw.

  1. Causes of the fall of the Western Roman Empire

It is a part of my book entitled A modern look at the Earth’s climate mechanism and the cosmo -geophysical system of the Earth, published online.

Between the birth of Christ and the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the earth’s coating shifted relative to the ecliptic over 7000 km across the earth’s surface. There was then the seeming change in the location of the northern magnetic pole, whose movements were determined by research by:

Gullaume St-Onge and Joseph S. Stoner, Paleomagnetism near North Magnetic Field,


Fig.3. The apparent movement of the North Magnetic Pole around the geographic north pole

Source of the above graph:

St-Onge, G., and J. S. Stoner. 2011. Paleomagnetism near the North Magnetic Field: A unique vantage point for understanding the dynamics of the geomagnetic field and its secular variations. Oceanography 24(3):42–50, .

From the above studies, it appears that the north magnetic pole has apparently moved about 7 degrees latitude and 180 degrees of longitude (about 7,000 km) from Siberia (Lena’s mouth) northwest to Greenland (around the land of Francis Joseph). Associated with this seeming shift of the north magnetic field take place, the rotation of the earth’s coating (Góralski 2017 B) caused that the Asian territories occupied by the Mongol tribes were in a drier climatic zone. It led to the long drought in the summer and strong snowy winters in which extinct the herds of animals owned by the Mongolian tribes. It led to the migration of the Mongolian tribes towards the west that in the IV-V centuries they reached Europe as Huns.

At the same time, with the shifting of the earth’s coating to the south, northwestern Europe ha s found itself in the period 0-400 AD in the warmer climate which caused progress in agriculture of German tribes (and drought in Palestine and southern Europe, where drought then caused the food crisis). It is confirmed by the increase of earthquakes in the area of the Roman Empire (see Fig.2) in this time what means that this region of the Earth was closer to the equator then earlier before Christ birth. See explanation in my work (Góralski B. 2017B).

This above warming of the European climate resulted in an increase of the population of the Germanic tribes and the increase in their importance in the society and the army of Rome. Then, during the period 400-500 AD, the reverse movement of the earth’s coating caused Western Europe to find itself in a colder climatic zone. It caused crop failure and hunger in the Germanic land. It resulted in their mass migration southward to the lands of the Western Roman Empire. The emergence of Huns in Europe accelerated the migration of the Germanic tribes into Rome. The Huns’ invasion of central and western Europe and the invasion of the German tribes into southern Europe caused the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Other consequences of the cyclical movement of the coating of Earth are described in my book available online in the Polish language entitled “Historia naturalna and changes climate “.

  1. Modern history and changes in the location of the earth’s coating

Before the French Revolution, western Europe shifted south because the earth’s coating was shifting so that North America simultaneously traveled to the North. North America’s wandering in the North direction marks in the worsening of climate before the moment of the outbreak of a civil war in the US in 1864. The Civil war was probably caused by crop failures in the northern states of the United States what was the cause of the war with the fertile states on the South of the US, which had a better climate for the crop vegetation.


Fig. No. XX Male height in Mexico per GDP

b01b95381c6b4a186ee82febafd43696.png Male mean height trends in Mexico, by birth cohorts: 1850–1992

57de6adac8cf282c3183eaa17c6da63b.png Mean heights of volunteer soldiers in the US and in selected countries with prescription

Source of the above graph and below excerpt:

Biased samples yield biased results: What historical heights can teach us about past living standards

Howard Bodenhorn , Timothy Guinnane , Thomas Mroz July 22, 2015


Figure in above reports mean heights of soldiers for six countries over the 19th and 20th centuries. The US experience, where mean height apparently decreased by about 5cm (about two inches) from 1830 to 1880, is an example of the industrialization puzzle. This result supports an extremely pessimistic understanding of how industrialization affects human welfare. It is one thing to argue that industrialization’s benefits were unevenly distributed or at first sight. The industrialization puzzle implies that at least in the short run, economic modernization made the average person worse off. How could this be? The finding that people shrank in a growing economy, as John Komlos puts it, led to a number of possible explanations for the puzzle. Most focus on the quality and availability of food supplies, the intensity of work effort, and the undeniably unhealthy living conditions of early industrial workers in both the US and Europe. The possibility that people could be worse off (as measured by their height) while real wages were increasing led Komlos to posit that the ‘biological’ and the economic standards of living might diverge during industrial revolutions.


USD Inflation since 1635

Annual Rate, the Bureau of Labor Statistics CPI


After Díaz’s overthrow, Francisco Madero [3] took power , enjoying the support of peasant leaders Francisco Villa in the north and Emiliano Zapata in the south. The slogan of the new revolutionary authorities was ” Tierra y Libertad “, meaning land and freedom [3] . The first part of the slogan referred to the expropriation of powerful hacienda owners. Emiliano Zapata, who demanded faster agrarian reform from the Madero government, was a particular opponent of the latifundia system . Before the revolution, 97% of the arable land was owned by 1,000 families, the church and foreigners. Peasants owned only 2% of the land and the remaining 1% belonged to the commune [5] . President Madero was a supporter of liberal democracy and a reformer, but he could not agree to the demands of peasant leaders due to the compromise made with the supporters of the deposed Díaz . Seeing the government’s subsequent attempts to negotiate with loyalists of the overthrown regime and the delay in reforms, Zapata withdrew support for Madeira and took power over the state of Morelos [4] . downloaded on 20/02/2020 at 16:25

Source of the Graph: Luis Bértola · Jeffrey Williamson Editors, Has Latin American Inequality Changed Direction? looking over the long run, Springer Open.


The growth curves of soldiers in the USA and Mexico show that from 1800 to 1890 the biological living conditions of the human population on the North American continent deteriorated. This was related to the shifting of the earth’s crust northward in North America in the period 1800-1860. Since 1860, the return movement of the crust and the shifting of climatic zones and precipitation zones over the surface of the shifting Earth’s crust began. The cultivation of cotton in the southern states is evidence of the rainless weather that cotton likes . Biological conditions for the human population were deteriorating due to changes in land productivity associated with worsening climatic conditions. The reduction in yields per acre of farmland was associated with a shorter growing season in the north and reduced rainfall in the south of North America, i.e. in Mexico. This is difficult to observe in American agriculture due to the enormous increase in US agricultural production resulting from the increase in the number of settlers and their farms. In the south, there was a slave system in cotton cultivation (which was always in great demand with the increasing population), which gave financial independence to southern states striving for secession. The abolition of slavery was the argument of the northern states to prevent the secession of the US South because it caused their economic decline and economic dependence on the northern states. The Taiping Rebellion in China was almost simultaneous with the US Civil War.

Climate Effects and Stature since 1800

Lots of historical data at the link:

US growth chart and data since 1700:

During the French Revolution, the climate zone with winter rainfall and dry summer found itself above France, i.e., France had to move deeply into the zone between 50-30 degrees of latitude. In July 1789, heavy rains during the harvest destroyed the crops and led to famine in Paris, which caused the outbreak of the revolution. From 1860, the area of France wandered north and is now at latitude 48 ° 51 ‘52.9776’ ‘N

IV Climate change and the French Revolution

Halina Lorenc ( Lorenc 2001), based on instrumental measurements at the Warsaw Astronomical Observatory since 1779, separates the coldest thermal period in the range 1801-1889 with the coldest sub-period in 1811-1820. During those 220 years, the coldest year was in 1829 , with an average annual temperature of only 4.7ºC with a multi-year average of 7.7ºC. There are two periods in the measurement data series:

– a period with a negative deviation from the 220-year average in 1781-1890

– a period with a positive deviation from the long-term average in 1891-1999.

The author points out the reason for the cooling of the nineteenth-century on absolute minimum solar activity (the weakest 13-year cycle of sunspots in the period of 1811-1823) and the increase in dustiness of the atmosphere in the peak of volcanic activity (volcanic eruptions of Tambora in 1815 and Coseqina in 1835). In 1883 a volcano erupted on the island of Krakatau. The previous eruption took place in the 17th century. The author combines the rise in temperatures in the 20th century with the increase in solar activity and the decreasing activity of volcanoes. The influence of volcanoes on the climate is raised in his work by Ch.D. Schônwiese ( Schônwiese 1997). He writes that in the last 40,000 years almost every continental or mountain glacier progress has been associated with a period of increased volcanic activity. In the period 1815-1912, all volcanic eruptions had a VEI (volcanic explosivity index) of 5 or 6. Today, eruptions have a VEI of 4. This indicates less volcanic activity.


Fig.4 . SPEI record JJA(wet and dry summers in Fontainebleau) versus total sunspot numbers SSN (color orange right scale) in 1750-1904.

Source of values:

Yearly mean total sunspot number: WDC-SILSO, Royal Observatory of Belgium, Brussels


Source of values: SPEI rec JJA from the publication –

Authors: Inga Labuhn , Valerie Daux , Olivier Girardclos , Michel Stievenard , Monique Pierre, and Valerie Masson- Delmotte

# Published_Date_or_Year : 2016-05-03

# Published_Title : French summer droughts since 1326 CE: A reconstruction based on tree ring cellulose d18O

# Journal_Name : Climate of the Past

#Volume : 12

# Pages: 1101-1117

#DOI : 10.5194/cp-12-1101-2016

# Online_Resource :

# Full_Citation :

# Abstract: The reconstruction of droughts is essential for the understanding of past drought dynamics and can help evaluate future drought scenarios in a changing climate. This article presents a reconstruction of summer droughts in France based on annually resolved, absolutely dated chronologies of oxygen isotope ratios (d18O) in tree ring cellulose from Quercus spp. Samples were taken from living trees and timber wood from historic buildings at two sites: Fontainebleau (48 23’N, 2 40’E; 1326-2000 CE) and Angouleme (45 44’N, 0 18′ E; 1360-2004 CE). Cellulose d18O from these sites proved to be a good proxy of summer climate, as the trees were sensitive to temperature and moisture availability. However, offsets in average d18O values between tree cohorts necessitated a correction before joining them to the final chronologies.

Using the corrected d18O chronologies, we developed models based on linear regression to reconstruct drought, expressed by the standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI). The significant correlations between the SPEI and cellulose d18O (r~= -0.70), as well as the verification of the models by independent data, support the validity of these reconstructions. At both sites, recent decades are at risk of increasing drought. Fontainebleau displays dominantly wetter conditions during earlier centuries, whereas the current drought intensity is not unprecedented in the Angouleme record.

While the d18O chronologies at the two studied sites are highly correlated during the 19th and 20th centuries, there is a significant decrease in the correlation coefficient between 1600 and 1800 CE, which indicates either a weaker climate sensitivity of the tree ring proxies during this period or a more heterogeneous climate in the north and the south of France. Future studies of tree ring isotope networks might reveal if the seasonality and spatial patterns of past droughts can explain this decoupling. A regional drought reconstruction based on a combination of the two sites shows good agreement with historical records of grape harvest dates in France, which provide another proxy of summer climate.


Fig. 5. Summer temperature reconstructions in Europe in the years 1400-2000

We rely here on air temperature reconstructions during the summer periods described at work:

Raymond S. Bradley, Philip D.Jones , “Little Ice Age” summer temperature variations: their nature and relevance to recent global warming trends , The Holocene 3.4 (1993) pp. 367-376

In BR Mitchell’s book, European Historical Statistics 1750-1975, there is data on annual atmospheric precipitation in major European cities in the period 1750-1975. I used this data to create the following chart showing the variability of rainfall during the period 1773-1800 in Paris-north of the Alps, and Milan-south of the Alps:


Fig. 6. Precipitation in Paris (blue color) and Milan in 1773-1800 in mm / year. Author of the drawing Bogdan Góralski

The graph shows a negative correlation where greater rainfall in Milan is accompanied by less rainfall in Paris and vice versa. The graph also shows the increasing rainfall trend in Milan – magenta and the decreasing rainfall trend in Paris – blue. From 1787, the Paris chart shows a progressive fall in rainfall from 600mm / year to less than 400mm / year. It is important to know that wheat used for baking bread needs up to 500mm of rainfall during the growing season. Reducing the sum of rainfall during the growing season reduces yields by up to 40%.

Precipitation below 400mm / year, which was recorded in Paris in the period 1790-1796, probably significantly reduced the yield of wheat, from which bread was the basis for feeding folk masses. Because grain deliveries from further regions of France were unprofitable due to customs duties and transport costs, and heavy rains at harvest time reduced crops in 1789, the Paris district suffered famine, which translated into the revolutionary behavior of the French people used by the revolutionary elites to overthrow royal power and the political system France.

Historical literature describes problems with drinking water supply on the eve of the Paris revolution. There was solved only by Napoleon, who built a channel to clean water to Paris. Drought in the Paris region in the period immediately preceding the French Revolution resulted from climate change associated with the Dalton Minimum – a decrease in solar activity. A similar decrease in solar activity is expected in 2019-2040.

V. The demographic, socio-economic situation of pre-revolutionary France.

The population of France grew from 16.8 million in 1650 to 34.9 million in 1850 ( Szpak 1997: 129). From 1769, it was an approx. 15% increase in the French population (from 25 million to 29 million) (Dupâquier1988: 67). It is likely that boys among the newborn predominated, which caused the masculinization of French society. Aggressive young men probably dominated the French revolutionary elites. The possibilities of reducing the French population by emigration have been lost out by short-sighted foreign policy because France lost to England in competition for North America. In America in 1760. there were 2 million English colonists and only 60,000. the French citizens ( Rostworowski 2006: 386). The war with England in defense of American independence consumed 2 billion livres borrowed at 10-12%.

In 1789, the public debt increased to 4.5 billion livres. He tripled during the 15 years of the reign of Louis XVI. At the time of the death of Louis XV, servicing the debt required 93 million a year, and in 1790 it reached 300 million in the budget, whose income barely exceeded 500 million livres ( Mathiez 1953: 23). This avalanche increase in the treasury debt of the king was probably due to the enormous inflation forced by the multiple increases in food prices that began at that time in the world. The food crisis was a derivative of a shift to the north of Europe, which led to a shift of rainfall to winter, and the cooling of the climate that occurred at that time (see Fig. 5 summer temperature chart for central Europe). Treasury cash revenues reduced by inflation were not enough to meet the needs of the apparatus of the French kingdom. This stopped the French expansion in America and indirectly contributed to the outbreak of the French Revolution. If a few million French people left for North America, social problems in France would be reduced, and a revolution might not have happened. On the eve of the revolution, the population of France reached the maximum numbers for a given territory and the given social conditions during favorable climate and economic conditions during the reign of Louis XIV and Louis XV. It is demonstrated by falling since 1780. the crude birth rate for the French population (Fig. 7).


Fig. 7. Total European and Japanese fertility Data from 1801-1950 from the European part of Russia come from (Glass 1965: 97 tab.20). (author of the drawing Bogdan Góralski). Birth rates (crude birth rate) in populations covered by revolutions and wars from 1750 to 1955. Dark violet -Russia, violet-Germany, dark blue-Austria, brown-Japan, light blue-England, green-Italy, yellow-France.

Date 1750-1840 for France. David Victor Glass, World Population, tab. p. 101

Date 1841-1955 for France, Germany, England, Austria DV Glass, World Population, tab. pp. 68-69

Date for Austria-Hungary until 1906.

To calculate the birth rate in the English population, data from the book Wrigley EA, Schofield RS, “The Population History of England 1541-1871. A reconstruction. London 1981:

Data from Table 7.8 on pages 208-209 on the size of the population: Quinennial English population totals 1541-1871

Data from Table A2.3 on pages 496-502 about the number of births.

Data from these two tables above were used to calculate the crude birth rate in England

Date 1801-1950 for the European part of Russia: David Victor Glass, World Population, table 20, p. 97

Data for Japan: from 1911-1943 from the Statistical Year-Book of the League of Nations, p. 41

Data for Italy: David Victor Glass, World Population, tab. p. 68.

People who were born from 1769 during the growth of the French population, in the period before the revolution they reached maturity. It is obvious that they wanted to live normally, have children, and work. Probably their chances of success in life in France of Louis XVI suddenly deteriorated due to the sharp climate crisis causing bad harvests and great inflation as well as the even worse financial situation of the state. The climate crisis associated with the rapid cooling of the climate of Central Europe in the period 1780-1815 is evidenced by reconstructed summer temperature anomalies (see Fig. 5 – graphs No. 5 for Central England and No. 6 for Central Europe) (Bradley , Jones 1992).

VI. Structure of the society of pre-revolutionary France

The social structure of French society was also revolutionary, in which the nobility and aristocracy were a minority, constituting about 1% of the total:

Higher clergy (archbishops, bishops, abbots, priories, canons, etc. 10,000

Lower clergy (priests, vicars, priests without benefits, etc.) 60,000

Religious clergy 60,000

Nobility (including 40,000 old nobility) 173,000

Townspeople – buyers, industrialists, intelligence 500,000

Average condition – artisans, small buyers , etc. 2,925,000

City proletariat 2,385,000

Farmers, possessors ( fermiers ), merchants, craftsmen 750,000

Peasants owning lands 15,333,000

Farmless peasants 5,354,000

Total 27,550,000 (Macleod- Machlejd 1934: 63),

The climate crisis-affected rising food prices primarily for city and town dwellers, i.e. the average state and urban proletariat – a total of 6 million French. Farmless peasants, of whom there were over 5 million, also felt painfully the food prices in those years, which is demonstrated by the work Wages, Prices, and Living Standards in China, Japan, and Europe, 1738-1925 (Allen et al. 2012).

According to the above work, wheat prices pulsed and rose three to four times in London from 1790 to 1815, which probably means the same increase in France.

The population dissatisfied with the crisis of the state, worsened by the climate and food crisis, reached the size of more than 11 million French, who became a revolutionary mass. The elite, blamed for the crisis, numbered only 303,000 nobility and clergy and were in the minority against the 500,000 revolutionary bourgeoisie fearing the bankruptcy of the state and the forfeiture of the money lent to it. The revolutionary elites included Protestants and Jews who had been persecuted earlier and who had obtained equal rights and civil rights as a result of the revolution.

Artur Young, in a report from a trip to pre-revolutionary France, writes that poor French invested their savings in the ground (Young 1950: 284), probably encouraged by high food prices and the difficulty in making a living during the inflationary state of the French economy. The purchase of small plots of land was hampered by an increase in the stamp tax on real estate transactions introduced just before the revolution, which outraged the French proletariat.

VII. French revolutionary ideology

The layers of the middle class and working intelligentsia created a new revolutionary ideology, which culminated in Napoleon’s Code. Along with the decentralization of Charlemagne’s monarchy, many local codes of customary laws developed, the number of which after the unification of the state in the fourteenth century reached 700. They were a derivative of the mixing of Roman law, Germanic law, and canon law . This state lasted until the Revolution, and the end of these laws was caused by Napoleon’s Code ( Sójka Zielińska 2008: 13-14), which is the culmination of revolutionary ideology.

Jean Jacques Rousseau, a supporter of radical republican democracy and republicanism, put equality at the forefront of human rights. He belonged to the apologists of the state of nature. In his “The Discourse on the Origin of Inequalities Between People” published in 1753, he drew an idealistic picture of primitive times, following the model of the “golden age” described by Ovid in Metamorphoses, when all people were equal and enjoyed unlimited freedom . The beginning of all misery of humanity was the emergence of private property, which caused a permanent division into the rich and the poor, and conflicts introducing “the most terrible confusion” into social life. He sought help against the consequences of the inevitable development of civilization in a social contract in which individuals renounce their natural freedom to the community-people-as a sovereign. In this arrangement, the concept of individual freedom disappeared, and the will of individuals disappeared in the overarching concept of the universal will, volonte general, infallible in the pursuit of universal happiness ( Sójka Zielińska 2008: 35).

Formal subordination of the individual to society is unnecessary because there is a mechanism in society – a feedback loop that gives the individual freedom only when he realizes the will of the superior community – when he satisfies social needs, what I described in previous chapters.

However, the greatest contribution to the ideological foundation of the concept of the natural rights of the individual was made by the French physiocrats. Involved in leading positions in the state apparatus, usually from the middle class or clerical nobility, they were in favor of absolutism, but in the form of “enlightened” as the initiator of top-down socio-economic reforms. The doctrine of physiocrats was based on the assumption that social life is governed by objective rules modeled on natural laws.

Together they form a physical and moral order, guided by the unchanging, absolute laws of nature. The conviction of the necessary compliance of future legislative works with the principles of the law of nature led physiocrats to formulate the thesis on the declaratory nature of the function of the legislator. They were only to learn about objectively existing legal and natural regulations and to record them in the form of “declarations,” i.e., announcing legal rules that are consistent with the law of nature. According to Francois Quesnay, “people and their governments do not create laws … they recognize the laws, and they agree with the highest reason, intellect, that governs the world, i.e., they declare these laws.”

For another physiocrat Dupont Nemours, “decisions that we call positive law should be nothing more than declaratory acts.” The physiocrats used the concept of inherent, natural human rights, and made the category of one and individual property the focal point of their system. It included both “person’s property,” i.e. , personal freedom understood as the freedom to dispose of yourself and your skills, as well as ownership of things, such as economic freedom, the freedom to freely dispose of wealth, and increase wealth. They sought to lift all feudal restrictions regarding the possession and circulation of land, the land they considered as the basic wealth of the country ( Sójka Zielińska 2008: 35-36). I think that the notion of ownership and inheritance, which they believe is a source of inequality, needs to be studied to achieve modern social progress. I did this in my work on establishing the global POL-CAT enterprise, which will have indivisible and non-inherited property, ensuring economic freedom and safety for employees-shareholders.

VIII. Food prices and the agricultural structure of feudal France

The bad climate in France lasted from the end of the 17th century due to the continuing Little Ice Age.

“Oppression and misery begin around 1672. At the end of the seventeenth century (1698), the memorials, edited by the authorizing officers of the Duke of Burgundy, say that many poviats and provinces have lost their sixth, fifth, fourth, and even a third of the population, and some up to half “,” In 1725, Saint-Simon writes: “next to the luxury life in Strasbourg and in Chantilly, Normandy feeds on grass (” Taine 1881: 321-322).

Perhaps the decrease in the rural population was due to the high concentration of agricultural property before the revolution due to the low prices of agricultural production. The landless rural population moved to the cities and constituted the urban proletariat. The concentration of agricultural ownership also resulted in a decrease in the production of agricultural produce, which was a market reaction to the reduction of food prices before the revolution. This caused hunger among poor social loss. At the same time, low food prices cause better nutrition for richer population groups and an increase in the number of boys’ births, which causes masculinization of the population and an increase in its aggressiveness.

Wheat and food prices depend mainly on climate change affecting the increase in crop per unit of cultivated area. Changes in wheat prices over the centuries are shown in the charts below:


Fig. 8. Real wheat prices 1667-2002


Fig.9. Wheat prices in London in German marks 1541-1910

The chart below illustrates the impact of food demand on its prices and increasing the area of ​​crops in Lower Normandy in the years 1397-1956.


Figure 10. Increasing the cultivated area in response to the increase in food prices in Lower Normandy in the period 1397 -1956 on the example of the villages of Beaurfour and Vitotel

Date Series:

Purple – area of ​​crops in the villages of Beaufour and Vitotel in Lower Normandy according to André Plaisse (1965) in hectares (left scale).

Blue – real prices of wheat in London by Wilhelm Abel (1935) in German marks.

Wheat prices have risen in London (and grain markets have shaped similar prices everywhere) since 1544 due to the demand of the growing English (and French population) and growing with the prices the areas of arable crops (demand shapes supply). Around 1810, there was a solstice and wheat, food prices began to decline, and with them the area of ​​​​arable crops. What resulted in these changes? During this period in Europe lasted the Little Ice Age associated with minimized solar activity so. Maunder minimum and Dalton minimum. Deterioration of climatic conditions during the minima of solar activity and the accompanying decrease in yields per hectare and the growing population forced an increase in prices of agricultural produce, which prompted producers to increase the cultivation areas. At the same time, there was a phenomenon of deconcentrating of agricultural property, consisting of reducing the average area of ​​​​agricultural property. The population bought small agricultural plots to cultivate them and survive in the conditions of rising food prices. After 1820, there was a decline in wheat and food prices, and a downward trend in the area of ​​​​arable crops followed, as well as after the Spring of Nations, concentration of agricultural property – increasing the average area of ​​agricultural property , which continues to this day and led to the creation of large agricultural latifundia (very big farms) in Western countries. This phenomenon did not occur in Asia (China has recently departed from large-scale rural communes) , and currently, the Asian agricultural system is based on the lease of small plots of land cultivated by a very large population of Asian farmers.

The phenomenon of deconcentrating and concentration of agricultural property is visible in the figure below, illustrating the change in time of the average area of ​​​​agricultural property. The phenomena of deconcentrating agricultural properties took place in the period preceding the French Revolution and during the Napoleonic Wars ( Plaisse 1965: 94 Tab. No. 18), and today they continue in the most overpopulated countries of the world.


Figure 11. Changes in crop area and agricultural structure in Lower Normandy during the period 1397-1956 on the example of the villages of Beaurfour and Vitotel

Date Series:

Purple color – area of ​​agricultural crops in the villages of Beaufour and Vitotel in Lower Normandy

by. André Plaisse (1965) in hectares (left scale).

Blue – the average surface of agricultural property in the villages of Beaufour and Vitotel in [ha]

IX. Pre-revolutionary period and the image of feudal France

The harsh winter of 1708/9 and hunger caused by the over frozen crops killed 2 million French people.

“In 1739, Argenson writes in his diary:” Crop failure just started an uprising in three provinces: in Ruffec , Caen, and Chinon . Women who carried bread were killed on the roads … “(…) In 1740 Massillon, bishop of the Clermont-Ferrand dioceses, writes to Fleury:” Our villagers live in terrible misery, without beds, without equipment, and most through half a year there is not even barley or oat bread, which is their only food and which they must take from their mouths and children mouths and pay taxes” (Taine 1881: 322).

“In all cities, every townsman is required to feed one or two paupers and give him fourteen pounds of bread a week. This winter, the city of Châtellerault (with four thousand inhabitants) had 1,800 similar poor people this winter” (Taine 1881: 323).

Famine uprisings broke out in 1747 Toulouse, 1750 in Béarn , and in 1752 near Rouen, Delfinat and Auvergne, Arles. In Normandy itself, hunger uprisings occurred in 1725, 1737, 1739, 1752, 1764, 1765, 1766, 1767, 1768. Similar uprisings occurred in 1772 in Reims, in 1775 in Dijon, Versailles, Saint-Germain, and Pontoise and in Paris , in 1782 in Poitiers, in 1785 in Aix en Provence, in 1788 and 1789 in Paris and all of France.

“Admittedly, under Louis XVI, governments are softening, the authorizing officers are becoming more human, the administration is improving, the personal tax is evening out, the serfdom is slowing down (the fourth part of working days in the year falls on serfdom ( Taine 1881: 324)) and transforms, in a word the misery decreases; with all this, it is still too great for human nature to bear” (Taine 1881: 325-326).

This situation must have resulted in bad social moods caused by problems with feeding the population. Problems with food determine the background of a conflict situation. Feeding in France has deteriorated over the centuries. By. Massimo Livi-Bacci ( Livi-Bacci 1991: 83-84 Table 15):

in 1480, there were 4,163 calories per head of a French resident,

in 1580-90 4917 calories,

2840 calories in the years 1600-1700,

in the years 1754-67 1740-2000 calories,

in 1780, 1950-2350 calories,

in the years 1781-90 1753-2130 calories,

in the years 1803-12 1846 calories,

in the years 1845-54 2480,

3220 calories in 1885-94.

The data presented above show that in the pre-revolutionary period the nutritional situation of French society was very bad, but in the 1790s in Western Europe, there was the most severe climate crisis of the last centuries – a sharp climate change (see Fig. 5). This resulted in a huge increase in food prices, total hunger in France and an outbreak of the revolution. Famine in French society caused the deconcentration of land ownership by the desire to set up small farms that had been built before the revolution. The deconcentration of agricultural resources in France before the French Revolution was forced by rising food prices (huge fallow areas, difficult climate conditions, and terrible logistics in food transport limited food supply) and the proletarianization of rural society.

The French Revolution was directed against the feudal state and its structures. In the second half of the 18th century, there were about 42,000 parishes in France per of 55,600 km² (for example, there are now about 9,600 parishes per 312,000 km² in Poland). The parishes made a living off tithes and owned farms. There were 13 km² of France per parish. On the French-Dutch border was one parish per to 5 km², and one parish or associated church to 3 km² ( Litak 2004). About 120,000 people belonged to the clergy. About 10% of the arable land belonged to the church. The church’s income from landed estates and tithes amounted to around 220 million livres, and thus ⅓ of the French treasury (Markov, Soboul 1984: 15). During the food crisis, such a wealth of clergy had to cause conflicts and aggression. The share of 20 million French peasants in arable land was about 35%, which is why it was small (in the 18th century the number of small farms increased significantly (Taine 1881)).

“According to the best viewers,” a quarter of the soil is fallow, “” (…) “The agricultural association in Rennes announces that two-thirds of Brittany are fallow. (…) “In the Confolens district, a piece of land leased in 1665 for 2965 Livres will not bring (in 1747) higher than to 900 Livres. On the border between Marche and Berry dominion, which in 1660 could feed two families well, is now a shabby, nothing-bringing farm” (Taine 1881: 328-329).

This is due to the climate crisis of the Little Ice Age limiting income and agricultural production from small farms of agricultural land and the king’s tax policy. Under Louis XVI from 1774 future economic stagnation followed by recurring crises. Bad weather conditions (harsh winters, unfavorable for agriculture in the spring, probably high rainfall (“The once flourishing Sologne turned into swamps and forests; a hundred years ago it gave three times more abundant crops” (Taine 1881: 329)), and since 1784 to 1788 – a series of bad years – crop failure, sheep and cattle plague cause an economic crisis. In 1787, the French treasury deficit amounted to 140 million livres with a budget of 640 million. The French tax system was very repressive and the taxed citizen paid an average of 53% of tax from income (Taine 1881). Nobility and clergy were practically freed from taxes, which provoked the indignation of the rest of society. In this situation, attempts to enact new taxes: the new land tax- was particularly severe for hundreds of thousands of small farms newly established during the 18th century and stamp tax – from real estate transactions, brings revolutionary social protests and discontent out of government. The Great French Revolution breaks out against the conspiracy of the feudal state and its structure based on aristocracy and clergy. The bad situation of the French people was caused by the climate crisis. Markov, Soboul (Markov, Soboul 1984: 27) write about the situation of the French people, and I quote:

“The main problem of the employed was the uncertain purchasing power of their earnings. The uncertainty in the price increase affects them in different ways depending on their family budget. Because cereal prices increased more than all others, this burdened simple people above all, since , firstly, the number of children here was the highest, and secondly, bread was his main food. E. Labrousse calculated that purchase of it accounted for 50% of the family budget; 16% fell on vegetables, fruit, fat, and wine , 10% on clothing, 6% on fuel and light, meat could only be eaten very rarely. The author concludes that the cost of living in the period 1771-1789 compared to 1726-1741 increased by 45%, and in the years 1785 -1789, even by 62%. Seasonal fluctuations were even higher. After a great crop failure in 1788. the price of bread soared that poorer workers had to spend 58% on bread alone, and in 1789. up to 80% of their earnings “

“Wheat bread cost as much as today, three to four sold per pound, but the man’s daily income, instead of forty, was only nineteen sold” (Taine 1881: 330).

“Artur Young, using similar insights and calculations, comes to the conclusion that in France” rural workers – and this is the most numerous class – are 76 percent the worse than in England, that is 76 percent worse are fed, clothed, kept in health and sickness, “(…)” in the eighth, eighth parts of the kingdom, there are no tenants at all, only the sharecropper “(Taine 1881: 331).

On July 13, 1788, there was a monstrous storm with hail that killed people and animals, which in northern France destroyed hundreds of square miles of grain just before harvest, and the long spring drought did not allow the grain to grow (Doyle 1990: 86). In 1789-90 there was a good harvest, and in 1791 wasted. In the winter of 1792, the people attacked stores and wholesalers.

Food prices in Europe fell until 1750 and then began to rise sharply until 1830 (Fig. 8). This must-have affected the French population, which, using Napoleon’s war genius, sought to feed a large army of millions of males (who had no chance for reproduction) outside of France during the Napoleonic wars. The population of England (from 1700) tends to increase, and from 1800 to rapid development (until 1825), then the growth rate decreases. This is probably associated with the colonial expansion of England, during which the surplus population emigrated to the colonies.

In the period from 1850. food prices in Europe decreased (growing grain imports from the United States and the emergence of potato crops). Food problems with the rapidly growing population (emigrants) were the reason for the US agricultural policy, wherein the years 1860-1880 the number of farms increased from 2 million to 4 million. This gave a development impulse to the entire American economy (Mendelson 1960 ).

X. Scientific and technological revolution versus the causes of the capitalist revolution

• Geographic discoveries and the development of technology and science laid the foundations for economic progress that gave career opportunities and enrichment to dynamic and educated individuals not associated with feudal structures. The great religious reformers challenged Catholic dogmas on which the king and feudal lords were based, creating the ethical foundations of the social structure of capitalism, that ennobled useful human work serving the whole of society.

The conflict between feudal and capitalist systems

• The feudal farming system based on land rent and the hierarchical structure was the best at meeting natural biological needs and is optimal in agriculture.

• The feudal system was based on as the largest number of subjects who paid the rent, and thus increased the number of the rural population

• The capitalist system emerged in response to higher-order mass needs that the feudal system did not satisfy:

• the need for individual freedom,

• the need for equal opportunities for a dignified life,

• the need for a sense of social recognition for an independent individual that resulted from his or her own merits and achievements.

• The capitalist system minimized employment for profit and reduced the number of the rural population

Effects of anti-feudal revolutions

1. As a result of the revolution, power and land passed from the hands of aristocracy and nobility to the hereditary layer of capitalists and bankers (mainly Jews).

2. The capitalist system gave personal freedom, which is limited only by ignorance, but it is more economically restrictive for the citizen than was the feudal system.

3. In the feudal system, the subordinate was subjected to the protection of a feudal lord (local authority), who knew his needs and possibilities better, enabling them to be realized by granting credit and land.

4. In the capitalist system, the citizen is looked after by a central government and a powerful bureaucracy that has limited knowledge of the needs and possibilities of the citizen. The citizen must realize himself on the business market and get a job and capital in the free market.

5. A profit-oriented capitalist system cannot make full use of existing resources and possibilities of producing food for global needs, because profit is achieved by reducing agricultural production

The anti-feudal revolutions were, in fact, a protest against the inheritance mechanisms, whose unethical functioning resulted in the concentration of property in the hands of the feudal lords. This subconscious, instinctive protest was articulated only vaguely in the writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. It was not included in the social rules developed by the elite of the French Revolution because it prevented the accumulation of capital by banking elites.

The Russian Revolution, which evolved into a Bolshevik revolution, abolished private property and introduced state or social property, which was not subject to inheritance. It was an economically inefficient solution because it deprived human individuals of the opportunity to stand out by the wealth they gained in life by using other talents and reduced human fate to gray, average, and generally miserable existence.

After the collapse of the Soviet Russia system and the introduction of economic reforms in communist Russia and China, huge fortunes appeared again, and problems with inheritance again arose, the mechanisms of which are widely used to unfairly take over other people’s property by various mafias. The Chinese economic maneuver transforming the economy into a free-market planning system was based on a large number of peasants (800 million) supplying the market with food and labor resources in China. Such a maneuver was impossible in Russia because of the murder of the layer of independent Russian intelligence and the most entering peasants during the revolution, the lack of which prevented the reform of the Russian economic system. Also, economic power in Russia passed into the hands of a narrow group of financial oligarchs, mainly of Jewish origin.

One should mention here the Polish system of customary inheritance functioning in former noble Poland. Often there was a transfer of property acquired in foundations for the benefit of society, as well as the creation of a fidei commisum , i.e. family trust that provided daughters with a dowry and sons with education providing a position in the state administration. The fidei commisum also secured retirement benefits for the family. The poorer nobles hand over land to the Catholic Church in exchange for a child pension, which was later prohibited by state law because of the concentration of land ownership in the hands of the Church.

My education and life experience showed me (crucial for the efficiency of the future new economic system) the role of the inheritance mechanism in a just social system. In my opinion, the only chance for a fair and effective social system is to eliminate the mechanism of inheritance of private property and introduce the principle of inheritance of private property by local social organizations. It is also necessary to introduce a new one-tier social organization and a modern feudal system in agriculture.

Warsaw, February 7, 2020. Bogdan Góralski


Abel Wilhelm (1935), Agrarkrisen und Agrarkonjunktur in Mitteleuropa vom 13. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert, Berlin1935.

Allen Robert C., Bassino Jean-Pascal, Ma Debin , Moll-Murata Christine, Zanden Jan Luiten (2012) Wages, Prices, and Living Standards in China, Japan, and Europe, 1738-1925,

Link to the above work:

Bradley Raymond S., Jones Philip D. (1993), “Little Ice Age” summer temperature variations: their nature and relevance to recent global warming trends, The Holocene 3,4 1993 pp.367-376, link to the work : http: //

Doyle, William (1990), The Oxford History of the French Revolution , Oxford New York: Oxford University Press.

Dupâquier Jacques, [ed] (1988), Histoire de la population francaise . 2-De la Reneissance à 1789, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.

Dupâquier Jacques (1989), Demographic crises and subsistence crises in France, 1650-1725, [in] John Walter, Roger Schofield [eds] Famine, disease and the social order in early modern society, Cambridge New York New Rochele Melbourne Sydney: Cambridge University Press.

Glass DV(1965), World Population,1800-1950 [in] The Cambridge Economic History of Europe, Volume VI, Part 2, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Guidoboni Emanuela , Comastri Alberto, Traina Giusto 1994: Catalog of ancient earthquakes in the Mediterranean area up to the 10th century , Instituto Nazionale de Geofisica , Rome

Guterch Barbara, Lewandowska – Marciniak Hanna 2002: Seismicity and seismic hazard in Poland, Folia Quaternaria vol.73, Kraków.

Livi-Bacci Massimo (1991), Population and nutrition, transl . Tania Croft-Murray, Carl Ipsen, Cambridge N.York : Cambridge University Press.

Lorenc Halina (2001), Trends in climate change in Poland, [in] “Functioning of geoecosystems in diverse morphoclimatic conditions – Monitoring, protection, education”, Poznań: Association of Polish Geomorphologists.

Macleod-Machlejd Jerzy (1934), The French Revolution in the Light of Statistics, Warsaw; Paris: skł . main Gebethner and Wolff .

Markov Walter, Soboul Albert (1984), The Great Revolution of the French, Wrocław Warsaw

Mathiez Albert (1956), The French Revolution, Warsaw: KiW .

Mendelson Lev Abramović (1959)., Theory and history of economic crises and cycles, volume I, Warsaw: PWN.

Plaisse André (1965), L’évolution de la structure agraire dans la campagne du Neubourg , Mouton & Co, Paris.

Rostworowski Emanuel (2006), Universal History. 18th century, Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.

Schönwiese Ch.D. _ (1997), Climate and man, Warsaw: Prószyński i S-ka.

Sójka-Zielińska Katarzyna (2008), Napoleon’s Code. History and the present, Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Prawnicze LexisNexis .

Taine Hippolyte Adolf (1881), France before the Revolution , transl. Piotr Chmielewski, E.Grabowski , Warsaw: S. Lewental .

Wrigley EA, Schofield RS(1981) The Population History of England 1541-1871.A

reconstruction, London: Edward Arnold Publishers Ltd.

Young Artur (1950), Travels in France during the years 1787, 1788, 1789, Cambridge: University Press .


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How to extract love from the subconscious of an ordinary Pole?

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How to extract love from the subconscious of an ordinary Pole?

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mgr inż.Bogdan Góralski @bogdangoralski · 1s



How to extract love from the subconscious of an ordinary Pole?

In order to bring out the love hidden in the subconscious of an ordinary person, first of all, we must provide him with the means to live a decent life. How to accomplish this task?

Where do ordinary Poles mainly work?

According to the Integrated Educational Platform of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Polish Government:

Poland is dominated by lowlands and we have a favorable climate, which is why it has long been a typically agricultural country . It was only at the end of the 19th century that industry began to develop on a larger scale . Later, almost throughout the 20th century, the number of people employed in industry gradually increased. This was the case until the breakthrough year of 1989, when this trend was reversed. We then moved from a centrally controlled socialist economy to a market economy , in which the most important thing is the profitability of companies. Many unprofitable state-owned industrial plants went bankrupt, and others were privatized and restructured (reorganized). All this led to a reduction in industrial employment from 34% in 1990 to 28.6% in 2003. At the same time, changes in the Polish economy were constantly taking place, aimed at, among others, attracting foreign capital that would contribute to the creation of new jobs. Many factories were moved from Western Europe to Poland due to cheaper labor. To encourage foreign investors, Special Economic Zones were created in which business activities can be conducted on preferential terms (income tax exemption). And after joining the European Union in 2004, we became even more accessible to foreign business. As a result, employment in industry increased slightly and stabilized in Poland at just over 30% .

In Western Europe, only a few percent of workers are employed in agriculture. In Poland, it is still several percent of the working population.

Our service department is developing very dynamically. And this is also a good trend. In highly developed countries, the share of people employed in this sector of the economy exceeds 70%, and in Poland it is only approaching 60%. High employment in services indicates a high standard of living. After all, services are designed to meet various human needs. Wealthy societies willingly use various services, spend large amounts of money on them and thus contribute to their further development.

  • services – non-productive human activity aimed at meeting the needs of other people or companies, institutions, organizations; they are most often divided into tangible services (trade, repairs, transportation, tourism, telecommunications, banking, etc.) and intangible services (education, health care, administration, army, police, fire brigade, etc.).

Let us consider how employment has changed in Poland as a result of the departure from state socialism and the introduction of profit-oriented capitalism in business?

First of all, there was a regression in agriculture related to the cessation of sales of Polish agricultural products to Poland. Before 1990, there was a state food purchase facility in Poland, the surplus of which was exported mainly to Russia.

The liquidation of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance and the collapse of state socialism in Poland, and then in other socialist countries, resulted in the severance of economic ties, primarily with Russia. Russia currently imports food worth around $50 billion. Socialist Poland exported the most food to Russia among the socialist countries. Russia’s cessation of food exports from Poland was probably caused by the liquidation of the state food purchase and the domination of the Polish market by small traders who were not trading partners for Russia, which conducts central food purchases. This resulted in a lack of demand for Polish agriculture and a drop in employment in it by almost 20% – from 30.4 to 11.6%. Polish agriculture does not use its potential possibilities and currently produces twice less than, for example, Germany with a similar area. Polish farmers simply died out for economic reasons. Increasing the production of Polish agriculture (if demand from the East reappeared) would require a huge inflow of labor from overpopulated countries.

Poland’s industrial production and employment in industry remained at a similar level, but the quality of the manufactured products was higher due to the inflow of new technologies and foreign investments. However, Polish industry does not have adequate scientific and technological support.

Services and trade have developed over 33 years , but are still not developed to the level of industrialized countries. Polish trade is dominated by Western retail chains, which eliminate Polish traders who run economically weak small and medium-sized companies from trade.

My idea of establishing a free-market commercial, service and scientific headquarters POL-CAT joint- stock a company operating without profit and owned by employees aims to transform the sphere of the Polish economy that determines the efficiency of industry and agriculture, i.e. the transformation of Polish trade, services and science. Over the course of my life, I have learned the secrets of Polish services, trade and science and I know that their condition is deplorable.

POL-CAT joint- stock company is to introduce a new, better quality in these spheres of activity of Poles and is to help improve the renewed Kingdom of Poland, which I believe the world needs.

In the renewed Kingdom of Poland, all Poles and migrants will have a chance to live with dignity, and probably then love for the world will appear and blossom in their lives.

Warsaw, November 27, 2023, 6:11 p.m. Bogdan Jacek Góralski

Jak wydobyć miłość z podświadomości zwykłego Polaka?

Aby wydobyć miłość  ukrytą w podświadomości zwykłego człowieka należy przede wszystkim zapewnić mu środki do godnego życia. Jak to zadanie zrealizować?

Gdzie głównie pracują zwykli Polacy?

Według Zintegrowanej Platformy Edukacyjnej Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki Rządu Polskiego:

Na ilustracji cztery wykresy kołowe. 1990200320092015rolnictwo30,40%18,20%13,40%11,60%przemysł34,00%28,60% 31,00%30,30%usługi35,60%53,20%55,60%57,90%

Polsce zdecydowanie przeważają niziny i mamy sprzyjający klimat, dlatego od dawna jest krajem typowo rolniczym. Dopiero pod koniec XIX wieku na większą skalę zaczął się rozwijać przemysł. Później niemal przez cały XX wiek stopniowo wzrastała liczba zatrudnionych w przemyśle. Tak było do przełomowego roku 1989, kiedy to nastąpiło odwrócenie tego trendu. Przeszliśmy wtedy z centralnie sterowanej gospodarki socjalistycznej na gospodarkę rynkową, w której liczy się przede wszystkim opłacalność działania firm. Upadło wiele nierentownych państwowych zakładów przemysłowych, a inne były prywatyzowane i restrukturyzowane (reorganizowane). Wszystko to doprowadziło do zmniejszenia zatrudnienia w przemyśle z 34% w 1990 roku do 28,6% w 2003 roku. Jednocześnie stale trwały przemiany w polskiej gospodarce mające na celu ściągnięcie kapitału zagranicznego, który przyczyniłby się do tworzenia nowych miejsc pracy. Wiele fabryk zostało przeniesionych z Europy Zachodniej do Polski ze względu na tańszą siłę roboczą. Aby zachęcić inwestorów zagranicznych, utworzone zostały Specjalne Strefy Ekonomiczne, w których na preferencyjnych zasadach (zwolnienie z podatku dochodowego) można prowadzić działalność gospodarczą. A po przystąpieniu do Unii Europejskiej w 2004 roku staliśmy się jeszcze bardziej dostępni dla zagranicznego biznesu. Dzięki temu zatrudnienie w przemyśle nieco wzrosło i ustabilizowało się w Polsce na poziomie niewiele ponad 30%.

W Europie Zachodniej w rolnictwie zatrudnionych jest zaledwie kilka procent pracujących. W Polsce wciąż jest to kilkanaście procent pracujących.

Dział usług rozwija się u nas bardzo dynamicznie. I to również jest dobra tendencja. W państwach wysokorozwiniętych udział zatrudnionych w tym dziale gospodarki przekracza 70%, a w Polsce dopiero zbliża się do 60%. Duże zatrudnienie w usługach świadczy o wysokim poziomie życia. Usługi mają wszak za zadanie zaspokajanie rozmaitych potrzeb człowieka. Zamożne społeczeństwa chętnie korzystają z różnorodnych usług, wydają na nie duże środki finansowe i przyczyniają się tym samym do dalszego ich rozwoju.

  • usługi – nieprodukcyjna działalność człowieka mająca na celu zaspokojenie potrzeb innych ludzi lub firm, instytucji, organizacji; najczęściej dzielone są na usługi materialne (handel, naprawy, przewozy, turystyka, telekomunikacja, bankowość itp.) i niematerialne (edukacja, służba zdrowia, administracja, wojsko, policja, straż pożarna itp.).

Zastanówmy się jak zmieniło się zatrudnienie w Polsce w wyniku odejścia od socjalizmu państwowego i wprowadzenia kapitalizmu nastawionego na zysk w działalności?

Przede wszystkim nastąpił regres w rolnictwie związany z zaprzestaniem sprzedaży produktów polskiego rolnictwa do Polski. Przed 1990 rokiem funkcjonował w Polsce państwowy skup żywności z którego nadwyżki eksportowano głównie do Rosji.

Likwidacja Rady Wzajemnej Pomocy Gospodarczej i upadek socjalizmu państwowego w Polsce, a potem w innych krajach socjalistycznych spowodował zerwanie więzi ekonomicznych przede wszystkim z Rosją. Rosja obecnie importuje żywność w kwocie około 50 miliardów dolarów. Socjalistyczna Polska eksportowała do Rosji najwięcej żywności spośród krajów socjalistycznych. Zaprzestanie przez Rosję eksportu żywności z Polski było spowodowane prawdopodobnie przez likwidację państwowego skupu żywności i dominację na polskim rynku drobnych handlarzy, którzy nie byli partnerami handlowymi dla Rosji prowadzącej centralne zakupy żywności. Spowodowało to brak popytu dla polskiego rolnictwa i spadek zatrudnienie w nim o prawie 20% -z 30,4 do 11,6%. Rolnictwo polskie nie wykorzystuje swoich potencjalnych możliwości i produkuje obecnie dwukrotnie mniej niż np. podobne obszarowo Niemcy. Rolnicy polscy po prostu wymarli z powodów ekonomicznych. Zwiększenie produkcji polskiego rolnictwa (gdyby ponownie pojawił się popyt ze wschodu) wymagałoby ogromnego dopływu siły roboczej z przeludnionych krajów.

Produkcja przemysłowa Polski i zatrudnienie w przemyśle pozostało na podobnym poziomie ale na produkowane wyroby są na lepszym poziomie jakościowym z uwagi na napływ nowych technologii i inwestycji zagranicznych. Polski przemysł nie ma jednak odpowiedniego usługowego zaplecza naukowo-technologicznego.

Usługi i handel rozwinęły się na przestrzeni 33 lat, ale są nadal nierozwinięte do poziomu krajów uprzemysłowionych. W handlu polskim dominują zachodnie sieci handlowe eliminujące z handlu polskich handlowców, którzy prowadzą słabe ekonomicznie małe i średnie firmy.

Mój pomysł powołania wolnorynkowej centrali handlowo-usługowo-naukowej POL-CAT joint-stock company działającej bez zysku i będącej własnością pracowników ma na celu przeobrażenie tej sfery polskiej gospodarki, która decyduje o sprawności przemysłu i rolnictwa, czyli przeobrażenia handlu, usług i nauki polskiej. W ciągu mego życia poznałem tajniki usług, handlu i nauki polskiej i wiem, że ich stan jest opłakany.

POL-CAT joint-stock company ma wprowadzić w tych sferach działalności Polaków nową lepszą jakość i  ma pomóc w usprawnieniu odnowionego Królestwa Polskiego, które jak sądzę jest potrzebne światu.

W odnowionym Królestwie Polskim wszyscy Polacy i migranci zyskają szansę na godne życie i prawdopodobnie wtedy w ich życiu miłość do świata pojawi się i zakwitnie.

Warszawa, dnia 27 Listopada 2023 roku, godzina 18;11   Bogdan Jacek Góralski    

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School of beautiful life

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School of beautiful life

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mgr inż.Bogdan Góralski @bogdangoralski · 1s



School of beautiful life

It is said that life itself is a school of life. However, the effect of this is deplorable because only when we get old do we know anything about how to live beautifully and in harmony with society. Some people will not learn this until they die.

Father’s Day is approaching. I became a father at the age of 25. I knew little about life then, and even less about raising children. My wife, a teacher who came from a teaching family and was therefore familiar with pedagogical techniques, excelled in raising our children. My children were lucky to be raised by experienced teachers, i.e. my wife’s parents and herself. I was in the business of making money. Children of other parents are less fortunate because they are raised at home by people who are unaware of the family’s humanitarian pedagogical upbringing methods. Parenting mistakes are repeated by subsequent generations of overprotective mothers and ruthless fathers.

My idea is to introduce a new subject to schools (from primary school), the so-called Schools of a beautiful life, so that our children are taught good life techniques for students, high school students, students, daughters and sons, as well as fathers and mothers, based on the best examples. Maybe this will help improve our society and we will be happy in it from childhood to old age.

Warsaw, 22/06/2021, 16:45                                            Bogdan Jacek Góralski

Szkoła pięknego życia

Mówi się, że samo życie jest szkołą życia. Jednak skutek tego jest opłakany bowiem dopiero gdy się zestarzejemy wiemy tylko cokolwiek o tym jak żyć pięknie i w zgodzie ze społeczeństwem. Niektórzy nie nauczą się tego aż do śmierci.

Zbliża się Dzień Ojca. Zostałem ojcem w wieku 25 lat. Niewiele wówczas wiedziałem o życiu, a jeszcze mniej o wychowaniu dzieci. W wychowaniu naszych dzieci brylowała moja żona nauczycielka pochodząca z rodziny nauczycielskiej, a wiec obeznana z technikami pedagogicznymi. Moje dzieci miały szczęście bycia wychowywanymi przez doświadczonych pedagogów czyli rodziców żony i nią samą. Ja zajmowałem się zarabianiem pieniędzy. Dzieci innych rodziców mają mniej szczęścia bo są wychowywane w domu przez nieświadome  humanitarnych pedagogicznych metod wychowawczych  rodziny. Błędy wychowawcze powielają kolejne pokolenia nadopiekuńczych matek i bezwzględnych ojców.

Mój pomysł to wprowadzenie do szkół (od szkoły podstawowej) nowego przedmiotu tzw. Szkoły pięknego życia, aby nasze dzieci były uczone na najlepszych wzorach technik dobrego życia dla ucznia, licealisty, studenta, córki i syna oraz ojca i matki. Może to pomoże ulepszyć nasze społeczeństwo i będziemy w nim szczęśliwi od dzieciństwa do starości.

Warszawa, 22.06.2021 rok, 16:45                                              Bogdan Jacek Góralski

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What will result from the abolition of the profit principle?

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What will result from the abolition of the profit principle?

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mgr inż.Bogdan Góralski @bogdangoralski · 5m · edited: 3m



What will result from the abolition of the profit principle?

Producers selling their products at production costs will transfer the distribution of goods to the ethical trading company POL-CAT joint- stock company , which will organize global distribution of goods through its national branches.

ALL products sold by POL-CAT joint-stock company will coming from consignation warehouse financed by the suppliers of products according to:

Offer of cooperation for the best world producers– link  .

The joint-stock company POL-CAT will allocate half of the profit to conduct scientific research useful to the global community. The other half of the profit will be the earnings of POL-CAT employees.

POL-CAT joint-stock company will operate without profit.

Traders-shareholders of POL-CAT joint- stock company will organize sales in a decentralized network available to various recipients, from large enterprises to individual customers at various price levels adapted to the size of orders. Huge POL-CAT joint- stock offer company will provide work in trade to millions of salespeople operating on a commission of 10% of the sales value, whose efficiency will ensure the sale of good quality goods adapted to the purchasing power of their customers. Sales organized in this way will ensure similar profits for traders at various levels of wholesale or retail distribution. Manufacturers will focus on producing typical and new products. They will have assured sales of products without fear that large customers will take over their factories hostilely, because cooperation with POL-CAT will be based on notarial agreements ensuring their security and business independence. This type of cooperation between producers and traders using the POL-CAT joint- stock sales headquarters company will eliminate political pressure to promote domestic production, because everyone will have equal access to the global market. Organizing this type of distribution will accelerate the global turnover of money, because payments for the sale of goods will be made to POL-CAT joint- stock company will be collected in advance, which will ensure that banks can finance purchases for recipients of goods. This will affect the transparency of money circulation in the economy because all transactions will be secure and recorded virtually. Abolition of the profit rule in production and ensuring the sale of goods to producers will improve relations between employees of production enterprises and facilitate production planning based on stable orders from the POL-CAT joint-stock distribution network . company . I believe that the advantages of this way of organizing the global market will outweigh the concerns that make it difficult to create such a huge international distribution organization.

Warsaw, November 19, 2023, 10:41 am                              Bogdan Jacek Góralski

Co spowoduje zniesienie zasady zysku?

Producenci sprzedając swoje wyroby po kosztach produkcji przekażą dystrybucję towarów do etycznej firmy handlowej POL-CAT joint-stock company, która zorganizuje globalną dystrybucję towarów przez swoje krajowe oddziały.

WSZYSTKIE produkty sprzedawane przez spółkę akcyjną POL-CAT będą pochodziły z magazynu konsygnacyjnego finansowanego przez dostawców produktów według:

Offer of cooperation for the best world producers– link  .

Joint-stock company POL-CATbędzie przeznaczał połowę zysku na prowadzenie badań naukowych przydatnych globalnej społeczności. Druga połowa zysku będzie zarobkiem pracowników POL-CAT. POL-CAT joint-stock company będzie działało bez zysku.

Handlowcy-udziałowcy POL-CAT joint-stock company zorganizują sprzedaż w zdecentralizowanej sieci dostępnej dla różnych odbiorców od wielkich przedsiębiorstw do indywidualnych klientów na różnych poziomach cen dostosowanych do wielkości zamówień. Ogromna oferta POL-CAT joint-stock company da pracę w handlu milionom handlowców działających na prowizji 10% od wartości sprzedaży, których operatywność zapewni sprzedaż towarów dobrej jakości dostosowanych do siły nabywczej swoich klientów. Tak zorganizowana sprzedaż zapewni podobne zyski handlowcom na różnych poziomach hurtowej czy detalicznej dystrybucji. Producenci będą skupieni na produkcji typowych i nowych wyrobów. Będą mieli zapewniony zbyt produktów bez obawy, że wielcy odbiorcy przejmą wrogo ich fabryki  bo współpraca z POL-CAT będzie opierała się na umowach notarialnych zapewniających im bezpieczeństwo i niezależność biznesową. Taki rodzaj współpracy pomiędzy producentami a handlowcami za pomocą centrali sprzedażowej POL-CAT joint-stock company zniweluje naciski polityczne na promowanie krajowej produkcji, bo wszyscy będą mieli jednakowy dostęp do globalnego rynku. Zorganizowanie takiego rodzaju dystrybucji przyspieszy globalny obrót pieniędzy, bo płatności za sprzedaż towarów dla POL-CAT joint-stock company będą pobierane z góry, co wpłynie na zapewnienie bankom możliwości finansowania zakupów dla odbiorców towarów. Wpłynie to na transparentność obiegu pieniędzy w gospodarce bo wszystkie transakcje będą bezpieczne i rejestrowane wirtualnie. Zniesienie zasady zysku w produkcji i zapewnienie zbytu towarów producentom usprawni stosunki pomiędzy pracownikami przedsiębiorstw produkcyjnych i ułatwi planowanie produkcji bazującej na stabilnych zamówieniach z sieci dystrybucyjnej POL-CAT joint-stock company. Sądzę, że zalety takiego sposobu organizacji globalnego rynku przeważą nad obawami utrudniającymi powstanie takiej ogromnej internacjonalnej organizacji dystrybucyjnej.

Warszawa, dnia 19 Listopada 2023, godzina 10:41                       Bogdan Jacek Góralski

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Socialism will finally triumph in the anarchic state

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Socialism will finally triumph in the anarchic state

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mgr inż.Bogdan Góralski @bogdangoralski · 1s



The letter to prof. Richard D. WOLFF co0ncerning his lecture entitled:  The role of the state???

Socialism  will finally triumph in the anarchic state


During the current economic crisis, we do not need a greater role for the state in overcoming it. Instead, we need a decentralization in agriculture, trade, industry and services carried out with the help of the global research, trade and service company POL-CAT joint-stock company, which will help free enterprise in the development of the free market freed from political presuress.


The global POL-CAT joint-stock company will eliminate the need for the existing of the state-anarchism will finally triumph

The letter to prof. Richard D. WOLFF :  The role of the state???

In future Poland, the comfort of your life will depend only on your resourcefulness and ethics!!!

A brief synthesis of Polish history

For almost 10 centuries since the baptism of Poland, Polish feudal lords shaped the lives of Poles. The baptism of Poland was the result of the adoption by the Polish elite of Christ’s ethics that was the culmination of Jewish ethics.

Initially, the feudal lords were warriors serving as vassals to the King and they defended Poland against enemy invasions. For their knightly service, they were receiving landed estates as a fief, that they administered to maintain themselves in peacetime. Over time, they evolved into hereditary nobility, which owned the land and was choosing the king in democratic elections. They had an obligation to defend the Country and during peace, they founded cities constituting service centers for rural provinces. Economic processes resulted in the concentration of noble estates that later formed into magnate estates. With the concentration of landed estates and the creation of enormous magnate fortunes, the importance of petty nobility diminished and nobility democracy lost its importance. Polish nobility became a layer of farmers perfectly organizing Polish agriculture.

Magnates ruled Poland directed to their interests. The rulers of neighboring countries were bribing the Polish magnates. Russian, Austrian, and Prussian monarchs wanted to take over control over Poland and, as we know, this ended with the partitions of Poland. Poland regained independence at the beginning of the 20th century and this was the result of taking advantage of the favorable political situation resulting from World War I and the conflict of great powers. As a result of World War II, Poland became a colony of the Soviet Union and began to be ruled by Jewish communists fighting for social recognition. In a short time of the existence of the People’s Poland, the foundations of the Polish economy were increased in a planned manner. Economic progress in Poland resulted from the centuries-old experience and economic knowledge of Polish Jews. Unfortunately, Jews did not have agricultural knowledge and destroyed the centuries-old agricultural tradition of the Polish nobility by taking their lands from them.

Then in the 70s of the 20th century, there was a global agricultural crisis and the Solidarity Revolution in Poland caused a change of power in Poland. Built (on the strong foundations of the industry created in People’s Poland), the Polish free market system used the resources of People’s Poland to create a new and improving Polish economy. Unfortunately, Polish agriculture was destroyed and its bankruptcy was aggravated by the concentration of agricultural property and the inefficiency of the ruling elite in the 20th century. Polish agriculture can only be rebuilt by rehabilitating the Polish nobility and restoring their power over Polish agriculture. This will bring a development impulse to Poland and will close disputes over the shape of the Polish state in which the Polish and the Jewish social layers struggle for power. This will close the historical and full of conflicts history of Poland with a clamp, and allow Polish people to apply Christ’s ethics in the practice of everyday life. For example, I myself was a very bad human before I understood the core of the teaching of Jesus Christ. Thanks to my wife I had time for understanding Jesus Christ’s ethics and improving my behavior. For now, I correct my life mistakes from the past. I am on the way of achieving internal peace and international ethical, economical, and political compromise. Thanks to Christ’s ethics, I gained family happiness and I only lack social recognition for my 35-year efforts to reconcile Polish-Jewish reconciliation. Without this reconciliation, there will be no future peaceful development of Poland.

Warsaw, 15 December 2019, 15:43

Poland for self-governing parishes and religious communes

The idea of ​involving economically and spiritually self-governing parishes and religious communities in the future of Poland is a simple disclosure of their current secret status quo. Polish parishes are secret economic units controlled by Polish women and the Catholic Church collecting tribute from its subordinate parishes. Additionally, there are Jewish communities that are thriving in terms of business, whose finances are hidden from the general public. Leaving half of the taxes due to the state in parishes and religious communes will quickly affect the economic recovery of the Polish province and the drive to increase employment in these self-governing units. After all, each newcomer will bring his work and taxes to the parish, religious commune, which will enrich them and improve their operation. This will affect the demand for migrants in useful professions, which will revive Polish parishes and religious communities, as well as revive the Polish provinces in terms of demographics and business. All members of parish and parish cooperatives will gain support for their business activities needed by the communities. The hitherto ceremonialism of religion, which takes money in exchange for religious rituals, will be relegated to the background, and the ethical elements of religious systems that are necessary and binding to local communities will appear and start to be nurtured. And this is what we want for Polish society to appear responsible for the cultivation of ethical attitudes binding local communities, creating a new Polish reality for people fully responsible for their fate and prosperity, which will depend on the business and ethical efficiency of local religious communities. POL-CAT S.A. through its organizational and business power will provide peaceful social conditions for each local religious (atheistic as well) community, cutting off supplies to any unethical local community as necessary until there is a local community recovery program.                                                                                    

Warsaw, February 9, 2022, 10:45   

A new spiritual, political, social and economic order for Poland-Anarchism again

The tradition of organizing the self-help communities goes back to the old days when wandering tribes settled down and started farming. It first happened in areas rich in water and with fertile soil enabling the development of agriculture, e.g. in the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The former Slavic tribes settled on the ground, creating community organizations, e.g. Polish Opole and the Great Russians ‘ obszcziny. They were well-organized communities of tribes that worked together on the land. The feudal system destroyed the local self-help communities managing the land they had settled centuries ago. The feudal lords taxed them and put them under their control. The self-help organization in the Great Russians’ obszcziny survived until the Russian Revolution because there they helped farmers to survive in the most difficult natural conditions in Eastern Europe. Bolsheviks transformed them into kolkhozes and sovkhozes in which the Russians lost their subjectivity and self demoralized.

The influx of Christianity to Polish lands allowed Poles to return to the communal structures, the center of which was always the parish church, usually built by feudal lords in the local economic center. The tithing charged by the churches determined the extent of their influence and authority in the local community. Church influence usually overlapped with the range of the local community related by kinship, acquaintances, and economic ties. Catholic Church destroys a tradition of the cooperative movement in Poland for a long time and I think you need an impulse of help to recreate and nurture it. The churches were rich and had long lent money for local people’s economic activities in return for a share of the profits. Since numerous factions of Polish Jews were baptized, they gradually gained domination in the Catholic Church and took over the management of church money. Since the fall of the People’s Republic of Poland (communism), the Catholic Church has continued to finance the economic activity of Poles by collecting a share in the profits of the financed enterprises. Secret accounts are kept in the parishes, which define the liabilities of credited enterprises towards the parishes. Accounting is run by women and they are responsible for the parish money. My idea to create economically and spiritually independent parish cooperatives are to reveal their secret activities and create legally operating local economic centers in Polish parishes. I am convinced that such a solution will release the business creativity of Poles, which will be supported by the nationwide business and consulting center POL-CAT SA. It will follow the principles set out in my work entitled The Third Way between capitalism and communism. Principles of POL-CAT S.A. will civilize the customs of Poles and improve the Polish economy. Such principles will allow us to come closer to the ideal of freedom of the individual and society in the anarchist model of the state and society. According to Wikipedia anarchy is a form of socio-political structure in which there is no constituted power, and no legal norms are in force. In political terms, anarchism is a structure in which the state is replaced by a non-compulsory and non-centralized organization of society (e.g. a federation of autonomous localities). Anarchist ideas were present in Western and Eastern Europe at the stage of shaping pre-revolutionary societies. Revolutions and post-revolutionary compulsion suppressed the development of anarchism, but it was looking for its proper form and perhaps my proposal for a social order in Poland will fulfill the anarchist ideal. Voluntarily established business and advisory center POL-CAT S.A. and voluntarily created structures of parish cooperatives – based on the teachings of Christ, will create the ideal of an anarchic economic and social system in Poland and promote this system in the post-communistic and capitalist world. All you need is a strong impetus to break the fetters of slavery and shed hope in an economically efficient, fair, and ethical world of free individuals.

Warsaw, September 30, 2021, 5:10 am

 Assumptions of the new organization of the Polish State

The political and economic system of Poland will be based on a single-tier organization.  The parish of the renewed Polish Church or other religious community, supported by the free-market research, procurement, distribution, and finance center POL-CAT, will be the basic self-governing political, economic and spiritual level. The POL-CAT Center will guarantee the moral, ethical and religious order of Poland, ensuring equality and conditions for the development of all religions and the regulator of economic life, ensuring that young people have an equal start in their careers. POL-CAT will be a profitable company and Polish youth’s property allocating all income for financing science serving Polish parishes and religious communities. The remaining units of the state will remain unchanged to allow for slow evolutionary optimization of the socio-economic system.

It means reconnecting the reformed Church and religious communities to a state system subordinated to ethics conserving all energies and practiced as Christ’s principles of love, even of enemies, and sharing of bread and wine. The purpose of such a system will be the development and dissemination of ethics and knowledge, and the creation of the basis of harmonious progress in the peace of Polish and world civilization of life, which will create a new virtual world on the similarity of our planet – the part of the virtual Kosmos.

 Jakuszowice, on July 30, 2015 at 3:45,

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Socialism is a community of treasure

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Socialism is a community of treasure

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mgr inż.Bogdan Góralski @bogdangoralski · 1s



Socialism is a community of treasure

Translated from Polish to English by Google Translate

The attempt to introduce common ownership, i.e. state ownership, encountered great social resistance in Poland. “State property is no one’s property, so it can be stolen or neglected,” thought average Poles during the existence of the Polish People’s Republic. Work that was available to everyone was despised and not respected during the introduction of socialism.

The common treasure, i.e. state property, was an abstraction light years away from the needs of the average Pole, who treated the state as an exploiter.

The new socialist Poland was created in a conflict between the modest possibilities of the socialist state and the needs of the average Pole.

Capitalism took hold in Poland and we all learned about its shortcomings – ruthless competition in which every average Pole lost. A return to the idea of socialism is only possible at the level of the local community which will manage the common treasury, i.e. communal property.

The common treasure will no longer be an abstraction and will determine the well-being of each member of the local community, led by a council of elders, i.e. people with knowledge about life and business. The concept of common property will become close to people because they will be able to touch the common treasure with their hands and feel its beneficial power under the wise leadership of the local community. I am also in favor of this way of returning to the idea of socialism – first socialism in the local community, and then socialism in the state, i.e. a set of self-governing local communities. Below I have included my thoughts that have been created over many years and which can help implement the idea of socialism.

Warsaw, November 13, 2013, 00:39 Bogdan Jacek Góralski

About a woman and a man

My views are not always consistent with the theories of great scientists. For example, Charles Darwin rejected the purposefulness of evolution, claiming that it was governed by chance, which I disagree with. It’s like predicting the future of the Earth from a grain of sand. We see little, we know little, and we make categorical judgments. Humility would be useful to our great learned men. For example, Engels said that Karl Marx supposedly discovered the law of the development of human history, i.e. historical mechanisms. The Soviet Union, guided by Marx’s doctrine, collapsed, which proved its wrongness. The assumptions of Marxism were contrary to the principle of energy saving, which requires achieving goals with the least possible expenditure of effort and energy. The communist system only satisfied the needs of material existence, and work and creativity were enslaved by social interests, as if individual needs did not exist and did not create progress. Marx recognized the primacy of culture over nature and also proclaimed the contrary view that existence creates consciousness.

I am humble and ask you to test my theory that the historical process is inexorably guided by the Sun and the planets. Please check also that culture and nature are complementary elements of the wheel of time, and as the ancient Chinese claimed in the I-Ching Book of Changes , the complementary male – yang and female – yin aspects of nature, and the universe is a perpetual motion machine.

Similarly, Albert Einstein claimed that space-time exists, and to me it makes sense that there is neither time nor space. Everything happens at one moment and at one point (in a quantum computer?) and you can move around in the chain of causes, which depends on your knowledge. This also needs to be checked so as not to lead people astray.

Materialists showed little humility in questioning the teachings of Jesus Christ and regarding them as superstition. Meanwhile, after many years of independent studies, it seems to me that Christ, in a few words, expressed the principles that are eternally valid in our world: LOVE ENEMIES and SHARE BREAD, which allow us to save all our energy.

When we implement these teachings, there will be peace and justice in the world at the lowest possible cost. This will be the implementation of the principle of saving all energy, which is probably guided by the universe. Otherwise our world will collapse.

Nature and culture, feminine and masculine elements, woman and man must complement each other for the universe to last, because when nature is favorable, culture is created, and when high culture is created, a new world of nature is created. We should respect men and women and strive to establish harmony between them, and this will make our civilization happy, which is proof of the existence of this harmony in the supersensory world.

Christ preached the praise of women and raised them with his teaching from the social lows in spite of almost all men of his time ( Ketter 1937). Woman, symbolizing nature, is often looked down upon when the nation’s population is too high, which is blamed on women and their sexuality. Thus, in the times before Christ, when the population of Palestine had grown excessively, women became in the public opinion equal to domestic animals, because her reproduction created social problems for men’s rule. Jesus Christ then took a stand for women and is still their world idol. In the Church of Christ, women are respected and in it they found their refuge and protection from a world dominated by men. In Judaism after Christ, women gained great rights, because without them the Jewish nation would cease to exist. So we see that positive attitudes towards women depend on the size of the population.

After the industrial revolution in Europe, women became useful because there were no workers available and therefore working women could become independent and start managing their lives.

Without the participation of women, we will not repair the Polish State and we will not restore the functions of evangelical communities to Polish parishes, so we must ask them for their opinion on the issue:

How to restore the evangelical shape of the Church of Christ so that it will support us in rebuilding our homeland and so that we can live according to the teachings of Christ?

I included my proposals on this subject in the Program of the Decalogue Party, page 308 of the book entitled Man and climate, available on the Internet in the CEON Repository and PORTFOLIO on my website .

Warsaw, April 9, 2013 Bogdan Góralski

It is no coincidence that one man, Jesus Christ, in his short life expressed the two most important human principles: loving one’s enemies and sharing bread and wine.

A message for Christmas 2015.

It is no coincidence that one man, Jesus Christ, in his short life expressed the two most important human principles: loving one’s enemies and sharing bread and wine . He saw that from the moment he was born, man was fighting for life and for social recognition. These principles, expressed by Christ, reduce our lives from the brutal world of biological instincts to the conscious experience of wise love that protects us.

Biological instincts tell us to fight for domination, while Christ’s wisdom requires cooperation and reconciliation, even with enemies. Love of enemies and sharing bread and wine is the culmination of ethical principles arising from the command to save all energy.

The order to save all energy, including the energy of human societies, will unite followers of all religions. Christ will be King for all, because his principles practically implement the most important principle of the Universe – saving and good, i.e. for the benefit of all, use of all energy.

The fight for life and dominant social position takes place primarily between men and women in every family. This is due to different gender characteristics that encourage a woman to take care of her offspring and a man to fight for their survival. Sometimes the fight for rights between the sexes in the family takes drastic forms of murders of husbands and fathers or murders of women and conceived or newborn children. In order for a man and a woman not to become each other’s mortal enemies, they should apply Christ’s principle of love of enemies in their lives. Below I quote what I wrote about it in chapter 14.4.1. Love Your Enemies in the book entitled Man and climate (available for download from the Internet from the Portfolio of my website – link: :

14.4.1. Love your enemies

Jesus said to his disciples: You have heard that it was said, You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you; so you will be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward will you have? Don’t the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers, what special thing are you doing? Do not even the Gentiles do this? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect (Mt 5:43-48)

The text of the Gospel was too radical for me when I was younger. Love your enemies???… However, after many years, I admitted that Christ was right in this respect. Our enemies make us better. Why…??? Thanks to our enemies, we have the motivation to live and fight. The enemy means a conflict that forces preparations for the final battle. Then we get to know the enemy and improve ourselves to face him. If we are to win, we must surpass him. We begin to educate ourselves to understand the enemy, to understand the hostile world around us. We collect information about it and this way we learn about the causes of the conflict. We begin to understand the enemy’s actions and begin to feel sorry for him. We become more perfect than when we had no enemy and languished in complacency. And when we are better, or stronger, than the enemy, we take pity on him and extend our hand to agreement. We see the senselessness of the victims of the fight and we see the possibility of a peaceful exit from the conflict. The agreement is forced by our advantage anyway. So we win the war without starting it at all. This is what the ancient Chinese advised. The smartest way is to win the war without starting it at all.

Let us love our enemies because thanks to them we become more perfect.

We owe them our perfection gained through conflict.

Let us be grateful to them and love them for what they have done to us.

This is what Christ advised 2,000 years ago. What would the world be like if Him?

listened to…??? …end of quote.

The course of life events brought into my family a dramatic conflict with my wife. Because I was not blameless, I then applied Christ’s principle of love of enemies. The family conflict turned into harmony and mutual love. If we introduce this effective Christ’s principle into family life, our life will be transformed into harmony between woman and man, husband and wife, thanks to mutual understanding of our strengths and weaknesses. This harmony will make us joyful and transform us into better relationships in society and show the way to our children. Perhaps then we will learn to solve the most important human problem of lack of bread for everyone. The principle of sharing bread and wine with others was preached by Christ at the end of his journey, which indicates its importance. The abundance of bread determines peace between people. So maybe in the future our Polish society, which wisely loves itself and others, will apply this principle and we will then be worthy of being called Christ’s disciples and true Christians. A new God will then be born – it will then be a true Christmas of a perfect society of people who love each other, capable of recreating our world and passing into eternity.

Sharing wine is equally important. Wine introduces an element of entertainment into our lives, an incentive to have fun. Bread is security, wine is carefreeness and may they always be in abundance in our homeland so that we can share them with our neighbors from other countries. Let Christ’s principles apply in global life from today. Salvation is in them.

Warsaw, December 17, 2015, 3:17 am Bogdan Góralski

Aversion to Christ also results from a lack of understanding of His teachings, which place the highest demands on every being in the ethical development needed to live in society.

Aversion to Christ

In the name of Jesus Christ and in the name of the Christian Churches, so many crimes against humanity have been committed that people aware of it cannot think about it calmly and forget about it. The persecution of Jews, Mohammedans, dissenters, the Inquisition, the conquest of other countries and continents with the cross at the head of the bloodthirsty hosts, all the wickedness of the servants of the Church were carried out with the name of Christ on their lips. This is how the belief in the uniqueness of this figure was promoted for 20 centuries. The natural reflex of people who have experienced the ordeal of persecution is aversion or hatred towards the figure of Jesus Christ and everything associated with him.

Recently, Pope Francis said that there is nothing intellectual about the figure of Christ. In my opinion, this statement is a great misunderstanding and a cardinal mistake, because the message of Christ can only be understood by exploring the entire human intellectual achievements and knowing the principles of all religions. No wonder that ordinary people – simple Christians – still do not understand Christ’s teachings and, what’s more, do not apply it in their lives. All the more so because the current Pope of Catholics, called to renew the Church, does not understand the fullness and depth of Jesus’ teachings.

Christ showed that we must love our enemies and share bread and wine with those in need. He also ordered all of his life’s work to be handed over to the commune community for care. It was the first attempt to practically eliminate human rights of inheritance of property, which carried the message of returning to the cohesion of the organization of the local human community.

The prophet Muhammad understood Christ’s message and proclaimed that at the end of time Christ would come again and bring justice to Earth.

Meanwhile, Mohammedans were killing Christians and Christians were killing Mohammedans, so great was the ignorance of common people about the teachings of both Prophets. The transmission of knowledge about the truths revealed by both thinkers was too complicated. It is no wonder that many people today feel an aversion to Christ, Muhammad and the concept of God who “sent” both to preach the truth about the principles of human and heavenly life. For Christ, all creatures were brothers, equal before God, whoever or whatever he was. There are no equals, there is brotherhood and service to those in need, so that they can find their own path leading to happiness and God, because its existence can be proven based on the achievements of modern science.

Aversion to Christ also results from a lack of understanding of His teachings, which place the highest demands on every being in the ethical development needed to live in society. Simple physical and mental laziness resulting from the lack of adaptation to the requirements of modern times leads to the practical rejection of Christ’s teachings and aversion to His Person. This aversion to Christ and an attitude of general laziness is more common among men who stand in opposition to the world of hardworking and humble women who adore Jesus. The Jewish law allowing men to be killed for not taking care of their families fought against this inherent laziness of men. Jewish law makes access to sex dependent on efforts to support the family. This gives rise to homosexual attitudes and other deviations. This law also operates, thanks to the influence of Frankists (baptized descendants of Sephardic Jews) in the Catholic Church, in the community of Polish Catholics, creating the phenomenon of the Catholic women’s mafia. And this also causes Polish men’s aversion to the figure of Christ.

In my new Poland, the fear of this Jewish law, which hinders the development of the Polish economy, will be replaced by an incentive to get rich, supported by the activities of parish and municipal organizations and the POL-CAT center. A profitable business will be rewarded with early retirement and a carefree life enabling the development of Polish culture.

The two Jewish communities currently running Poland are competing: the Sephardic one in the Catholic Church and the pro-socialist Ashkenazi one. How to reconcile their interests for the good of Poland. Sephardic-pro-women communities develop individual profitable trade and property is inherited by the woman. Ashkenazi – pro-male communities develop production and its independent distribution, which are inherited by men. These are the tactics that differentiate the descendants of homo sapiens sapiens and homo neandertalis , as I described in the previous chapter. Poles and Polish women can reconcile them if they understand the basis of this eternal conflict and restore Slavic rights – among others. local community law.

Men’s laziness was absent in obshchin, a local Slavic community that existed because the living conditions of the original Slavs were very difficult. These communities survived longest in the poor east and a council of elders managed the common property. An independent family worked harmoniously under the man’s leadership to survive, supported by the community itself, which also allocated it a non-hereditary plot of land for cultivation, i.e. a task to be performed. It’s time to get back to it. Property in Slavic obshchina was inherited not by men or women, but by the community. A commune in Poland may be a parish or a religious commune. Was Christ a Slav by origin?

This proverbial male laziness, the source of all progress, will finally be rewarded. A nationwide company will be established that will turn every lucrative business idea of a Polish citizen honestly, i.e. for social benefit, into financial success. POL-CAT – a financial, distribution and scientific center, will support and effectively implement all business ideas born in local communities, providing their authors with gratifications proportional to the results achieved throughout Poland. Every man and woman in their business will also be supported by the parish and commune community. The human dream: to lie under a tree and pick tasty fruits from it has not yet been realized. POL-CAT will implement them and share the remaining good fruits with the rest of society. This will happen through understanding and applying the teachings of Jesus Christ. Resentment towards Him will disappear. There will be a carefree future ahead of us.

Warsaw, April 12, 2015 – March 14, 2016 Bogdan Jacek Góralski

Socialism is a community of treasure

The attempt to introduce common ownership, i.e. state ownership, encountered great social resistance in Poland. “State property is no one’s property, so it can be stolen or neglected,” thought average Poles during the existence of the Polish People’s Republic. Work that was available to everyone was despised and not respected during the introduction of socialism.

The common treasure, i.e. state property, was an abstraction light years away from the needs of the average Pole, who treated the state as an exploiter.

The new socialist Poland was created in a conflict between the modest possibilities of the socialist state and the needs of the average Pole.

Capitalism took hold in Poland and we all learned about its shortcomings – ruthless competition in which every average Pole lost. A return to the idea of socialism is only possible at the level of the local community which will manage the common treasury, i.e. communal property.

The common treasure will no longer be an abstraction and will determine the well-being of each member of the local community, led by a council of elders, i.e. people with knowledge about life and business. The concept of common property will become close to people because they will be able to touch the common treasure with their hands and feel its beneficial power under the wise leadership of the local community. I am also in favor of this way of returning to the idea of socialism – first socialism in the local community, and then socialism in the state, i.e. a set of self-governing local communities. Below I have included my thoughts that have been created over many years and which can help implement the idea of socialism.

Warsaw, November 13, 2013, 00:39 Bogdan Jacek Góralski

Socjalizm to wspólnota skarbu

Próba wprowadzenia wspólnej własności, czyli własności państwowej napotkała wielki opór społeczny w Polsce. „Własność państwa to własność niczyja więc można ja ukraść, zaniedbać” myśleli przeciętni Polacy w czasie istnienia Polskiej Republiki Ludowej. Praca, która była dostępna dla każdego była w pogardzie i nie szanowano jej w czasie wprowadzania socjalizmu.

Wspólny skarb czyli własność państwa była abstrakcją odległą o lata świetlne od potrzeb przeciętnego Polaka, który państwo traktował jak wyzyskiwacza.

Nowa socjalistyczna Polska powstawała więc w rozdarciu pomiędzy skromnymi możliwościami socjalistycznego państwa a potrzebami przeciętnego Polaka.

Zapanował w Polsce kapitalizm i wszyscy poznaliśmy w Polsce jego mankamenty- bezwzględną rywalizację w której przegrał każdy przeciętny Polak i Polka. Powrót do idei socjalizmu jest możliwy jedynie na szczeblu wspólnoty lokalnej która będzie zarządzała wspólnym skarbem czyli gminna własnością.

Wspólny skarb przestanie być abstrakcją i będzie warunkował dobrobyt każdego członka wspólnoty lokalnej kierowanego przez radę starszych czyli ludzi wiedzy o życiu i biznesie. Pojęcie wspólnej własności stanie się ludziom bliskie bo będą mogli dotknąć ręką wspólnego skarbu i poczuć jego dobroczynna moc pod rządami mądrego kierownictwa lokalnej wspólnoty. Także jestem za takim sposobem powrócenia do idei socjalizmu-najpierw socjalizm we wspólnocie lokalnej, a potem socjalizm w państwie tj. zbiorze samorządnych wspólnot lokalnych. Poniżej zawarłem moje myśli, które powstały na przestrzeni wielu lat i które mogą pomóc w zrealizowaniu idei socjalizmu.

Warszawa, 13 Listopada 2013 roku, godzina 00:39   Bogdan Jacek Góralski 

O kobiecie i mężczyźnie

Moje poglądy nie zawsze są zgodne z teoriami wielkich uczonych. Na przykład Karol Darwin odrzucał celowość ewolucji, twierdząc, że rządzi nią przypadek z czym się nie zgadzam. To tak jak gdyby z ziarnka piasku przepowiadać przyszłość Ziemi. Widzimy niewiele, wiemy niewiele a wydajemy kategoryczne sądy. Pokora by się przydała naszym wielkim uczonym mężczyznom. Na przykład Engels powiedział, że Karol Marks podobno odkrył prawo rozwoju ludzkiej historii tj. mechanizmy historyczne. Związek Radziecki kierujący się  doktryną Marksa upadł co wykazało jej niesłuszność. Założenia marksizmu były sprzeczne z zasadą oszczędzania energii, która nakazuje realizację celów jak najmniejszym nakładem sił i energii. System komunistyczny zaspokajał jedynie potrzeby bytu materialnego a praca i twórczość była zniewolona interesem społecznym, jak gdyby potrzeby indywidualne nie istniały i nie kreowały postępu. Marks uznawał  prymat kultury nad naturą a także głosił sprzeczny z tym pogląd, że byt kreuje świadomość.

Ja jestem pokorny i proszę o sprawdzenie mojej teorii, że procesem historycznym kierują  w nieubłagany sposób Słońce i planety. Proszę o sprawdzenie także tego, że  kultura i natura są komplementarnymi elementami koła czasu, a jak twierdzili starożytni Chińczycy w Księdze Przemian I-Cing, uzupełniającym się męskim -yang i żeńskim-yin aspektem natury, wszechświat zaś jest perpetum mobile.

Podobnie Albert Einstein twierdził, że istnieje czasoprzestrzeń, a dla mnie jest logiczne, że nie ma ani czasu ani przestrzeni. Wszystko dzieje się w jednej chwili i w jednym punkcie ( w komputerze kwantowym?) a w łańcuchu przyczyn można się przemieszczać, co zależy od posiadanej wiedzy. To też trzeba sprawdzić aby nie zwodzić ludzi na manowce.

Materialiści wykazywali mało pokory kwestionując naukę Jezusa Chrystusa i uważając ją za zabobon. Tymczasem po wielu latach niezależnych studiów wydaje mi się, że Chrystus w niewielu słowach wygłosił wiecznie aktualne w naszym świecie zasady: MIŁOWAĆ NIEPRZYJACIÓŁ i DZIELIĆ SIĘ CHLEBEM pozwalające oszczędzać nam wszelkie energie.

Gdy wdrożymy w życie te nauki to na świecie zapanuje najmniejszym możliwym kosztem pokój i sprawiedliwość. Będzie to realizacją zasady oszczędzania wszelkich energii, którą kieruje się prawdopodobnie wszechświat. W przeciwnym razie nasz świat upadnie.

Natura i kultura, pierwiastek żeński i męski, kobieta i mężczyzna muszą się wzajemnie uzupełniać, aby wszechświat trwał, bowiem gdy natura sprzyja tworzy się kultura a gdy kultura wysoka to powstaje nowy świat natury. Szanować należy kobietę i mężczyznę i zmierzać  do ustanowienia harmonii pomiędzy nimi, a to uszczęśliwi naszą cywilizację będącą  dowodem istnienia tej harmonii w świecie ponadzmysłowym.

Chrystus głosił pochwałę kobiet i podnosił je swoją nauką z nizin  społecznych na przekór prawie wszystkim mężczyznom swoich czasów (Ketter 1937). Kobieta, symbolizująca naturę, jest często w pogardzie, gdy populacja narodu jest zbyt wysoka, o co wini się kobiety i ich seksualność. I tak w czasach przed Chrystusem, kiedy populacja Palestyny nadmiernie się rozrosła, kobieta stała się w opinii społecznej równa zwierzęciu domowemu, bo jej rozrodczość stwarzała problemy społeczne rządom mężczyzn. Jezus Chrystus ujął się wtedy za kobietami i do dziś jest ich światowym idolem. W Kościele Chrystusowym kobiety są szanowane i w nim znalazły swoją ostoję i ochronę przed światem opanowanym przez mężczyzn. W judaizmie po Chrystusie kobiety zdobyły wielkie prawa, bo bez nich naród żydowski przestałby istnieć. Widzimy więc, że pozytywne nastawienie do kobiet zależy od wielkości populacji.

Po rewolucji przemysłowej w Europie kobiety stały się przydatne bo brakowało rak do pracy i dlatego pracujące kobiety mogły się usamodzielnić i zacząć kierować swoim życiem.

Bez  udziału kobiet nie naprawimy Państwa Polskiego i nie przywrócimy funkcji ewangelicznych wspólnot  polskim parafiom, dlatego musimy je zapytać o zdanie w kwestii:

Jak przywrócić ewangeliczny kształt Kościołowi Chrystusowemu aby nas wspomagał w odbudowie Ojczyzny i abyśmy mogli żyć według wskazań nauki Chrystusa?

Moje propozycje na ten temat zawarłem w Programie Partii Dekalogu str.308 książki pt. Człowiek i klimat, dostępnej w Internecie w Repozytorium CEON i PORTFOLIO na mojej internetowej  .

  Warszawa, dnia 9 kwietnia 2013 roku                        Bogdan Góralski

To nie przypadek, że jeden człowiek, Jezus Chrystus, w swym krótkim życiu wypowiedział dwie najważniejsze ludzkie zasady: miłości nieprzyjaciół i dzielenia się chlebem i winem.

Przesłanie na Święta Bożego Narodzenia 2015 roku.

To nie przypadek, że jeden człowiek, Jezus Chrystus,  w swym krótkim życiu wypowiedział dwie najważniejsze ludzkie zasady: miłości nieprzyjaciół i dzielenia się chlebem i winem. Widział przecież, że od momentu przyjścia na świat człowiek toczy swoją walkę o życie i o uznanie społeczne. Zasady te, wypowiedziane przez Chrystusa, sprowadzają nasze życie, z brutalnego świata biologicznych instynktów, do świadomego przeżywania chroniącej nas mądrej miłości.

Biologiczne instynkty każą walczyć o dominację, a tymczasem Chrystusowa mądrość nakazuje współpracę i pojednanie, nawet z wrogami. Miłość nieprzyjaciół i dzielenie się chlebem i winem to ukoronowanie zasad etycznych wypływających z nakazu oszczędzania wszelkich energii.

Nakaz oszczędzania wszelkich energii, w tym energii ludzkich społeczeństw, zjednoczy wyznawców wszelkich religii. Chrystus będzie Królem dla wszystkich, bo jego zasady praktycznie wprowadzają w życie najważniejszą zasadę Wszechświata- oszczędzanie i dobre tzn. z korzyścią dla wszystkich, wykorzystywanie wszelkich energii.

Walka o życie i dominującą pozycję społeczną toczy się przede wszystkim między mężczyzną i kobietą w każdej rodzinie. Wynika to z odmiennych cech płci skłaniających kobietę do opieki nad potomstwem a mężczyznę do walki o ich przeżycie. Czasami walka o swoje prawa pomiędzy płciami przybiera w rodzinie drastyczne formy zabójstw mężów i ojców lub zabójstw kobiet i poczętych lub nowo narodzonych dzieci. Aby mężczyzna i kobieta nie stali się swoimi śmiertelnymi wrogami powinni stosować w życiu Chrystusową zasadę miłości nieprzyjaciół. Poniżej cytuję co napisałem o niej w rozdziale 14.4.1. Miłujcie Waszych Nieprzyjaciół w książce pt. Człowiek i klimat (do ściągnięcia z Internetu z Portfolio mojej strony internetowej – link:  :

14.4.1. Miłujcie Waszych Nieprzyjaciół

Jezus powiedział do swoich uczniów: Słyszeliście, że powiedziano: Będziesz miłował swego bliźniego, a nieprzyjaciela swego będziesz nienawidził. A Ja wam powiadam: Miłujcie waszych nieprzyjaciół i módlcie się za tych, którzy was prześladują; tak będziecie synami Ojca waszego, który jest w niebie; ponieważ On sprawia, że słońce Jego wschodzi nad złymi i nad dobrymi, i On zsyła deszcz na sprawiedliwych i niesprawiedliwych. Jeśli bowiem miłujecie tych, którzy was miłują, cóż za nagrodę mieć będziecie? Czyż i celnicy tego nie czynią? I jeśli pozdrawiacie tylko swych braci, cóż szczególnego czynicie? Czyż i poganie tego nie czynią? Bądźcie więc wy doskonali, jak doskonały jest Ojciec wasz niebieski.(Mt 5,43-48)

Tekst Ewangelii był dla mnie zbyt radykalny gdy byłem młodszy. Miłować nieprzyjaciół???…  Jednak po latach przyznałem i w tym rację Chrystusowi. Dzięki nieprzyjaciołom stajemy się lepsi. Dlaczego…??? Dzięki nieprzyjaciołom mamy motywację do życia, walki. Nieprzyjaciel znaczy konflikt, który wymusza tok przygotowań do finalnego starcia.  Poznajemy wtedy przeciwnika, udoskonalamy się aby stawić mu czoła. Jeżeli mamy wygrać musimy go przewyższyć. Zaczynamy się kształcić aby zrozumieć wroga, aby zrozumieć otaczający wrogi świat. Gromadzimy o nim informacje i tą drogą dowiadujemy się o przyczynach konfliktu. Zaczynamy rozumieć postępowanie wroga i zaczynamy mu współczuć. Stajemy się doskonalsi niż gdy nie mieliśmy wroga i gnuśnieliśmy w samozadowoleniu. A jak już jesteśmy lepsi czyli silniejsi od wroga to litujemy się nad nim i wyciągamy rękę do zgody. Widzimy bezsens ofiar walki i dostrzegamy możliwość pokojowego wyjścia z konfliktu. Porozumienie i tak jest wymuszone naszą przewagą. Wygrywamy więc wojnę w ogóle jej nie wszczynając. Tak radzili starożytni Chińczycy. Najmądrzej jest wygrać wojnę wcale jej nie wszczynając.

Miłujmy naszych nieprzyjaciół bo dzięki nim stajemy się doskonalsi.

Zawdzięczamy im naszą doskonałość zdobytą dzięki konfliktowi.

Bądźmy im wdzięczni i miłujmy ich za to co nam uczynili.

Tak radził Chrystus 2000 lat temu. Jaki byłby świat gdyby Go

posłuchano…???   …koniec cytatu.

Bieg wypadków życia wprowadził do mojej rodziny dramatyczny konflikt z żoną. Ponieważ nie byłem bez winy zastosowałem wtedy Chrystusową zasadę miłości nieprzyjaciół. Rodzinny konflikt przemienił się w harmonię i wzajemną miłość. Jeżeli tę skuteczną Chrystusową zasadę wprowadzimy powszechnie do życia w rodzinie, to nasze życie przemieni się w dzięki wzajemnemu zrozumieniu naszych zalet i słabości w harmonię pomiędzy kobietą i mężczyzną, mężem i żoną. Ta harmonia uczyni nas radosnymi i przemieni na lepsze stosunki w  społeczeństwie oraz wskaże drogę naszym dzieciom. Być może wtedy nauczymy się rozwiązywać najważniejszy ludzki problem braku chleba dla wszystkich. Zasadę dzielenia się chlebem i winem z bliźnimi głosił Chrystus na końcu swojej drogi, co wskazuje na jej wagę. Dostatek chleba decyduje bowiem o pokoju między ludźmi. Może zatem w przyszłości nasze,  mądrze miłujące siebie i innych, polskie społeczeństwo zastosuje tę zasadę i będziemy wtedy godni miana Chrystusowych uczniów i miana prawdziwych chrześcijan. Narodzi się wtedy nowy Bóg- będzie wtedy prawdziwe Boże Narodzenie doskonałego społeczeństwa miłujących się wzajemnie ludzi, zdolnego do odtworzenia naszego świata i przejścia do wieczności.

Dzielenie się winem jest równie ważne. Wino wprowadza w nasze życie element rozrywki, podniety do zabawy. Chleb to bezpieczeństwo, wino to beztroska i oby zawsze były w nadmiarze w naszej Ojczyźnie abyśmy mogli się nimi dzielić z bliźnimi z innych krajów. Niech Chrystusowe zasady obowiązują od dziś w globalnym życiu. W nich zbawienie.

Warszawa, dnia 17 grudnia 2015 godzina 3:17                         Bogdan Góralski

Awersja do Chrystusa wynika także z braku zrozumienia Jego nauk, które stawiają najwyższe wymogi każdej istocie w doskonaleniu etycznym potrzebnym do życia w społeczeństwie.

Awersja do Chrystusa 

W imię Jezusa Chrystusa i w imieniu Kościołów chrześcijańskich popełniono tyle zbrodni przeciw ludzkości, że ludzie  świadomi tego nie mogą spokojnie o tym myśleć i zapomnieć o tym. Prześladowania Żydów, mahometan, innowierców, inkwizycja, podbój innych krajów i kontynentów z krzyżem na czele krwiożerczych zastępów, wszystkie podłości sług Kościoła odbywały się z imieniem Chrystusa na ustach. W taki sposób krzewiono przez 20 wieków wiarę w wyjątkowość tej postaci. Naturalnym odruchem ludzi, którzy przeżyli gehennę prześladowań jest niechęć lub nienawiść do postaci Jezusa Chrystusa i wszystkiego co z nim związane. 

Ostatnio papież Franciszek powiedział, że nie ma nic intelektualnego w postaci Chrystusa. Moim zdaniem stwierdzenie to jest wielkim nieporozumieniem i kardynalnym błędem, bowiem przesłanie Chrystusa można zrozumieć jedynie przy zgłębieniu całego ludzkiego intelektualnego dorobku i znajomości zasad wszystkich religii. Nic dziwnego, że zwykli ludzie – prości chrześcijanie nie rozumieją do dziś Chrystusowej nauki i co więcej, nie stosują jej w życiu. Tym bardziej, że obecny, powołany do odnowy Kościoła, papież katolików nie rozumie pełni  i głębi nauk Jezusa. 

Chrystus bowiem pokazał, że trzeba miłować nieprzyjaciół oraz dzielić się chlebem i winem z potrzebującymi. Kazał także cały dorobek życia przekazywać wspólnocie gminnej za opiekę. Była to pierwsza próba praktycznej likwidacji ludzkich praw dziedziczenia własności, która niosła przesłanie powrotu do spoistości organizacji lokalnej wspólnoty ludzkiej. 

Przesłanie Chrystusa zrozumiał prorok Mahomet i głosił, że na końcu dziejów ponownie przybędzie Chrystus i zaprowadzi na Ziemi sprawiedliwość. 

Tymczasem mahometanie zabijali chrześcijan, a chrześcijanie mahometan, tak wielka była niewiedza prostych ludzi o nauczaniu obu Proroków. Zbyt skomplikowany był przekaz wiedzy o prawdach ujawnionych przez obu myślicieli. Nic dziwnego, że dziś  wielu ludzi czuje awersję do Chrystusa, Mahometa i pojęcia Boga, który “posłał” obu aby głosili prawdę o zasadach ludzkiego i niebiańskiego życia.  Dla Chrystusa wszystkie stworzenia były braćmi równymi przed Bogiem, kimkolwiek bądź czymkolwiek by był. Nie ma równych i równiejszych, jest braterstwo i służba potrzebującym, po to aby znaleźli własną ścieżkę prowadzącą do szczęścia i Boga, bo jego istnienie można udowodnić na bazie osiągnięć współczesnej nauki. 

Awersja do Chrystusa wynika także z braku zrozumienia Jego nauk, które stawiają najwyższe wymogi każdej istocie w doskonaleniu  etycznym potrzebnym do życia w społeczeństwie. Zwykłe lenistwo fizyczne i umysłowe wynikające z braku przystosowania do wymogów współczesności prowadzi do praktycznego odrzucenia nauk Chrystusa i awersji do Jego Postaci. Taka awersja do Chrystusa i postawa ogólnego lenistwa jest częściej spotykana u mężczyzn, którzy stoją w opozycji do świata pracowitych i pokornych kobiet adorujących Jezusa. Żydowskie prawo dozwalające zabijać mężczyzn za brak starania o byt rodziny walczyło z tym przyrodzonym mężczyźnie lenistwem. Prawo żydowskie uzależnia dostęp do seksu od starań o utrzymanie rodziny. Rodzi to postawy homoseksualne i inne dewiacje. To prawo działa także, dzięki wpływom frankistów (ochrzczonych potomków sefardyjskich Żydów) w Kościele katolickim, w społeczności polskich katolików, tworząc zjawisko katolickiej mafii kobiecej. I to również powoduje awersję polskich mężczyzn do postaci Chrystusa. 

W mojej nowej Polsce strach przed tym żydowskim prawem, utrudniającym rozwój polskiej gospodarki, zostanie zastąpiony zachętą do bogacenia się wspomaganą działaniem organizacji parafialnych, gminnych i centrum POL-CAT. Opłacalny  biznes będzie nagradzany wcześniejszą emeryturą i beztroskim życiem umożliwiającym rozwój polskiej kultury. 

Dwie żydowskie społeczności  kierujące obecnie Polską konkurują: sefardyjska w Kościele katolickim i aszkenazyjska prosocjalistyczna. Jak pogodzić ich interesy dla dobra Polski. Wspólnoty sefardyjskie- pro kobiece rozwijają indywidualny zyskowny handel i własność dziedziczy kobieta. Wspólnoty aszkenazyjskie- pro męskie rozwijają produkcję i jej samodzielną dystrybucję, które dziedziczy mężczyzna. To są taktyki różniące potomków homo sapiens sapiens i homo neandertalis jak to opisałem w poprzednim rozdziale. Pogodzić ich mogą Polacy i Polki  jeżeli zrozumieją podstawy tego odwiecznego konfliktu i przywrócą słowiańskie prawa – min. prawo lokalnej wspólnoty. 

Lenistwa mężczyzn nie było w obszczinie, słowiańskiej wspólnocie lokalnej istniejącej dlatego, że warunki bytowe pierwotnych Słowian były bardzo trudne. Wspólnoty te przetrwały najdłużej na ubogim wschodzie i rada starszych kierowała wspólną własnością. Samodzielna rodzina zgodnie pracowała pod kierownictwem mężczyzny aby przeżyć, wspomagana przez samą wspólnotę, która także przydzielała jej nie dziedziczną działkę ziemi do uprawy, czyli zadanie do wykonania. Czas do tego wrócić.  Własność w obszczinie słowiańskiej była dziedziczona nie przez mężczyznę czy kobietę, tylko wspólnotę. Obszcziną w Polsce może być parafia, gmina wyznaniowa. Czy Chrystus był Słowianinem z pochodzenia? 

To przysłowiowe męskie lenistwo, będące źródłem wszelkiego postępu, zostanie wreszcie nagrodzone. Powstanie ogólnopolska firma, która każdy intratny pomysł biznesowy polskiego obywatela przekuje uczciwie, czyli z korzyścią społeczną, w finansowy sukces. POL-CAT- finansowo-dystrybucyjno-naukowe centrum, wesprze i zrealizuje skutecznie wszelkie pomysły biznesowe rodzące się we wspólnotach lokalnych, zapewniając ich autorom gratyfikacje proporcjonalne do rezultatów uzyskiwanych w całej Polsce. Każdego mężczyznę i kobietę w ich biznesie będzie wspierało także  otoczenie parafialno-gminnej wspólnoty. Ludzkie marzenie: leżeć pod drzewem i zrywać z niego smaczne owoce nie zostało jeszcze zrealizowane. POL-CAT je zrealizuje i podzieli się pozostałymi  dobrymi owocami z resztą społeczeństwa. Stanie się to dzięki zrozumieniu i zastosowaniu nauk Jezusa Chrystusa. Zniknie niechęć do Niego. Przed nami będzie beztroska przyszłość. 

Warszawa, dnia 12 kwietnia 2015 – 14 marca 2016 roku                           Bogdan Jacek Góralski

Socjalizm to wspólnota skarbu

Próba wprowadzenia wspólnej własności, czyli własności państwowej napotkała wielki opór społeczny w Polsce. „Własność państwa to własność niczyja więc można ja ukraść, zaniedbać” myśleli przeciętni Polacy w czasie istnienia Polskiej Republiki Ludowej. Praca, która była dostępna dla każdego była w pogardzie i nie szanowano jej w czasie wprowadzania socjalizmu.

Wspólny skarb czyli własność państwa była abstrakcją odległą o lata świetlne od potrzeb przeciętnego Polaka, który państwo traktował jak wyzyskiwacza.

Nowa socjalistyczna Polska powstawała więc w rozdarciu pomiędzy skromnymi możliwościami socjalistycznego państwa a potrzebami przeciętnego Polaka.

Zapanował w Polsce kapitalizm i wszyscy poznaliśmy w Polsce jego mankamenty- bezwzględną rywalizację w której przegrał każdy przeciętny Polak i Polka. Powrót do idei socjalizmu jest możliwy jedynie na szczeblu wspólnoty lokalnej która będzie zarządzała wspólnym skarbem czyli gminna własnością.

Wspólny skarb przestanie być abstrakcją i będzie warunkował dobrobyt każdego członka wspólnoty lokalnej kierowanego przez radę starszych czyli ludzi wiedzy o życiu i biznesie. Pojęcie wspólnej własności stanie się ludziom bliskie bo będą mogli dotknąć ręką wspólnego skarbu i poczuć jego dobroczynna moc pod rządami mądrego kierownictwa lokalnej wspólnoty. Także jestem za takim sposobem powrócenia do idei socjalizmu-najpierw socjalizm we wspólnocie lokalnej, a potem socjalizm w państwie tj. zbiorze samorządnych wspólnot lokalnych. Poniżej zawarłem moje myśli, które powstały na przestrzeni wielu lat i które mogą pomóc w zrealizowaniu idei socjalizmu.

Warszawa, 13 Listopada 2013 roku, godzina 00:39   Bogdan Jacek Góralski  

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Wise Love is a social phenomenon that exists in a multidimensional reality

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Wise Love is a social phenomenon that exists in a multidimensional reality

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mgr inż.Bogdan Góralski @bogdangoralski · 1m · edited: 0s



Wise Love is a social phenomenon that exists in a multidimensional reality

In previous essays I have stated that Pure Reason and Pure Love characterize the ABSOLUTE. But these two attributes can only exist in a society that needs them for evolution towards Eternal Perfection. Therefore, we already know that the end of evolution is the loving union of the world of women and men – the world of pure love that gives life and pure reason that protects this life. The end of the evolution of a society of loving women and intelligent men is the creation of a new world, which will end in a new world. And so a world exists within another world, and the chain of worlds creates a multidimensional reality, the existence of which is maintained by the endless evolution of energy created and recreated by Wise Love. Wise Love is the final evolution of every community existing in the multidimensional world of which we are a part. Every society has the potential to become God and create a new world.

Warsaw, November 12, 2023, time 16:33                                    Bogdan Jacek Góralski

Everything that surrounds us is God

Hindus claim that the Absolute is unknowable and indescribable, and, with the Chinese, they claim that the interplay of male and female forces creates the world. Brahmins claim that only an individual sacrifice in exchange for the performance of sacred rites sanctifies a person. Buddhists claim that a being goes through many incarnations before achieving liberation from the bonds of the material world. Jews claim that Christ was not the Son of God or the Messiah. Hasidim claim that the world is the gateway to God. Iranian peoples believe that cosmic order must be restored on Earth. Catholics and Christian orthodox believers in the second coming of Christ, and Muslims do not deny that the second coming of Christ means the coming of times of peace and respect for all religions, which respect was commanded by Muhammad, who left behind the Koran – the holy book that is the oracle of law for Islam .

Therefore, for Christ to reveal himself again, times of peace must come. I claim that Christ and his divine mission were revealed in the teaching he preached. When we recognize that his Law is the only way to peace for us, we will love our enemies and share bread and wine. The abundance of bread on Earth brings peace, and drinking wine in moderation brings people joy and fun. Christ was God because everything around us is God. Every creature, stone, plant, element is God who, in the process of evolution, transforms us into perfect beings and spirits. In Allan Kardec’s “The Book of Spirits”, spiritualists reveal the essence of the world, which, according to them, is inhabited by spirits perfecting themselves in many incarnations. This is consistent with Buddhist teachings that the human spirit travels through various incarnations until perfection. Perfection is existence without expending energy in Non-Being, which is the Potential of all existence. In this sense, Hasidim are right that life in the material world is the Gateway to God, that is, to eternal existence in the Void without consuming energy.

Buddhists experience Emptiness in their practices and according to them it is the Ultimate Reality – pure unconditioned Potential that gives material life. This potentiality is love for everything without distinction between Good and Evil. The distinction between Good and Evil is the result of ignorance. Therefore, unconditioned potentiality is endowed with absolute Knowledge and is the result of the union of absolute Reason and Pure Love. Potentiality gives us a signpost to eternity, which is the sacred union of a woman and a man. In this relationship there is a combination of pure female love and male common sense that surrounds the woman and her offspring with care. The love relationship between a man and a woman is a reflection of the Absolute, the Potential that surrounds us and gives us everything we need for life.

Warsaw, November 5, 2023, 1:19 p.m. Bogdan Jacek Góralski

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Mądra Miłość jest zjawiskiem społecznym, które istnieje w wielowymiarowej rzeczywistości

We wcześniejszych esejach stwierdziłem, że Czysty Rozum i Czysta Miłość charakteryzuje ABSOLUT. Ale te dwa atrybuty mogą istnieć tylko w społeczeństwie, które potrzebuje ich do ewolucji skierowanej na osiągnięcie Wiecznej Doskonałości. Zatem już wiemy, że finałem ewolucji jest miłosne połączenie świata kobiet i mężczyzn- świata czystej miłości dającej życie i czystego rozumu chroniącego to życie. Finałem ewolucji społeczeństwa kochających kobiet i rozumnych mężczyzn jest stworzenie nowego świata, którego finałem będzie nowy świat. I tak świat istnieje wewnątrz kolejnego  świata, a  łańcuch światów tworzy wielowymiarową rzeczywistość, której trwanie jest podtrzymywane przez niekończącą się ewolucję energii tworzonej, odtwarzanej przez Mądrą Miłość. Mądra Miłość jest finałem ewolucji każdej  społeczności istniejącej w wielowymiarowym świecie, którego cząstką jesteśmy. Każde społeczeństwo posiada potencjał by stać się Bogiem i stworzyć nowy świat.

Wszystko co nas otacza jest Bogiem

Hinduiści twierdzą, że Absolut jest niepoznawalny i jest nie do opisania i wraz z Chińczykami twierdzą, że wzajemna gra męskiej i żeńskiej siły tworzy świat. Bramini twierdzą, że tylko indywidualna ofiara w zamian za odprawienie świętych obrzędów uświęca człowieka. Buddyści twierdzą, że istota przechodzi przez wiele wcieleń zanim osiągnie wyzwolenie z więzów materialnego świata. Żydzi twierdzą, że Chrystus nie był Synem Bożym albo Mesjaszem. Chasydzi twierdzą, że świat jest bramą do Boga. Ludy irańskie wierzą, że trzeba przywrócić na Ziemi kosmiczny ład. Katolicy i chrześcijańscy ortodoksi wierzą w ponowne przyjście Chrystusa, a muzułmanie nie zaprzeczają, że ponowne przyjście Chrystusa oznacza nadejście czasów pokoju i  szacunku dla wszystkich religii, który to szacunek nakazywał Mahomet, który pozostawił po sobie Koran-świętą księgę, która jest wyrocznią prawa dla islamu.

Zatem, aby Chrystus ponownie się objawił muszą nadejść czasy pokoju. Ja twierdzę, że Chrystus i jego boskie posłannictwo objawiło się w nauce, którą głosił. Gdy uznamy, że jego Prawo jest dla nas jedyną drogą do pokoju to będziemy miłowali nieprzyjaciół i dzielili się chlebem i winem. Dostatek chleba na Ziemi przynosi pokój, a umiarkowane picie wina przynosi ludziom radość i podnietę do zabawy. Chrystus był Bogiem, bo wszystko co nas otacza jest Bogiem. Każda istota, kamień, roślina, żywioły jest Bogiem, który w procesie ewolucji przemienia nas w istoty i duchy doskonałe. Spirytyści w „Księdze Duchów” Allana Kardeca objawiają istotę świata, który według nich jest zamieszkały przez doskonalące się w wielu wcieleniach duchy. Jest to zgodne z naukami buddystów, że duch ludzki wędruje przez różne wcielenia aż do doskonałości. Doskonałość to istnienie bez zużywania energii w Niebycie, który jest Potencjalnością wszelkiego istnienia. W tym sensie chasydzi mają rację, że życie w materialnym świecie jest Bramą do Boga czyli do wiecznego istnienia w Pustce bez zużywania energii.

Buddyści doświadczają Pustki w swoich praktykach i według nich jest to Ostateczna Rzeczywistość-czysta nieuwarunkowana Potencjalność dająca życie materialne. Potencjalność ta jest miłością do wszystkiego bez rozróżniana Dobra I Zła. Rozróżnienie pomiędzy Dobrem i Złem jest wynikiem niewiedzy. Zatem nieuwarunkowana potencjalność obdarzona jest absolutną Wiedzą i jest wynikiem połączenia absolutnego Rozumu i Czystej Miłości.  Potencjalność obdarza nas drogowskazem do wieczności, którym jest święty związek kobiety i mężczyzny. W tym związku następuje połączenie czystej kobiecej miłości i męskiego rozsądku otaczającego kobietę i jej potomstwo opieką. Miłosny związek kobiety i mężczyzny jest odbiciem Absolutu, Potencjalności, która nas otocza i daje wszystko co jest potrzebne do życia.

Warszawa, dnia 5 Listopada 2023 roku, godzina 13:19       Bogdan Jacek Góralski

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POL-CAT joint-stock company as institution of social trust

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POL-CAT joint-stock company as institution of social trust

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mgr inż.Bogdan Góralski @bogdangoralski · 0s



Polish property law – inheritance

By establishing free election, the Polish nobility rejected inheritance to the throne as a defective institution of the right to property. The best candidate to take the throne was selected and the family of the previous ruler was deprived of the rights to rule in the Kingdom of Poland. Unfortunately, noble democracy was not free from populism and candidates not always worthy of the crown won.

Another example of disposing of rights to property was the transfer of arable land by the Polish nobility to the Church as an endowment and a guarantee of good management of the donated land. The inheritance law allowed the Church to be the heir to the family estate and land, making the Church the largest landowner in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Before the invasion of Soviet Russia and the imposition of communist rule, there were 377,885 ha of agricultural land in the hands of the Polish Church  and almost all of it came from donations from the Polish nobility according to “Legal regulations – nationalization and revindication. Real estate of the Catholic Church in Poland in the years 1918 and 2012” – over 480 pages of a unique report by Rev. Prof. Dariusz Walencik.

All this proves the common custom of transferring property acquired during life to the Church as an institution of social trust for the sake of common prosperity.

Here’s what Wikipedia says about it:

Goods of the dead hand – primarily church estates not participating in trade, tax-free until 1789, obtained mainly as a result of grants from the rulers and knights (later from the nobility and magnates ). Dead hand properties belonging to secular institutions occurred only occasionally.

The goods of the Church, which once came into his possession, remained with him forever, as if in a dead hand. This state of affairs caused protests from the nobility and some rulers already in the 13th century. Casimir the Great also tried to recover some of the goods transferred to the Church by various rulers during the period of feudal fragmentation [1] . In the 16th century, the estates of the dead arm comprised approximately 15% of the total land in the Crown . From 1635, parliamentary constitutions limited the possibility of donating land to the church. However, it was only the liquidation of the Jesuit Order and the confiscation of its enormous assets to the state treasury that triggered the process of shrinking the assets of the dead hand. The next step was the state taking over the properties of the Krakow bishopric in 1789 . The occupying powers continued the actions of limiting the properties of the dead hand, at the same time introducing a fund intended for the maintenance of the clergy, in the amount of 50% of the existing income from the seized properties of the dead hand [2] .

In Poland, the estates were left dead in 1950 r. taken over by the state treasury, with the simultaneous establishment of a church fund as compensation for the loss of the above-mentioned properties. The requirement to obtain a permit for the Church to purchase properties bequeathed in a will was canceled in 1989 .

Taking away family rights to the deceased’s estate is a wise social engineering move because it forces the family to rely on itself to secure its own existence. This, if common, results in greater individual economic efficiency and, as a result, better economic prosperity of the country, which constitutes its strength.
In the book entitled Man and climate – link: I proposed for Polish society to introduce a voluntary principle of inheritance of property by the local community, i.e. granting it the right of priority in purchasing property acquired during life in exchange for paying pensions to owners. This will convince our children to respect their parents more and force them to use their predispositions for their own good and social benefit. Large enterprises, the purchase of which would exceed the financial capabilities of the local community, would be purchased by POL-CAT joint-stock company, which would be an institution of social trust paying an appropriate pension to the company owners.
Warsaw, April 17, 2015, 10:30 p.m. Bogdan Jacek Góralski
Improved November 11, 2023, 5:29 a.m.    

Warsaw, April 17, 2015, 10:30 p.m. Bogdan Góralski

Polskie prawo własności – dziedziczenie

Polska szlachta ustanawiając wolną elekcję odrzuciła dziedziczenie tronu jako wadliwą instytucję prawa do własności. Wybierano najlepszego kandydata do objęcia tronu i pozbawiano rodzinę poprzedniego władcy praw do władzy w Królestwie Polskim. Niestety demokracja szlachecka nie była wolna od populizmu i wygrywali kandydaci nie zawsze godni korony.

Innym przykładem dysponowania prawami do majątku było przekazywanie przez szlachtę polską  ziemi uprawnej  Kościołowi jako uposażenia i gwarancji dobrego gospodarowania ofiarowaną ziemią. Prawo spadkowe dopuszczało uczynienie Kościoła spadkobiercą rodzinnej majętności i ziemi, czyniąc z Kościoła największego właściciela ziemskiego w Rzeczypospolitej. Przed najazdem Rosji sowieckiej i narzuceniem władzy komunistycznej w rękach Kościoła Polskiego było 377 tys. 885, 4 ha użytków rolnych i prawie wszystko to pochodziło z darowizn szlachty polskiej wg. “Regulacje prawne – nacjonalizacja a rewindykacja. Nieruchomości Kościoła katolickiego w Polsce w latach 1918 a 2012”- ponad 480 stron liczącego unikalnego raportu autorstwa ks. prof. Dariusza Walencika.

Wszystko to świadczy o powszechnym obyczaju przekazywania zdobytej w ciągu życia własności Kościołowi jako instytucji zaufania społecznego w imię wspólnej pomyślności.

Oto co o tym pisze Wikipedia:

Dobra martwej ręki – przede wszystkim majątki kościelne nie uczestniczące w obrocie, wolne od podatków do 1789 r., uzyskane głównie w rezultacie nadań panujących i rycerstwa (później szlachty i magnatów). Dobra martwej ręki należące do instytucji świeckich występowały tylko sporadycznie.

Dobra Kościoła, które gdy raz weszły w jego posiadanie, pozostawały przy nim na zawsze, jak gdyby w martwej ręce. Ten stan wywoływał protesty szlachty i niektórych panujących już w XIII w. Kazimierz Wielki również starał się odzyskać część dóbr przekazanych na rzecz Kościoła przez różnych władców w okresie rozdrobnienia feudalnego[1]. W XVI w. dobra martwej ręki obejmowały w Koronie około 15 % ogółu ziemi. Od 1635 r. konstytucje sejmowe ograniczały możliwość darowizn dóbr ziemskich na rzecz kościoła. Jednak dopiero likwidacja zakonu jezuitów i konfiskata na rzecz skarbu państwa jego olbrzymiego majątku uruchomiły proces kurczenia się dóbr martwej ręki. Kolejnym krokiem było przejęcie przez państwo w 1789 r. dóbr biskupstwa krakowskiego. Akcje ograniczania dóbr martwej ręki kontynuowały państwa zaborcze, wprowadzając jednocześnie fundusz przeznaczony na utrzymanie duchowieństwa, w wysokości 50 % dotychczasowych dochodów z przejętych dóbr martwej ręki[2].

Polsce dobra martwej ręki zostały w 1950 r. przejęte przez skarb państwa, z jednoczesnym powołaniem funduszu kościelnego jako rekompensatą za utratę wspomnianych dóbr. Wymóg uzyskania zezwolenia na nabywanie zapisanych w testamencie nieruchomości przez Kościół został anulowany w 1989 r.

Odebranie rodzinie praw do spadku po zmarłym jest mądrym posunięciem socjotechnicznym, gdyż zmusza rodzinę do polegania na sobie w kwestii zabezpieczenia własnego bytu. To, jeśli jest powszechne, skutkuje większą indywidualną efektywnością ekonomiczną, a w efekcie lepszym dobrobytem gospodarczym kraju, co stanowi jego siłę.
W książce Człowiek i klimat – link:  zaproponowałem społeczeństwu polskiemu wprowadzenie zasady dobrowolności dziedziczenia majątku przez społeczność lokalną, czyli przyznania jej prawa do pierwszeństwo w nabywaniu majątku nabytego za życia w zamian za wypłatę emerytur właścicielom. Przekona to nasze dzieci do większego szacunku dla rodziców i zmusi je do wykorzystania swoich predyspozycji dla własnego dobra i korzyści społecznej. Duże przedsiębiorstwa, których zakup przekraczałby możliwości finansowe lokalnej społeczności, nabywałaby spółka akcyjna POL-CAT, będąca instytucją zaufania społecznego wypłacającą właścicielom firmy odpowiednią emeryturę.
Warszawa, 17 kwietnia 2015, godz. 22:30 Bogdana Jacka Góralskiego
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Ideology of Jesus Christ

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Ideology of Jesus Christ

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mgr inż.Bogdan Góralski @bogdangoralski · 0s



Ideology of Jesus Christ


Time for Christmas thoughts
The problems of the quantum world-world of pulsating energy have been pondered for centuries. Coincidence or determinism? Man’s free will? Christ is the Savior? He is Savior for sure!!!

M.A inż.Bogdan Góralski @bogdangoralski 15 Dec 2013

Christmas and New Year 2013 Wishes.

How many roads each of us must go through to be able to become a human … Bob Dylan sang over 30 years ago. The road to humanity is not simple and before love for the world is born …. we grope in the dark when we do not believe in religions ….

Not all religions lead us to admire our reality, but many of them make us worship its Creator. Every human view of the world is burdened with a limited, due to the knowledge possessed, view of reality. As my knowledge deepens, my admiration for our world grows. How logical and inscrutable, how simple and yet complex, how many roads lead to the desired goal … fulfillment???

What is our individual and social goal in the face of the enormity of the Universe that we get to know?

Should we focus on our mundane matters?

Or rather fly up creating a divine and all-human reality?

My life paths have led me to the conclusion that we will rise to the heights if we will share bread and love our enemies – if we are disciples of Christ.

Then a new God will be born – a human society that loves itself and the world.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Bogdan Jacek Góralski

Free thoughts of Bogdan Jacek Góralski:

We cannot be free with limited knowledge of the world – knowledge limits our freedom. We are left to voluntarily rely on God’s grace, on the free development of the world, of which we become a compassionate and educating observer. This allows the will of the Creator and the observer to merge, who becomes an adept at recreating the world.

The basic human goal is to pass on the knowledge about the functioning of the world to the next generations. It is therefore important to ensure the succession of generations and their physical existence.

In this context, it is crucial to provide people and the world with biological existence – that is, bread, which was indicated by Christ in his timeless teaching.

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Time for Christmas reflections

The problems of the quantum world – a world of pulsating energy – have been considered for centuries. Chance or determinism? Man’s free will??? Christ is the Savior? He is definitely Him!!!


Bogdan Góralski, M.Sc @bogdangoralski · December 15 , 2013

The problems of the quantum world – a world of pulsating energy – have been considered for centuries. Chance or determinism? Man’s free will??? Christ is the Savior? He is definitely Him!!!

Christmas and New Year Wishes 2013.

How many roads must each of us go through to become human…. sang Bob Dylan over 30 years ago. The path to humanity is not straight and before love for the world is born… we grope in the dark when we do not believe in religions….

Not all religions lead us to admire our reality, but many of them make us worship its Creator. Every human view of the world is burdened with a limited view of reality due to the knowledge possessed. As my knowledge deepens, my admiration for our world grows. What is logical and inscrutable, how simple and yet complex, how many paths lead to the desired goal…fulfillment???

What is our individual and social goal given the vastness of the Universe that we are exploring?

Should we focus on our mundane matters?

Or rather fly upwards, creating a divine and all-human reality?

My life paths have led me to the conclusion that we will rise to greater heights if

We will share bread and love our enemies if we are disciples of Christ.

Then a new God will be born – a human society that loves itself and the world.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

wishes Bogdan Jacek Góralski

Free thoughts of Bogdan Jacek Góralski:

We cannot be free with limited knowledge about the world – knowledge limits our freedom. We are left to voluntarily submit ourselves to God’s grace, to the free happenings of the world, of which we become a compassionate and educating observer. This allows the will of the Creator and the observer to unite, who becomes an adept of the art of recreating the world.

The basic human goal is to pass on knowledge about the functioning of the world to subsequent generations. It is therefore important to ensure the succession of generations and their physical existence.

In this context, it is crucial to provide people and the world with biological existence – that is, bread, as Christ indicated in his timeless teaching.

When will be the real Christmas – God’s birthday

Over two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ preached God’s message, which was then so beautiful, seductive and liberating for the people of Palestine that the elites of that world killed him so that he would not rebel the people. Implementation of Christ’s teachings today will bring peace to the world and liberation of ordinary people from the imagination of the rich who rule our world. Today the teaching of Christ is addressed to the elites of our world to come to their senses and then avoid the extinction in future revolutions. When nowadays elites to come to their senses then a new God will be born, a society composed of people who mutual love each other will be created. The solution for the elite is simple – you need to fully apply the recommendations of Jesus Christ, which introduced today will save the world.

Over two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ preached God’s message, which was so beautiful, seductive and liberating for the people of Palestine that the elites of that world killed him to prevent him from rebelling. The implementation of Christ’s teachings today will bring peace to the world and the liberation of ordinary people from the oppression of the rich who rule our world. Today, Christ’s teaching is addressed to the elites of our world so that they will come to their senses and then avoid destruction in future revolutions. Then a new God will be born, a society composed of people who love each other will be created. For the elites, the solution is simple – you need to completely follow the recommendations of Jesus Christ, which, if implemented today, will save the world.

Learn how to use free choice, free will. The powerful of this world impose their will on you. They tell you to live as it suits them to get rich and rule over you. Aeschylus, Buddha, Christ have told you – knowledge is the basis and suffering leads to knowledge. You must learn to control your own fate. You must learn to manage your own destiny and not waste your life energy and the energy of other beings. You have received the right of free will from Heaven and do not give it to anyone. Free will determine the beauty of life. Let your conscience be your only judge. So learn to make good choices in your life. Suffer of your own free will and learn. Love, Suffer and Learn and you will gain eternity.

Warsaw, December 5, 2022, 16:40 Bogdan Jacek Góralski

Love, Suffer and Learn and you will gain eternity.

Learn how to exercise free choice, free will.

The powerful of this world impose their will on you. They tell you to live as they see fit in order to get rich and rule over you.
Aeschylus, Buddha, Christ told you – knowledge is the basis, and suffering leads to knowledge. You must learn to control your own fate and not waste your life energy and the energy of other beings. You received the right of free will from Heaven, and do not give it to anyone. Free will determines the beauty of life. Let your conscience be your only judge. So gain knowledge to make good choices in your life. Suffer willingly and learn. Love, Suffer and Learn and you will gain eternity.

The short history of religious systems versus climate changes


Figure 49 ‑1 Earthquakes in the Mediterranean and Poland in the years 750 BC to 2000 AD. Earth gravitational-seismic-climatic-social cycle. Author of the graph Bogdan Jacek Góralski

Source of earthquakes date:

( Guidoboni et al.,1994),

( Guterch , Lewandowska-Marciniak, 2002)

The gravitational-seismic-climatic-social cycle presented in Fig.49-1 describes of our civilization development phases over the centuries. All the great leaders and ethicians appeared in a similar period of the material cycle (Asian ethics appeared in the reverse phase, which is explainable and in line with my theory due to climatic inversion between West and East Eurasia). It was the result of subsequent climate crises defined by cyclical changes geometry of the solar system.
Each cycle had a similar natural and social events scenario and a similar ethical-ideological system, creating social relationships between people and expanding the ideological movement base, expanding the social revolution base. According to the logic of history in the 21st century, the material world crisis, which has begun to grow, will also emerge a new, universal Ethical system – new ideas that will probably include the entire global community.

The first known Ethical system originated in Egypt and was recorded in the goddess Maat 42 commandments. It was an expression of the development of a prosperous state social order in the Nile outbreaks rhythm. A derivative of Egyptian ethics was the Ethical system of Moses, educated in Egypt. The moral systems of Buddha, Laotsy , and Confucius appeared at the end of the period of Asian society’s growth. Overpopulation increased during the period of adequate hydration of Asia and led to a socio-economic crisis resulting from a lack of food. Asian communities have reached a critical population density, forcing a new ethical system to regulate social relations. In the sixth century, before Christ is the peak of China’s power. The beginnings of building the Chinese wall for defense against Mongol invasions, significant territorial development in the north and south, population growth to 25 million are examples of this power. Significant Greek colonization in the period of VIII-VI centuries BC proves that during this period in Greece, and in the equatorial world, environmental conditions conducive to population growth prevailed. These data allow us to suppose that the tropical world population is increasing in the eighth-seventh century BC. After a period of population growth, the climate is extremely dry and cold (especially North of China) (a decrease in earthquakes in the seventh century BC, see Fig.49-1, 49-2), causing overpopulation and conflicts. It results in the almost simultaneous emergence of Buddha ethical systems, Lao Tse , Confucius, which prevent the emergence of social conflicts in overpopulated India and China.

Excerpt from Wikipedia

“Ashoka (Sanskrit अशोक मौर्य lived in the years [approx.] 269–232 BCE [1]) – the ruler of the Indian Mauryan Empire, reigning according to various arrangements, between 274–264 BCE and 239–226 BCE Buddhism during his reign was in a similar situation to Christianity under Constantine. Religion enjoying the favor of the newly converted ruler could count on state support, privileges, and could become entangled in the structure of power. Ashoka himself traveled a lot, reaching the farthest corners of the Indian subcontinent, preaching the doctrine of liberation from suffering. The codices were fixed on rock blocks or columns. At the time when Ashoka ruled India, Antiochus II ruled Syria, and Ptolemy II Philadelphus ruled Egypt. Ashoka established diplomatic contacts with them”.

Thanks to this, Buddhism was known in Egypt and the Middle East, and thanks to this, Jesus Christ learned the secrets of Buddhism.

Ashoka Sanskrit अशोक मौर्य lived in the years [approx.] 269–232 BC [1] – ruler of the Indian Maurya Empire , reigning, according to various arrangements, between 274 – 264 BC and 239 – 226 BC

Buddhism during his reign was in a similar situation to Christianity under Constantine . A religion that enjoyed the favor of the newly converted ruler could count on state support, privileges, and become entwined in the power structure. Ashoka himself traveled a lot, reaching the farthest corners of the Indian subcontinent, preaching the doctrine of liberation from suffering. The codices were recorded on rock blocks or columns.

At the time when Ashoka ruled in India , Antiochus II ruled in Syria and Egypt Ptolemy II Philadelphus . It was with them that Ashoka established diplomatic contacts. Thanks to this, Buddhism was known in Egypt and the Middle East, and thanks to this, Jesus CHRIST learned the secrets of Buddhism.

The large amount of rainfall accompanies the phase of earthquakes increasing in the period 200 years before Christ, because of the shift of climatic (rainfall) zones connected to the Earth coating movement. This confirms the research on Nile floods and wet years in Rome (Lamb 1977, 426-427 graphs 17.1 and 17.2). These studies indicate strong humidification of Africa climate in the region of Egypt and the climate of Italy at that time. It had promoted the increase of agricultural production and the resulting adequate supply of food to the population. During the reign of Herod the Great (73-4 BC), Palestine’s successful economic development continues, as evidenced by the growth of cities and the ruler’s wealth. Economic development is an indication of a large population (Theissen, 2004, 60). The abundance of food is conducive to population growth in well-watered areas. After developing the Palestinian society, there is rapid regional warming and drying of the climate from 0-10 AD (Bao et al., 2002, Kobashi et al., .2011, Lamb, 1977, 426-427), which reduced agricultural production and food supply, causing the overpopulation of Palestine. The immediate socio-economic crisis resulting from drought (Lamb, 1977, 426-427 graphs 17.1 and 17.2) caused frustrations of the population (mostly rural), looking for a way out of the crisis. The socially rooted groups tested various ways out of the trouble. The aging rural masses needed a plan of action to alleviate the supply problems common at that time. Many leaders appear, among them Jesus Christ, who has a dream of anti-crisis action. He creates his commune (Acts of the Apostles describe several thousand people (Bible 1998, Acts 2:41, 4,4)) acting like communes. To join them, you must give all your possessions. The municipality (commune), efficiently managing the riches offered, constituted protection against hunger and lawlessness prevailing in Palestine. There were numerous gangs of brigands at that time. Many farmers were hopelessly in debt (Johnson 1993, 146). Christ feeding the masses of the poor, becomes a threatening leader of the crowds. His economic and social program is radical and unacceptable to the then Judean-Romans and pro-Roman elites. Jesus Christ’s ideological system was the crowning of ancient Ethical ideas development and was probably inappropriate to Judeo-Roman elites. Christ, the peaceful peasant movement leader, was killed, and further Jewish protests against Roman imagination did not have a charismatic calm leader. In the first century BC until the 1st century AD, there was a substantial density of Judea and Samaria farms. This tests to the climatic conditions conducive to farms shredding – adequate hydration during the first century BC. The violent drought at the beginning of the early century AD caused the collapse of these small farms and the crisis. The uprising in Palestine in the years 66-74 is a social rebellion against the rich. The rebellion began with the burning of the Rome tax registration offices in Jerusalem (Sartre 1991, 403). The cataclysm of Jewish revolts revealed ongoing overpopulation, and their consequence was the destruction of the country. There was a mass migration of Jews. These above-described facts result from the Earth coating movement (movement of climatic zones over Palestine territory), which caused the Palestine area aridification. Since the beginning of the 7th century AD, there has been strong global warming – signaled by a drop in the number of earthquakes, which caused the transfer of civilization centers from the Middle East to, among others, colder Europe and Mesopotamia. Warming and drought caused regression in the development of equatorial populations. These above-described facts result from the Earth coating movement (movement of climatic zones over Arabian Peninsula territory), which caused the Arabian area aridification. Overpopulation occurred on the Arabian Peninsula before the victory of Muhammad. The Arabian Peninsula’s population growth probably took place in the fourth, fifth, and sixth centuries AD. During cooling and increased climate irrigation of the Arabian area had lasted a decline parallel of the Western Roman Empire. Western Roman Empire collapsed because of the conquest of barbarian tribes from northern, overpopulated regions of Europe. They migrated because of unfavorable weather conditions while cooling the climate of Northern Europe. (Barbarian populations in Northern Europe probably increased in the IV to VI centuries, .which was the result of the Earth coating movement (movement of climatic zones over barbarian tribes territory which was caused by the warming and well irrigation of the Northern Europe area). Under the pressure of this tremendous barbaric exodus to the south, the western Roman Empire collapsed. At the time of the Western Roman Empire crisis, the triumph of the socially and economically well-organized Christian communities was celebrated, which led to the success of Christianity and the consolidation of their power. The Eastern Roman Empire prospered in the meantime. The Arabian Peninsula was probably experienced by drought and social crises in the 7th century. There was an escalation of aggression and the fratricidal struggle between Arabian tribes (the drought is the result of the Earth’s coating movement (the movement of climatic rainfall zones over Arabian peninsula territory which caused the aridification of the Arabian land). The Civil War prompted Muhammad to reflect on the causes of this state of affairs. Muhammad rejected the old elite’s social order, introduced a new religious community- the umma (the commune), the obligation of alms – the redistribution of goods to the poor. Fighting with other leaders, he united all Arab tribes. He broke with the family system. However, his economic program could not remedy the overpopulation (Hrbek, Petráček , 1971, 139-140), which is why later the war expansion of the Arabs took place. It was possible because in the seventh century, the Roman Empire’s power decreased, and the strength of Arabs united by the ethical system (created by Muhammad) increased. Warming and drought since the 7th century caused regression in the development of equatorial populations and their displacement towards the north. At the same time, societies in the northern hemisphere began to civilize in a warm climate. In favorable conditions of the warm climate (the third so-called sub Atlantic period ( Samsonowicz , 1990, 8)), there was a dynamic development of European civilization, development of Germanic and Slavic tribes. Europe’s population has grown since 1700, but bad weather and population growth in the 17th and 18th centuries worsened England and France’s situation. England, however, had a security vent in the form of emigration to the colony. The feeding of French society has deteriorated since 1700 AD (Livi-Bacci 1991, 82). The French saved themselves from hunger by establishing several hundred thousand small farms (Taine 1881, 337). Before the French Revolution, there was a significant cooling (and probably drying) of the climate (Bradley, Jones, 1993), which had brought France high prices of food (Góralski, 2012, 28), famine, and the outbreak of the revolution (These above-described facts are the result of the movement of Earth’s coating (movement of climatic zones over Europe territory) which caused the cooling and bad weather conditions of the European area). The revolution lasted, and the problems of overpopulation did not pass because of the further cooling of the climate. Another revolutionary leader, Napoleon, led the French to conquer Europe, which solved the problem of the surplus of single men who had no conditions in France to establish a family in those days. Since 1815, the climate has warmed and dried (These facts are the result of the movement of Earth’s coating (movement of climatic zones over European territory) which caused the favorable climatic conditions of the Europe area), which means that the population of Europe grew in the 19th century from 203 to 408 million and in 1950 to 547 million. There has been a massive increase in the German and Russian populations. At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia and Germany were heavily overcrowded, which led to the I World War and, after that, the catastrophic development of totalitarian systems centralizing communities around new leaders. The overpopulation, masculinization of the population, high prices of food caused by the drying of the climate in the early twentieth century (Góralski, 2012, 8) and the inability to peacefully resolve of economic problems caused by the First World War, the Russian Revolution, and the war expansion of communist Russia directed to Western Europe in 1920 year (Góralski, 2012). World War II as a consequence of the First World War and the conditions of the Versailles Treaty. The high prices of food in China at the beginning of the 20th century were the result of the movement of Earth’s coating (movement of climatic zones over Chinese territory), which caused the unfavorable climatic conditions of the China area, caused the Chinese revolution, which later used Marxism caused the collapse of the huge landowners who had previously taken over most of the arable land. From 1960 to 1990 years, during the short-term cooling and moistening of the climate (Bradley, Jones, 1993), Africa’s population grew from 282 to 637 million. The Chinese population multiplied from 583 million in 1953 to 1008 million in 1982. At that time, in the northern hemisphere, there have been economic difficulties resulting from cooling, excessive rainfall, and dropping agricultural production, which led, among others, to the collapse of the Soviet empire and almost revolution in China (Gang 2001, 37-38, Gawlikowski 2001, 388). The riots in China broke out because of the enormous population growth and food prices rising. It relied on resolving peasant municipalities and assigning land to individual families. This has resulted in a vast increase in agricultural production and China’s and current self-sufficiency in nutrition.


Figure 49 ‑2 World seismic activity was characterized by earthquakes magnitude M = 7 and higher in the years 1900-2005 (five-year periods). Source (Góralski 2009). (author of the drawing Bogdan Góralski)

Chart Fig.49-3 confirms the occurrence of cooling in the 60-90.XX century because it is accompanied by an increase in the number of significant earthquakes.

Currently, the warming continues (the number of earthquakes has decreased), which causes aggression in Asia and Africa to grow, aggression due to the decline in per capita agricultural production in young male populations (with a predominance of male individuals) and deteriorating living conditions Resulting from the increase in global food prices. Migration from these continents to the USA and Europe is growing. At the same time, in the G-8 countries, there is the phenomenon of agricultural overproduction with a decrease in population size. For this overproduction, there is no profitable sale due to the misery of the rest global population. All this together causes the financial and economic crisis. The logic of history allows us to expect the emergence of an outstanding figure, the creator of a new order, and a universal ethical system that will unite humanity on the way out of the crisis. This leader will have to apply the message of Jesus Christ, who said: “Share bread for My remembrance” (Bible 1998, Luke 22:19) and love your enemies because this is the love of your neighbor.

If the warming continues, it will worsen the situation in tropical countries. There will be a wave of migration to food-rich countries (in 2011 year, there was a wave of riots and revolutions in North Africa and the Middle East caused by food prices resulting from the cooling of the global climate in 2010 year ( http: // graphs_v3 / Fig.C.gif ).

Currently, the Earth’s coating rotates south in the US region and to the north in eastern Russia. This is causing the warming and drying of the climate in the US South and climate change in the US-North. This carries the threat of reducing food production in the US. The northward movement of eastern Russia and northern China will cool and dry this world site climate. Suppose cooling and drought come (as a result of the continuous movement of Earth coating and climatic zones) in the East of Russia and Northern China. In that case, it will bring disaster (reduction of food production in Asia) for the man’s civilization. In such an event, the world will not survive, and the situation will start to destabilize. We cannot allow this.


As a global civilization, we must take radical steps to overcome the impending crisis and global war threat. The activities stabilizing the world situation I described in my work above are available in Google Books and other websites on the Internet. Below is an excerpt from my work entitled More science, ethics, culture for the modern and future world, published in open access on Google Books ( %C3%B3ralski ).

Climate change and people migrations

Climate change has triggered migrations of peoples whose chronology is a record of Earth’s climate cycles. Here is a history of the crises that ended in movements:

  • -Approx. 12th century BCmarked the migration of people, which ended the reign of Mycenaean civilization and began the so-called dark ages. As a result, the Etruscans appeared in Italy, Egypt and Palestine were attacked by the so-called peoples of the sea.
  • -In the 8th, 7th century BC, during the drought in the Asian steppes, the Scythians occupied eastern Europe. Simultaneously, the Great Greek colonization marked out, which expelled the Greek population to emigrate.
  • -Approx. 4th century BCthe journey of the Celts from northwestern Europe towards the Adriatic Sea, the Black Sea began, which indicates a growing cooling.
  • -At the beginning of our era in Palestine has marked itself the significant socio-economic crisis that provoked the civil war in Galilee, Judea (which was called the War of Varus), and the uprising in 66 and 132 AD. It tests to a crisis (rapid drying of the climate) that caused the exodus of Jews from Palestine to all world.
  • The next migration of peoples began in the 4th century CE Huns invasion of Europe. Germanic peoples migrated south to the lands of the Roman Empire, leading to its downfall.
  • In the VIII-IX centuries, the Viking expansion towards the south of Europe, which may indicate problems with feeding the population of Northern Europe and the climate crisis.
  • In the 12th century, Mongols arrived in Europe because of the drought in the Asian steppes.

In the fourteenth century, it got cold, and in Europe there were epidemics, hunger, and peasant uprisings.

  • The extinction of the Vikings in Greenland since 1400. The Little Ice Age lasted until the 19th century. The peak of chilling in Europe was in the 17th century. It resulted in the great migration of Europeans to the continents of both the Americas and Asia continued at the time. The great State of Poles-the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Ottoman Empire collapsed then.

Climate disaster in the years 2013-2100

By the geophysical and historical data (migrations of people are indicative of climate crises), we know that the climate cycle repeats every 400 years. We can, therefore, expect that another major crisis will occur in 2013-2100. We should prepare for it. It will be a climate disaster – a sharp change in the distribution of climate zones, which will dramatically reduce global food production. It will bring revolutions, wars, and supra-regional population migrations. There is still time to protect yourself against this. It requires knowledge and ethics on a global scale. Otherwise, dark ages will come. In October 2020 I read in the articles on the upcoming GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM and its results. Those articles confirm my opinion that a climatic cataclysm will appear.

Conclusions II

We must adapt to regional climate change and, like our ancestors, migrate to climate-friendly regions of the globe. To do this, we must open borders and modify state systems to accept migrants and establish a new ethical and economical system uniting all beings. We must introduce a modern feudal production system in Western agriculture based on humane principles. Only a feudal system of agricultural production will enable Western economies to absorb millions of peasant migrants from Asia and Africa and deal with the crisis of Western economies. The development of feudal agriculture will increase the demand in the entire Western economy because As calculated by American economists, $ 1 of agricultural demand (expenses for tractors, fertilizers, etc.) produces $ 2.73 of NATIONAL INCOME (Tomczak 2004). Thus, growing farmer demand will produce an economic boom, while falling demand causes a downturn. We need to create the technology of surviving the contemporary global crisis.

Warsaw, October 8, 2020 Bogdan Jacek Góralski



The history of the development and fall of successive empires has intrigued researchers for a long time, and this work makes an essential contribution to solving this puzzle. The logical concept of regional climate change related to the Earth coating displacement allows for explaining each empire’s development and defeat. The realm has been developing during favorable environmental changes in the region, which was a kingdom cradle. It grew during conquests, dependent on the empire elite and the conquered nations. Usually, great human migrations related to regional climate change marked the end of a given empire. To avoid the collapse of our human civilization in the coming global climate crisis and a possible devastating global war, we must open all borders and allow people free movement. It will focus the attention of politicians on economic life inside countries with the masses of migrants and reduce the pressure on foreign expansion. These changes should be preceded by a global agreement defining goals and rules for the worldwide migration of people and goods. In the course of my life, I developed the principles of a new international economic and political order and presented them in the works entitled “The Third Way between capitalism and communism”, and “More science, ethics, culture for the modern and future world “. I hope that reading these works published in free access in Google Books will allow you to understand our history logic, which will result in the further global evolutionary development of our civilization. The terrestrial globe is divided into two hemispheres: northern and southern. The northern hemisphere is made up of more thick continental plates and is heavier than the southern hemisphere, mostly made up of thin ocean plates. The Earth globe is affected by the cosmic gravity and more strongly pulls the northern hemisphere with a variable force causing it to move to the ecliptic plane. It is possible due to the liquid intermediate layer between the rigid coating and the solid Earth core. The Earth coating slides over the liquid middle layer under the influence of the attraction of gravity alternating forces. The Earth climatic zones are immobile to the ecliptic plane because they depend on the balance of solar radiation falling on the surface at various angles. As a result, the earth’s coating movement in relation to climatic zones causes regional climate changes in different parts of the globe. The Earth coating movement causes varying stresses in the crust as it approaches the equator and then moves away from it. These variable stresses cause earthquakes, the distribution of which was investigated in the Mediterranean Basin and Poland during the 750 BC-AD 2000 period. Almost the sinusoidal distribution of earthquakes with maxima and minima every 400 years was found. That is, every 400 years or so, the area adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea approaches the equator and then moves away from it, with different effects in different parts of the globe. The movement of the earth coating under stationary climatic zones causes changes in precipitation zones and drought zones on the earth area, bringing specific social effects and the occurrence of the cosmic-social cycle illustrated in the figure below.

Great religious leaders appear in times of socio-economic crisis caused by droughts resulting from the Earth’s coating movements towards the equator. In the ages of Christ and Muhammad, Palestine and the Arabian Peninsula probably entered, after a period of increased rains favoring population growth, in a year-round drought zone between the parallels of 20-30 degrees of latitude due to the Earth coating movement towards the equator (confirmed in the graph above Fig.35-1 by earthquakes maximum of the earthquakes). It is worth mentioning here the credible research showing that the Iranian area has shifted in the last 5,000 years from the climatic rainfall zone in summer to the rainfall zone in winter. It corresponds to the Earth linear movement of the coating towards the equator in the Iran region by about 25 degrees latitude, i.e., from the rainfall zone in summer between the 5-20 parallel to the winter rainfall zone the 30-50 parallel. The area of ​​​​Iran is now between 30-40 parallel, which means a shift to the equator over the last 5000 years by about 25 degrees latitude or about 3000 km. The Earth coating in the Iranian region has shifted southward by about 3,000 km in the previous 5,000 years, but this movement is likely to have had different phases in the north-south and east-west directions. The idea of ​​changing the Iranian area comes from the study of the north magnetic field apparent positions, which continually changes its apparent location on the globe surface. The magnetic north pole changeable position results from the Earth coating continuous movement relative to the ecliptic plane.

During the Arab Empire rising, the Western Roman Empire fell, devastated by the invasion of the Germans tribes, who were driven out of northern Europe by the cold and the Mongol invasion. A similar phenomenon of earthquakes increase took place gradually in the period of AD 1250-1800 in Poland territory, which means that the area of ​​​​Anatolia was also approaching the equator at that time. It probably told Anatolia and the Mediterranean area to transition into a climatic drought zone all-year-round. It had specific economic and social consequences for the Ottoman Empire, such as the internal crisis related to the lack of food, the disintegration of the empire, and the appearance of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the Turkish social reformer at the end of the crisis. The crisis of the Ottoman Empire was caused by a drought (which was found in numerous works on the climate of Anatolia) and was interfaced with the entry of the Russian area into the year-round rainfall zone between the parallels 50-60, which caused the Russian imperial expansion and its development also towards the west, which resulted in the partitions of the Republic of Poland Both Nations.

Thus, we see that the influence of the Cosmos on the terrestrial natural environment causes specific psychological and social effects that end the duration of successive empires and the formation of new ones. With this knowledge, we should notice that North America again approaching the equator (which causes the effects called global warming) because of the number of earthquakes in the Mediterranean region observed by seismological observatories around the globe is increasing. On the other side of the world, in East Russia, Earth coating goes to the North direction. Therefore, we should prepare for the change in the distribution of biological forces on our planet related to climate zones displacement.

An explanation of the above-described phenomena can be found in my books published in open access on Google Books-link .

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Can we develop a harmonious global ethical system based on the philosophical achievements of Jesus Christ?

The presence of elements of European, Asian, African philosophies in the ideology of Jesus Christ

Project goal:

Working out the foundations of the global system of ethics.


I my opinion Jesus Christ was born as a human being and became God.

Jesus Christ had been meeting the culture of many civilizations and his teaching was a synthesis of these cultures. We should find the sources of this synthesis.

Teaching Jesus and the global ethical system

Can we create a harmonious global ethical system based on the philosophical achievements of Jesus Christ constituting a synthesis of the culture of many civilizations? Today I think so.


Bogdan Góralski, M.Sc @bogdangoralski · December 14 , 2017

Can we create a harmonious global ethical system based on the philosophical achievements of Jesus Christ constituting a synthesis of the culture of many civilizations? Today I think so.

Can we create a harmonious global ethical system based on the philosophical achievements of Jesus Christ?

The presence of elements of European, Asian and African philosophy in the ideology of Jesus Christ

Project goal:

Developing the foundations of a global system of ethics.


In my opinion, Jesus Christ was born as a man and became God.

Jesus Christ encountered the culture of many civilizations, and his teaching was a synthesis of these cultures. We need to find the sources of this synthesis.

The teachings of Jesus Christ are not a religion, they are an ideology that leads us to a better future, to make better use of our possibilities, to live in the beauty of our world. We need the ideology of Jesus Christ in our daily lives to become wise men, people who love our whole world.

Can we develop a harmonious global ethical system based on the philosophical achievements of Jesus Christ?

The presence of elements of European, Asian, African philosophies in the ideology of Jesus Christ

Project goal:

Working out the foundations of the global system of ethics.


I my opinion Jesus Christ was born as a human being and became God.

Jesus Christ had been meeting the culture of many civilizations and his teaching was a synthesis of these cultures. We should find the sources of this synthesis.

Jesus Christ teaching is not a religion, this is an ideology that lead us to a better future, to better use of our abilities, to lives in a beauty of our world. We need ideology of Jesus Christ in our everyday life to become wise men, a men loving our all world.

About origins Jesus Christ

About the origin of Jesus Christ

During the radio lecture entitled Historical Jesus-Pharisee from a wealthy family the dean of the Faculty of History at the University of Warsaw, Prof. Łukasz Niesiołowski -Spano expressed the view that Christ was a representative of educated Jewish elites, that is, he came from a wealthy family. Link to the lecture:

Historical Jesus – Pharisee from a good home [E75] – Scientific Radio

Another historian from the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw, Prof. Paweł Janiszewski in the book Panthera – the father of Jesus, (excerpts of which were presented by Piotr Głuchowski in the article entitled Was the Father of Jesus a Panther, whose tombstone was discovered in Germany? In in the Ale Historia section on December 17, 2021), asks:

Could the biological father of Jesus be Tiberius Julius Abdes Panther of Sidon, the ensign of the first archer cohort whose tombstone was discovered in Germany?

The idea that Jesus was the illegitimate child of a Roman legionnaire conceived after the rape of a young Jewish woman is psychologically more likely to me than that Jesus came from a good Jewish home. A child born as a result of the rape done by a non-Jewish father and without marriage had to be despised from conception by religiously and morally rigorous Jews.
As such, it grew up with the stigma of contempt, and transgression among members of the Galilean community. The feeling of contempt and social rejection that accompanied Jesus from childhood could have caused his psychological reaction to the struggle for social appreciation, which was caused by his drive for self-education. After all, he saw that the Jewish elite consisted of scholars educated in Jewish law. This drive for self-education may have resulted in the knowledge and assimilation of the philosophical content of Hindu and Chinese works present in the Middle East since the invasion of India by Alexander of Macedon. It was from these works that Jesus took new philosophical content of Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and Jainism, which he incorporated into his philosophy. The content of those philosophies was innovative and dazzlingly seductive to the poor from Galilee and Palestine subject to the rigorous and cruel Jewish law promoted by Jewish intellectuals. Jesus, as an illegitimate child of an officer in the Roman legions, had the genes of a leader, and so he became a leader for the poor of Galilee and Palestinian suffering from drought and hunger. The fishermen of Galilee probably followed him because the Sea of ​​Galilee was dried up and the fish were extinct in it. Jesus and his humanist philosophy and the revolutionary socio-economic program were a threat to both the Roman and Jewish elites of the time, and so he was killed by them. It was done in order to continue living with impunity in degenerate barbarism until today.

Warsaw, December 31, 2021, 7:00 am Bogdan Jacek Góralski

Modified January 6, 2022, 5:28 am
Translated June 27, 2022, 7:44

On the origin of Jesus Christ

During a radio lecture entitled Historical Jesus-Pharisee from a good home, Dean of the Faculty of History, University of Warsaw, Prof. Łukasz Niesiołowski-Spano expressed the view that Christ was a representative of the educated Jewish elites, i.e. he came from a good home. Link to the lecture:

Historical Jesus – a Pharisee from a good home [E75] – Radio Naukowe

Another historian from the Faculty of History, University of Warsaw, Prof. Paweł Janiszewski in the book Panthera – the father of Jesus, (excerpts from which were presented by Piotr Głuchowski in the article entitled Was the father of Jesus the Panther whose tombstone was discovered in Germany? at in the Ale Historia section on December 17, 2021), asks:

Could the biological father of Jesus have been Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera of Sidon, an ensign of the first cohort of archers, whose tombstone was discovered in Germany?

The idea that Jesus was the illegitimate child of a Roman legionary conceived after raping a young Jewish woman is more psychologically plausible to me than the idea that Jesus came from a good Jewish home. A child born as a result of rape to a non-Jewish father and out of wedlock had to be despised from conception by religiously and morally strict Jews. As such, he grew up as a transgressed member of the Galilean community. The feeling of contempt and social rejection that accompanied Jesus from childhood could have caused him to have a psychological reaction of fighting for social appreciation, which led to his drive for self-education. After all, he saw that the Jewish elites consisted of scholars educated in Jewish law. This drive for self-education could result in learning and assimilating the content of philosophical works of Hindu and Chinese present in the Middle East since the invasion of India by Alexander the Great. It was from these works that Jesus drew new philosophical content from Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and Jainism, which he incorporated into his philosophy. This content was innovative and dazzlingly seductive for the poor of Galilee, Palestine subjected to the influence of rigorous and cruel Jewish law promoted by Jewish intellectuals. Jesus, as an illegitimate child of an officer of the Roman legions, had the genes of a leader and became such a leader for the poor of Galilee, Palestine suffering from drought and famine. The fishermen of Galilee followed him probably because the Sea of Galilee dried up and the fish in it died out. Jesus and his humanistic philosophy and revolutionary socio-economic program were a threat to both the Roman and Jewish elites of the time, and that is why he was killed in order to continue living with impunity in unnatural barbarism until today.

Warsaw, December 31, 2021, 7:00 a.m. Bogdan Jacek Góralski

Modified on January 6, 2022, 5:28 am

Whatever we may say about Jesus Christ’s doctrine, ideology, teaching, we must think of His teaching as a continuity of the teaching of the ancient prophets of our History. Jesus Christ was the last in a long series of Great Philosophers who understood that we should not only talk about human behavior. Don’t just talk about how to live, but live according to your teachings. Jesus Christ shows us himself as the limit of conscious, individual love – sacrificing himself for the good of others. We have no other choice in our lives because whatever we do, we follow Jesus Christ and we must understand this. His teaching was full of human knowledge, nothing more could be added. We need to apply this to our daily lives. But the problem is to show how Jesus Christ used the teachings of ancient prophets from Europe, Asia and Africa? I think we should jointly consider the process of cultural interpenetration in ancient times. I believe that the great challenge for modern science is to show that our thinking aims at the synthesis of human knowledge – the science of sacrificing our weaknesses for a better common future. Prophet Muhammad was also a great philosopher who understood the truthfulness of every religion and taught worship of all religions.

Whatever we can say of Jesus Christ doctrine, ideology, teaching we need to think about His teaching as continuity of teaching the former Prophets from our History. Jesus Christ was last one in long series of Great Philosophers and he understood that we do not should only speak about people behavior. Not just talk about how to live, but live according to learning of yours. Jesus Christ show us by yourself as the border of conscious entity love – sacrificing ourselves for the good of others. We do not have any other choice in our life because whatever we do we follow Jesus Christ and we need to understand it. His teaching was full of human knowledge, nothing more could be added. We need to apply it in our daily life. But the problem is to show how Jesus Christ used the teaching the former Prophets from Europe, Asia and Africa? I think we should consider together the process of penetration of cultures in antiquity. I think it is a great challenge for modern science to show that our thinking is going to the synthesis of human knowledge – the science of sacrificing our weaknesses for a common better future. Prophet Mohammad was also the great philosopher who understood the rightfulness of every religion and he taught to worship to all religions.

The point is simple: if you can love your enemies, you can achieve anything as a human being because you are a Christian and you can avoid unnecessary suffering. It has been a long journey in the evolution of philosophy, and Christ synthesized many philosophies and led to a revolution that continues to this day. I am a participant in this revolution.

The ideology of Christ goes to an honest life, to an honest political system with leaders aware of our goals.

Jesus Christ transformed the Buddha’s teaching on pain and suffering. Jesus Christ taught that you should not avoid suffering, you should suffer willingly and in this way you will achieve happiness. Jesus Christ shows us, through his own example, the way to earthly and eternal happiness. I follow His path.

Recently I confessed that I think that all the suffering I have had in my life is only due to myself and my ignorance. I didn’t know what I was doing with my life. In this way, I acknowledge the teachings of Socrates and Buddha and Jesus Christ. However, my suffering motivated me to self-educate and develop my spirit and ethics, so my suffering had a positive effect. This confirms it right teaching Jesus Christ .

The case is simple: If you can love your enemies you can achieve everything as a human being because you are a Christian and you can avoid unnessessery suffering. It took a long road of evolution of philosophy and Christ made a synthesis of many philosophy and to bring about a revolution that continues today. I am a participant of this revolution.

Christ ideology ig going to honest life, to honest political system with leaders conscious of our purposes….

Jesus Christ has transformed Buddha teaching of pain, suffering. Jesus Christ taught that you should not avoid suffering, you should suffer voluntarily and in this way you will achieve the happiness. Jesus Christ show us by own example us the way to the earthly and eternal happiness. I follow His road.

Recently I confessed that I think all my suffering that I had in my life owe only to myself and to my ignorance. I did not know what I was doing and my life. In this way, I admit the reason to teaching the Socrates and Buddha and Jesus Christ. However, my sufferings motivated me to pursue self-education and spirit and ethics development, so my suffering caused a positive effect. This confirms the correctness of the teaching of Jesus Christ.

I didn’t know what I was doing. Anyone can say that. Our history is a long chain of acts of ignorance. The higher the ignorant’s position in the social hierarchy, the greater the harm done to society. There is only one way to overcome ignorance – the development of knowledge among the entire society and especially among the political elites…

Aeschylus (525–456 BC ) was an ancient Greek tragedian . He is often described as the father of tragedy. He argued that suffering is a lesson.

There is an excerpt from the Polish version of Wikipedia:

The Asian model of reality is therefore subordinated to ethical and religious ideas. This model is based on the belief that the world is ruled by divine justice, and the main deities that constitute it are Zeus, Moira and Dike . God and human justice are in close relationship here. They both rely on belief in an order that can only be controlled through suffering…

Jesus Christ fulfilled the message of Aeschylus and imitated the figure of Job (in Polish) from the Hebrew Old Testament.

The system of laws of the Ten Commandments of Moses was probably an abbreviation of the 42 laws of the Egyptian goddess Maat ( Moses, who was raised and shaped by the culture of ancient Egypt, simplified Egyptian law so that the excess of prohibitions did not prevent the Israelites from exercising their rights. The law must be simple and understandable to implement. Jesus Christ was shaped by the Ten Commandments of Moses, whose source was ancient Egypt. Moreover, the society of ancient Israel was organized into small local communities whose tradition of organization came from the Babylonian captivity.

I did not know what I was doing. Everyone can say this. Our story is a long chain of acts of ignorance. The higher position of the ignorance in the social hierarchy is, the higher the damage is done to the society. There is only one way to break the ignorance – development of knowledge among all society and especialy ameng political the elites…

Aeschylus (525-456 BC) was an ancient Greek tragedian. He is often described as the father of tragedy. He claimed that suffering is a teaching.

There is an excerpt from Polish version of Wikipedia:

The Aeschylian model of reality is therefore subordinate to Ethical-religious ideas. This model is based on the belief that the world is governed by divine justice, and the key deities that form it are Zeus, Moira, and Dike. God and human justice are here in close relationship. Both of them rely on faith in order, which can only be controlled through suffering…

Jesus Christ fulfilled the message of Aeschylus and imitated the figure of Job (in Polish HIOB) from the Hebrew Old Testament.

The system of laws of the Decalogue of Moses was probably an abbreviation of the 42 laws of the Egyptian goddess Maat ( Moses, who was brought up and shaped by the culture of ancient Egypt, simplified the Egyptian law so that the excess of prohibitions would not prevent the Israelites from exercising their rights. The law must be simple and understandable to be performed. Jesus Christ was shaped by the Decalogue of Moses, the source of which was ancient Egypt. In addition, the society of ancient Israel was organized into small local communities, whose tradition of organization came from the Babylonian captivity.

During the life of Christ, crowded Judea suffered a great drought. His ideology was a reaction to the social needs that resulted from the crisis in agriculture and society.

Philosophical and religious systems were created depending on the country’s natural environment. An example is China, where extremes of Confucianism and Taoism developed. This is described in the following quote:

Confucius’s thought was born from a rather poor land. In his homeland, the small principality of Lu, located in the central mainland of today’s Shandong Province , he was able to observe man’s struggles with hostile nature from an early age, constant struggles with floods and excess water. The rocky land of the upper parts of Shandong is infertile and reluctant to produce crops. Every cultivation requires harmonization of efforts, common is social action. It is not easy to rule a country where famine was not uncommon and people were ready to rebel. Such thoughts must have directed Confucius’ attention to social life, seeking answers to the question of what our place in society is, how a ruler should rule and what part of his subjects should be involved in this rule.

Taoists say that the less a principality rules, the better the state of society. The Taoists’ ideal is the self-government of small local communities, and Jesus Christ follows the example of Taoist teaching and creates his own small communities, which makes life easier for the poor people of Judea.

During Christ’s life, overcrowded Judea has suffered a great drought. His ideology was a reaction to the social needs which was the result of the crisis in agriculture and society.

Philosophical-religious systems have been creating depending on the natural environment of the country. An example is China in which the extremes of Confucianism and Taoism have developed. This is described in the quote quoted:

Confucius’s thought was born of a rather poore land. In his homeland, the small principality of Lu, located in the central, continental part of today’s Shandong province, he was able to observe the struggles of man with unfriendly nature from his youngest years, constant fights with floods and any excess water. The rocky land of the higher parts of Shandong is little fertile and reluctantly give crop. Every cultivation requires harmonization of efforts, in common, it is social action. It is not easy to wield a land where hunger was not uncommon and whose people are ready for rebellion. Such thoughts had to direct Confucius’s attention to the social life, to seek answers to the question of what our place in society is, how the ruler should rule and what part of his subjects should be involved in these governments.

Taoists claim that the less govern, interference of the prince the better condition of society. Taoists ideal is self governents of small local communities and Jesus Christ take en examples from Taoists teaching and creates his small communities, which makes the lives of poor people easier from Judea.

Can we develop a harmonious global ethical system based on the philosophical achievements of Jesus Christ?

Philosophy – (ancient Greek φιλοσοφί α from: ancient Greek φίλος – love and ancient Greek οοφί α – wisdom, translated as “love of wisdom”) – systematic and critical reflections on fundamental problems and ideas, striving to know their essence, as well as comprehensive understanding the world.


Wise love will give us energy that will provide us with eternal life for ourselves and future generations.

Philosophy – (ancient Greek φιλοσοφί α from: ancient Greek φίλος – love and ancient greek σοφί α – wisdom, translated as “love of wisdom”) – systematic and critical reflections on basic problems and ideas, striving to know their essence, as well as a comprehensive understanding of the world.


Wise love will give us energy that will ensure eternal life for us and for future generations

Zoroastrianism and the beliefs of Jesus Christ

Excerpt from Polish Wikipedia:

Zoroastrianism comes from the original beliefs of the Indo-European peoples living in what is now northern Iran. Muslims call its followers fire worshipers. The Zoroastrian’s holy book is the Avesta, the most important part of which is the Gata , according to beliefs written by Zoroaster himself (see Aestean language ). Zoroastrianism was the state religion in the existing Sassanid Empire in modern-day Iran and Iraq. It had a significant influence on Judaism, and through it also on Christianity and Islam, and according to some religious scholars, there are serious grounds for claiming that such basic principles of religion as the Last Judgment, the soul goes to hell or heaven after death, the belief in the existence of the devil and the coming messiah were created under the strong influence of Zoroastrianism .

Zoroaster claimed that if we have good thoughts, good speech, good deeds, it will give us a happy life.

Zoroastrianism and Jesus Christ beliefs

An excerpt from Polish Wikipedia:

Zoroastrianism is derived from the original beliefs of Indo-European peoples living in the area of present northern Iran. Muslims call her followers the worshipers of the fire. The Holy Book of Zoroastrians is Avesta, the most important part of which is Gaty , according to the beliefs written by Zoroaster himself (see: Aestean language). Zoroastrianism was a state religion in the existing Sassanid empire in contemporary Iran and Iraq. He exerted a significant influence on Judaism, and through him also on Christianity and Islam, and according to some religious scholars there are serious premises to claim that such basic principles of religion as the Last Judgment, the soul’s wandering after death to hell or heaven, faith in the existence of the devil and the arrival of the messiah arose under the strong influence of Zoroastrianism.

Zoroaster claimed that if we have good thoughts, good speech , good deeds this give us a happy life.

Confucius’s ideas and peace on Earth

Józef Marzęcki , Religious-philosophical systems of the East, Wydawnictwo Naukowe “Scholar”, Warsaw 1999, p. 140, quote:

The continuator of Confucius’s thought, Zeng Shen (505-437 BC), called Zengzi , considered the author of the Great Teaching (DAXUE – actually dated to the turn of the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC), which is part of the Four Books ( Sishu ), presents man’s path to perfection as follows:

The path of great learning leads to enlightenment. Enlightened virtue consists in being cordial towards people by refraining from desires and goods. Wisely refraining leads to confidence. Confidence leads to a state of peace. Calmness leads to a state of peace. Peace leads to a state of concentration. Focus leads to prosperity. Things have roots and tops, things have beginnings and ends. Knowing what comes before and what comes after is a rule close to the Tao . The ancients wanted enlightenment. Enlightened virtue desires greatness. The greatest rule their own country first. Those who want to rule their own country first achieve the prosperity of their own family. Those who want the good of their family first repair themselves. Those who want to improve themselves first improve their own minds. Those who want to improve their own minds first control their own thoughts. Those who want to control their own thoughts first expand their own knowledge. Extended knowledge is about recognizing things. The recognition of things leads to the highest knowledge. Supreme knowledge leads to certain thought. A sure thought leads to a reformed mind. A reformed mind leads to the improvement of ourselves. We, improved, bring prosperity to the family. The prosperity of the family leads to a law-abiding state. A state ruled by law leads to a heaven of balance. From the emperor down to the common people, minds must consider caring for the roots. You cannot destroy the roots, but you must take care that the growing tree is well cultivated. It cannot be that what is important is neglected and at the same time what is not important is taken care of. This is called knowing the roots, this is called the highest knowing.

A righteous prince , a righteous king, God’s anointed, the chosen one of heaven, should ensure harmony and cooperation of all world communities and all religions, introducing Order on Earth following the example of the discovered laws of the Cosmos, which will ensure harmonious development of earthly communities until they reach the Absolute.

Confucius thought and peace

Józef Marzęcki , Religious-Philosophical Systems of the East, Scholar, Warsaw 1999, p.140, quote:

Zeng Shen, the continuity of Confucius’ thought, considered to be the author of the Great Science (DAXUE, actually dated at the turn of the third and second centuries before Christ), is part of the Siddhya (Sishu), thus portraying a way a man to perfection:

Great learning path leads to enlightenment. Enlightened virtue consists in the affection of the people, by refraining from desires and goods. The wise refrain leads to having confidence. Confidence leads to calm. Calm leads to peace. Peace leads to a state of concentration. Focus brings prosperity. Things have roots and verticals, things have a beginning and an end. Knowing what was before and after, is a rule close to Tao. The ancients wished enlightenment. Enlightened virtue desires greatness. The largest ones first rule their own state. Desiring to govern their own country, they first achieve the prosperity of their own family.The desires of the good of the family first fix themselves. Those who want to fix themselves first improve their minds. Those who want to improve their mind first control their own thoughts. Wanting to control their own thoughts first expand their own knowledge. Enhanced knowledge consists in recognizing things. Recognition of things leads to the highest knowledge. The highest knowledge leads to a certain thought. A certain thought leads to the reformed mind. Reformed mind leads to improving ourselves. We corrected we bring to the prosperity of the family. The prosperity of the family leads to the rule of law. A law-governed state leads to the heavens that bring balance. Starting from the emperor until down to the ordinary people, minds must take care of the roots. You can not destroy the roots, but you have to take care that the growing tree is well cultivated. It can not be so that what is important is neglected, and at the same time what is not important to be taken care of. This is called learning the roots, it is called the highest knowledge.

I said: “The righteous prince, the righteous king, the elect of the heavens, should ensure the harmony and co-operation of all communities and all religions by bringing to Earth the Order in the pattern of the established laws of the Universe, which will ensure the harmonious development of the earthly communities to the achievement of the Absolute.

Sources of the idea of peace in the teaching of Jesus Christ

The Greek thinker and farmer Hesiod (VII BC) praised peace and agricultural work and condemned war.

Religions seek peace in Assisi

“No more hatred! No more war! No more terrorism! Let every religion, in the name of God, give the earth justice and peace, forgiveness and life, love!” (Pope John Paul II).

ASSIS, January 24, 2002. Representatives of different religions from around the world gathered to pray for peace – a peace that threatens terrorism, intolerance and injustice. The meeting was announced by the Pope about two months after the fall of New York’s famous twin towers. Many religious leaders enthusiastically accepted the Vatican’s invitation.

Earlier, twice – in 1986 and 1993 – on the initiative of the Pope, a day of prayer for peace was organized in the same Italian city. * In 2002, over a thousand journalists from many countries observed the congress. Representatives of various religions participated in the prayers: Christianity (including Catholics, Lutherans, Anglicans, Orthodox, Methodists, Baptists, Pentecostals, Mennonites and Quakers), as well as Islam, Hinduism, Confucianism, Sikhism, Jainism, the Tenrikyo movement, and Buddhism , Judaism, traditional African religions, Shintoism and Zoroastrianism . There were also delegates from other religions and a representative of the World Council of Churches.

Love of enemies and peace in teaching of Jesus Christus

The Greek thinker and farmer Hesiod (7th century BC) already praised peace and agricultural struggle before the war.

Religions are looking for peace in Assisi

“No more hate! No more war! No more terrorism! Let every religion in the name of God give the earth justice and peace, forgiveness and life, love! “(Pope John Paul II).

ASSIS, January 24, 2002. Representatives of various religions from around the world gathered to pray together for peace – a peace that threatens terrorism, intolerance and injustice. The meeting was announced by the Pope some two months after the collapse of the famous twin towers in New York. Many religious leaders enthusiastically accepted the invitation of the Vatican.

Earlier, twice – in 1986 and 1993 – at the initiative of the Pope, a day of prayer for peace was organized in the same Italian city. * In 2002, more than a thousand journalists from many countries watched the congress. The prayers were attended by representatives of various religions: Christianity (including Catholics, Lutherans, Anglicans, Orthodox, Methodists, Baptists, Pentecostals, Mennonites and Quakers), as well as Islam, Hinduism, Confucianism, Sikhism, Jainism, tenri-kyo movement , and Buddhism, Judaism, traditional African religions, Shintoism and Zoroastrianism. There were also delegates of other religions and a representative of the World Council of Churches.

14.4.1. Love your enemies

Jesus said to his disciples: You have heard that it was said, You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you; so you will be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward will you have? Don’t the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers, what special thing are you doing? Do not even the Gentiles do this? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect (Mt 5:43-48).

The text of the Gospel was too radical for me when I was younger. Love your enemies???… However, after many years, I admitted that Christ was right in this respect. Our enemies make us better. Why…??? Thanks to our enemies, we have the motivation to live and fight. The enemy means a conflict that forces preparations for the final battle. Then we get to know the enemy and improve ourselves to face him. If we are to win, we must surpass him. We begin to educate ourselves to understand the enemy, to understand the hostile world around us . We collect information about it and this way we learn about the causes of the conflict. We begin to understand the enemy’s actions and begin to feel sorry for him. We become more perfect than when we had no enemy and languished in complacency. And when we are better, or stronger, than the enemy, we take pity on him and extend our hand to agreement. We see the senselessness of the victims of the fight and we see the possibility of a peaceful exit from the conflict. The agreement is forced by our advantage anyway. So we win the war without starting it at all. This is what the ancient Chinese advised. The smartest way is to win the war without starting it at all.

Let us love our enemies because thanks to them we become more perfect.

We owe them our perfection gained through conflict.

Let us be grateful to them and love them for what they have done to us.

This is what Christ advised 2,000 years ago. What would the world be like if they listened to Him…???

Love Your Enemies

Jesus said to his disciples: You have heard that it was said, You will love your twin, and you will hate your enemy. And I say to you, Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you; So you will be the sons of your Father who is in heaven; Because He causes His sun to rise above the evil and the good, and He sends rain on the just and the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward will you have? Do tax collectors not do it? And if you only greet your brethren, what special do you do? Do not the heathen do it? So be perfect, how perfect is your heavenly Father (Mt 5,43-48).

The text of the Gospel was too radical for me when I was younger. Love your enemies? … But after years I confessed to Christ. Thanks to our enemies we become better. Why…??? Thanks to our enemies we have the motivation to live and fight. Enemy means a conflict that forces the preparation for the final battle. We know the enemy then, we are perfect to face him. If we have to win we must outdo the enemy. We begin to educate ourselves to understand the enemy in order to understand the hostile world around us. We collect information about him and this way we learn about the causes of the conflict. We begin to understand the behavior of the enemy and start to sympathize with him. We become more perfect than when we did not have the enemy and were sluggish in complacency. And as we are better or stronger than the enemy then we pity on him and we reach for his consent. We see the nonsense of victims of the struggle and see the possibility of peaceful exit from conflict. The agreement is still enforced by our advantage. We win the war without launching it. So did the ancient Chinese. It is wise to win the war without launching it. Let’s love our enemies because they make us perfect.

Let’s love our enemies because they make us perfect.

We achieved our perfection through conflict.

Let us be grateful and love them for what they did to us.

This was taught by Christ 2,000 years ago. What would the world be if they listened to Him… ???

God is perfect but does it mean that He has an enemy too???

Warsaw , 2013 -2017 Bogdan Góralski

How did Jesus Christ solve the problem of property inheritance?

According to the apostolic letters, early Christian communities welcomed new believers when they gave all their property to the community. Christian communities provided members with protection from the famine and lawlessness that plagued Judea at the time. Probably the transfer of all property to the Christian community was a new solution to the problem of property inheritance, which causes so many problems today. I think that the global company POL-CAT, which no one will inherit, will solve many problems of the modern world and will become the common property of the global community.

POL-CAT cannot be taken over by mafias.

Harmony between men and women will come when we change the mechanisms of property inheritance. POL-CAT Global Enterprise proposes a change to the inheritance system.

Global peaceful revolution

In the text “POL-CAT operation mode” I write that the employees of this company will have an equal share in the profits. Why? Because it will force everyone to work hard to increase the company’s income. There will be no financial elite in this venture. This is a revolution. Either equal wealth or equal poverty…

I follow Jesus Christ by creating the POL-CAT mode of operation.

Jesus Christ said: “You know that the rulers oppress the people, and the great make the people feel that they have the upper hand; it should not be so among you; if anyone among you wants to be great, let him be your servant. If one of you wants to be first among you, let him be your slave (Matthew 20:25-27).

I follow Jesus Christ by creating the POL-CAT way of working.

How did Jesus Christ solve the problem of inheriting property???

According to the Apostolic Letters, early Christian communities were accepting new believers when they offered all their property to the community. Christian communities were providing members with protection against hunger and lawlessness that prevailed in Judea at that time. Probably the transfer of all property to the Christian community was a new solution to the problem of property inheritance, which causes so many problems today. I think that a global company POL-CAT, which no one will inherit, will dispel many problems of the modern world and become a common property of the global community.

POL-CAT can not be taken over

The harmony between man and woman will occur when we change the mechanisms of inheritance of property. The POL-CAT Global Enterprise is proposing to change the inheritance system. POL-CAT can not be taken over.

Global peaceful revolution

In the text “Mode of operation of POL-CAT” I write that employees of this company will have equal share in profits. Why? Because it will force everyone to work hard to increase the company’s income. There will be no financial elite in this enterprise. This is revolution. Either equal wealth or equal to poverty…

I follow Jesus Christ creating the mode of operation of POL-CAT.

Jesus Christ said, “You know that the rulers oppress the people, and the great ones let them feel their advantage. It should not be between you. If any one of you wants to be great, let him be your servant. And if any one of you wants to be first among you, let him be your slave. (Matthew 20: 25-27). I follow Jesus Christ creating the mode of operation of POL-CAT.

Jesus Christ teaching is not a religion, this is an ideology that lead us to a better future, to better use of our abilities, to lives in a beauty of our world. We need ideology of Jesus Christ in our everyday life to become wise and loving men, a men loving our all world.

You must follow Jesus Christ to be happy

Through his teaching, Jesus Christ restored faith in the perfection of our world and with his sacrifice he showed us the path to happiness and erased the original sin of Adam and Eve. They reached for the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, doubted the world and began to see its good and bad sides. Meanwhile, they are an important element of our world and lead us in the process of evolution to perfection similar to the perfection of the creators of our living environment. The sacrifice of Christ’s suffering and life is a commentary on his perfect philosophy – voluntary suffering brings eternal happiness. His final lesson: sharing bread in His memory (Bible 1998: Luke 22:19), contains the ultimate wisdom of his message, because 15 years of my study have led me to the same conclusion, that only an abundance of food can avoid wars and revolutions and ensures the harmonious development of societies and their culture. Other evangelists quote Christ’s words. Share bread and wine in memory of me – this is a call to vegetarianism, so far omitted in Christ’s teaching. Enough bread means a decent life, wine means a life full of fun. Sharing bread and wine will ensure a dignified and happy life.

The meaning of our life lies in voluntary suffering for the good of others and in it it is the full joy of existence. Christ’s teaching and sacrifice showed us unlimited faith in the perfection of our world against Adam’s doubts. Christ was indifferent to the threat of death on the cross. He fulfilled his mission and trusted God completely.

You have to follow Jesus Christ now to be happy

Jesus Christ, by his teaching, restored faith in the perfection of our world and with his sacrifice showed us the way to happiness, erased the original sin of Adam and Eve. They reached for fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they doubted the given world and began to perceive good and bad sides in it. Meanwhile, they are an essential element of our world and lead us in the process of evolution to perfection similar to the perfection of creators of our living environment. The sacrifice of suffering and the life of Christ is a commentary of his perfect philosophy – voluntary suffering brings eternal happiness. His last lesson: Share bread for His memory (Bible 1998: Luke 22:19), contains the final wisdom of his message, because 15 years of my studies led me to the same conclusion that only the abundance of food allow to avoid wars and revolutions and ensures harmonious development of societies and their culture. Other evangelists quote the words of Christ. Share bread and wine for my remembrance – this is a call to vegetarianism so far overlooked in the teaching of Christ. Enough of bread means a worthy life, wine means life full of good fun. Sharing bread and wine will ensure a dignified and happy life.

The meaning of our life is in voluntary suffering for the benefit of others and it is in it the fullness of the joy of existence. Christ’s teaching and sacrifice showed us unbounded faith in the perfection of our world against Adam’s doubt. Christ was indifferent to the threat of death on the cross. He fulfilled his mission and trusted God completely .

Christ indicated that the service of rabbis was no longer necessary and He appointed His representatives among the common people – the Apostles of the New Message: The law is simple and understandable – Love your enemies and share bread and wine – suffer voluntarily for the good of others.

Like the idea of vegetarianism, Christ drew from Hinduism and Buddhism, so the idea of voluntary suffering may have been borrowed from Taoism. One of the principles of Taoism is to recommend beings to voluntarily diminish themselves. Christ carried this principle to the limits of human possibilities, sacrificing the dignity and integrity of his person for the good of all beings. He humbly humbled himself and joined the Absolute through this act.

Christ was an ideal, a perfect but incomprehensible philosopher and teacher. He put despised women on a pedestal, which was almost sacrilegious at the time. Women saved his memory and preserved the cult of the Teacher in the memory of generations. Women carried their cross and were the strongest support of the Church of Christ.

He was with us 2,000 years ago when the climate crisis impoverished the people of Judea, but He was not understood then, so you must follow Him now to be happy when the global climate, economic and social crisis arrives.

Through his teaching, Jesus Christ restored the foundations of social order in Judea in accordance with the principles of Heaven, which require saving social energy and all energies. Heaven they order to save energy social and all energies .

Christ pointed out that the service of the rabbis is no longer necessary and He has established His representatives among the simple people – the Apostles of the New News: the Law is simple and understandable – Love your enemies and share your bread and wine – voluntary suffer for the good of others.

Like the idea of vegetarianism, Christ drew from Hinduism and Buddhism, so the idea of voluntary suffering could have been borrowed from the Taoism. One of principles of Taoism is to recommend to creatures voluntarily to believe themselves. Christ has brought this principle to the limits of human possibilities, sacrificing the dignity and inviolability of his person for the good of all beings. He humbly humbled himself and joined with the Absolute by this deed.

Christ was an ideal, a perfect but incomprehensible philosopher and teacher. He raised to the pedestal a despised women, which was almost a sacrilege. The women saved the memory of him and preserved in the memory of generations the worship of the Teacher. The women have been carried their cross and were the strongest support of the Church of Christ.

He was with us 2,000 years ago when the climatic crisis impoverished the people of Judea, but He was not understood then, so you have to follow Him now, to be happy when global crisis will come. Jesus Christ by his teaching have been restoring the bases of social order in Judea according to principles of Heaven, which prescribe to save of social energy and all energies. Heaven prescribe to save of social energy and all energies.

Warsaw , 8-14 December 2017, 5:27 Bogdan Jacek Góralski


521 visits ·

The short history of religious systems versus climate changes


Figure 49 ‑1 Earthquakes in the Mediterranean and Poland in the years 750 BC to 2000 AD. Earth gravitational-seismic-climatic-social cycle. Author of the graph Bogdan Jacek Góralski

Source of earthquakes date:

( Guidoboni et al.,1994),

( Guterch , Lewandowska-Marciniak, 2002)

The gravitational-seismic-climatic-social cycle presented in Fig.49-1 describes of our civilization development phases over the centuries. All the great leaders and ethicians appeared in a similar period of the material cycle (Asian ethics appeared in the reverse phase, which is explainable and in line with my theory due to climatic inversion between West and East Eurasia). It was the result of subsequent climate crises defined by cyclical changes geometry of the solar system.
Each cycle had a similar natural and social events scenario and a similar ethical-ideological system, creating social relationships between people and expanding the ideological movement base, expanding the social revolution base. According to the logic of history in the 21st century, the material world crisis, which has begun to grow, will also emerge a new, universal Ethical system – new ideas that will probably include the entire global community.

The first known Ethical system originated in Egypt and was recorded in the goddess Maat 42 commandments. It was an expression of the development of a prosperous state social order in the Nile outbreaks rhythm. A derivative of Egyptian ethics was the Ethical system of Moses, educated in Egypt. The moral systems of Buddha, Laotsy , and Confucius appeared at the end of the period of Asian society’s growth. Overpopulation increased during the period of adequate hydration of Asia and led to a socio-economic crisis resulting from a lack of food. Asian communities have reached a critical population density, forcing a new ethical system to regulate social relations. In the sixth century, before Christ is the peak of China’s power. The beginnings of building the Chinese wall for defense against Mongol invasions, significant territorial development in the north and south, population growth to 25 million are examples of this power. Significant Greek colonization in the period of VIII-VI centuries BC proves that during this period in Greece, and in the equatorial world, environmental conditions conducive to population growth prevailed. These data allow us to suppose that the tropical world population is increasing in the eighth-seventh century BC. After a period of population growth, the climate is extremely dry and cold (especially North of China) (a decrease in earthquakes in the seventh century BC, see Fig.49-1, 49-2), causing overpopulation and conflicts. It results in the almost simultaneous emergence of Buddha ethical systems, Lao Tse , Confucius, which prevent the emergence of social conflicts in overpopulated India and China. The large amount of rainfall accompanies the phase of earthquakes increasing in the period 200 years before Christ, because of the shift of climatic (rainfall) zones connected to the Earth coating movement. This confirms the research on Nile floods and wet years in Rome (Lamb 1977, 426-427 graphs 17.1 and 17.2). These studies indicate strong humidification of Africa climate in the region of Egypt and the climate of Italy at that time. It had promoted the increase of agricultural production and the resulting adequate supply of food to the population. During the reign of Herod the Great (73-4 BC), Palestine’s successful economic development continues, as evidenced by the growth of cities and the ruler’s wealth. Economic development is an indication of a large population (Theissen, 2004, 60). The abundance of food is conducive to population growth in well-watered areas. After developing the Palestinian society, there is rapid regional warming and drying of the climate from 0-10 AD (Bao et al., 2002, Kobashi et al., .2011, Lamb, 1977, 426-427), which reduced agricultural production and food supply, causing the overpopulation of Palestine. The immediate socio-economic crisis resulting from drought (Lamb, 1977, 426-427 graphs 17.1 and 17.2) caused frustrations of the population (mostly rural), looking for a way out of the crisis. The socially rooted groups tested various ways out of the trouble. The aging rural masses needed a plan of action to alleviate the supply problems common at that time. Many leaders appear, among them Jesus Christ, who has a dream of anti-crisis action. He creates his commune (Acts of the Apostles describe several thousand people (Bible 1998, Acts 2:41, 4,4)) acting like communes. To join them, you must give all your possessions. The municipality (commune), efficiently managing the riches offered, constituted protection against hunger and lawlessness prevailing in Palestine. There were numerous gangs of brigands at that time. Many farmers were hopelessly in debt (Johnson 1993, 146). Christ feeding the masses of the poor, becomes a threatening leader of the crowds. His economic and social program is radical and unacceptable to the then Judean-Romans and pro-Roman elites. Jesus Christ’s ideological system was the crowning of ancient Ethical ideas development and was probably inappropriate to Judeo-Roman elites. Christ, the peaceful peasant movement leader, was killed, and further Jewish protests against Roman imagination did not have a charismatic calm leader. In the first century BC until the 1st century AD, there was a substantial density of Judea and Samaria farms. This tests to the climatic conditions conducive to farms shredding – adequate hydration during the first century BC. The violent drought at the beginning of the early century AD caused the collapse of these small farms and the crisis. The uprising in Palestine in the years 66-74 is a social rebellion against the rich. The rebellion began with the burning of the Rome tax registration offices in Jerusalem (Sartre 1991, 403). The cataclysm of Jewish revolts revealed ongoing overpopulation, and their consequence was the destruction of the country. There was a mass migration of Jews. These above-described facts result from the Earth coating movement (movement of climatic zones over Palestine territory), which caused the Palestine area aridification. Since the beginning of the 7th century AD, there has been strong global warming – signaled by a drop in the number of earthquakes, which caused the transfer of civilization centers from the Middle East to, among others, colder Europe and Mesopotamia. Warming and drought caused regression in the development of equatorial populations. These above-described facts result from the Earth coating movement (movement of climatic zones over Arabian Peninsula territory), which caused the Arabian area aridification. Overpopulation occurred on the Arabian Peninsula before the victory of Muhammad. The Arabian Peninsula’s population growth probably took place in the fourth, fifth, and sixth centuries AD. During cooling and increased climate irrigation of the Arabian area had lasted a decline parallel of the Western Roman Empire. Western Roman Empire collapsed because of the conquest of barbarian tribes from northern, overpopulated regions of Europe. They migrated because of unfavorable weather conditions while cooling the climate of Northern Europe. (Barbarian populations in Northern Europe probably increased in the IV to VI centuries, . which was the result of the Earth coating movement (movement of climatic zones over barbarian tribes territory which was caused by the warming and well irrigation of the Northern Europe area) . Under the pressure of this tremendous barbaric exodus to the south, the western Roman Empire collapsed. At the time of the Western Roman Empire crisis, the triumph of the socially and economically well-organized Christian communities was celebrated, which led to the success of Christianity and the consolidation of their power. The Eastern Roman Empire prospered in the meantime. The Arabian Peninsula was probably experienced by drought and social crises in the 7th century. There was an escalation of aggression and the fratricidal struggle between Arabian tribes (the drought is the result of the Earth’s coating movement (the movement of climatic rainfall zones over Arabian peninsula territory which caused the aridification of the Arabian land). The Civil War prompted Muhammad to reflect on the causes of this state of affairs. Muhammad rejected the old elite’s social order, introduced a new religious community- the umma (the commune), the obligation of alms – the redistribution of goods to the poor. Fighting with other leaders, he united all Arab tribes. He broke with the family system. However, his economic program could not remedy the overpopulation (Hrbek, Petráček , 1971, 139-140), which is why later the war expansion of the Arabs took place. It was possible because in the seventh century, the Roman Empire’s power decreased, and the strength of Arabs united by the ethical system (created by Muhammad) increased. Warming and drought since the 7th century caused regression in the development of equatorial populations and their displacement towards the north. At the same time, societies in the northern hemisphere began to civilize in a warm climate. In favorable conditions of the warm climate (the third so-called sub Atlantic period ( Samsonowicz , 1990, 8)), there was a dynamic development of European civilization, development of Germanic and Slavic tribes. Europe’s population has grown since 1700, but bad weather and population growth in the 17th and 18th centuries worsened England and France’s situation. England, however, had a security vent in the form of emigration to the colony. The feeding of French society has deteriorated since 1700 AD (Livi-Bacci 1991, 82). The French saved themselves from hunger by establishing several hundred thousand small farms (Taine 1881, 337). Before the French Revolution, there was a significant cooling (and probably drying) of the climate (Bradley, Jones, 1993), which had brought France high prices of food (Góralski, 2012, 28), famine, and the outbreak of the revolution (These above-described facts are the result of the movement of Earth’s coating (movement of climatic zones over Europe territory) which caused the cooling and bad weather conditions of the European area). The revolution lasted, and the problems of overpopulation did not pass because of the further cooling of the climate. Another revolutionary leader, Napoleon, led the French to conquer Europe, which solved the problem of the surplus of single men who had no conditions in France to establish a family in those days. Since 1815, the climate has warmed and dried (These facts are the result of the movement of Earth’s coating (movement of climatic zones over European territory) which caused the favorable climatic conditions of the Europe area), which means that the population of Europe grew in the 19th century from 203 to 408 million and in 1950 to 547 million. There has been a massive increase in the German and Russian populations. At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia and Germany were heavily overcrowded, which led to the I World War and, after that, the catastrophic development of totalitarian systems centralizing communities around new leaders. The overpopulation, masculinization of the population, high prices of food caused by the drying of the climate in the early twentieth century (Góralski, 2012, 8) and the inability to peacefully resolve of economic problems caused by the First World War, the Russian Revolution, and the war expansion of communist Russia directed to Western Europe in 1920 year (Góralski, 2012). World War II as a consequence of the First World War and the conditions of the Versailles Treaty. The high prices of food in China at the beginning of the 20th century were the result of the movement of Earth’s coating (movement of climatic zones over Chinese territory), which caused the unfavorable climatic conditions of the China area, caused the Chinese revolution, which later used Marxism caused the collapse of the huge landowners who had previously taken over most of the arable land. From 1960 to 1990 years, during the short-term cooling and moistening of the climate (Bradley, Jones, 1993), Africa’s population grew from 282 to 637 million. The Chinese population multiplied from 583 million in 1953 to 1008 million in 1982. At that time, in the northern hemisphere, there have been economic difficulties resulting from cooling, excessive rainfall, and dropping agricultural production, which led, among others, to the collapse of the Soviet empire and almost revolution in China (Gang 2001, 37-38, Gawlikowski 2001, 388). The riots in China broke out because of the enormous population growth and food prices rising. It relied on resolving peasant municipalities and assigning land to individual families. This has resulted in a vast increase in agricultural production and China’s and current self-sufficiency in nutrition.


Figure 49 ‑2 World seismic activity was characterized by earthquakes magnitude M = 7 and higher in the years 1900-2005 (five-year periods). Source (Góralski 2009). (author of the drawing Bogdan Góralski)

Chart Fig.49-3 confirms the occurrence of cooling in the 60-90.XX century because it is accompanied by an increase in the number of significant earthquakes.

Currently, the warming continues (the number of earthquakes has decreased), which causes aggression in Asia and Africa to grow, aggression due to the decline in per capita agricultural production in young male populations (with a predominance of male individuals) and deteriorating living conditions Resulting from the increase in global food prices. Migration from these continents to the USA and Europe is growing. At the same time, in the G-8 countries, there is the phenomenon of agricultural overproduction with a decrease in population size. For this overproduction, there is no profitable sale due to the misery of the rest global population. All this together causes the financial and economic crisis. The logic of history allows us to expect the emergence of an outstanding figure, the creator of a new order, and a universal ethical system that will unite humanity on the way out of the crisis. This leader will have to apply the message of Jesus Christ, who said: “Share bread for My remembrance” (Bible 1998, Luke 22:19) and love your enemies because this is the love of your neighbor.

If the warming continues, it will worsen the situation in tropical countries. There will be a wave of migration to food-rich countries (in 2011 year, there was a wave of riots and revolutions in North Africa and the Middle East caused by food prices resulting from the cooling of the global climate in 2010 year ( http: // graphs_v3 / Fig.C.gif ).

Currently, the Earth’s coating rotates south in the US region and to the north in eastern Russia. This is causing the warming and drying of the climate in the US South and climate change in the US-North. This carries the threat of reducing food production in the US. The northward movement of eastern Russia and northern China will cool and dry this world site climate. Suppose cooling and drought come (as a result of the continuous movement of Earth coating and climatic zones) in the East of Russia and Northern China. In that case, it will bring disaster (reduction of food production in Asia) for the man’s civilization. In such an event, the world will not survive, and the situation will start to destabilize. We cannot allow this.


As a global civilization, we must take radical steps to overcome the impending crisis and global war threat. The activities stabilizing the world situation I described in my work above are available in Google Books and other websites on the Internet. Below is an excerpt from my work entitled More science, ethics, culture for the modern and future world, published in open access on Google Books link: G%C3%B3ralski .

Climate change and people migrations

Climate change has triggered migrations of peoples whose chronology is a record of Earth’s climate cycles. Here is a history of the crises that ended in movements:

  • -Approx. 12th century BCmarked the migration of people, which ended the reign of Mycenaean civilization and began the so-called dark ages. As a result, the Etruscans appeared in Italy, Egypt and Palestine were attacked by the so-called peoples of the sea.
  • -In the 8th, 7th century BC, during the drought in the Asian steppes, the Scythians occupied eastern Europe. Simultaneously, the Great Greek colonization marked out, which expelled the Greek population to emigrate.
  • -Approx. 4th century BCthe journey of the Celts from northwestern Europe towards the Adriatic Sea, the Black Sea began, which indicates a growing cooling.
  • -At the beginning of our era in Palestine has marked itself the significant socio-economic crisis that provoked the civil war in Galilee, Judea (which was called the War of Varus), and the uprising in 66 and 132 AD. It tests to a crisis (rapid drying of the climate) that caused the exodus of Jews from Palestine to all world.
  • The next migration of peoples began in the 4th century CE Huns invasion of Europe. Germanic peoples migrated south to the lands of the Roman Empire, leading to its downfall.
  • In the VIII-IX centuries, the Viking expansion towards the south of Europe, which may indicate problems with feeding the population of Northern Europe and the climate crisis.
  • In the 12th century, Mongols arrived in Europe because of the drought in the Asian steppes.

In the fourteenth century, it got cold, and in Europe there were epidemics, hunger, and peasant uprisings.

  • The extinction of the Vikings in Greenland since 1400. The Little Ice Age lasted until the 19th century. The peak of chilling in Europe was in the 17th century. It resulted in the great migration of Europeans to the continents of both the Americas and Asia continued at the time. The great State of Poles-the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Ottoman Empire collapsed then.

Climate disaster in the years 2013-2100

By the geophysical and historical data (migrations of people are indicative of climate crises), we know that the climate cycle repeats every 400 years. We can, therefore, expect that another major crisis will occur in 2013-2100. We should prepare for it. It will be a climate disaster – a sharp change in the distribution of climate zones, which will dramatically reduce global food production. It will bring revolutions, wars, and supra-regional population migrations. There is still time to protect yourself against this. It requires knowledge and ethics on a global scale. Otherwise, dark ages will come. In October 2020 I read in the articles on the upcoming GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM and its results. Those articles confirm my opinion that a climatic cataclysm will appear.

Conclusions II

We must adapt to regional climate change and, like our ancestors, migrate to climate-friendly regions of the globe. To do this, we must open borders and modify state systems to accept migrants and establish a new ethical and economical system uniting all beings. We must introduce a modern feudal production system in Western agriculture based on humane principles. Only a feudal system of agricultural production will enable Western economies to absorb millions of peasant migrants from Asia and Africa and deal with the crisis of Western economies. The development of feudal agriculture will increase the demand in the entire Western economy because As calculated by American economists, $ 1 of agricultural demand (expenses for tractors, fertilizers, etc.) produces $ 2.73 of NATIONAL INCOME (Tomczak 2004). Thus, growing farmer demand will produce an economic boom, while falling demand causes a downturn. We need to create the technology of surviving the contemporary global crisis.

Warsaw, October 8, 2020 Bogdan Jacek Góralski



The history of the development and fall of successive empires has intrigued researchers for a long time, and this work makes an essential contribution to solving this puzzle. The logical concept of regional climate change related to the Earth coating displacement allows for explaining each empire’s development and defeat. The realm has been developing during favorable environmental changes in the region, which was a kingdom cradle. It grew during conquests, dependent on the empire elite and the conquered nations. Usually, great human migrations related to regional climate change marked the end of a given empire. To avoid the collapse of our human civilization in the coming global climate crisis and a possible devastating global war, we must open all borders and allow people free movement. It will focus the attention of politicians on economic life inside countries with the masses of migrants and reduce the pressure on foreign expansion. These changes should be preceded by a global agreement defining goals and rules for the worldwide migration of people and goods. In the course of my life, I developed the principles of a new international economic and political order and presented them in the works entitled “The Third Way between capitalism and communism”, and “More science, ethics, culture for the modern and future world “. I hope that reading these works published in free access in Google Books will allow you to understand our history logic, which will result in the further global evolutionary development of our civilization. The terrestrial globe is divided into two hemispheres: northern and southern. The northern hemisphere is made up of more thick continental plates and is heavier than the southern hemisphere, mostly made up of thin ocean plates. The Earth globe is affected by the cosmic gravity and more strongly pulls the northern hemisphere with a variable force causing it to move to the ecliptic plane. It is possible due to the liquid intermediate layer between the rigid coating and the solid Earth core. The Earth coating slides over the liquid middle layer under the influence of the attraction of gravity alternating forces. The Earth climatic zones are immobile to the ecliptic plane because they depend on the balance of solar radiation falling on the surface at various angles. As a result, the earth’s coating movement in relation to climatic zones causes regional climate changes in different parts of the globe. The Earth coating movement causes varying stresses in the crust as it approaches the equator and then moves away from it. These variable stresses cause earthquakes, the distribution of which was investigated in the Mediterranean Basin and Poland during the 750 BC-AD 2000 period. Almost the sinusoidal distribution of earthquakes with maxima and minima every 400 years was found. That is, every 400 years or so, the area adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea approaches the equator and then moves away from it, with different effects in different parts of the globe. The movement of the earth coating under stationary climatic zones causes changes in precipitation zones and drought zones on the earth area, bringing specific social effects and the occurrence of the cosmic-social cycle illustrated in the figure below.

Great religious leaders appear in times of socio-economic crisis caused by droughts resulting from the Earth’s coating movements towards the equator. In the ages of Christ and Muhammad, Palestine and the Arabian Peninsula probably entered, after a period of increased rains favoring population growth, in a year-round drought zone between the parallels of 20-30 degrees of latitude due to the Earth coating movement towards the equator (confirmed in the graph above Fig.35-1 by earthquakes maximum of the earthquakes). It is worth mentioning here the credible research showing that the Iranian area has shifted in the last 5,000 years from the climatic rainfall zone in summer to the rainfall zone in winter. It corresponds to the Earth linear movement of the coating towards the equator in the Iran region by about 25 degrees latitude, i.e., from the rainfall zone in summer between the 5-20 parallel to the winter rainfall zone the 30-50 parallel. The area of ​​​​Iran is now between 30-40 parallel, which means a shift to the equator over the last 5000 years by about 25 degrees latitude or about 3000 km. The Earth coating in the Iranian region has shifted southward by about 3,000 km in the previous 5,000 years, but this movement is likely to have had different phases in the north-south and east-west directions. The idea of ​​changing the Iranian area comes from the study of the north magnetic field apparent positions, which continually changes its apparent location on the globe surface. The magnetic north pole changeable position results from the Earth coating continuous movement relative to the ecliptic plane.

During the Arab Empire rising, the Western Roman Empire fell, devastated by the invasion of the Germans tribes, who were driven out of northern Europe by the cold and the Mongol invasion. A similar phenomenon of earthquakes increase took place gradually in the period of AD 1250-1800 in Poland territory, which means that the area of ​​​​Anatolia was also approaching the equator at that time. It probably told Anatolia and the Mediterranean area to transition into a climatic drought zone all-year-round. It had specific economic and social consequences for the Ottoman Empire, such as the internal crisis related to the lack of food, the disintegration of the empire, and the appearance of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the Turkish social reformer at the end of the crisis. The crisis of the Ottoman Empire was caused by a drought (which was found in numerous works on the climate of Anatolia) and was interfaced with the entry of the Russian area into the year-round rainfall zone between the parallels 50-60, which caused the Russian imperial expansion and its development also towards the west, which resulted in the partitions of the Republic of Poland Both Nations.

Thus, we see that the influence of the Cosmos on the terrestrial natural environment causes specific psychological and social effects that end the duration of successive empires and the formation of new ones. With this knowledge, we should notice that North America again approaching the equator (which causes the effects called global warming) because of the number of earthquakes in the Mediterranean region observed by seismological observatories around the globe is increasing. On the other side of the world, in East Russia, Earth coating goes to the North direction. Therefore, we should prepare for the change in the distribution of biological forces on our planet related to climate zones displacement.

An explanation of the above-described phenomena can be found in my books published in open access on Google Books-link: .

Christmas message for 2022.

It is no coincidence that one man, Jesus Christ, in his short life uttered the two most important human principles: love of enemies and sharing bread and wine. After all, he saw that from the moment of birth, a person fights for life and for social recognition. These principles, spoken by Christ, lead our lives, from the brutal world of biological instincts, to the conscious experience of wise love that protects us.

Biological instincts tell us to fight for dominance, while Christ’s wisdom demands cooperation and reconciliation, even with enemies. Loving enemies and sharing bread and wine is the crowning achievement of ethical principles resulting from the command to save all energy.

The command to save all energy, including the energy of human societies, will unite the followers of all religions. Christ will be the King for everyone, because his principles practically implement the most important principle of the Universe – saving and good, i.e. for the benefit of all, the principle of the spare use of all energies.

The struggle for life and a dominant social position takes place primarily between a man and a woman in every family. This is due to the different sex characteristics that encourage women to take care of their offspring and men to fight for their survival. Sometimes the struggle for one’s rights between the sexes in the family takes the drastic form of murdering husbands and fathers or killing women and conceived or newborn children. In order for man and woman not to become mortal enemies, they should apply the Christ principle of love of enemies in their lives. Below I quote what I wrote about it in chapter 14.4.1. Love Your Enemies in the book Natural History and Climate Change available online:

14.4.1. Love Your Enemies

Jesus said to his disciples: You have heard that it was said, You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say to you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you; so you will be sons of your Father who is in heaven; because He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and He sends rain on the just and the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward will you have? Don’t tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brethren, what special do you do? Do not even the heathen do the same? Therefore, be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. (Mt 5:43-48)

The Gospel text was too radical for me when I was younger. Love your enemies???… However, after many years, I admitted that Christ was right. Our enemies make us better. Why…??? Thanks to our enemies, we have motivation to live, to fight. The enemy means a conflict that forces preparations for the final clash. We get to know the enemy then, we improve ourselves to face him. If we are to win, we must surpass him. We begin to educate ourselves to understand the enemy, to understand the hostile world around us. We collect information about it and this way we learn about the causes of the conflict. We begin to understand the enemy’s behavior and we begin to sympathize with him. We become more perfect than when we had no enemy and languished in complacency. And when we are better or stronger than the enemy, we pity him and reach out to reconcile. We see the senselessness of the victims of the fight and we see the possibility of a peaceful exit from the conflict. The agreement is forced by our advantage anyway. So we win the war without starting it at all. That’s what the ancient Chinese did. The smartest thing is to win the war without starting it.

Let us love our enemies, because they make us perfect.

We gained them our excellence through conflict.

Let us be grateful to them and love them for what they have done for us.

This is what Christ advised 2000 years ago. What would have been the world be if we had listened to Him then?
…end of quote.

The course of life’s events brought a dramatic conflict with my wife into my family. Since I was not blameless, I applied Christ’s principle of love of enemies. Family conflict turned into harmony and mutual love. If we apply this effective Christlike principle universally to family life, our lives will be transformed by mutual understanding of our strengths and weaknesses into harmony between man and woman, husband and wife.

This harmony will make us joyful and transform us into better relations in society and show the way for our children. Perhaps then we will learn to solve the most important human problem of the lack of bread for everyone. The principle of sharing bread and wine with one’s neighbors was preached by Christ at the end of his journey, which indicates its importance. The abundance of bread determines peace between people. So maybe in the future our (wisely loving ourselves and others) Polish society will apply this principle and then we will be worthy of being called Christ’s disciples and being called true Christianity. Then a new God will be born – it will be a real Christmas of a perfect society of people who love each other, able to recreate our world and go to eternity.

Sharing wine is just as important. Wine introduces an element of entertainment into our lives, a stimulus to play. Bread is security, wine is carefree and they may always be in excess in our homeland so that we can share them with our neighbors from other countries. Let the principles of Christ apply from today in global life. Salvation in them .


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When will the real Christmas be?

Over two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ preached God’s message, which was so beautiful, seductive and liberating for the people of Palestine that the elites of that world killed him to prevent him from rebelling. The implementation of Christ’s teachings today will bring peace to the world and the liberation of ordinary people from the oppression of the rich who rule our world. Today, Christ’s teaching is addressed to the elites of our world so that they will come to their senses and then avoid destruction in future revolutions. Then a new God will be born, a society composed of people who love each other will be created. For the elites, the solution is simple – you need to completely follow the recommendations of Jesus Christ, which, if implemented today, will save the world.

Bogdan Góralski, M.Sc @bogdangoralski · December 20 , 2018

God will be born – then there will be a true Christmas of a perfect society of people who love each other, capable of recreating our world and passing into eternity.

A message for Christmas 2018.

It is no coincidence that one man, Jesus Christ, in his short life expressed the two most important human principles: loving one’s enemies and sharing bread and wine . He saw that from the moment he was born, man was fighting for life and for social recognition. These principles, expressed by Christ, bring our lives from the brutal world of biological instincts to the conscious experience of wise love that protects us.

Biological instincts tell us to fight for domination, while Christ’s wisdom requires cooperation and reconciliation, even with enemies. Love of enemies and sharing bread and wine is the culmination of ethical principles arising from the command to save all energy.

The order to save all energy, including the energy of human societies, will unite followers of all religions. Christ will be King for all, because his principles practically implement the most important principle of the Universe – saving and good, i.e. for the benefit of all, use of all energies.

The fight for life and dominant social position takes place primarily between men and women in every family. This is due to different gender characteristics that encourage a woman to take care of her offspring and a man to fight for their survival. Sometimes the fight for rights between the sexes in the family takes drastic forms of murders of husbands and fathers or murders of women and conceived or newborn children. In order for a man and a woman not to become each other’s mortal enemies, they should apply Christ’s principle of love of enemies in their lives. Below I quote what I wrote about it in chapter 14.4.1. Love Your Enemies in the book entitled Natural history and climate change available online:

14.4.1. Love your enemies

Jesus said to his disciples: You have heard that it was said, You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you; so you will be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward will you have? Don’t the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers, what special thing are you doing? Do not even the Gentiles do this? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect (Mt 5:43-48)

The text of the Gospel was too radical for me when I was younger. Love your enemies???… However, after many years, I admitted that Christ was right in this respect. Our enemies make us better. Why…??? Thanks to our enemies, we have the motivation to live and fight. The enemy means a conflict that forces preparations for the final battle. Then we get to know the enemy and improve ourselves to face him. If we are to win, we must surpass him. We begin to educate ourselves to understand the enemy, to understand the hostile world around us. We collect information about it and this way we learn about the causes of the conflict. We begin to understand the enemy’s actions and begin to feel sorry for him. We become more perfect than when we had no enemy and languished in complacency. And when we are better, or stronger, than the enemy, we take pity on him and extend our hand to agreement. We see the senselessness of the victims of the fight and we see the possibility of a peaceful exit from the conflict. The agreement is forced by our advantage anyway. So we win the war without starting it at all. This is what the ancient Chinese advised. The smartest way is to win the war without starting it at all.

Let us love our enemies because thanks to them we become more perfect.

We owe them our perfection gained through conflict.

Let us be grateful to them and love them for what they have done to us.

This is what Christ advised 2,000 years ago. What would the world be like if Him?

listened to…??? …end of quote.

The course of life events brought into my family a dramatic conflict with my wife. Because I was not blameless, I then applied Christ’s principle of love of enemies. The family conflict turned into harmony and mutual love. If we introduce this effective Christ’s principle into family life, our life will be transformed into harmony between woman and man, husband and wife, thanks to mutual understanding of our strengths and weaknesses. This harmony will make us joyful and transform us into better relationships in society and show the way to our children. Perhaps then we will learn to solve the most important human problem of lack of bread for everyone. The principle of sharing bread and wine with others was preached by Christ at the end of his journey, which indicates its importance. The abundance of bread determines peace between people. So maybe in the future our (wisely loving ourselves and others) Polish society will apply this principle and we will then be worthy of being called Christ’s disciples and true Christians. A new God will then be born – it will then be a true Christmas of a perfect society of people who love each other, capable of recreating our world and passing into eternity.

Sharing wine is equally important. Wine introduces an element of entertainment into our lives, an incentive to have fun. Bread is security, wine is carefreeness and may they always be in abundance in our homeland so that we can share them with our neighbors from other countries. Let Christ’s principles apply in global life from today. Salvation is in them.

Warsaw, December 17, 2015, 3:17 am Bogdan Góralski

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